Summary: The difference between happy Christians and unhappy ones is not the absence of trouble.

1. Many suffer physically.

2. Many suffer financially

3. Many suffer mentally.

4. Many suffer inwardly.

There are three ways to gather material for a message.

1. To read about it.

2. To be told about it.

3. To experience it.

The difference between happy Christians and unhappy ones is not the absence of trouble. We sometimes see other Christians and say, “If we only had it as easy as them.” If we only knew the truth we would probably think differently. The difference is in the attitude we have when trouble hits. The bible teaches two ways or two attitude to have: 2 Corinthians 7:10

The world’s way to deal with it. It teaches that revenge is sweet, I would feel better if I could get even. The world teaches us to hold grudges and never forgive. Also, don’t forget to feel sorry for yourself. Remember, no one has it as bad as you do.

God’s way will bring about a change of heart. You could even have a change of attitude. God teaches us to look to Him and He will give us the grace and peace we need to overcome. Paul was the authority on the subject of pain, suffering, hurt, mistreatment, so let’s listen to him. 2 Corinthians 1:1-9

There are 5 reasons to look at today on Why godly people suffer.

I. God Sends Them so We Experience the Comfort of God

1. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, Matthew 5:4, John 14:15-16

a. in these verses the word comfort has the same meaning.

b. It means to help, to defend, to encourage, and to strengthen us.

2. I don't know of a person in this world who does not want to experience the comfort of God.

a. But there can be no comfort without pain.

b. You can have no victory without a battle.

c. You cannot experience being full without first he experiencing hunger.

3. God is the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3

a. it means that God comfort is complete.

b. His strength is all powerful.

4. God is the God of all comfort, not only means God is able to comfort but he is the only source of comfort.

a. There's no comfort outside of God.

5. God’s comfort is not only complete, but it is also a conquering type of comfort.

a. This comfort does not simply enable us to endure the hurt but to rejoice in it.

b. 2 Corinthians 7:4, 6:9-10

II. God Sends Them so We Might be Equipped to Comfort Others

1. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

2. This is a main principle in the word of God. God comforts us in order that we might comfort others.

a. Elijah and the widow woman.

b. Don't look at trouble as a hospital but as a seminary to help us to teach others also.

3. A tragedy would be that a hurt, problem comes, and you bear it the world's way. Then you come face to face with another person who has the same problem, and you are unable to help or comfort.

4. The ability to comfort is far greater than the ability to teach great lessons, preach great sermons, give great sums of money.

5. I want it to be said that I knew how to comfort the hearts of others.

III. God Sends Them so We Might be Emptied of all Self Reliance

1. 2 Corinthians 1:8-9

2. God is trying to teach us to trust Him and not ourselves.

a. Most of us will never trust God until it’s the last thing we have tried.

3. The world says to have confidence in self.

a. Moses did.

b. Abraham did.

c. Peter did.

d. What a mess.

4. God led the children in the wilderness for forty years trying to teach them to trust him.

IV. God Sends Them so We Might Exhibit the Power of God in our Life

1. God wants to be glorified in our life. 2 Corinthians 4:7

2. Paul said when I am weak then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

a. Testimony of D.L. Moody

b. Paul’s thorn.

V. God Sends Them so We Might Express the Life of Christ Himself

1. 2 Corinthians 4;8-12

2. If the life of Jesus is to be revealed today, it must be done through the life of another Christian.

a. At no other time in your life is it watched more than when trouble comes.

b. Jesus needs a life in which He can live through.

1) Can He be seen in yours?

2) Philippians 2:5, Colossians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 3:2