Summary: The Kingdom of God is of great value, and nothing in this world can compare with it, and no sacrifice is too great to make in order to possess the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Heaven as a Treasure

Study Text: Matthew 13: 44 - 46


- The Kingdom of Heaven is a Treasure. But it does you no good if you do not know its Value and benefit from the blessings it affords.

- Whether we know or see its Value or not, Jesus reveals to us through these parables that His Kingdom holds so much value that it is worth any Sacrifice we might have to make in order to have the Treasure.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Great Worth of the Treasure

2. The Good Works for the Treasure

3. The Golden Wisdom from the Treasure

1. The Great Worth of the Treasure

- The Kingdom of Heaven, which is the Treasure we are looking at is of great worth to the believers that possess it.

- The Scriptures assisted us in identifying some of the great values of the Kingdom:

1. It is a Refuge from the Powers of Darkness. Colossians 1:13

- Anyone that is outside the kingdom of God is in the kingdom of Satan, under his influence and trapped in various sins.

- In the kingdom of Christ, we find deliverance and refuge being free from sin to serve God - Romans 6:17-18

2. It is the Habitation of Righteousness, Peace and Joy. Romans 14:17

1. Righteousness which comes through faith in Christ - Philippians 3:8-9

2. Peace from God through prayer which surpasses understanding. Philippians 4:6-7

3. Abiding joy in the Holy Ghost, no matter the circumstances - Philippians 4:4; 2:17-19

3. It is an Established and Eternal Kingdom. Hebrews 12:25-29

- It will never be destroyed and of this kingdom there will be no end - Luke 1:33

4. It will be Presented to God when Christ Returns. - 1Corinthians 15:21-26

- At that time, those who are now "sons of the kingdom" will "shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father" Matthew 13:41-43

- From then on, those in this kingdom will dwell in the presence of God - Revelation 21:1-7

2. The Good Works for the Treasure

- The man who found buried Treasure and the man who found the pearl both sacrificed literally everything they had to obtain the Treasure.

- Their good works began from the discovery of the Treasure. The Kingdom of Heaven is hidden, and only those that diligently seek it can find it.

- They didn’t mind the great Sacrifice of selling off everything they owned because they know that the value of the Kingdom is far greater than the riches of the world in accumulation.

- They believe that the Treasure of the Kingdom is worth the sacrifice of selling off what they have in order to possess it.

- Those who know the value of the Kingdom of Heaven, know that it worth any price you have to pay.

- As valuable as our earthly possessions may be, they cannot compare with the value God has placed on the kingdom of Heaven.

- The priceless treasure of the kingdom of God, and knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour, cannot be compared to anything the world offers.

- Finding and knowing the truth of the kingdom of God, and faith in Christ, has a great effect on individuals. Lives have been changed for all eternity.

- Some have given up all that the world offers to know Jesus and the kingdom of God, giving up their own desires to find great joy and fulfillment in God’s plans. Matthew 16:24-26

- If you look closely and allow your spiritual eyes to be opened to the truth, you will find joy in living each day with the kingdom of God in mind, like those individuals in the two parables we read about, and you will sell all you have to possess the priceless treasure of knowing Jesus as your Saviour and remaining a part of His Kingdom.

- You will quickly realize that everything you once thought was important in life is nothing compared to the treasure of eternal life with Christ in Glory.

- You are being encouraged to seek the treasure of the kingdom of God. You will find it as you seek it with all your heart.

3. The Golden Wisdom from the Treasure

- There are great and glorious wisdom that we can receive from the parables:

1. The kingdom of God is priceless.

- Life is a journey, so you need to live your life with the kingdom of God always in mind.

- Do not be so worldly minded that you overlook what is the true treasure in this life and the next: knowing Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and knowing that there is life beyond the physical life you know of today;

- The kingdom of God is priceless and nothing in all the world will come close to satisfying your heart and soul.

- Jesus paid the price for our entrance into the kingdom of God. That is why it is priceless. There is nothing and nobody that can come close to repaying the price Jesus paid by dyeing on the cross. Faith in Jesus is what provides us the right to enter the kingdom of God.

2. The kingdom of God is desirable.

- The knowledge and truth of the kingdom of God is much like a hidden treasure in that, like the pearl of great price, it needs to be sought out with determination and dilligence.

3. The kingdom of God is personal.

- The knowledge of the kingdom of God and the reception of it is personal.

- In other words, the benefit of knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour is not something that can be passed down to others like a financial inheritance.

- Each person in faith, must discover for themselves the truth regarding the kingdom of God and eternal life with Christ.

- When our spiritual eyes are opened to the truth of the Gospel, and we come to faith in Christ and understand how precious the knowledge of Christ, Salvation, and the kingdom of God are, it will be as though we have found a hidden treasure and the pearl of great value.

4. The kingdom of God attracts great joy

- The joy of knowing Christ and being part of His Kingdom is overwhelming and amazing. When the weight of sin and spiritual death is lifted off of us, it brings peace to our souls.

- The knowledge of God’s love, and the freedom from the bondage of sin and death are spiritual truths and treasures so priceless, that we are willing to sell everything else to gain the kingdom of God and enjoy eternal life with Christ.

- The work of gaining access to the kingdom is already done. Jesus said, “it is finished.” The kingdom is a priceless treasure waiting to be found; the truth of the kingdom of God is all around.


- We see than that the kingdom of heaven is a valuable treasure well worth what ever it may take to find and hold on to.

- We must recognize it for the treasure it is. Seek it diligently and use what ever is in our means to purchase it for ourselves.

- Passivity will never accomplish acquisition of the treasure. Let us diligently seek to make the kingdom ours.