Summary: Jesus Christ was God’s Christmas gift, and God never gives anything but the best.

Jesus Christ was God’s Christmas gift, and God never gives anything but the best. James 1:17. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9:15, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” Christmas is that time of year when everyone’s thoughts turn to gifts and giving. Today, let’s look at the gift God has given to us. Romans 6:23, 8:32

I. It is an Unsolicited Gift

1. Matthew 1:18-25

2. Many times, this Christmas season, I have been asked, “What would you like for Christmas?”

3. Many times, gifts are the result of a specific request.

4. With God’s gift, His was an unsolicited gift.

a. It was God who saw my need and gave.

b. Adam and Eve did not seek God.

c. Isaiah 53:6, Romans 5:8

II. It is an Unlimited Gift

1. I am sure some of us have looked at some gifts that was out of our price range, too expensive. Most of us have a champaign taste on a beer salary.

2. We have a cost reference. There are some gifts that we cannot buy.

3. God’s gift is unlimited. No one is excluded from receiving His gift.

a. John 3:16

b. 1 John 2:2

c. Hebrews 2:9

4. No such thing as a limited atonement. The bible means exactly what it says, every man.

a. No matter the education.

b. No matter financial status.

c. No matter the privilege or lack thereof.

d. No matter how unloved or unwanted.

e. God’s Christmas gift is unlimited.

f. No one will die and go to Hell and look back to Heaven and say, “I wanted to be saved, but Jesus didn’t die for me.”

5. Revelation 22:17, God’s last invitation is to come.

III. It is an Unspeakable Gift

1. Rest assured: that God never gives anything but the best.2 Corinthians 9:15

a. Jesus is beyond telling.

b. He is indescribable.

c. He is in expressible.

2. For years, songwriters and poets alike have tried to describe God's gift.

3. Millions of sermons have been preached trying to describe God's unspeakable gift.

IV. It is an Unchanging Gift

1. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, forever. Hebrews 13:8

a. times change, styles change, attitudes and tastes change.

b. Almost everything we know changes.

2. Jesus, God's Christmas gift, never changes!

a. His perfection never changes.

b. He never changes an understanding to more understanding.

c. He doesn't have to become more patient, more merciful, or more willing.

d. All that Jesus is, has been, and ever will be, is final.

3. Christmas gifts we receive several years ago have now become obsolete.

4. Jesus is always current. He is always new, and never changes.

5. We enjoy the same God, same Savior, and salvation that all the great men of the past have enjoyed.

V. It is an Undeserved Gift

1. The very fact that salvation is a gift indicates that it is undeserved.

a. If it is earned or deserved, it is no longer a gift.

b. A gift is something offered with no strings attached.

c. Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 11:6, Matthew 7:22-23

2. If one worked to earn heaven, the motive behind the work would be rendered in effective. 1 Corinthians 13:3

3. You spell GRACE, God’s riches at Christ’s expense.

4. Everything we have received one of three ways.

a. We can either earn it, steal it or someone gives it to us.

b. No other way to get it.

VI. It is an Unclaimed Gift

1. John 3:16

a. Jesus tasted death for every man, but every man is not trusting Jesus for salvation.

b. To multiplied millions Jesus is still a stranger.

2. Many parents and friends have sacrificed to purchase gift for the ones they love. Wrapped them in beautiful packages. Laid them under the tree. The excitement builds as Christmas day approaches.

a. When that day comes, those who made the sacrifices are anxious to watch loved ones and friends open their gifts.

b. The joyful faces, hugging and kissing, just what I always wanted.

3. To imagine that after sacrificing and experience, some gifts go unclaimed. Some packages go unopened.

4. The greatest gift of all, God’s Christmas gift, Jesus, is still unclaimed by millions.

5. To receive God’s gift, admit you’re a sinner, believe Jesus died for you and then trust him completely.