Summary: Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decisions.


INTRODUCTION: Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decisions.

Surely, there must be someone here who needs help making a decision. How many are good decision makers? On what basis do you make your decisions? How will you present life be affected or your eternity? What constitutes a good decision? obtaining beauty? wealth? power? prestige?

Have you ever made a bad decision? Will you make more? Will you learn from experience? What are the consequences?


A. Bad Decisions

1. Eve Gen. 3:1-8

Factor(s): To be as gods --> wise; good for food; pleasant to the eyes.

Decision: She took, did eat, and gave to Adam. She chose to rebel.

Result: Human race cursed --> die Cain --> murderer

2. Achan Joshua 6:16-19 Joshua 7:1-11; 19-26

Factor(s): I saw, I coveted, I took. Quick money and success.

Decision: To take. Acted on lust.

Result: 36 men die at Ai. Achan and family die.

3. Saul I Sam 13:5-14 I Sam 15:3; 20-26

Factor(s): Pride, Pressured by people

Decision: Disobeyed, intruded into the office of the priest.

Result: Rejected, Lost his Kingdom, Suicide, Death of his sons.

4. Solomon

Factor(s): Pleasure, Wealth

Decision: Women, Riches, other gods, indulgence

Result: Uncertain eternity, Kingdom split under his son.

5. Belshazzar Daniel 5

Factor(s): Pleasure, wine, women, other gods

Decision: Dishonor God profaning vessels

Result: Kingdom lost v. 28; Death v. 30 "Thou fool, this night" Luke 12:20

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

6. Jonah Chapters 1 & 2

Factor(s): Pride in ministry, easy way out

Decision: Go the other way

Result: Swallowed by a great fish

7. Judas Matthew 27:3-5

Factor(s): Money, impatient for the kingdom

Decision: Sold out, betrayal

Result: Death by suicide, lost place in Kingdom

8. Pilate John 18:29 John 19:12-16

Factor(s): Pressured by people, power, position

Decision: Delivered Christ for crucifixion

Result: History says --> insanity

9. Demas II Timothy 4:10

Factor(s): Loved this present world

Decision: Forsook Christ and Paul

Result: Preached as a backslider for hundreds of years

The factors that influenced these individuals are the very things preachers warn you and I of constantly. Why? Just look at the results!!!!!!

B. Good Decisions

1. Enoch Genesis 5:21 -24

Factor(s): Desired to please God

Decision: Walked with God

Result: Pleased God Heb 11:5 and was translated

2. Joshua Joshua 24:15; Numbers 14:24 --> 29 --> 38

Factor(s): Godly desires, different spirit

Decision: To serve the Lord

Result: Died in the Lord with honor at 110 yrs old (24:29)

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps 116:15

3. Ruth Ruth 1:14-18

Factor(s): Godly friendship

Decision: To go with God's people.

Result: Wife to Boaz, a wealthy, godly man. Great grandmother to David.

In the lineage of Christ. Matt. 1

4. Joseph Gen 37

Factor(s): Dreamed (17 yrs.old) --> despised

At Potiphar's house Gen 39:9-13 --> flee youthful lusts

Prison Gen 39:22

Decision: Would not sin against God.

Result: Prime minister Gen 41:37 (14 yrs later)

"I am Joseph" Gen 45:1-4 Cared for his family.

5. Daniel Daniel 6:3

Factor(s): Excellent spirit in him

Decision: Prayed on in spite of opposition

Result: God delivered from den of lions --> prospered v. 28

6. Moses Heb 11:25-29

7. Peter, Paul, and other disciples

Choose you this day !!!!!!! Choose Christ !!!!!!! Let Jesus help in your decisions of life.