Summary: Life's challenges can be daunting, but how we face them defines us. By drawing on our inner strength and resilience, we can transform these obstacles into opportunities for personal growth. Let's embrace our potential to thrive and rise above any challenge.


(John 5:1-3) (1) "After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem." (2) "Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches." (3) "In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water."

(John 5:4-6) (4) "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." (5) "And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years." (6) "When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?"

(John 5:7-9) (7) "The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me." (8) "Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." (9) "And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath."


Dear reader, this message highlights the importance of adopting a positive perspective towards life's challenges. Instead of being discouraged by the obstacles that come our way, we can use them as opportunities to learn, grow, and become better versions of ourselves.

Moreover, this message encourages us to use our experiences to uplift and inspire others. By sharing our stories of struggle and triumph, we can offer support, hope, and motivation to those going through similar situations. In doing so, we can create positivity and empower others to overcome their challenges.

Throughout this message we will learn that we can draw on our inner strength and resilience to transform these obstacles into opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery as we learn that every hardship can teach us valuable life lessons and equip us with skills to overcome future challenges.

Beloved, when we encounter a challenge, giving up or becoming discouraged may be tempting. But it's important to remember that every obstacle is a chance to learn and grow. By embracing these challenges and working through them, we can discover new strengths and capabilities we never knew we had.

Dear reader, when we encounter a challenge, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But it's important to remember that every obstacle we encounter is an opportunity to learn and grow. By embracing these challenges and working through them, we can discover new strengths and capabilities we never knew we had.

In summary, life's challenges can be complex, but they can also be opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. By embracing our inner strength and resilience, seeking support and guidance, and working together as brothers and sisters in Christ, we can overcome obstacles and thrive in adversity.


Dear reader, some years back, I experienced a moment of divine inspiration while driving my 18-wheeler across the USA. I was scheduled to minister at a revival, and I began to pray and meditate, asking God what He wanted me to speak about. As I asked, I heard a whisper in my spirit that said, "Preach on, 'Get off the porch.'"

As a trucker, I was familiar with this phrase. It's a common expression used among truckers, referring to slower trucks that should move to the right lane. At first, I was confused and thought God was making fun of me for using this slang term. However, I soon realized He was reminding me to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and take action, even if it means leaving behind what is familiar and comfortable.

Beloved, I came to realize that 'get off the porch' is more than just a trucker's slang term. It is a call to action, a gentle nudge from God Himself. It's a reminder that we must be willing to leave behind what is comfortable and familiar, and take a leap of faith towards what God has in store for us. Stepping out of our comfort zone is not always easy, but with God by our side, even in our darkest moments, we can find the strength and courage to do so.

There's a story in the Bible about a man waiting by a pool of water for an Angel of the Lord to come and trouble the water at a specific time. The belief was that whoever entered the water first after it was disturbed would be made whole. This man could not walk and had been lying by the pool for (38) years, hoping to receive healing.

In John 5, we describe five porches of disappointments and misery. One had to go through the sheep gate to access the porches where the pool, called Bethesda, was located. Interestingly, archeologists have found the pool site and a stone with an inscription of an angel troubling the water. This story is familiar to many: Jesus walked by and healed a man waiting by the pool. The man had an excuse that someone else always stepped down before him and got healed first.

On one significant feast day, Jesus saw the man lying there and asked him if he wanted to get well. The man replied that he had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred. Jesus then told him to get up, pick up his bed, and walk. Miraculously, the man was healed, and he picked up his bed and walked away.

Bethesda was a place where people from all walks of life would gather in search of relief from various afflictions. The area comprised five covered walkways, or porches, where individuals would come to cry out in pain and plead for mercy. The atmosphere was incredibly sorrowful, filled with the sounds of anguish and desperation. Despite the overwhelming sense of despair, a palpable sense of hope also permeated the air.

The word tells us that an Angel of the Lord would visit this place during a particular season and stir the waters. It was believed that whoever entered the water first, following the angel's visit would be healed of their infirmity. This hope was why people continued to come to Bethesda, hoping they would be healed of their afflictions. It was where people believed they could find relief, even against all odds.

It is common for specific individuals to request assistance from others, whether for emotional support, financial aid, or guidance. However, some people tend to reject the help offered to them despite initially asking for it. This behavior can be attributed to various reasons, such as a lack of self-awareness, fear of change, or the need for validation from others.

Some individuals may not be fully aware of their own emotions or needs and may ask for help to seek attention or validation from others. In this case, they may feel more comfortable in a state of vulnerability or dependence, as it allows them to receive the attention and support they crave. However, this behavior can ultimately lead to a cycle of dependence and enablement rather than true healing or growth.

Other individuals may reject help out of a fear of change or a reluctance to confront their issues or problems. They may feel that accepting help would require them to acknowledge their shortcomings or weaknesses, which can be uncomfortable or even painful. In these cases, it may be helpful to gently encourage the individual to consider the potential benefits of accepting help and to assure them that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

The lesson here is that we should trust in God's plan for our lives, even when facing insurmountable challenges. We should also be open to receiving help from others and never give up hope. With faith and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle.

Did you know that in the 19th century, the pool of Bethesda was discovered under the ruins of a church? The archaeological findings indicate that the pool was divided into two and varied in size from 165 to 200 feet. In this location, we come across a place called Bethesda, which means "house of mercy" or "flowing water" in Greek, and "house of mercy" or "house of grace" in Hebrew.

Beloved reader, one thing that caught my attention in earlier studies was that you had to enter through the sheep gate to enter this. The story describes a dwelling that had five porches where people from all walks of life would gather to share their problems and grievances. These individuals would wait for a particular time when an Angel of God would come and trouble the waters of the pools. The belief was that if a sick person entered the water while the Angel moved it, they would be healed from their infirmities.

The man who had been lame for thirty-eight years had been coming to these porches for a long time, hoping to be healed. One day, the Lord paid him a special visit in these porches of misery. It is said that the Lord asked him whether he wanted to be healed, to which he replied that he had no one to help him get into the water when the Angel troubled it. The Lord then commanded him to stand up, pick up his mat and walk. Miraculously, the man was healed and could walk again after being lame for thirty-eight years.

This story is a testament to the power of faith and belief. It highlights the importance of having hope and persevering through difficult times. The man's story reminds us that even in the bleakest of situations, there is always the possibility of a miracle.

Beloved observed that the Lord had asked him a crucial question, "Do you want to be made whole?" But instead of answering positively, he excused himself and explained why he couldn't get into the water to receive healing when he was troubled. He then noticed how the Lord responded to his answer by giving him a command to "Get up, pick up your bed, and walk."

Have you ever wondered how you would react if faced with a problematic command from the Lord? Would you obey without question, or would you complain and resist? These are essential questions to consider as we journey through life and encounter many uncertainties. However, the good news is that we don't have to face these uncertainties alone.

Beloved reader, we can look to the examples of those who have gone before us and see how they trusted in the Lord's guidance and provision, even when it seemed difficult or impossible. By following their examples, we, too, can have the faith and strength to face any challenge that comes our way, knowing that the Lord is with us every step of the way.

Let me illustrate this with a story. I once had a man who used a wheelchair and had an ice bag on his head. While I was preaching, he suddenly rose out of his chair and started dancing. He even tried to help me preach. It was an incredible sight, and I was thrilled to see him filled with joy. However, just as soon as he realized what he was doing, he returned to his wheelchair and placed the ice bag back on his head.

This incident made me understand that sometimes, people's sicknesses put them in a place where they get a lot of attention. In such cases, they may choose the attention over their healing. They may not be ready to let go of the sickness because it has become a means to receive others' love, care, and attention.

Therefore, the bottom line of my message is that when we minister to someone who needs healing, we should be mindful of their emotional and spiritual state. We should approach them with empathy, sensitivity, and respect and offer them the love of Christ. We should pray for them, encourage them, and help them to see the benefits of healing and surrendering their lives to Christ.


"If The foundation is good, Everything Else can be Fixed."

Dear reader, have you ever pondered the question, "What is the true meaning of life?" Life is a complex and beautiful journey, and it can be challenging to understand its purpose. However, reflecting on this question can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.

Beloved, it is vital to recognize that life is a precious gift, and we should make the most of it and by understanding our purpose, we can live a more fulfilling life that brings us joy, happiness, and a sense of meaning. So, take a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you, and strive to live a life that aligns with your values and purpose.

May we understand that sometimes we may encounter difficult situations that seem impossible. While we may pray for God to protect us from such problems, it is essential to realize that there are times when God may choose to use those problems to teach us valuable lessons and prepare us for a greater purpose.

In such instances, it can be challenging to see the bigger picture, but it's important to trust that God has a plan for our lives and that everything happens for a reason. Even when we face difficulties, we can find comfort in knowing that we are never alone and that God is always by our side, guiding and supporting us.

It's essential to remember that every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth and learning. We can develop our character, build resilience, and become better versions of ourselves through trials and tribulations. Ultimately, we must embrace these challenges, learn from them, and trust that God's plan for us is always for our ultimate good.

There are times in our lives when we face trials and challenges that seem overwhelming. These difficult situations can be compared to Army boot camp, a rigorous training program designed to break us down physically and mentally in order to build us back up stronger and more resilient. Similarly, God allows these trials to come into our lives with the intention of tearing us down so that He can rebuild us from the ground up.

This process of rebuilding can be painful and difficult, but it is necessary for us to fulfill our purpose in life and ministry. Just like a home that is in need of refurbishment, we must be stripped down to our foundation, which may include lessons in humility, forgiveness, and perseverance, so that God can rebuild us with stronger materials and a better design. This process teaches us to rely on God's strength and guidance rather than our own.

Beloved, this process aims to shape us into the person that God created us to be so that we can fulfill our purpose and positively impact the world around us. Though the process may be complex, we can trust that God is with us every step, giving us the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle.

Dear reader, we may experience trouble that tests our inner strength in our Christian pilgrimage. However, we can better understand this process by observing professional contractors hired to refurbish and restore an old house.

Beloved, if we observe the work in progress, we might think that those who hired these contractors might need to consider hiring a lawyer because their house is now a pile of trash in their yard. We may wonder if the owners hired the wrong crew because these contractors have torn their beautiful homes.

Saints, we need to remember that there are no shortcuts to greatness, and there is a process to it. When contractors undertake a refurbishment project for a house, the first and most critical step is to strip it down to the bare bones. This is done to ensure that the foundation is not cracked and the structure is strong enough to support the weight of the entire house.

Stripping the house down might appear to an outsider like a destructive act, but the contractors are highly trained professionals who know their job well. They must inspect every inch of the house to ensure that the joists are strong and in the right place and that no termites or other pests have caused damage to the old wood. To achieve this, the contractors use various tools and techniques to remove the walls, flooring, and ceiling. They also check the wiring and plumbing to ensure they are in good condition and up to code.

Once they are satisfied that the foundation and structure are sound, the contractors can begin restoring the house to its former glory. This involves rebuilding the walls, installing new flooring and ceiling, and painting or wallpapering the interior. Overall, the refurbishment process can take several weeks or months, depending on the extent of the damage and the house's size. However, the result is a beautiful and safe dwelling that will last many years.

Dear reader, it is essential to understand that this is the pattern God uses to tear down and rebuild those he has purposed to be leaders in his service. How He does it is unique to each individual, but the result is always the same – a renewed and transformed person, ready to fulfill their purpose in God's Kingdom; if you have a calling in your life, it is because God chooses people that are incapable of producing life qualities on their own that will be acceptable in his sight however, he can do it in and through us when we give him preeminence in our life.

Dear reader, we must recognize and accept that God had a specific plan for us to become leaders even before we were born. This plan involves utilizing all of our life experiences as a training ground, preparing us to fulfill our destiny as the chosen leaders who will make a positive difference in our culture and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

As we approach the end of our lives, we should strive to pour out so much of ourselves into the lives of others that we have nothing left to give. This means investing in people and relationships and sharing our time, resources, and talents to uplift and empower those around us. It's also important to remember that our identity as followers of Christ is more important than any accomplishments we might achieve on our own.

In summary, our faith should be the foundation of our leadership and guide us in everything we do. Therefore, let us embrace our calling as leaders and strive to serve others with humility, compassion, and generosity, leaving behind a positive impact that will ripple through future generations.


"The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart."

Dear reader, let me clarify that it's not a question of "What if I mess up?" but "What do I do when I mess up?" that needs to be addressed. Did you know we are spiritual beings having a human experience, learning what it's like to love and be loved?

According to the Word of God, “All have fallen short of the glory of God, which is in Christ Jesus.” Sometimes, God places us in no-win situations to build our character. As we walk in our Christian faith, we will experience hurt, rejection, and abuse. We will understand how evil and deadly sin are and why moral laws exist.

God has plans for each of his children and places people and things in our path to help us achieve that goal. We commonly make mistakes and mess up; even Christian leaders have fallen, but God never throws them away. He is a loving, forgiving Father who understands his children and is always there to help them through difficult times.

Although men and women may be unforgiving, God is not. The enemy of our soul tries to take advantage of this, but God has already made provision for all our sins, past, present, and future. Our sins with our names on them were placed on Jesus at the cross, and his death satisfied the wrath of a sin-hating God. To meet the justice of a sinless, holy, immortal God, Jesus, God's Son, had to be tried and executed as a condemned criminal.

Jesus could not have been anything more or less than what Adam was to satisfy the sin-debt requirement of redemption for all humanity. Our relative redeemer had to be another man like Adam, created with God's original blood to pay the sinful debt against humanity, and he could not be made from the dust of the earth because the earth was cursed.

In the fullness of time, God made himself a body and placed it in the Virgin Mary to bring a Savior into the world. God was in Christ, reconciling the world back to himself, rescuing as many as possible from Satan's rebellion.

It's important to remember that we all make mistakes; when we do, it can be easy to feel ashamed or guilty. However, knowing that we can always turn to God for forgiveness and comfort is comforting. Despite our imperfections, God loves us unconditionally and wants to have a close relationship with each of us.

When we approach God with a repentant heart, He will not punish us but embrace us as His children. This means we can always find peace and comfort in God's love, no matter what we may have done wrong. So, let us always remember to turn to God in times of need, knowing He is always there to guide us and help us through even the most challenging times.

Christ Jesus endured pain and punishment so that we wouldn't have to be punished. It's okay to make mistakes; life is a learning process. We can come to our Heavenly Father when we mess up, knowing we will find him with outstretched arms of love.

Beloved, if we belong to Him, He won't see us as outcasts but as members of His royal family. He sees us in the finished work of Christ. We don't need to run and hide from Him like Adam and Eve did in the garden. Our God sees all and knows what we've done, including what we will do because He knows the end from the beginning.

Dear saints, when you mess up, run to Him and spend time in His never-failing love. His arms are always open and ready to receive you, especially if you come to Him with true repentance, and no matter how badly you may have messed up or how far you may feel from Him, He will not turn you away, for you are His child. He is the one who began the work of grace in you, and He will be the one to finish the job so that you may be presented on that day blameless and without shame. (John 1:8-9) (Ephesians 2:16)

Beloved, the bottom line of this message is that to become an overcomer and embrace life's many challenges, we must learn to forgive and realize that God loves us even when we are not so good.

In summary, God loves us when we are doing good because He is not looking for us to fail but to teach us life lessons that with Him, we can do all things, remembering the holy scripture in Romans the eighth chapter, which tells us that "There is, therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." (Romans 8:1)


Dear reader, in today's society, younger generations are being given more opportunities and resources than ever before. While this may seem positive, it has also led to a sense of entitlement among many individuals.

Beloved, this younger generation we are encountering now, has grown up in a world where instant gratification is the norm, and they have come to expect things to be handed to them without much effort or hard work.

Furthermore, in our fast-paced world, where technology has made everything easily accessible, developing patience and empathy toward others can be challenging. It can be easy to become self-centered, focusing only on our needs and desires and forgetting the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

It is essential to remember that the world is not just about us. We must learn to cultivate empathy and a sense of community toward those around us. We must also recognize that success takes time and effort; it cannot be handed to us on a silver platter. Ultimately, we must take responsibility for our actions and strive to make the world a better place for all.

It's disheartening to observe that many churches and their leaders have adopted a mindset of self-promotion, focusing on building their own kingdom rather than simply letting their light shine. This approach is counterproductive and goes against the very foundation of Christianity, which is to serve others and spread the good news.

This reminds me of a true story: railroad flagmen were necessary to prevent cars from being hit by passing trains at a crossing. In those days, the flagman stood at the crossing, waved a flag or lantern, and signaled the drivers to stop until the train had passed. However, due to the long hours and tiring nature of the job, the flagmen would often fall asleep on the job, leading to accidents and fatalities.

To overcome this problem, the railroad workers devised an ingenious solution. They started leaving red lanterns outside the doors of the brothels, which were located near the railroad tracks, and this way, the workers could be easily woken up when needed at a railroad crossing.

Did you know that the term "red-light districts" originated from using red lanterns? In the past, these lanterns were hung outside brothels and other establishments associated with prostitution to indicate their presence. This practice continued until the widespread adoption of electric lights and automated railroad crossings made lanterns obsolete. Despite this change, the term "red-light district" has persisted to refer to areas known for their adult entertainment venues and activities.

During a dark and fateful night, a tragedy occurred. A motorist lost their life when their car was hit by a train that was passing through. The accident seemed to have happened due to a lack of warning signals for the motorist, who could not detect the train's approach. The worker waving a light to alert the motorist about the oncoming train was subsequently sued in court.

The case concerned whether the worker had fulfilled their duty of warning the motorist about the impending danger. The court had to determine if the worker had displayed sufficient warning signals that would have enabled the motorist to avoid the accident.

During the court proceedings, the worker claimed that he had been on the job and was waving his lantern with all his might to alert the motorist. Despite his efforts, the motorist failed to stop at the crossing, and the accident occurred. The worker maintained that he had done everything in his power to prevent the tragedy from happening.

In the end, the court ruled in favor of the worker, citing that he had acted responsibly and had taken all necessary measures to warn the motorist of the approaching train. It was an unfortunate accident that was beyond the worker's control. Later, when the worker discussed the incident with a close friend, the friend asked him if he had been waving a lit lantern. The worker replied that nobody had bothered to ask him that important question during the trial. It was a small detail that could have changed the case's outcome.

Beloved, let's take a closer look at the extraordinary life of King David and his mighty men. Among them was his nephew Abishai, who played an essential role in many of David's adventures. One such instance is when David is hiding in a cave with his men, and Saul is pursuing David to take his life.

Abishai, a loyal and brave warrior, offered to kill Saul while sleeping. But David, being a man of integrity, refused to take Saul's life, and instead, he only cut off a piece of Saul's robe to show he could have killed him but didn't. Abishai respected David's decision and held back.

In another incident, when David was king, Shimei cursed and threw stones at him. Abishai was there and wanted to kill Shimei for his disrespect towards the king. He was an expert swordsman and could have quickly taken Shimei's life. However, David restrained him and told him to let Shimei be, as he believed God had allowed him to be cursed by Shimei.

Later on, when David was old and unable to fight, he found himself in a battle against the Philistines. During the war, David became exhausted and fell to the ground. The brother of Goliath, the giant David had killed, saw this as an opportunity to avenge his brother and went after David. But out of nowhere, Abishai appeared and beheaded the giant with his sword, saving David's life.

In conclusion, Abishai was an essential figure in David's life, and his loyalty and bravery played a crucial role in many of David's victories. His character teaches us the importance of standing by our loved ones and respecting the decisions of our leaders, even if we disagree with them.

Beloved, the main takeaway from this story is that nobody needs to tell you when it's time to fulfill your purpose, as you'll know it. However, you won't be mature enough to handle it if you're put in that position without prior training and character-building. The daily struggles help prepare us to fulfill our purpose within the body of Christ.

Did you know that even God, who spoke everything into existence, had to wait for his timing? The Bible tells us that the wickedness on Earth became so great that God regretted creating humans and decided to wipe everything out. But he waited for the right time and sent Noah, whose name means rest, to build an ark before executing his plan.

Timing is crucial with God, and we must have patience and trust in Romans 8:28. This verse reminds us that everything works together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Although God didn't bring evil into the world, he used it to fulfill his divine plan.

Moreover, every change we face in life, including the timing and season of it, is determined by God. It's not in our power to alter what's appointed for us. This was planned in the council of God before we were even born. As King David reminds us in (Psalm 90:12), it's crucial to number our days rather than our years to apply our hearts to wisdom.

In summary, if we number our years, there may be some days that we would forget and that is why it's essential to prioritize our families, as they are our most important ministry. We can't be effective missionaries to the nations if we neglect our families. Therefore, we must set aside time for them and the tasks we must accomplish each day. This way, we can fulfill our purpose and be a blessing to those around us.


Dear reader, did you know that endurance is the key to success, the driving force behind achieving your goals? With endurance, you can overcome any obstacle and conquer any challenge. It is the backbone of progress and the foundation of greatness. Remember, endurance is everything." Endurance is a quality that enables a person to persist through challenges and difficulties without giving up. It is the ability to keep going even when things get tough.

Endurance is a reflection of one's determination, willpower, and mental strength. It is the foundation upon which success is built. Endurance can take many forms, from physical endurance required for sports or fitness to mental endurance needed to persevere through complex tasks or challenges. Endurance allows us to push past our limits and achieve our goals. It requires patience, consistency, and discipline.

Endurance is not just about being able to endure physical or mental stress but also about maintaining a positive attitude and mental state throughout our challenges. So, remember, endurance is everything when it comes to achieving your goals and overcoming obstacles.

The apostle Paul, a beacon of endurance, serves as a powerful example for us. He never wavered, never retreated, never gave in, and never slowed down. He was the epitome of an overcomer. In Philippians 3:14, he beckons us to emulate his unwavering spirit and "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Dear reader, to overcome life's challenges, we must have a spirit of endurance. This means we should not be easily discouraged or give up too soon. Instead, we should put in the effort and energy required to achieve our goals. Beloved, we must remember that victory does not come easy. As believers, it's essential for us to develop a spirit of endurance. We can do this by relying on God's strength when we feel weak or incapable.

Beloved, sometimes life can be tough, and we may feel like giving up, but in these moments, we must turn to God and trust in Him. He has all the answers and knows what's best for us. We may not have all the solutions to our problems, but God does. It's essential to cultivate trust in God and to do what we can with the abilities and resources He has given us. We must believe that with His help, we can eventually accomplish what we once thought was impossible.

Endurance is a vital trait in our spiritual lives. We can endure hardships and challenges with grace and perseverance when we trust in God and rely on His strength. So, let us keep our faith in God and do what we can to walk His path. Beloved, we develop patience when we rest in God's divine protection. Patience helps us to mature and become stronger. The spirit of patience is peace, which gives us a hope that makes us unashamed. This hope becomes an anchor for our soul, keeping us steadfast amid life's trials and tribulations.

In the Psalms, David declares that our God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). This means that we can turn to Him in times of trouble and find refuge and strength. He is always with us, ready to help us overcome any challenge that comes our way.

Beloved, let us now take a moment to reflect on our lives. Let us ask ourselves some profound questions that can guide our growth in our Christian journey with God.

1. How do you usually respond When you go through hard times?

2. How would you like to respond?

Dear reader, the core message of this study is that those who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ must pay close attention to the timing of the Lord. They should be mindful of the spiritual climate and have their ears tuned to what the Lord says by maintaining a disciplined prayer life. This means that prayer should not be just another item on our to-do list but an integral part of our daily routine. We should strive to develop a close relationship with God through prayer, seeking His guidance and direction in all our lives.

Furthermore, we should not be overly concerned about what others may think of us, as their opinions do not hold eternal significance. Instead, we should focus on pleasing God, the ultimate judge of our actions.

Our ultimate goal should be to gain God's trust so that He can entrust us with the lost. This means that we should be willing to step out of our comfort zones and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are lost, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide our words and actions.

In summary, let us make prayer a central part of our lives and seek to please God above all else. May we be sensitive to the timing of the Lord and be ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who are lost, knowing that our ultimate goal is to bring glory to God and lead others to Him.


Dear reader, life can be challenging, and we may face difficult times that can cause us to feel upset with others or ourselves. It's natural to experience trials and persecutions that cause us to doubt our faith and question our walk with God. But it's important to remember that these challenges are not meant to defeat us but to strengthen us.

Through my own experiences, I've learned that we grow in faith and character during these moments of struggle. Even in the darkest moments of our lives, we should never give up because God is always with us. Finding comfort in the scriptures and remembering that God loves us unconditionally is essential.

God has a unique and wonderful plan for each one of us. Sometimes, those chosen for special services in God's kingdom may endure great disappointments and trials. These challenges are designed to break their will and develop the character and maturity needed to fulfill their divine purpose. However, you should be comforted in knowing that you are different.

You have been gifted with a remarkable ability to face challenges and emerge victorious. Even when others may struggle to navigate through life's difficulties, you have the inner strength and resilience to rise above them. This is a testament to your unwavering determination and faith in yourself and your abilities. “You were made to walk on what others are having to swim through.”

Dear reader, with this incredible gift, you have the power to fulfill God's divine purpose for your life. You can achieve great things, and your potential knows no bounds. So, continue to walk with confidence and conviction, knowing that you are destined for greatness. Remember that you are not alone in this journey and that God is always by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

Always remember that God knows where you are, and when the time is right, He will give you a command that will change your life forever. You were chosen for a particular purpose and have been equipped with everything you need to fulfill it. Trust in God's plan for your life; He will guide you where you need to be.

Dear reader, I want to share with you in greater detail my own experience of finding peace in God, regardless of the circumstances. My beloved, it is true that our peace comes from our relationship with Jesus, not from our situations.

The peace that Jesus spoke of differs from the peace we experience when everything goes well. It is not just a calmness of the mind but an inward peace from the heart and soul, which can only be achieved through the Holy Spirit. We can remain calm and composed even amid a storm when we have this peace.

Beloved, it is important to remember that Jesus is always with us, no matter what we face in life. We can turn to him for comfort and guidance when we feel overwhelmed by our struggles. He is our constant companion and source of strength. I encourage you to seek this peace from Jesus and trust in him even in the most challenging times. May his peace fill your heart and mind today and always.

Dear reader, in Palms the thirteenth chapter, we find King David describing the feeling he is experiencing as he asks for God’s help, and also in this Psalms, we see King David affirming his trust in God’s love as he worships him in praise as his God. (Psalms 13:1-6)

We must realize and accept that God had a plan for us as leaders before we were born, and all our life experiences have been a training ground to fulfill this plan. This plan is to make us the leaders who will make a difference in our culture and leave a legacy behind for future generations.

I have been approached by people who have informed me that they have been rewriting my books and asking me, "Are they copyrighted?" I replied, "Yes, they are, but who do you think gave me that wisdom? Therefore, as long as they do not change the message, I am honored that God can use my works to bless others through others."

In summary, when we come to the end of our lives, we should be so empty from pouring into the lives of others that we have nothing left to give. The bottom line is this: we must realize that it is not about us and who we are in the body of Christ; it is far more critical than what we can do and accomplish on our own. for in the end beloved, our works shall be tried by fire.

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International


Dear Heavenly Father, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the time everyone has taken to read this message. I pray that their hearts are open to your message and that you bless them spiritually, financially, physically, relationally, and emotionally. I ask that you intensify the work you have begun in their lives and ministries, enabling them to enrich the lives of others.

Lord, I pray that your will, purpose, word, and spirit have a free course in their lives and everyone they meet. Please bless those who read this message and call upon your excellent name. Meet their needs right where they are and touch, heal, and deliver them.

Father, I ask that you break all curses and words spoken against them. I pray they stand up in these last days and make their lives count for your cause and purpose. As you awaken the gifts and talents placed in them from birth, may they become unified in faith with other believers, realizing the need to work together in harmony like a fine-tuned orchestra in the master's hands.

Dear Lord, thank you for your great love and blessings over our lives. Please forgive us for failing to remember that you know our needs before we ask. You were once one of us who was tempted in all points like us and went to the cross to pay our sin debt. We could be drafted into your royal family as Sons and Daughters, sharing with you in your glory. Thank you, Jesus.

Lord, I ask that you enlarge our borders and place your hand of blessing upon us to guide us in the path you have chosen for us. We need your divine guidance so we might walk fully in your blessing and goodness as you lead us by your Spirit to divine appointments. Please deliver us from evil so we will not be tempted or cause pain.

Dear Lord, I pray that your blessed holy name might be glorified throughout the earth as you leave your signature through us to future generations. I ask that you assign an angel to accompany this work into the home of every person who will take the time to read it. Help us stand firm together, activating our faith, for it is in these trying times through your grace that we can find rest in knowing that we can depend on you, our God, "Our Father," to come on the scene to direct our path and to guide our footsteps.

Dear Lord, help us understand that our dependence for survival is upon you, and Lord, help us realize that we represent your glorious body on Earth. Therefore, Lord, help us understand that there is strength in numbers, and we need each other to be fruitful and live a prosperous life as your people.

Dear Lord, please help us not to be careless and prideful in our Christian walk. Please help us understand that we are part of something bigger than ourselves; we are a part of your glorious body as sons and daughters in your royal family and kingdom.

Lord, I pray you to stir our hearts and burden us for true global revival. Demonstrate to people in every country that you are the Unchanging God, for your word declares it. You were the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow! (Hebrews 13:8)

Heavenly Father, bless everyone who has read this message and humbly surrendered their life to your purpose. Intensify the work that you have begun in their life and ministry in Jesus' mighty name.

Father, I ask that you bless them spiritually, financially, physically, relationally, and emotionally so that their life may enrich the lives of others. I pray that your will, purpose, word, and Spirit will have a free course in their life and that everyone they meet will have a free course. Lord, I ask you to break all curses and words spoken against them. Stand up in them in these last days and make their lives count.

Father, I pray that you awaken the gifts and talents that were placed in them at birth. Help them become unified in faith with other believers and realize the need to work together in harmony like a fine-tuned orchestra in the Master's hands.

Lord, I pray for anyone reading this prayer who needs deliverance from an oppressing spirit, including illnesses that may be attacking their body. I pray that your Holy Spirit would raise up a standard against these attacks and set these people free.

Lord, I pray that the power of your written and spoken word be activated through the authority that is made available unto us that is in the name of Jesus, and we apply the following scriptures to our prayer. (John 16:23) "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." and (Psalms 34:15) "The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry."

Heavenly Father, we close our prayer believing that you have heard and answered us according to your divine will and purpose, for it is in Jesus mighty name we pray and ask these favors. A-Men & A-Men