Summary: This is the 97th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 28th sermon from 1 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#97]


1 Corinthians 15:35-58


There are many in this room who are in some sort of physical pain. I know that it is God who gets me through each Sunday. Some weeks, I am in a lot of pain; but God gets me through every week. I bring this subject up because Christians are going to get a new body. This passage shows us a comparison of the physical body and the spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:35-38

Your old body versus your new body is compared to…

1. A seed versus a plant.

There are some who are skeptical, and they ask questions about what the resurrection body looks like. Paul gives a gardening comparison- A seed versus a plant. A seed looks nothing like the plant will look. God is the Gardener, and we are the seed.

1 Corinthians 15:39-41

* There are different types of seeds.

Paul tells us that there are different types of flesh- There is human flesh, animal’s flesh, birds, fish, etc…

1 Corinthians 15:42-44

* The weak seed versus the strong plant.

The seed is sown in dishonor because we are born into the nature of sin. This seed is weak just as our bodies are. The spiritual body is strong; without any blemishes.

1 Corinthians 15:45-50

Your old body versus your new body is compared to…

2. The First Adam versus the Last Adam.

Adam was the 1st human, and he was created in God’s own image. Adam was made from the earth, while Jesus, (the last Adam) was made from Heaven. Our earthly bodies, (that are flesh and blood) cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Your current body is flawed; but your heavenly body will not be.

1 Corinthians 15:51-57

Your old body versus your new body is compared to…

3. The perishable versus the imperishable.

There will be a day when the trumpet will sound, and the Archangel will shout; and the dead in Christ will rise. Those Christians who have died will be raised into the air to meet Jesus; and then those Christians who are still living will be raised up to meet Jesus in the air.

Our earthly bodies are perishable. That means that they do not last forever. Something that is perishable breaks down; and the longer it breaks down, the worse it gets. Our resurrected bodies are going to last forever- They are imperishable. Because of this, death is defeated. Through Jesus, we have victory- Sin can no longer kill us because Jesus has defeated sin.


1 Corinthians 15:58

What a perfect closing verse- Stand firm, never letting anything move you; and give yourself completely to God. Christians, don’t quit. Your work for God is not wasted.