Summary: On tv they have a show house flipper They make it look easy They take a house fix it up and then resale it Sometimes they make a lot of money Sometimes the cost goes over budget and they don’t make as mush Determined by how much restoration is needed.

Restore unto me the Joy of my Salvation

Psalms 51:12

On tv they have a show house flipper

They make it look easy

They take a house fix it up and then resale it

Sometimes they make a lot of money

Sometimes the cost goes over budget and they don’t make as mush

Determined by how much restoration is needed.

But in this Psalm 51

David had come to a low place in his life.

At one time he had victory after victory and experienced a great Joy in the things of God.

Seen God make a way where there was no way.

He had fallen to the very lowest point in His life.

Discouraged, disappointed, confused.

He had made bad decisions

How did I get here?

How could I let this happen?

David cries out restore to me the Joy of my salvation!

What is the Joy of my Salvation?

Assurance that I’m Going to Heaven

Joy of knowing God will make away where there seems to be no way

Joy of seeing God move in my life in ways that I know is not chance or coincidence.

Not the Joy of the world

that leaves me empty, broken, discouraged with no hope.

Not the absence of problems but the assurance that God is with me!!

The Joy of my salvation.

We often times get so busy in life or ministry and we can begin to focus on everyone else.

In ministry we often time hear of problem after problem.

We can be reading our bible, praying, worshiping doing all the right things but it seems as if something is missing.

We want others to experience the joy of salvation to grow to a greater degree.

We start trying to fix their problems help with their problems pray for their problems and if we are not careful their problems can become our problems.

We can get weighted down with a heaviness we were not designed to carry.

I can’t fix their problems I can’t fix my own problems but I do know the one who can!

The only thing we can do is take them to the problem solver JESUS!!

In order for the other person to grow and change they must deal with their situation and learn who is the source for their problems.


We often focus on things we cannot change.

We can waste a lot of time mentally, physically, emotionally

In the story of the prodigal son we see that the son made bad decisions.

We all have made bad decisions in life

Because of his decisions he eventually ended up in a pig pen, a place of mess

He wallowed around the pig pen until he finally came to realize enough is enough I’m getting out.

Only you can make the choice of when to get out of the pig pen.

Came back to the Father and was restored.


can be very costly depending on how far something has gone

It is easier to perform regular maintenance on something than to neglect it and then try to catch up and restore it.


How we view the situation

Years ago we would go to the store with very little money, we would sit in the parking lot and pray before we went in the list was bigger than the wallet, we would pray over the list we would pray over the wallet.

In the beginning it was somewhat troubling, but each time God would somehow come through for us.

We would find a coupon or a special

The pack of tortillas had 24 instead of 20

We would go through the store and get the items we needed we would get to the cashier and wonder what are we going to have to put back. This can be an awkward embarrassing moment. Each time we able to get everything on the list and often times come with in pennies of what we had in the wallet.

After a while we began to get an excitement and Joy how is he going to do it this time.

Because each and every time we went to the Father the Father always came through!!

It is if the Father said don’t worry I’ve got this one!

Our Joy in the Lord began to grow and grow as we focused on the Father rather than the situation.

We knew the Father would take care of us as if He was saying I’m here!!!

We might not have everything we wanted or everything others had materially, but we had the Father and He had us!! And He meet every need!

Ex. We pray for a new car, house, or something.

We get it in the beginning we are excited happy God has blessed me! We show everybody.

But now the payments start coming at first it’s not a problem but it seems at about the half way point it becomes a little more difficult, and the closer you get to paying it off the more difficult it seems to be what started as a blessing now changes into a burden.

Are we going to start complaining or thank Jesus I’m half way there if you brought me this far you will take me the rest of the way?

You didn’t bring us this far to leave us!

Songs we would sing:


Old songs you can’t play those songs kill the people.

Simple songs with a powerful message.

Songs we could sing wherever we were without a 5pc band

But in those old song were very important principals that taught us something and reminded us of something.

In the children church we would teach the kids these songs.

Now I wonder was it for the kids or for us.

At the cross at the cross where I first saw the light.

Where the burdens of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight and NOW I am happy all the day

I’ve Got the Joy Like a River, Joy Like a River in my soul,

Down on my knees when trouble comes, I pray to Jesus he understands He promised me to set me free when I go down, down, down on my knees


After a while we start to hold on to things.

Try to fix thing on our own

Just like the prodigal we can wallow in the pig pen stay there or do our part and know when to let go and give it to Jesus.

My kids are a mess

My marriage is a mess

My Job is a mess

My life is a mess

We can get bitter, burdened, complaining

Becomes my, my, my


Not the removal of responsibility:

But the shift that what I cannot control I will surrender to you.

In the Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart O God,

renew a right spirit within me,

don’t cast me away from your presence,

don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.

Another words do what you must I’m giving it all to you.

But give me a clean heart

Renew my spirit

Keep me in your presence

Don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.

And then Restore to me the Joy of my Salvation!!




you tube: reconnect fellowship