Summary: There is a huge difference in the facts and how we feel about things. Sometimes we can allow our feelings to manipulate the facts. This sermon helps to bring light on the difference.

Good morning!

If you will remain standing for the reading

Before we get started, let’s pray for

- Romans 3:24-26

24. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. 

25. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past,

26. for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.

Let’s pray

- Today we’re going to be talking about Truth and FACTS

“What is the truth?” and “why does the truth matter in my life?”

Today’s Title is

“Facts and Feelings”

Can you tell the difference?

It takes a very deep level of maturity

To be able to tell the difference between these 2

And even STILL we can let Feelings deceive us

If we FEEL strongly enough about something

We will automatically label it as “Truth”

Even if it’s not

We can

Read something online

Watch something on the News

Hear something from a friend

And if it “feeds” what we want to


The way we want to see it

Or how we FEEL

We will label it as Truth

Now some of you are saying


“That’s right!”

And you can’t even see that you do it too

This Sermon today isn’t going to make me friends

But that’s ok,

If at some point you don’t get upset with me

Or get challenged, or eve offended

I’m not doing my job

But before you get Upset

Stay with me, I think today will do you some good

No matter who you

Voted for

Democrat or Republican

News outlet you watch

Listen closely… it’s good you’re sitting down

We have the capacity to be WRONG

There’s no way 100% of your sources are RIGHT!

This is Statistically Impossible!

I know stating these Facts might get you all up in your Feelings

Now that we got that out of the way

Jesus tells us that you are blessed when you hunger for righteousness - Matthew 5:6

Or In other words

when you have a deep desire to be right with God.

NOT Man… But God

He promises that when you have this sort of hunger or thirst - you will be filled!

In order to embrace today’s passages,

It is first critical to understand an important concept

The concept of “truth.”

What is “Truth”

A truth is something that is a reality whether anyone knows about it or not.

There have been many truths throughout history that were “discovered.”

Gravity and the other laws of physics have only been discovered in the past couple hundred years,

In spite of the fact that they have always existed.

Truths exist outside of knowledge.

They are not dependent on human understanding or belief.

A truth has always been true and will always be true.

However, in the second half of the 20th century, people started to disrupt this understanding of the idea of truth.

Truth became “relative” as people began to believe more often that their beliefs have an effect on truth.

We see this daily in the

Social media platforms

News (no matter which one you listen to)

In the last few years -  people have started to think that their feelings are their truth. 

This is the exact opposite

Facts and Truth do not change based on Feelings

BUT just because Facts don’t change according to Feelings

Doesn’t mean that Feelings aren't real.

They are

Beliefs exist.

But that does not mean they are the truth.

A person can believe they can fly (SING: I believe I can Fly)

Or feel like they don’t need to breathe anymore in order to survive -

But that does not have any effect on reality.

Humans cannot fly without mechanical intervention,

You can jump out of a plane and for a moment FEEL

Like you’re flying,


Certain Humans can hold their breath as long as

24 minutes and 3 seconds.

But simply put, Humans cannot defy the truth that they must breath to survive.

If you take this understanding of truth and apply it to your understanding of the promises in the Bible, you will realize that the scriptures you read are making truth statements.

You are



You have peace.

You stand in grace.

You have hope.

These truth statements don’t come with question marks or conditions other than WHAT? - - - - FAITH!!!

If you have faith - they are yours.

So your FAITH can literally change Fiction in to FACT!

And there are many more truths in the bible about your identity. - - You are loved.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made.

You are an image-bearer of God. 

These statements do not take your feelings into account.

They do not change if you aren’t feeling them on a certain day or if you have doubts

They are true of you ALL THE TIME!

- Whether you’re having a good day or a bad day,

Whether you’ve sinned recently, or someone has hurt you.

They are true of you if you ask for forgiveness or if you don’t. And if you stand in these truths, you have a new identity.

An identity built on a Truth/Fact

That does not change when you don’t Feel it

This is not an easy thing to remember -

Most people do not live as if these statements are true very often.

In the psychology world this is called

Imposter Syndrome

This means: you don’t feel like you’ve earned what you have

It can feel like you’re “playing a role”

Instead of fulfilling your Purpose

Can I be transparent with you today?

Sometimes I feel this way

All the blessing God has given me and

I feel like

I’ve somehow cheated the system

Because I most times can only see what I’ve done wrong (PAST)

And not what God has done in/through me

I feel like an imposter

Like a thief living in someone else’s blessing

So what can we do?

Ask God to help you to live more and more in HIS TRUTH

There is an alignment process that begins to shape our entire lives,

including the hurts we have experienced..

But when we accept these truths and start living in Facts, not manipulated by our feelings

We have a new identity - and

A newfound strength to live at peace with others and to rest in this Truth, allowing us to see ourselves differently

Today’s Challenge:

I’m giving you homework

Write down how you feel about yourself

Now write down facts that God says about you

Let’s take it a step further (Others)

Write down how you feel about someone (conflict)

Now write down FACTS God says about your enemy

1. Ephesians 6:12

12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

You will not starting seeing victory until you can properly see your TRUE enemy

No matter how you FEEL about them

The FACT remains, when you allow your

Feelings/Emotions Control you,

You give a foothold to the ENEMY to manipulate you

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace

Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.

You say you’re undeserving

You are right!

But you can also declare over yourself that you have been


Because of your WHAT??!! YOUR FAITH

No matter how you Feel

You can have peace in the Facts

You are redeemed

You are cherished

You are loved

And You have a PURPOSE!!!

And there is NO Feelings in there world

That can change these Facts

It is, what it is

With ever head bowed…