John 21
I. Expository Look at John 21
A. Introduction
1. Many believe that this chapter was added after the fact. The final couple of verses read like Chapter 20 but this is man’s speculation. No real reason to question its authenticity.
2. Jesus makes 10 appearances after His resurrection.
a. This was His 7th overall
b. According to vs 14 this is His 3rd appearance to the Apostles as a group.
c. It doesn’t seem that Christ was with the Apostles 24/7 after His resurrection.
d. Do you think this was confusing to the Apostles?
e. I could see where it could be since they had spent the last three years with Him constantly.
3. There 50 days between the Passover and the Feast of the Harvest. There were 50 days between Jesus’ resurrection and the New Testament Day of Pentecost.
a. Matt. 28:10 – shortly after the resurrection Jesus meets Mary Magdalene and the other Mary who had rushed to the tomb, and he tells them to tell his brothers to go to Galilee and there He would meet them.
b. About 75 miles from Jerusalem, they went back home. Matt. 4:18-22,
Mk. 1:14-20, and Luke 5:1-11 confirm this was their home.
4. Sea of Tiberias
a. Also called Sea of Galilee, Sea of Kinnereth, Lake Gennesaret
b. 21 miles long and 13 miles wide, technically it was/is a lake.
c. Scene of miracles and teaching on several occasions.
i. Where Jesus recruited Peter, Andrew, James, and John
ii. Peter walked on water and sank
iii. Jesus fed the 5,000 on its bank
iv. Like they go back to where it all began to begin again
5. John is the only writer that records this event.
B. They fish all night to no avail. John 21: 1-3
1. Was this just a happenstance or was it providential?
2. They were told to wait for Jesus by Jesus Himself through the women.
3. Could the fishing have been a distraction?
a. How often do we revert to our old ways in times of distress? The apostles were mentally distressed because the Savior was no longer ever present with them.
b. A great haul that night could have lured them back to fishing for fish and blurred their focus on Christ and His mission for them.
4. A few scholars say that this was because they disobeyed Jesus’ command in Acts 1:4. It appears to me that the Apostles returned to Jerusalem after this encounter in our text. Refer to Matt. 28:10.
C. Have you aught to eat? John 21: 4-6
1. Jesus stands on the shore and calls to them from 100 yards away.
a. A long-distance conversation because they couldn’t make out Who Jesus was.
b. We’ll see in vs 7 that they quickly recognize Jesus for His works or miracle.
2. Some believe Jesus was showing a concern for their physical needs because he addresses them as children (KJV), friend (NIV). A term of affection.
3. I believe Jesus asked this to emphasize that fact that they were unsuccessful.
a. Jewish Complete Bible translates this as a rhetorical/pretentious question. Jesus says, “You don’t have any fish, do you?” Bro. Coffman in his writings leans toward this thinking.
b. Everything happens (or does not) for a reason.
4. Jesus takes this opportunity to, once again, perform a miracle and show His love and care for the Apostles. This was a two-fold miracle with fish and bread.
a. Jesus told them exactly where to drop the nets and they caught so many fish it probably would’ve swamped the boat. The catch was too heavy to pull in the boat. It must’ve been some pretty big fish, only 153.
b. The nets did not break.
D. John recognizes Jesus and Peter abandons ship.
1. Again, I want to emphasize that the Apostles were no closer at the time, so it had to be the miracle that confirmed in John’s mind that it was Jesus.
a. Do we recognize God’s hand in our affairs today without physically seeing Him?
b. We can know it is Him without physically seeing Him just like Peter.
c. I am reminded of the Footprints in the Sand poem.
2. Nothing mattered to Peter but getting to the Lord.
a. Why was Peter the only one to leave the boat?
b. Suddenly the fish meant nothing to him.
c. Peter was impulsive and sometimes it was a good thing.
d. His love for Christ overrode his sense of safety or logic.
3. We should all try to focus on Christ the way Peter did that day.
E. First things First
1. Jesus has a fire going with fish and bread already, but He tells them to bring some of their catch and eat.
2. They are no doubt wet, cold, and hungry.
3. We know what is to follow with Peter, but Christ knew that he and the others needed to be dry and fed.
a. We should take special notice of this and apply the Lord’s logic to situations in which we find ourselves.
b. We need to be sensitive to others needs when we are trying to teach them the gospel.
c. A hungry man may have a harder time hearing the gospel than a man who’s full.
4. Read vs. 12
a. Why would they doubt the fact that Jesus was Jesus?
b. Had His earthly form changed? No
c. This was the third time He had appeared to them.
d. They were finally at peace that the Savior had risen, and this truly was Him.
e. We make the statement sometimes, “I can’t believe my eyes!”
5. They eat and are filled.
F. Christ and Peter
1. On the outside, the next verses seem to be redundant. Do you love me and feed my sheep are questions asked three times.
2. It takes a little deeper dive into the scriptures understand the reason.
3. Some say that the three times asked is a reminder of Peter’s thrice denial.
4. Even Peter seemed disappointed that Jesus asked him repeatedly.
5. As always, Jesus had a reason for what he did.
G. Same words, Different connotations.
1. Vs. 15
a. Jesus uses Love – Gr. “agape” – this is a love that is not based on emotion but conscientious, sacrificial type love that that is willing to suffer or die.
b. Peter uses Love – Gr. “philo” – brotherly love.
c. Jesus says feed – Gr. “bosko” – provide feed for
d. Lambs – indicates young, vulnerable, Christians
2. Vs. 16
a. Jesus and Peter’s q & a is the same as vs. 15
b. Feed KJV – Gr. “poimaino” – to govern in addition to providing feed and safety. NKJ uses “tend” my sheep
c. Uses sheep as opposed to lamb
3. Vs. 17
a. Jesus uses love – Gr. “phileo” admire, venerate, esteem
b. Peter uses love – as Jesus does
c. Feed – same as in vs. 15
d. Uses sheep meaning one’s who are easily led.
4. Some scholars believe that Peter does not respond in kind with the word love to Christ because he remembers how adamant he was just prior to his denials that though all others forsake Him, he (Peter) would not.
5. Some scholars are convinced that agape and phileo are true synonyms.
6. To me the following vss. 18 -19 explains that Jesus did use the two terms to signify the love that was to be required of Peter. His would be a dying love.
a. Rom 7:7-11 speaks of the same type of love in that Christ laid down His life for the sinner.
b. Vss 18 -19 are self-explanatory.
H. What is it to you? Vss. 20-22
1. Peter has just been told that he would die as Jesus did on a cross.
2. So, he turns around, sees John, and then asks, “What about him?”
3. Jesus tells him that what he willed for John was none of his business.
a. John was deemed the Apostle whom Christ loved.
b. Was there a jealousy there?
c. Was there a love there that showed Peter’s concern for John?
d. Either way, my take is that I should focus on Christ’s direction for my life and not be concerned where Christ is leading them.
e. Jesus specifically tells Peter, YOU follow me. You can’t follow Jesus looking at someone else.
I. Gossip, Misinterpretation
1. The story went out that John would not die before Christ came back.
2. This is not what Jesus meant.
3. We must be careful how we interpret things.
J. Read vss 24-25