Summary: This message will offer essential insights into the functioning of spiritual gifts among the members of the body of Christ. It will help us identify when these gifts are being misused and understand that they can transform lives when aligned with the Holy Spirit.


(1 Corinthians 12:1-3) (1) "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant." (2) "Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led." (3) "Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost."

(1 Corinthians 12:4-7) (4) "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit." (5) " And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord." (6) " And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all." (7) " But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal."

(1 Corinthians 12:8-11) (8) "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;" (9) "To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;" (10) "To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:" (11) "But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."


Discover the secrets to the functioning and management of the nine spiritual gifts. Through this message, you will learn how to effectively operate and utilize these gifts to enhance your spiritual journey.

Throughout this message, you will explore the ins and outs of each gift and unlock their true potential, and with this knowledge, you'll be able to confidently and clearly navigate your spiritual path. Let this knowledge empower you to bring healing, prophecy, and wisdom to those around you.

This deep study of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will help you experience a renewed sense of purpose in your faith, and once you receive a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to unlock a new level of spirituality and connection to God.

This comprehensive study on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will enable you to delve deeper into the riches of your faith, and experience a renewed sense of purpose and meaning. By gaining a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit, you can unlock a new level of spirituality and connection to God that will transform your life.

This message is of paramount importance for the church today. Unfortunately, some church leaders preach that the spiritual gifts were only available during the time of the Apostles, and that they are no longer relevant in our modern era. However, this view is misguided, as the gifts of the Holy Spirit are just as necessary today as they were in the past.

This study will help you discover the true nature and purpose of the spiritual gifts, and how they can be used to enhance your personal relationship with God and benefit the church community as a whole. You will learn about the different types of spiritual gifts, how to identify and develop them, and how to use them effectively in your daily life.

By deepening your understanding of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifts, you will gain a new appreciation for the power and presence of God in your life, and be better equipped to fulfill your calling as a child of God. So, dive into this study with an open heart and mind, and let the Holy Spirit guide you on this transformative journey of faith.

According to Ephesians 4:10-16, the five-fold ministry was given to us until we attain unity in faith and knowledge of the Son of God, become perfect, and reach the fullness of Christ's stature. This means that we should no longer be like children who are easily influenced, but should be firmly grounded in our faith.

Looking at the moral decay and unrest in some churches today, we must ask ourselves critical questions to understand where we stand on God's timetable. Have we reached the stature of being a perfect man or come into the unity of the faith? Where is the harmony of walking and working with other believers, regardless of their race or creed, including the color of their skin?

Many individuals claim to have a calling from God, but they refuse to submit to God's authority over them. They claim to hear directly from God and do not need to be accountable to anyone. But who judges what they put forth as a revelation from God's Spirit? This is a total disregard for scripture. God did not call us to be islands to ourselves. He left us with each other for support and accountability.

The Holy Spirit has given nine spiritual gifts to the Church to help individuals grow and develop for service in the Lord's kingdom. Understanding and accepting these gifts is crucial to maximizing our potential for the kingdom of God. These gifts have the power to transform not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us.

As believers, we have the privilege of experiencing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are a powerful manifestation of God's presence in our lives. These gifts are given to us by God to enable us to serve others and fulfill His purposes. The Holy Spirit has given many gifts, including but not limited to wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

It is essential that we do not miss out on the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. We should seek to be empowered by His gifts through prayer and fasting. We can ask God to help us develop and use these gifts to serve others and to glorify Him.

It is important to remember that we do not control these gifts; rather, they are given to us for the common good and as the Holy Spirit desires. We must always seek to use them in love and humility, remembering that they are given to us to serve others and not for our own glory.

In conclusion, let us seek the Holy Spirit's empowerment through His gifts, and let us use them to love and serve others as God has called us to do. Remember, if we have the giver of the gifts, they will operate when needed.


Dear readers, there is a debate about whether spiritual gifts have ceased with the Apostles or are still present in the modern world. Many debate whether spiritual gifts have ceased with the Apostles or are still present in the contemporary world.

It is a fact that all nine of these gifts, as mentioned in the Bible, were present in the early church and are still available to us today. These gifts include the word of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. These gifts demonstrate how the Holy Spirit chooses to move in our services.

Those who claim these gifts are no longer relevant today may suggest that God gave an imperfect gift that was only good for that time and not today. But this goes against His word, where He states that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

It is imperative to understand the significance of the gifts mentioned in the text, as they play an essential role in the spiritual growth and improvement of the church. These gifts are still very much relevant and present in the modern world, just as they were in the early days of the church.

The nine gifts mentioned in the text are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation. The Holy Spirit gives these gifts and demonstrates how He chooses to move in our services.

In conclusion, these gifts are relevant and necessary for the spiritual growth and improvement of the church and are still present in the modern world. They demonstrate God’s power and desire to move in our services, and believers need to understand, seek, and use these gifts to advance God’s kingdom.

Claiming that these gifts are no longer relevant today would suggest that God gave an imperfect gift that was only good for that time and not today. This goes against God’s word, where He states that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I have witnessed all nine gifts of the Spirit in operation during services and witnessed miracles that would shake up the modern world. Therefore, I have listed the gifts and the operations for which God's Spirit uses them. This way, we can remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our services.

Regardless of which side people may stand on in this debate, it remains a fact that all nine of these gifts were present in the early church and are given to us to demonstrate specific ways that the Holy Spirit chooses to move in our services today.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible were given to empower and equip all believers, not just those who lived during the early church era. To suggest otherwise would contradict the nature of God, who is unchanging and perfect.

I have personally witnessed the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit in action during religious services, and have seen miracles that are difficult to fathom in our modern world. These gifts include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. They are not simply relics of a bygone era, but are still relevant and useful in our lives today for the edification of the body of Christ.

We are called to seek God with all our hearts, minds, and spirits so that we may tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and unlock the gifts that have been bestowed upon us. These gifts are not just for our own benefit but are meant to be used for the edification and encouragement of others. As we embrace the Holy Spirit and his gifts, we can expect to see lives transformed and hearts turned towards the Lord.


(a) Word of Knowledge (a) Tongues (a) The Gift of Faith

(b) Word of Wisdom (b) Interpretation of tongues (b) The Working of Miracles

(c) Discerning of Spirits (c) Prophecy (c) The Gifts of Healing


Dear readers, have you ever wondered why we need spiritual gifts? They are not just for show or entertainment but serve a greater purpose. Spiritual gifts help us connect with the workings of the Spirit and allow us to tap into a realm beyond our physical world which I love to refer to as "The Fifth Dimension."

Spiritual gifts can bring about positive changes in our lives and those around us. Spiritual gifts can provide comfort, guidance, and insight into life's mysteries. So, let us embrace the power of spiritual gifts and use them to enrich our lives and the lives of others.

It is concerning to see that today's church lacks unity and is starting to resemble the world. Some members seek a weekend experience where they are more entertained than spiritually uplifted.

In our troubled world today, it seems that fellowship among believers is limited in some churches because the leadership makes no demands on sinners and preaches lukewarm messages that require no sacrifice, allowing the flesh to remain alive. This type of church fulfills the scripture in (2 Timothy 3:5) which says, "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof; from such turn away."

The church in question appears to be experiencing a lack of power and operating independently without realizing the benefits of unity. As a result, the church seems to be functioning like a body with missing parts. This means that some church members are not fulfilling their roles, causing the church to be less effective in achieving its goals.

It's worth noting that some church members seem to be using others as commodities to further their selfish desires. This behavior is counterproductive and goes against the core values of a church, which should be based on love, unity, and selflessness.

The church must unite as a community and work towards a common goal. This can be achieved by fostering an environment of trust, mutual respect, and open communication. By doing so, the church can become more robust and more effective in fulfilling its mission of serving its members and the wider community.

Each spiritual gift listed in (1 Corinthians 12:1-11) is given and empowered by the Holy Spirit, who apportions to every person according to His will. Leaders who attempt to serve in the body of Christ without considering the gifts in operation are like a ship without a sail. The body cannot receive the mind of Christ as God desires for the growth of their ministry.

The gifts are necessary for our churches because, without the speaking gifts in operation, the body cannot hear the voice of God, which can bring direction and guidance. I recall a pastor from my earlier years who pointed me out to his entire congregation and said I had a strange feeling that I could communicate with God. The pastor said that he believed the gifts ceased with the Apostles and that when he needed to decide, he kept trying different approaches until he found one that would work. After the service, he came to me in tears, asking if I could do something because over 90 members informed him they would be leaving his church.

Church, without the power gifts such as the gift of faith, gifts of healing, and working of miracles active in the leadership of a church body, the church will be easily deceived and drift into complacency. This is because they, like the pastor I mentioned in the above paragraph, usually have a neglected prayer life, which causes them to rely on their forms with set times for everything that is to take place in their services. This leaves no room for God's Spirit to have a free course to meet the needs of the people.

Church leaders, you cannot give what you do not have. Your members will only be as spiritual as you are. Without the power of God at work, this type of church leadership will not be successful and, if left unchecked, will soon fall into apostasy.

Did you know that you can operate out of the gifts and not be operating out of the Holy Spirit? God states in His word that "the gifts and calling of God are without repentance!" (Romans 8:29)

Dear readers, it is essential to remember that once God calls you to a task, that call remains valid throughout your life. His call upon your life is unchanging, and it is vital to understand that He is the only employer who will let you work for Him and reward you with eternal life, or work for him and send yourself to the flames of hell.

You may try to deceive others and not take your calling seriously, but it is crucial to remember that the consequence of sin will ultimately catch up with you. If you continue to live in sin and pretend to take your calling seriously, you will eventually pay the price for your transgressions against God's Spirit. It is essential to take your calling seriously and walk in His ways, living a life that is pleasing to Him.

Beloved, it is crucial to trust in God's call for your life and follow it with all your heart. His call is unique and tailored to your abilities and strengths. By obeying His call, you will experience joy and fulfillment that cannot be found anywhere else. Remember, God's call for you is unchanging, and it is up to you to answer His call and fulfill your purpose in life.


Dear reader, "Administration of the Spiritual Gifts" is an essential aspect of Christianity that involves effectively managing and utilizing various gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit to the believers.

The nine spiritual gifts are meant to empower and enrich the lives of those who receive them, and the efficient administration of these gifts can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful spiritual life. Therefore, it is essential to understand and implement the principles of spiritual gift administration to embrace the blessings and benefits that come with it entirely.

The spiritual gifts believers receive are given through the Spirit of God, their ultimate giver. Love is essential to these gifts, without which they would not function properly. It is important to note that men, ministries, or churches do not give these gifts, but they are imparted by God through the Holy Ghost or His chosen person by the laying on of hands.

God gives these gifts to individuals according to His will, purpose, and call upon their lives. The spiritual gifts are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 as the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, the gift of faith, the gifts of healing, the working of miracles, the gift of prophecy, the discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Verse (11) states that all these gifts are given by the same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He wills.

Dear readers, spiritual gifts enhance the body of Christ and can be compared to the three parts of man - body, soul, and spirit. God imparts these gifts to a person through inspiration of the spirit or the laying on of hands, as these people were called before the foundation of the world, and God placed a part of Himself in them at birth. Therefore, we should pray that God will activate the gifts, callings, and talents already residing in people, especially those with a predestined destiny and purpose to fulfill.

As Christians, it is important for us to understand the role that each of us plays in the body of Christ. One way we can do this is by recognizing the gifts of the Spirit. When we witness someone using these gifts, we should acknowledge that it is a manifestation of God's work in them. This recognition not only blesses the person using the gift, but it also enriches the lives of those around them.

It's important to remember that the Holy Spirit is the giver of these gifts and that He works alongside those who use them. The Spirit serves as a motivator and guide, helping us to use these gifts to build up the church and fulfill our God-given destinies. As believers, we should continue to seek these gifts and use them with love to help others.

Beloved, it is also important to note that the Holy Spirit distributes these gifts as He wills. However, believers must still receive them by faith. This means that we must trust in God's plan for us and be willing to use these gifts when the opportunity arises.

Being empowered by the Holy Spirit, church leaders should always be ready and willing for people with the proper training to exercise these gifts. As believers in Christ, it is essential to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and He empowers us to live a life that pleases God and builds up the body of Christ. Church leaders, empowered by the Holy Spirit, have a special responsibility to help others grow in their faith and use their spiritual gifts to benefit the church and the world.

One way church leaders can do this is by encouraging and facilitating the exercise of spiritual gifts among congregation members. These gifts may include prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, and other spiritual manifestations. However, it is essential to note that these gifts should be exercised in an orderly and responsible manner consistent with biblical teaching and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

To ensure that spiritual gifts are adequately exercised, individuals must receive proper training and guidance from church leaders. This training may involve biblical teaching on the nature and purpose of spiritual gifts and practical instruction on how to exercise them in a way that is edifying to the church and glorifying to God.

By allowing people to exercise their spiritual gifts, church leaders can help build up the body of Christ and enable others to experience God's love and power. This practice is essential for the spiritual health and growth of the church, and it should be embraced and encouraged by all believers Through prophecy, healing, or other spiritual manifestations. By doing so, we can build up the body of Christ and help others experience God's love and power in their lives.


The word of wisdom, is a powerful spiritual gift that can awaken our minds to the wondrous possibilities of knowledge, including supernaturally receiving revelation concerning future events which will help us to make wise decisions and attain greater understanding. With the Spirit of Wisdom as our guide, we can navigate the complexities of life with clarity, insight, and purpose. Embrace this powerful gift from the Holy Spirit and experience the transformative power of wisdom.

The spiritual gift of wisdom we are discussing here is not a natural gift or coming out of man's wisdom but is a divine gift of supernatural wisdom that comes as a gift from the Holy Spirit, and every believer does not possess it. Beloved, this gift is granted by the Spirit of God for edification ministry in the local church or ministry.

This spiritual gift is a word of wisdom from God, and those who operate out of this gift may offer direct warnings or blessings, sharing only known information between them and God. This powerful gift of the spirit can also be operated in the public gathering of believers for their improvement, and can be likened to our sovereign God, who knows everything and is willing to share a part of his mind with us.

During the early 1990s, I had the opportunity to conduct a revival in a small town nestled in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. It was an unfamiliar place to me and the people attending the meeting didn't know me either. However, one particular incident during that revival has stayed with me all these years.

I remember standing before the congregation, praying for a man who was seeking healing for his legs. As I was praying, a woman suddenly walked by, and I felt a strong prompting from the Lord to speak to her. In that moment, I heard a clear message from the Lord to tell the woman that her son was on his way home.

I was amazed by what I had just heard and felt apprehensive about speaking to the woman. However, I knew that I had to obey the Lord's prompting and speak to her. So, I approached her and spoke the exact words that had been whispered to me. The woman looked at me in disbelief and began to cry. She explained that her son had been missing for several days, and she had been praying for his safe return.

I was moved by the power of God's presence during that revival and the way in which He spoke to me. I am grateful for that experience and the opportunity to witness the Lord's love and compassion for His people.

Dearly beloved, to my surprise, the woman just stared at me, showing no facial expression. Saints, the next night, that same woman stood up and asked if she could testify, which when through, with her testimony, an outpouring of God's Spirit flooded the entire church.

Saints, while giving her testimony, the woman informed us that she and her husband had been searching for their son, who was in the military for several months and could not locate him. She said that after the man of God told me last night, "The Lord says our son was on his way home," I thought he was an idiot, and as I was telling my husband about this loony man of God, the phone rang, and it was our son already on an airplane making his way home.

I remember another incident while preaching that occurred while I was preaching at a truck stop chapel, which later caused me to receive a phone call that blew my mind, for you see, I did not know it at the time, but a driver who was entertaining thoughts about committing suicide inside his truck decided to put it off and come to my meeting to see if he could find a reason to live. I remember pausing in my message and giving him a word of wisdom followed by a word of knowledge.

The words echoing in my spirit were, "God says if you will put him first, your wife will come later."

The man went home, looked up to his pastor, and put God first in his life, asking him for work to do in the church. His wife followed through with the divorce, and some of her people had the law arrest him for molesting his daughters, which did not take long for those charges to be dropped as false charges.

The hurting driver, continued to make God the King in his life, and while they were in the judge’s chambers deciding how he would provide for their support, his wife fell back in love with him.

Sometime after this, the man became a preacher of the gospel, informing me that now he is dropping meat for others, especially those going through depression, in that hurting place of depression, which was causing him to entertain thoughts of suicide.

The Living God touched his life, restoring him to the understanding that the feeling of our infirmities can touch our God because he once had a human soul and spirit like us.

Dear readers, I have many more testimonies of how God has used me in all nine of these spiritual gifts to stop suicides and put homes and families back together, including many times bringing a fresh outpouring of his Spirit to revive a dying church.

The message emphasizes the distinction between the "word of wisdom" and the "word of knowledge." Although knowledge is valuable, one can possess a vast amount of supernatural knowledge and still lack the wisdom from God to apply it appropriately.

The "word of wisdom" is the ability to see and understand situations from God's perspective and to provide counsel that aligns with His will. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit that enables a person to apply knowledge to bring God's wisdom to bear on the situation.

The one who speaks through the spirit of wisdom has a unique ability to communicate the wisdom or sometimes a part of the mind of God, particularly in critical situations where wisdom is essential. Thus, seeking God's wisdom and not relying on knowledge alone is vital, especially when the consequences are high.


Dear readers, as we navigate our daily lives, we gain knowledge based on our experiences and observations of the world. This type of knowledge is commonly referred to as natural knowledge. However, a deeper level of understanding can only be revealed through the gift of wisdom which God himself grants.

The knowledge from spiritual experiences is unparalleled and offers insights that cannot be gained through ordinary, everyday experiences. It provides a deep understanding of present situations that only God can fully comprehend, empowering us to navigate life's challenges with purpose and clarity. This powerful gift of the Spirit is a remarkable blessing that allows us to connect with God on a much deeper level, granting us the ability to understand His will for our lives better.

I once had an experience at an Association of Christian Truckers Truckstop Chapel called the Little Grace Chapel. The Little Grace Chapel was a well-known chapel located at a truck stop in Milton, Pennsylvania. In a live worship service in this chapel, God chose to use me to demonstrate this gift.

The visitation from the Holy Spirit took place while I was preaching a message to the drivers who had gathered there for chapel service. While I was midway into the message that the Lord had placed in my heart, God began to show me visions of a driver seated in the back row of the chapel, looking out of a window.

I remember pausing in the middle of preaching and addressing the driver, revealing what God showed me while preaching, and being prompted by the Holy Spirit, I asked the man if he was looking for something, as he seemed to be searching for something outside, like a bird. Suddenly, without warning, the man ran to the front of the chapel with tears streaming down his face, giving his heart to the Lord.

After making things right with God, the man exclaimed with excitement that while I was preaching, he was praying, asking God to show and prove to him that if he were honest, he would reveal to Guardian Angel (my trucking name) that he was looking for something.

According to the word of God, spiritual gifts are distributed and overseen by the Holy Spirit, who grants them based on His free will and choice. These gifts are part of the nine powerful gifts of the Spirit, which work in tandem to bring individuals closer to God.

Dear readers, please understand that possessing supernatural knowledge does not necessarily mean you have the needed wisdom from God to apply that knowledge in practical situations. It's crucial to exercise discernment when receiving a word of knowledge, as there are sources of supernatural knowledge other than God. Even if a piece of information is accurate, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's from God or that the person conveying it accurately represents God.

Beloved, it's essential to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit when interpreting and applying spiritual knowledge. The Holy Spirit can help us discern whether a gift comes from God. We can ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance and wisdom before making crucial decisions, knowing He will lead us on the right path.


The gift of faith is one of the fruits and one of the nine gifts of the Spirit, as mentioned in the book of (Galatians 5:22-23). This gift comprises love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control or meekness, of which, those who walk with God will see the fruit of the Spirit growing in their lives.

The gift of faith is a valuable present granted by the Holy Spirit, which has the potential to revolutionize our lives and help us navigate through life's ups and downs. It gives us the courage to face obstacles, the strength to persevere through challenges, and the hope to keep moving forward even when the future seems uncertain. It is a gift that keeps giving, and we should cherish it daily.

This gift cannot be generated from our emotions but is a powerful gift enabled by God's Spirit to build up the body of Christ. It is manifested through chosen vessels of God and seen when people are healed or in need of a miracle.

Beloved, our faith can be compared to the adrenaline that surges through a woman's body, giving her the strength to lift a two-thousand-pound car off a child. When God provides us with a word, usually when everything seems hopeless, and there is no conceivable way out of the situation, we can operate in this faith.

Our Faith is an integral part of every Christian's life, but the gift of faith is a unique ability to trust God in all circumstances, such as Peter beckoning to the Lords invitation to step out of the boat and walk on the water. (Matthew 14:22-33).

Another example of the gift of faith is George Mueller, a Christian leader and philanthropist in 19th-century England. Brother Mueller believed God for all his needs without asking for donations, and God supernaturally provided for thousands of orphans that were in his care.

In the operation of the gift of faith, God often brings scripture to our attention from His word or whispers a word behind the word through His Spirit. We are confident that if things get worse instead of better, if we hold on to faith, God will turn our circumstances into a miracle.

The gift of faith is manifested when God decides to loan us His faith, which has no restrictions or limitations. If we don't give up during trials, God will cause spiritual law to override natural law and give us the promised victory.

The bottom line to this message is, "The gift of faith will empower chosen vessels to exhibit unwavering confidence in God's power and promises. Those who possess this gift can remain steadfast in their beliefs and prayers, no matter the circumstances. Their faith in God is unshakeable and serves as a testament to the power of God that can inspire and assist others.


The Gifts of Healing, which the Holy Spirit operates, can cure all kinds of sickness, including physical and mental afflictions and even demon possession. It's interesting to know that those who possess this gift often have more success healing specific body parts. This makes it a powerful gift that can deliver and set people free from more than one problem.

As described in (1 Corinthians 12:9), the Gifts of Healing are a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It works when a Christian receives a revelation from the Spirit and, through faith, gains the power of God to heal a person's physical, mental, or emotional needs. By obeying the Holy Spirit's instructions, the person being prayed for receives healing from the Lord.

It's important to note that God has been known to perform multiple healings simultaneously, as seen in the 1906 Azusa Street revival under Brother William Seymour. In some cases, all that was needed was for the person to act upon the word, and in many cases, no prayer was even necessary for complete healing.

The power of healing given to specially chosen vessels was bestowed by God's grace, has been extensively documented both in the New Testament and beyond. Whether given or received, this powerful spiritual gift is a testament to the immense power of faith and divine intervention.

The "gifts of healing" refers to the power that the apostles received from the Holy Spirit to cure diseases during particular times. This power was not permanently resident in them, as it was given only on extraordinary occasions, although perhaps more generally than many others. For instance, there was an instance where the Apostle Paul was unable to cure Timothy nor was he able to get his thorn in the flesh removed, indicating that the power of healing was not always available to the apostles.


Dear friends, the ability to perform miracles is a clear indication of the divine power of the Holy Spirit. It is a gift that allows us to accomplish things that would be impossible by any other means. Those whom God chooses explicitly to have this gift have been able to perform extraordinary acts such as raising the dead, judging evil, and even affecting nature itself.

Not many people today believe that God still performs miracles through chosen vessels, and the idea of miracles has been present in many religions and spiritual beliefs throughout history.

The working of miracles is often associated with divine intervention or the power of the Holy Spirit, and the working of miracles is considered a rare occurrence and is often viewed as a sign of extraordinary faith or spiritual connection.

The gift of miracles is an extraordinary spiritual endowment that enables an individual to transcend beyond the boundaries of natural laws. It is a rare and exceptional ability that only a few possess. Those who possess this gift can perform miracles that impact people's lives indelibly.

For several years, I have been blessed to be among those whom God has chosen to operate in this powerful gift which has left professional doctors rethinking about the gift of prayer. However, it is essential to note that I am not the source of this gift, nor am I the one in control of it.

The call on my life to Miracle ministry has caused many healings, which opened the door for me to be mentored by Apostle Don Stewart. I am now the International Evangelist representing his ministry outreaches throughout the Philippines.

There was one incident where I recall praying a man that had been diagnosed with lung cancer. The man came to a miracle revival that a well-known Radio & TV personality by the name of Bob Smallwood and I conducted in Abingdon, Virginia.

The man was the father of a young preacher friend of mine by the name of Reverend Joseph Dunn. His father was scheduled to have surgery to have a diseased cancerous lung removed but he had chosen to attend our miracle service in Virginia that would change his life forever.

The Lord had already affirmed the authenticity of my gift to Bob Smallwood, a Radio & TV personality who was actively helping and sponsoring the revival. This took place several years ago when God miraculously replaced the 95% blocked arteries in Bob's wife's brain, which had caused a severe lack of blood supply to her brain.

Despite the charts and tests showing that she only had 10% blood flow in the arteries in her neck entering her brain, the doctors were left confounded. You can find him speaking about this miracle on our YouTube channel. Jerry & TinTin Hulse.

The man with the lung cancer healed in the miracle service in Virginia was an elderly gentleman up in age and was the father of a young preacher friend of mine by the name of Reverend Joseph Dunn. His father was scheduled to have surgery to have a diseased cancerous lung removed but he had come to our miracle service, and we later received word that he was taken into surgery, but when the surgeons opened him up to remove the cancerous lung, the Lord had mysteriously removed the cancer. They sewed him back up, telling the family that when they went in, they saw no need to remove the lung.

The man is still alive, healthy, and telling his testimony of how God healed him from that deadly cancer. He loves to testify that he did not take or need any treatments and is still cancer-free ten years after he was told that he only had a few years to live.

I have witnessed some inexplicable events, such as alarms going off in buildings and phones charging themselves, which have been seen by more than fifty people across the United States. These experiences remind me of the incredible power of God our Father and his unchanging unconditional love for his people.

It is essential to understand that the gifts of healing and the working of miracles are often associated with the gift of faith, a divine and supernatural ability granted by God. These gifts are not in the control of human beings or any artificial program, but they operate when an individual is prompted by God and given the faith to perform such manifestations of healing, including creative miracles that bring people closer to God.

The gifts of healing work to heal physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments through prayer, laying on of hands, or other means. It is important to note that the gift of healing is not limited to physical healing but can also extend to emotional and spiritual healing, as God's power brings about restoration and wholeness.

Similarly, the working of miracles is the ability to perform supernatural acts that defy natural laws and human limitations, such as walking on water, multiplying food, or raising the dead. These miracles are not performed by mere human effort or skill but by the power of God working through an individual who has been given the gift of faith.

It is worth mentioning that these gifts are not given to individuals to glorify themselves but to bring glory to God and to make known His power and love to the world. Therefore, it is essential for those who have been given these gifts to use them with humility, discernment, and a deep sense of responsibility, always seeking to honor God and serve others.

I feel blessed to have been chosen by God to operate in the gift of Miracle ministry for several years. It is a calling that I take very seriously and humbly acknowledge that I am not the source of this gift, nor can I control it. Nonetheless, I am grateful to be a vessel through which God works, and I have witnessed many healings over the years.

My experiences in Miracle ministry eventually led me to be mentored by Don Stewart, an accomplished evangelist. Under his guidance, I have learned invaluable lessons and gained deeper insights into my calling. I am proud to say that I am now the International Evangelist representing his ministry outreaches throughout the Philippines.

In my role as an international evangelist, I have had the opportunity to work alongside my wife, and together, we have reached out to many people to share the message of God's love. It has been an immensely fulfilling experience to be able to spread the word of God and connect with people from all walks of life.

As a devoted follower of God, I believe that it is my duty to serve Him to the best of my abilities. I strive to live a life that is guided by God's teachings, and I am committed to doing His work. Through my work as an international evangelist, I hope to inspire others to also live a life that is guided by faith and to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with serving God.


The Gift of Prophecy is a spiritual gift that is mentioned in the Bible. It is described in (Ephesians 4:3) as a gift that is meant to bring edification, exhortation, and comfort to others. This gift is not limited to a select few individuals, but is available to any member of the local body of Christ.

The purpose of this gift is to bring enlightenment to the community. Through the gift of prophecy, individuals are able to receive insight and understanding about God's plans and purposes for their lives. They are also able to receive guidance and direction for the future.

It is important to note that the gift of prophecy is not the same as fortune-telling or divination. Instead, it is a gift that is given by the Holy Spirit to help people grow in their faith and understanding of God. When used properly, the gift of prophecy can be a powerful tool for building up the church and bringing people closer to God.

The gift of prophecy and the office of the prophet are two distinct concepts that are mentioned in (Ephesians 4:11) in the Bible. The gift of prophecy is one of the spiritual gifts given to believers by the Holy Spirit, as we can find listed in the book of (1 Corinthians 12:7-11), and is intended to build up the church. In contrast, the office of the prophet is a specific ministry role that is appointed by God to lead and guide the church.

A prophet in modern times is someone who is called and gifted by God to provide direction to the body of Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are often seen as spiritual leaders who are dedicated to helping others grow in their faith and walk with God. They may have the ability to see things that others cannot and to discern the voice of God in a particular situation.

Those who operate in the gift of prophecy serve to edify the body of Christ by speaking words of encouragement, comfort, and hope. They may also be able to reveal hidden sins or motives in the hearts of individuals or groups, and help to bring about repentance and restoration. They are not necessarily prophets, but rather individuals who have been given a particular gift that is used to help others in their walk with God.

In summary, while the gift of prophecy and the office of the prophet are related, they are not the same thing. Both are important for the growth and edification of the church, and are intended to help believers grow in their faith and relationship with God.

Dear readers, in the body of Christ, the office of the prophet plays a crucial and vital role. Prophets are appointed by God to provide guidance and direction to the ministry and to protect it from the unexpected attacks by the enemy. They have a unique purpose in the five-fold ministry and may not necessarily make good pastors because they serve differently. However, their contribution is highly effective in their office and essential for the betterment of the body of Christ.

Prophets are gifted with the ability to see beyond the natural realm and discern God's plan and purpose for the church. They possess spiritual insight and operate in the prophetic realm, where they can hear and see what others cannot. Their primary role is to speak God's word and provide direction for the church.

The gift of prophecy, on the other hand, is different from the office of the prophet. It is a divine endowment given by God to specific individuals to hear and communicate His messages to the church. The Holy Spirit operates through these individuals, providing direction, comfort, and guidance to the body of Christ. The gift of prophecy is available to all believers, but not all are appointed to the office of the prophet.

In conclusion, the office of the prophet and the gift of prophecy are both significant in the body of Christ. They work together to provide guidance, direction, and comfort to the church, helping it to grow and fulfill God's plan and purpose.

Frequently, those who think that miraculous gifts have been discontinued in the church tend to equate prophecy with preaching. However, this is not entirely accurate. There are two distinct Greek words, one for preaching and the other for divinely inspired speech.

Believers who operate in this gift have a responsibility to use it wisely, by biblical principles, and with a heart of love for God and His people. Through prophecy, the church can gain insight into God's will and purposes, be warned of impending danger or judgment, and be encouraged to persevere in faith and obedience.

The essential nuggets we can glean from this message is, "The gift of prophecy," given and operated by the Holy Spirit through consecrated individuals, can offer invaluable insight and wisdom beyond your wildest dreams. It can provide you with the exhilaration of knowing what lies ahead and the self-assurance that comes from being fully equipped to handle any situation.


Dear readers, the Church today is in great need of the ability to differentiate between true and false doctrine and between what is of the Holy Spirit and what is not. This is where the gift of discernment comes in handy, as it helps to unmask pretense and restore order in the house of God.

Beloved, the devil can disguise himself as an angel of light and deceive people by speaking false prophecies. He attempts to infiltrate the church by using false teachers. Often, people who appear to be saying the right things may be lying and deceiving spirits sent by the devil. Therefore, it is essential to discern between what is true and what is false, for the word states that "If the blind lead the blind, they both will fall in the ditch."

Are you looking for a way to distinguish between good and evil spiritual influences? Then, If you're struggling to differentiate between good and evil spiritual influences, you might want to consider asking for divine help through prayer. One way to do this is by praying for "The Gift of Discernment of Spirits."

According to Christian theologians, this gift is the ability to distinguish between the influence of God, the devil, and human spirits. By praying for this gift, you can gain greater clarity and insight into the spiritual realm, helping you make better decisions and avoid negative influences. You might consider praying for "The Gift of Discernment of Spirits."

Have you heard of people chosen and ordained by God to receive supernatural revelations through the Holy Spirit? These gifted individuals operating in the gift of discerning of spirits can accurately discern the spirits present and working in their midst. They also can perceive angels and demons and have a sense of the calling and gifts operating in someone's life.

I recall driving my 18-wheeler and receiving news that shook me up for days. Tin and I started meeting via Skype for bible study, and she informed me that she had a medical condition that she was born with, and I probably would not want to develop a relationship with her. Despite this, we developed a relationship. Tin disclosed to me that she was able to see and point out the spirits operating in people, both good and bad. I realized this was no curse upon her life but rather a blessing from God.

Our ministry has become successful because I have learned to trust the gifts in my wife. Our ministry outreach has achieved remarkable success thanks to my wife's invaluable contributions. She possesses unique gifts bestowed upon her by Almighty God, which have played a vital role in promoting revival throughout the Philippines. Her unwavering commitment, tireless efforts, and exceptional leadership qualities have inspired many.

This experience taught me that unquestioningly trusting your heart can be risky. I have observed that some people get carried away by the attention they receive from living a particular lifestyle, which can only cause problems for those striving to improve their lives. It is crucial to be mindful of these elements that can hinder progress and instead focus on those who genuinely support and work towards achieving the common goal.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the lessons learned, and I am confident that with the continued support of my wife and the dedicated team, we will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of many in the Philippines, placed there by Almighty God to help promote revival throughout the Philippines. Through this experience, I learned that you cannot always trust your heart and that some people enjoy the attention they receive from living a particular lifestyle, which can only cause problems for those attempting to improve their lives.

The "Gift of Discernment of Spirits" is a remarkable gift that comes from the Holy Spirit. It is bestowed upon those who seek it, and its power can be felt in profound ways. This gift is capable of guiding individuals and communities towards righteousness, while at the same time protecting them from deception and harm. It is a vital tool that can help you make important decisions, navigate difficult situations, and avoid pitfalls along the way.

The "Gift of Discernment of Spirits" is not just about identifying good and evil, but it is also about understanding the motives and intentions of others. With this gift, you can gain a deeper understanding of the people around you, and this can help you to approach them with empathy and compassion. It can also help you to identify areas where you need to grow and improve, so you can become a better person and a more effective leader in your community.

Dear readers, if you are searching for a way to stay true to your faith and lead a fulfilling life, the "Gift of Discernment of Spirits" may be the answer you have been looking for in your life and ministry. It can help you to stay on the right path, make wise decisions, and avoid the traps and pitfalls that can derail your journey. So, seek this gift with a sincere heart, and you will be amazed at the blessings it can bring into your life and the lives of those around you.


Dear readers, have you ever heard of the supernatural gift of speaking in tongues within some Christian churches? This phenomenon involves the ability to communicate in a language that the speaker has never learned or known. According to believers, this is a direct result of the Holy Spirit filling the individual and enabling them to speak in a divine language.

Speaking in tongues is often viewed as a spiritual experience primarily used in an individual's prayer life. It is believed that when someone speaks in an unknown tongue, they can communicate with God more profoundly. This is because the Bible states that those who speak in an unknown tongue speak mysteries in the spirit.

Although speaking in tongues is not universally practiced among Christians, it is still an essential aspect of worship for many believers. It is seen as a way to connect with God and experience his divine presence uniquely and personally. However, it's important to note that while the speaker may be able to utter sounds and words in this language, they may not necessarily understand what they are saying. Speaking in tongues is often described as a form of prayer or worship that bypasses the speaker's conscious mind and allows them to connect more deeply with God.

But what happens when someone speaks tongues during a church service or gathering? If another person present has the gift of interpretation, they may be able to understand and interpret the message being conveyed through the "interpretation of tongues." This means that the message can be shared with the group and benefit everyone who hears it.

The interpretation of tongues is another spiritual gift that the Holy Spirit gives. It involves understanding the spoken language and translating it into one the listeners can understand. This can be a powerful tool for delivering encouragement, guidance, or even prophetic insight to those present.

In summary, speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues are two gifts of the Holy Spirit that can be used to communicate divine messages to believers. While they may seem mysterious or unfamiliar to some, they are essential to many Christian ministries. They can be a source of great inspiration and insight for those open to receiving them.

As believers, we need to differentiate between the gift of tongues, which is intended to be used in public gatherings to edify other believers, and the tongues granted to a Spirit-filled believer, which is an initial outward sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit that is used primarily for their prayer life and personal enlightenment.

In modern-day churches, there exists a belief among many individuals that the gift of tongues, which refers to the ability to communicate in a language that is unknown to the speaker, was only intended to spread the gospel in different languages and that it ceased to exist after the apostolic era.

Beloved, this view of the gift of tongues is often premised on the notion that the apostles were the only ones who received it and used it primarily for evangelistic purposes. However, some hold the opposing view that the gift of tongues is still available to believers today and can manifest in different forms, including speaking in heavenly languages and interpreting tongues.

It's important to understand that tongues and their corresponding gift of public interpretation can be easily misunderstood and misused, which has prompted some believers to label these gifts as "the least of the gifts," which can be discouraging and belittling for those who possess them.

The gift of speaking in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is one of the many spiritual gifts that is believed to be bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit. This gift is characterized by the ability to speak in languages that one has never learned or studied fluently.

This gift has been mentioned in the Bible as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's presence, and it has been observed in various Christian denominations throughout history. Speaking in tongues is believed to occur when a person surrenders their speech to the Holy Spirit and allows the Spirit to speak through them.

The ability to speak in tongues is seen as a sign of the Holy Spirit's infilling within the church. It is a powerful display of the Spirit of God at work, demonstrating the miraculous power of God. In addition, it serves as a visible symbol to non-believers, demonstrating the reality of the Holy Spirit's presence and power.

Overall, the gift of tongues is considered to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and outreach. It allows believers to connect with God on a deeper level and serves as a way to spread the gospel to people of different cultures and languages.

May we understand that all nine gifts of the Spirit are important and does not the holy bible declare that the gift of speaking in tongues is intended for personal communication with God, and not for communication with others?

Dear readers, the gift of tongues is a unique and personal language of prayer God gives. It is a way for believers to communicate with God beyond their everyday knowledge and understanding. The concept of tongues is based on the belief that the Holy Spirit is speaking through the believer and that the individual is merely acting as a vessel for the divine message.

Beloved, we have learned through this study that when believers use the gift of tongues, they essentially agree with God that the Holy Spirit is praying through them. The believer may not understand what they are saying, but they trust that God is speaking through them. This is why speaking in tongues is essential to an individual's spiritual life.

However, it's important to note that using tongues should not be emphasized too much during group worship in the church. If tongues are practiced during group worship, it must be done with care and accompanied by an interpretation from the Holy Spirit. This ensures that the message being conveyed is genuinely from God and can be understood by the group.

In conclusion, the gift of tongues is a powerful tool for believers to communicate with God. It is a personal language of prayer that can help individuals uniquely connect with the divine. However, it should be used with care and discernment, especially regarding group worship in the church.


TDear readers, the public interpretation of tongues" is a spiritual gift mentioned in the Bible, and it allows individuals to speak in a language that is not known to them but can be understood by those who are also blessed with the same gift. The gift of interpretation of tongues is considered one of the nine spiritual gifts listed in the New Testament.

The gift of public interpretation of tongues is a divine communication tool that can illuminate, encourage, and comfort others. It can provide insight into the divine plan and guidance for those who seek to deepen their spiritual understanding. This spiritual gift is often exercised publicly, especially in church gatherings, where those who possess it can interpret or translate the tongues spoken by others.

Beloved, did you know that the gift of public interpretation of tongues is different from the gift of speaking in tongues? Speaking in tongues involves the supernatural ability to speak in a language unknown to the speaker and requires the gift of interpretation to be understood by others.

Studying and discussing the gift of interpretation of tongues can help us better appreciate the spiritual gifts and their potential impact on our lives. It can also help us understand the importance of seeking spiritual gifts and how they can help us to grow in our faith.

The gift of interpreting public tongues is a unique and powerful ability that is bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit. It is a gift that works in conjunction with the gift of speaking 'divers kinds of tongues.' The interpretation of tongues is not a mere translation of what is being spoken but rather a divine revelation of the meaning behind the words.

It is important to note that those who possess this gift may not always interpret the revelation as hearing the exact words. However, the interpretation will always have the same meaning, which is usually spiritual enlightenment for the church. The interpretation of tongues could be a warning or a message from the Lord urging the church to change course in order to find His will.

The gift of interpreting tongues is essential for the church as it allows for the proper understanding of the messages conveyed through tongues. When interpreted correctly, it can provide spiritual guidance and direction to the church and its members.

It is crucial to understand that the interpretation of tongues is not a mere human ability but a divine gift. As such, it requires humility and openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Those who possess this gift should always seek to use it in a spirit of love and service to build up the church.

Our ministry has recently completed a comprehensive course on the workings of the Holy Spirit and how God uses them to enlighten the body of Christ. We learned that spiritual gifts are God-given abilities that empower believers to serve and build up the body of Christ.

However, it is essential to remember that spiritual gifts function best in an atmosphere of love. When believers walk in love, they create an environment where the Holy Spirit works freely, and spiritual gifts operate effectively.

This concept is not new. Jesus emphasized the importance of love as the foundation of all commandments when he introduced the 11th commandment in (John 13:34): "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."

This commandment supersedes all other commandments and the teachings of the prophets. Therefore, practicing extending love is the most excellent way to use spiritual gifts. Love is an action word that motivates us to serve others selflessly and with compassion. It is also the governing influence in our lives and ministry, helping us to stay humble, patient, and kind as we serve God's people.

As believers, we must strive to walk in love in our personal lives and ministry. When we do so, we create an environment where the Holy Spirit can move powerfully, and our spiritual gifts can be used to their full potential.

Some preach that love replaces the need for spiritual gifts, but this is a fallacy. Love may be needed when we put on the whole armor of God including when and how we operate in the spiritual gifts, but My question to this argument is simple: Can love alone defeat the devil? The answer is no."

The Holy Spirit bestows the gifts of the Spirit, and they are a supernatural blessing that prepares and equips men and women of God for effective service in the Lord's kingdom. These gifts can include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues.

However, it's not enough to possess these gifts. We must use them for the greater good, not our personal gain. We must also be discerning and exercise caution when using these gifts, ensuring they align with God's will and purpose.

Being a Kingdom Walker and Kingdom Builder requires energy, solid determination, and devotion to the Lord's work. It means tearing down the enemy's strongholds and building up Christ's body. When we use the gifts of the Spirit lovingly and responsibly, we become effective servants in God's kingdom, bringing glory to His name and advancing His purposes on earth.

The gift of speaking in tongues and public interpretation of tongues is an extraordinary ability that is bestowed upon believers in Jesus Christ. It is a spiritual manifestation of the Holy Spirit and is described in the Bible as a heavenly language that is not understood by the speaker but is interpreted by those who have the gift of interpretation.

These gifts not only a benefit to the person who speaks in tongues but also to those who can understand the words spoken to God. It can serve as a form of prayer and worship, and it can be used to communicate messages from God to His people.

However, before we delve further into this topic, let us ask ourselves a crucial question: “Do we want a church where we attend meetings, sing songs, listen to sermons, and leave feeling entertained, or do we desire a place where God's supernatural power is evident?”

The latter is what we should seek, a place where we can experience the power and presence of God, where we can witness miracles, and where we can grow in our faith and relationship with Him.

Dear readers, if we remain content with a natural understanding of the Church, we risk being overlooked by God, who seeks those hungry for His supernatural character and power. Only those who are refreshed from on high can truly satisfy this hunger.

As a Christian, it's essential to recognize and nurture the spiritual gifts that God has given you. These gifts are meant to be used to serve others in the body of Christ. Love and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are interconnected and should be utilized to benefit the church and its members.

In Ephesians chapter one, God declares that His Son is the head over all things to the church, which is His body. The church represents Christ on earth and is filled with His presence. Therefore, every Christian is responsible for actively identifying and cultivating their spiritual gifts to contribute to the church's growth and improvement. (Ephesians 1:22-23)

I vividly remember the time when I was licensed in a Methodist organization and experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was a transformative experience, and I prayed fervently to receive everything that the Spirit had to offer. When I prayed in tongues, I felt a powerful connection to a source of energy that I had never experienced before.

However, things took a turn for the worse when I asked God for the kind of tongues that I had witnessed take place in the churches I had previously attended. The Methodist church ex-communicated me, which was a difficult and painful experience for me.

Despite this setback, I continued to pursue my ministry, and one night, I heard a voice say, "At this time, I am not necessarily giving you the public ministry of tongues." This experience was both comforting and confusing for me, as I had always believed that speaking in tongues was an essential manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

As my ministry progressed, I was able to interpret some messages from the Lord to a church body a few times. This was a humbling and awe-inspiring experience for me, as I felt that I was truly serving as a conduit for God's will. However, I came to realize that this was not the primary gift that I operate in my ministry.

Dear readers, in the book of Ephesians, it is written that the Spirit gives spiritual gifts as he wills. This means that the Holy Spirit has complete control over who operates in these gifts and how they are manifested. Even the gift of public interpretation of tongues is subject to his control. This understanding is a reason for unity among believers and a warning against any sense of superiority regarding these gifts.

It is important to note that the Holy Spirit distributes these spiritual gifts according to his will, not the will of man. This implies that no one can earn or merit these gifts based on their own efforts or achievements. The Spirit gives them freely, and we are called to receive them with faith and gratitude.

Although the Holy Spirit is in control of the distribution of the spiritual gifts, believers must still be open and willing to receive them. It is not enough to simply acknowledge their existence or to desire them in theory. Instead, we must actively seek the Holy Spirit's leading and be obedient to his guidance. This requires humility, faith, and a willingness to submit to his will.

When we receive these spiritual gifts by faith and obedience, the body of Christ is edified and lifted up. These gifts are not meant for personal gain or glory, but rather for the benefit of the entire community of believers. Therefore, we must use them in accordance with the Spirit's leading and for the common good of all.


During a conversation with one of my old mentor friends, he shared a profound statement that has stayed with me ever since. He said, "Jerry, my boy when you desire the things and presence of God as much as you would your next breath of air if someone was holding your head underwater, you will find Him in His fullness." The power of his words struck me, and it made me think about the extent of my hunger for a deeper connection with God.

My mentor was referring to David's words in the book of Psalms. David had said that his thirst for God could be compared to a deer's thirst for water. This comparison highlights the intensity of David's desire to be in the presence of God. It wasn't just a casual interest or a passing fancy; it was a deep longing that consumed him.

When we seek God with the same intensity that David did, we can experience the fullness of His presence. It requires a level of hunger and desperation beyond mere curiosity or obligation. But when we are willing to press in and pursue God with our hearts, we will find Him in ways we never imagined.

Psalms 42:1-5) (1) "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." (2) "My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?" (3) "My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?"

I have identified three reasons below why we need the gifts of the Holy Spirit, why we should desire them, and why they should be an essential part of our life and ministry.

1. "For our satisfaction"

Dear readers, it is of utmost importance that you know your unique gifts and ensure that you are adequately trained to use them, for this is essential in understanding your essential role within the body of Christ and finding your purpose on this planet.

As you mature in your faith and walk with God, you will discover that he has equipped you with abilities that will enable you to create something that will last for eternity.

When you make yourself available as an instrument through which the Holy Spirit can work, you will feel a profound sense of fulfillment and joy while serving others as you come to the understanding that your gifts are crucial in discovering your purpose, which will help drive your vision in the body of Christ.

Through these gifts, you will discover your calling on this planet and realize that God has equipped you with abilities that will enable you to create something that will last forever.

The bottom line is based on the fact that by making yourself available to the Holy Spirit, you will experience a sense of fulfillment and joy while serving others.

2. “For the edification of the church.”

"It is crucial to recognize and utilize your spiritual gifts as they contribute to the growth and strengthening of the entire body of Christ. Exercising your gifts helps to build up other believers and plays a significant role in leading them toward spiritual maturity. Together, we can create a more vital and vibrant community that empowers and uplifts everyone who enters its doors. Be a part of something greater and experience the joy of improvement."

3. ” For the glorification of God.”

Let us strive to do everything in life to glorify God, for it is in His glory that we find true fulfillment and meaning. May all our actions and intentions be aligned with His divine purpose so that we may bring honor and praise to His name.

May we receive wisdom to use these spiritual gifts whose sole purpose in the body of Christ is to bring glory to God as we present our bodies before him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to him, which is just our reasonable (spiritual) service understanding that what we have sacrificed is no longer ours but his that he may leave his handprint and signature through our life to touch others?

Let us strive to glorify God in everything we do, for it is through His glory that we find true fulfillment and meaning. May all our actions and intentions align with His divine purpose so that we may bring honor and praise to His name, recognizing that these powerful Spiritual Gifts of the Spirit not only find their source in the Holy Spirit but are pure bestowments of the grace of God.

We should use the spiritual gifts we have received to bring glory to God and offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to Him. We must remember that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not ours to control but rather to manifest as the Spirit wills in us. God desires that every born-again believer be filled with His Spirit and operate in the spiritual gifts.

We must be faithful to use the gifts we have already received, for God will not give more to someone who does not use what they already have. Without the gifts of the Spirit, we do not accurately represent the New Testament church and the power of God's grace within us.

Dear readers, the spiritual gifts we receive as believers are not of our own making but are a result of the grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We must understand that these gifts are given to us to glorify God and honor His name. We must also remember that we do not operate these gifts; they manifest through us as the Spirit wills.

As Christians, we are all called to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to use the spiritual gifts given to us. We must use these gifts faithfully and to the best of our abilities. God desires that we use the gifts we have received to edify and strengthen the church and to be a witness to the world around us.

However, we must also be mindful that God will not give more to those who do not use what they have already been given. Therefore, we must make the most of the spiritual gifts that we have received and use them to their fullest potential. In doing so, we will accurately represent the New Testament church and demonstrate the power of God's grace within us. By using our spiritual gifts and working together in unity, we can help to build up the body of Christ and bring glory to God's name.


Greetings, dear readers! I would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of seeking the spiritual gifts and having brotherly love within churches. This is something that I believe many churches are lacking today. Without love, spiritual gifts cannot be fully utilized, as the Bible says.

I want to remind you that life has immense value because God has uniquely created each and every one of us in His image and likeness. We are not just ordinary beings; we are incredibly special and important to God. It's a privilege to be made in His image, and we must always remember that.

Moreover, it's important to note that God doesn't just use the most talented or skilled people for His plan. He often uses ordinary people to fulfill His purposes. This is an incredible honor, and we must be willing to step out in faith and obedience, trusting that God will use us for His glory. I hope this message encourages you to love one another and to recognize your incredible value in God's eyes.

Dear readers, it is essential to remember that our accomplishments, commitments, and even dying for our faith hold no value if love is absent. We must understand that love is the foundation of our faith, and without it, all our efforts are in vain.

Our primary goal as believers should be to express love for God and His people so that others can see the change it brings in our lives. When we love others, we are fulfilling the greatest commandment given to us by Jesus Christ.

Love is not just a feeling but an action that should be demonstrated through our words and deeds. We should be willing to forgive, show kindness, and serve others selflessly. The world needs love, and as believers, we are responsible for being the light that shines in the darkness. Our love for God should be the driving force behind our desire to love others. When we love God, we naturally love others because they are created in His image.

Beloved, People can tell when you love them, and they can tell when love is not present. God has commanded us to love people, not as a suggestion but as a command. He will never command us to do something we cannot do because love is something we can control.

When all things in which men's glory fade and pass away, love will still stand. God is love, and His Word is everlasting. When we see ourselves as God sees us, His love will mature and perfect us. He cares about the sparrows, and He cares about you, the lonely, the rejected, and the condemned.

There are hurting people in the world today that need to know that God is love, and He is the essence of love. Just like the little girl in the movie The Unicorn was able to tame the wild horse with her innocence and passion, Christ's passion through His suffering, death, and ascension can tame the wildness in the church.

Dear friend, as human beings, we are the most significant creation in God's image and likeness. God has granted us the gift of free will and has allowed us to choose to follow Him. However, we must acknowledge that we are imperfect and all make mistakes. Thankfully, God offers us His free pardon for our sins through the sacrifice of His beloved son, Jesus Christ.

God desires us to come to Him with all our big and small needs. He wants to be a part of our lives and guide us through the challenges we face. He wants us to experience His love, grace, and mercy and know He is always there for us.

As followers of Christ, we have been given the most significant commission to preach the most important news on earth. It's a message of hope and redemption. God cares so much for fallen humanity that He sent His only Son to pay our sin debt in the fullness of time. Jesus' death on the cross serves as a bridge between sinful humanity and a loving God. Through Jesus, we have access to forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

Let us, therefore, share this good news with others and live out our faith through our words and actions proclaiming that God sent his son to pay our sin debt and raised Him for our justification so that we may be declared holy in Him and adopted into His royal family as sons and daughters of the highest God, and that dear friends, is love worth living for. Amen.

Saints, the word declares in (Nehemiah 8:10) that "the joy of the Lord is our strength." Therefore, beloved, we need to fight until we get a breakthrough to experience the joy and presence of the Lord who promised never to leave us; therefore, may we take comfort in these words as we complete our assignment and fulfill our dreams.

Beloved, in the closing of this message, let us constantly be reminded that "God’s vision in our heart is more vital than any darkness the enemy may bring our way; let us remember that patience with persistence is what wins the race and obtains the prize which is discovered in the high calling of God that we find in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Those who receive their recognition from men will end up in witchcraft (literally), and we can find in Galatians 5:20 that (witchcraft) is listed as one of the works of the flesh, and whatever is gained through self-centered ambition will need to be upheld by self, and those called by the Lord to help build his kingdom will be tried to the very faith they stand on.

Beloved, if the church is going to accomplish her last day assignment that is going to usher in the return of our Lord, the prophetic ministry must be in place, which is made up of specially called and anointed warriors of God that are accurate and trustworthy in the roles they are assigned in the fivefold ministry.

In conclusion, let us strive to love one another as Christ loved us recognizing that our love for God and his Holy spirit being given preeminence in our life should be the hallmark of our faith. May we be known for our love, not just our spiritual gifts, accomplishments or commitments.

Greetings, dear readers! I am thrilled to share with you my book, "Spiritual Gifts and the Five-fold Ministry Revealed." This book was written in April 2020, and I did it in two days from the cab of my 18-wheeler, in the Walmart distribution center in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Initially, I had planned to conduct revivals in the Philippines, and I had already taken the necessary shots for the trip. Although this was during the early stages of the pandemic, I was determined to make the trip happen. However, while I was in the middle of writing my book, I received a clear message in my spirit to "stay where you are." Soon enough, the airlines confirmed my premonition by canceling all my flights.

At the time, I was working with Crete Carrier Corporation, delivering Walmart dedicated freight. The company had written letters to the Philippine government assuring them that my job was secure and that I had been granted permission for the needed time off to make these trips.

I am confident that my book will inspire and motivate you, and I am excited for you to read it. Thank you for your time and consideration! This powerful book can be found on Amazon and can be downloaded pdf manuscript for free from our website. (

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International