Summary: We should shower Mother with gifts, for indeed she needs to be reminded of our love and gratitude for all she has done. My chief concern is that this gift-giving should not be put down to just one day a year.

Honor your Mother

Give her fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:31

Johnny was complaining to his friend about how hectic his days were because of school. "I get up at 6 o’clock each morning and eat my breakfast," he said. The friend was surprised, "You get up at 6 o’clock and make breakfast?" "No," Johnny said. "My Amma prepares it for me."

The friend replied, "Your mom gets up that early just to make breakfast?" "Oh, no," Johnny said. "She gets up early to give her more time to cook Dad's breakfast by 5:30.

"I see," said the friend, "but she has the afternoon to herself, right?" "Oh, yes," was the reply. "She spends the afternoon cleaning, washing the dishes, the laundry, and preparing dinner, 'cause my dad and I like to have dinner on the table when we come home after a hard day's work. After all, Amma doesn't work!" Johnny wrote this story, so don't get mad at me. Just because a mother or wife is not employed outside the home, it doesn't mean that she doesn't work. You may have heard your husband or father say that on occasion, but there are very few men who would trade jobs with you.

Mothers, we know that you have a 24/7 job, which demands not only all your time, but also all of your attention and energy. Because of that, we celebrate you today, meaning, that we should honor you every day - for all you do for us and for all you give to your family. Mother's Day was declared a National Holiday in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson. He directed the Congress to make the second Sunday of May a special day for public expression of love and reverence for the mothers of America. Since then, there has been a "Mother's Day,".

Few of us show our mothers the depth of love, honor, and respect that we should. We know we don't, and we feel guilty about it. So on Mother's Day, we try to make up for our failure by giving our mothers gifts to represent our true feelings of affection and appreciation.

We give all sorts of gifts. From store-bought gifts to homemade gifts, from fancy flowers to fattening foods. We should shower Mother with gifts, for indeed she needs to be reminded of our love and gratitude for all she has done. My chief concern is that this gift-giving should not be put down to just one day a year. We should give to our mothers every day. This morning, I want to suggest several gifts that are necessary in the Christian family and should be given each day.


Dear children of God, sons and daughters. Children, no matter what age you are, from nine months to ninety years, no matter how many children you have, the Bible says that the gift you should give your Mother every day is honor! One of our Ten Commandments says, "Honor your Father and Mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you." - Exodus 20:12. That means that we children should treat our mothers with great respect, in how we act toward them and in the way we speak to them. Did you realize that in ancient Israel, if a child cursed his mother, he was to be stoned to death? (Exodus 21:17) They took God's law very seriously.

That is contrary to God's will! The Lord demands that you speak with love and respect to your Mother. She is the instrument through which God gave your life. She put her life at risk in order to give you birth. She has sacrificed many of the luxuries of life in order to feed, clothe and educate you. So you must never be dishonorable to your mother, in the way that you speak to her or about her. You must offer her the gift of honor in what you say.

You must also give her honor in the way you live. Whether we want it to be this way or not, the way we live is a reflection upon our parents. So, if you really want to honor your mother, you should live in a way that she will be proud of. You must live an honorable life.

One day, several convicts were in a prison library flipping through a magazine. On one of the pages there was a picture of a lovely home. One of the prisoners said, "I wish I could give my mother a house like that to live in."

Another prisoner pointed to the nice car that was pictured in front of the house and said, "No, I'd rather give my mom a car like that, so she could come to see me once in a while."

Then the two men noticed their friend, Bill, just looking at the magazine, so they asked him to say what he would like to give his mother. After thinking for a few minutes, he looked at them with tears in his eyes and said, in a sorrowful tone, "I wish I could give my mother a more honorable son." That young man was crying about the fact that his dishonorable life and actions had dishonored his mother.

A child's life-style reflects their parents. Children, if you want to give honor to your mother, then live an honorable life. When you’re with your friends, having a great time, far from the eyes of your parents, ask yourself, "Would my mother be proud of what I am doing? Are my actions honoring her?" The way you go about your school work, the way you show yourself in your work, how faithfully you exercise your spiritual life - all those things can bring honor or shame to your parents.

God says that you should honor your mother. Has your life-style done that? The first and greatest thing that all children should give their mothers is the gift of honor - through what we say and how we live.


Another gift that God says you children must give to your parents is obedience. As long as you live in the household of your parents, you have an obligation to obey them - as long as they do not make you go against God's word and will. For the Bible says in Ephesians 6:1 (and Colossians 3:20), "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Children obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.

I realize that there are times, when you think that your mother knows absolutely nothing about the way life is in the twenty-first century. I am aware that there are many times you think you know what is best for you, much more than your mom does. But let me tell you something that may come as a surprise to you in your youth: Your mother is much wiser than you are. She has wisdom that can only be gained through years of living.

If you are a child living at home and being supported by your parents, the Bible says plainly that you should obey your parents. You must treat Mother's unequaled love for you - and her wisdom - knowing that she would never ask you to do anything which is not for your own good. So when your mother tells you to do some task or chore around the house, do it immediately and without complaint. It is your Christian duty to give her the gift of obedience. When she tells you to do your homework and study harder, go and do it. If she says you should be in no later than midnight, then don't come in at 12:30 with half-a-dozen excuses; be home at 12:00 as she said. If your mother tells you to get up and go to Sunday School and worship, then do it. You should go, not only because of your love for the Lord, but also in obedience to your mother.

Children, the Bible says that you are to obey your parents as long as you are unmarried and being supported by them. If you want to offer a special gift to your mom this Mother's Day, start giving her the gift of obedience.

Well now, we have seen that all children, no matter what age we are, should give honor to our mothers. We have seen that unmarried children living at home should, in addition to honor, give obedience to their mothers. But now I want us to look briefly at the other side of the coin and examine Mother's responsibility. Mother, you are not only the recipient of gifts, but you also have a responsibility to offer gifts to your children on this "great day" as well as on every day.

Exemplary Life:

The first gift you must present to your children is to be the kind of person you want them to be! You must give them a Christian example in what you say and do. The child wants to be like Mother in every way.

For this reason, Mother, it is your sacred duty to live an exemplary life in word and deed. You have the power to influence your child for good or evil, so you must be a Christian example in your home.

One day in Sunday School little Susie was asked to read from the Bible. She told the teacher that she didn't like to read the Bible any more, because she was "grown up now." The teacher did not understand Susie's attitude and she told her how important it was to read the Bible. Susie replied, "I've never seen my mother read the Bible, so it must not be as important as you say."

Mother, you are one of the most powerful influences on your child's life through your words and deeds. Are you giving them a Christian example? Do they see you pray and read the Scripture? Do they hear you witness your love for Christ? Do they see you serve him in the way you live? If they do, your children will grow up to call you "blessed," as we read in Proverbs 31:28. “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”

A Sunday school teacher asked his young class members to tell about how they became Christians. They went around the room, each child telling the details of when he committed his life to the Lord. Finally, it was Tommy's turn. He had no fantastic story to tell. He simply said, "I don't really know. I guess Christianity runs in my family - on my mother's side." It was obvious that his mother had been a positive Christian example!

Mother, are you giving your children a Christian example in the way you talk to them and pray with them? Are you presenting a Christian example in how you love their father and in how you love the Lord and his Church? Do they see Christ in your unending love, your patience, your concern for others, and your encouragement of them? One of the greatest gifts you can offer your children is to be the kind of person you want them to be.

Your Time:

The second thing you must give your child is your time! Each one of us knows how hectic life is these days. There are more demands on us and our time than ever before. And the sad result of all the time-consuming activity in our society is that we leave such precious little time for our children.

As Psalm 127 says, "Children are a gift from the Lord." They are a gift which must be nourished, cared for, trained, and disciplined. And that takes time - lots of time. Children must take priority over social engagements, clubs, adult activities, and in some cases, even work. Your children need you more than they need clothes. They need you more than they need a new bicycle or more toys. They need you - your time, your attention, and your affection - more than they need any other thing on earth.

That's true, isn't it? Motherhood, as well as fatherhood, is a full-time job - a full-time opportunity, one which demands many sacrifices. One of the finest things you can possibly give your children, Mother, is your time, because in giving your time, you give yourself.

So we see that this special day demands special gifts. All of us children should give honor to our mothers in what we say and do. Unmarried children who are living at home should give obedience to their mothers. Mom, your children will be looking for you to show them the kind of person they should be - and to give them your time. These are the most precious gifts of Mother's Day.

Mothers, we thank God for you, for all that you do, for the kindness you show, for the love you give, and for the example you are. We love you with all our hearts!May God bless you on this, your special day! Happy Mother’s day!