Summary: Like the ancient Hebrews in exile, modern Christians are in the midst of a pagan culture, among whom, we are called to be faithful to God.

Stranded Here in Babylon

Revelation 1:13-16, 20

Babylon, the name is known to all. It's an ancient city, but also a euphemism for a depraved culture. In the Bible, at least once, Rome is referenced with the name Babylon. I would say it's fair that the name “Babylon” could well be a synonym for America. We have become a nation where hatred and incivility rule the day. We have a so-called “Cancel culture” that tries to silence and malign anyone who speaks against the cultural orthodox of there are no morals, anything goes. Sin has become a relic of the past, and as far as our culture is concerned, you better not offend anyone by calling anything sin. Sadly, the one person Americans don't seem to care if they offend, is God. Consider the backlash when a Catholic bishop declared Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was not eligible for communion in the Catholic church. The bishop is right, by the way. No politician who is Catholic, including our president, should be allowed to partake of communion when they lobby for things that are clearly against what their church teaches. That's Biblical, it's called church disciplined. Frankly, I don't think withholding communion goes far enough, I think they should be ex-communicated, removed from membership in the church until they repent. Yet, our culture is not angry at Nancy Pelosi, but at the Bishop for holding to the Bible concept of holiness and church discipline. A San Francisco newspaper wrote a scathing article on the bishop accusing him, in essence, of betraying the Christian faith. No, he was being faithful to the Christian faith. The faith says, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. BUT, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His truth is not in us.” But, the culture ignores that, thinking they know better than a bishop of the church, what constitutes Christianity.

“Woe to them that call good evil and evil good.” Isaiah 5:20

This is exactly what we have now: a culture that ignores sin and calls righteousness bigotry, hate, etc. It seems American culture will go to any lengths to avoid admission of sin and repenting. Dr. Erwin Lutzer writes,

“As I watch some of the angry and often violent demonstrations on tv...I think it is not an exaggeration to say that we are in danger of mob rule.”

We seem to be a nation that is addicted to being angry. How are Christians to respond? We should not engage anger and hate with anger and hate. We do need to stand on God's word and unapologetically speak the truth in love. We must proclaim God's love through Jesus as the remedy for our sin. We cannot preach grace without holiness or we preach an incomplete message. BUT, we must emphasize the grace and forgiveness God offers. We live in a world looking for and starving for real, sacrificial, healing love. If Christians would openly live out the love of Christ, offering healing, offering a haven from the hatred and vitriol in the world, I believe we would see hearts changing.

America is indeed become Babylon. What does this mean for Jesus' church? Look for a moment at Revelation 1:13-16,20 (Read). Notice that Jesus observes the churches and overseas them. He loves His bride the church and the people whom He died for to redeem. Like the churches in Revelation, Jesus blessed what He likes in us and corrects what He does not. SEVEN times in Revelation, Jesus declares “Hear what the Spirit says to the churches!” As we are in the midst of spiritual Babylon in America, we must now, more than ever, heed the voice of the Holy Spirit which will NEVER contradict what God says in His word via Jesus and the apostles. We have a culture that largely rejects what God says, no surprise, it's always been that way. I'd argue what has really changed is Christians. They begun to have a victim mentality rather than a victorious mentality.

Historically, Jesus and His apostles believed false spirituality and immorality were no rampart against God. They boldly believed God's will will be done no matter what. In modern Babylon, the opposite seems true as many Christians seem to have given up, ceding the country over to darkness. Do we no longer believe that God is on His throne? Do we no longer believe His will will be done? It seems the modern Christendom has embraced defeat because they believe God should miraculously do things while we do nothing. Many substitute prayer for action. It's good to pray...but then get busy. Share your faith, study His word, offer encouragement to people. Don't pray for revival or a turning to God then sit on your hands. Christians have adopted a victim mindset because they pray and don't see miracles because they've substituted prayer for action. They've substituted prayer for evangelism. Pray then act. Pray for the gospel to spread, then share your faith. Don't expect God to do it alone, He works through His people!

Ancient Babylon was a place of idolatry. Babylon/America is as well. Oh, our idols are not stone, they are things like money, power, worldly success. Ancient Babylon sacrificed children in temples to pagan gods, America sacrifices them in doctors' offices. Ancient Babylon embraced all manner of sexual immorality, as does America. Face it, we as a nation are Babylon. As believers, we are like the Hebrews in pagan lands, exiles who do not fit it. We need to stop thinking it peculiar and accept we are exiles. Our citizenship is not here, it's in Heaven. Jesus told us not to be surprised if people hate us because they hated Him first. Oh the world will tell you they like Jesus, but it's a Jesus of their imagining who agrees with them about everything, it's not the Jesus of scripture who said, I didn't come to abolish the law but fulfill it. It's why Joel Osteen is a media darling and Franklin Graham isn't. The former won't preach about sin and the need for redemption, the latter does. Who sells more books? The guy with the smiley, watered-down message. Now, let me be clear, the law was a tutor to lead us to Christ, we are under grace and need to preach grace. BUT, that does not mean God lessened His moral standards for believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus.

Titus 2:11-12 reads,

For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. 12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God”

Don't apologize for having God's standards of right and wrong, don't capitulate to the pressures of our modern culture. We are called to be salt and light, we cannot do that if we lose our saltiness or dim the light of the gospel to please the world. We can hold to God's truth and be compassionate and loving. What are we to do? I Peter 2:11-12 tells us,

“ Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, 12 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation”

In other words, be loving, be kind, and live well, so the worst thing they can say about you is that you obey the Bible. That's not an insult, though our current culture might think that it is. We're supposed to stand out. Peter also said, (I Peter 1:3-4)

For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries.  In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.  They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

We did that in the past, we learned from our error ? we'll be thought strange ? they may slander us ? Keep doing good, they will answer for what they say about us, to God. Our job is to love them and help them find forgiveness in Jesus, so they do not reap God's condemnation.

Dr. Lutzer writes, “The nature of evil is to plunge ahead, closing one's eyes to the consequences. Or worse, seeing the consequences and being so addicted to the behavioral patterns that change seems impossible.” Sounds like what we see around us. God warns in Romans 1, that if people pursue sin, God will give them over to the desires to be controlled by them. (Romans 1:18-25). What we call addiction is nothing more than God allowing a person's sin to rule over them. The fact is, without the Holy Spirit's guidance and protection, the human mind is a factory than manufactures idols very quickly. Why? We are wired to worship; if we don't worship the true God, we'll come up with a cheap substitute. Our culture in America craves worship, but they often misplace it, worshiping celebrities, money, or prestige rather than worshiping the God who can fill their emptiness.

“We have a ministry of reconciliation.” II Corinthians 5 tells us,

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation”

The world needs to hear that God desires them, He wants them as part of His family, that He desires them to live with Him forever. They also need to hear, He has standards for receiving that: the acceptance of His son whom He offered as a love gift to us, that we could inherit His kingdom! Many people will receive that if it is offered in love, but some won't. It's not our job to make them believe, but merely be faithful to offer God's love to them. What if they reject, does it mean we failed? No, God was pleased with Jeremiah and other prophets, not because they got big followings, but because they obeyed God. Jeremiah 1:17-19 “Therefore prepare yourself and arise, And speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before their faces, Lest I dismay you before them. For behold, I have made you this day A fortified city and an iron pillar, And bronze walls against the whole land— Against the kings of Judah, Against its princes, Against its priests, And against the people of the land. They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, “to deliver you.”

Note, God prepared Jeremiah to expect rejection. He assured Jeremiah however that He was with them, and the world would not defeat him. We have the same promise today, we are just called to be faithful in the midst of our Babylonian exile in America. We are called to love, to share God's message of salvation, that He longs for all to come to Him and that He made the way, He loved them so much He sent His son that whoever believes will inherit eternal life. The world WILL NOT defeat the church of God, though it may seem to be winning battles, the war is already won. God is already victorious, our job is just to be faithful and offer His love, His willingness to reconcile people to Himself. Many will reject our message, but some will get saved. The battle is worth is, for those precious ones who will come to Christ. Don't let Babylon bring you down, God wins. Just be faithful until you see Him face to face, that's what He's called us to: faithfulness to the gospel.

I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live

John 5:24-2

(Sermon was inspired by writings of Erwin Lutzer whom I quote in the sermon. It is a more a topical sermon, hopefully it blesses someone. If you are able to use any part of it, feel free. I'm not seeking any recognition, if someone is blessed by you using it, I'm fine being an anonymous inspiration/help. God bless!)