Summary: What are we without "Legacy"? What are we leaving behind to the generation after us? Today we're going to be going through some steps and blockers of building a lasting legacy. 7 Legacy blockers and 10 ways to build powerful legacy.

If you will remain standing for the Reading

- 2 Kings 13:20-21

20 Then Elisha died and was buried.

Groups of Moabite raiders used to invade the land each spring. 

21 Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the corpse into the tomb of Elisha and fled. But as soon as the body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man revived and jumped to his feet!

Let’s pray

Father, thank you for allowing us to make it through another year

-Show slide of BABY

So our church sponsored a local family and

The mother of this family had her baby

Give yourself a hand clap!

I am so glad to be a part of a giving Church

So today is day number 2 of our 21 day fast


Videos every day with the daily prayer focus

Today’s title is “Living for Legacy”

What are you leaving behind?

More important

What will you be taking with you into the New year

Every year we find ourselves

Making a new years resolution

Declaring we’re going to get better at something

We’re going to be a better parent

I’m going to quit smoking

Or quit drinking

I’m going to eat better

Get a gym membership

Pray more

Read my bible more

Has anyone every done this?

We get to the end of the year and declare

“I WILL CHANGE…. Or do…” Fill in the BLANK?We have the BEST intentions

These are great goals

And it’s beneficial to set goals

But today I want you to view your goals a little differently


What I want to do

But WHO I want to become

And even further, WHO I want to be like

When life begins to squeeze you

What is inside of you

Is what will come out

Who you are inside will be

What pours out of you

-What do you see when you look in the mirror?

-Who are you when no one is around?

If we’re honest, at some point

We have ALL looked at ourselves in the mirror

And didn’t like what we saw

If we fashion our






After the world

We cannot expect to have a spiritual outcome

Let’s talk about LAGACY

What is “LEGACY”

an amount of money or property left to someone in a will.

So it’s something that you LEAVE behind you

For the next person AFTER you

So that they will have a better Future

It changes your focus from

What can I get

To what can I leave

Have you ever been

- Living life

Spending money

Raising kids

Coming to church

Going to your job

We do these “tasks” for years

It’s just “How life is”

We get into a routine that works for us

We like things that we can depend on

We like our “Knowns”

We stick to our routine

But, if we’re not careful

Our Routine will become our RUT

And this will eventually become our GRAVE

But then somewhere along the way life becomes




You may want to STOP

Take a step back and check your

Motives and


Are you living for Today only?

Or are you Living for Legacy to give the

Generations after you a better Future?

- So let's talk LEGACY BLOCKERS

7 Legacy blockers:

Lack of focus. Tristen doing 8 things at once and Nothing gets finished

Living the life others want you to live.

When you live according to others, you’ll lose yourself

Bitterness, anger, and fear.

These 3 things are the Joy and Purpose Stealer


Take in without giving out

Being a consumer instead of a contributor

Urgencies that take the push back or suppress priorities.

Distracted by things that shouldn’t take priority

Giving priority to things that will yield the least amount of profit/outcome


Nothing great EVER happens when there’s minimal risk


“It won’t matter.”

Giving up before you even start

Living by someone else’s or Society’s definition of Who you should be.

The only definition you need to worry about is that one Defined by God

You are His child

What you’re doing matters

Who you are Matters

One more time for those taking notes

7 Legacy blockers:

Lack of focus.

Living the life others want you to live.

Bitterness, anger, and fear.


Urgencies that push back or suppress priorities.


Defeatism. “It won’t matter.”

Build legacy by eliminating behaviors and attitudes that dilute impact.

It’s not enough to add positive behaviors; eliminate bad.

The only time to build legacy is now.

The only way to change legacy is to change things NOW.

Something I have learned

If you’re always waiting for the Perfect time to do something

Waiting for that Perfect Moment to ACT

You’ll be waiting your whole life and

Never Accomplish anything

So we’ve addressed the hard stuff

What can block leaving a Legacy

- Now let’s talk about how to BUILD a Legacy

10 ways to build powerful legacy:

Dare to be joyful. (The Joy of the Lord) Serve in ways that bring you joy. = Strength and Fulfillment

Angry, unhappy people do not leave legacies, they leave problems

Monitor your impact on others.

What are you doing when you make the biggest difference? Do MORE of that.

Develop and maximize your talent, strengths, and skills. Know yourself – Bring what you have to the Table.

DO NOT COMPARE - Comparing Kills calling

This is why we have our growth track, to know yourself better spiritually and to figure out where you can serve the BEST and find your purpose

Do what matters now.

Everyone who’s at the end of their life says it goes by fast.

Don’t waste precious time

We are not promise tomorrow so make TODAY count

Seize small opportunities.

No one just wakes up one day and is a millionaire

No one EVER just pops out of bed - Wow I know scripture

That why we have the challenge of 15

Only 15 minutes a day

Small step matter most

They always lead to bigger gains/more increase

Start with those closest to you and the ones you spend the most time with.

World changers start by making a difference in their own




Bring your best self

Wake up every morning expecting to make a difference

Bring your “A” game to the table EVERY day (good attitude) You can’t speak life with negativity

If you believe you’re going to make a difference, so will everyone else

If you doubt you can make a difference, so will everyone else

Whether you think you CAN or CAN’T, either way you’re right

Think service NOT success.

Your life, your gifts, talents. They’re not just for you to enjoy

Living for Legacy takes the focus off of you and points it to Others

That was the life of Jesus (didn’t live for himself)


Don’t run around building a legacy.

Run around making a difference.

Living with purpose and serving others, not yourself

Elevate the needs of others over your own.

Change from being ME centered to You Centered

This will change the way you respond to specific situations

You’ll see people from the perspective of Jesus like you have never seen before

A new level of compassion

- Charles Dickens said this

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”

^ Reflection

- What is holding you back from leaving behind a Legacy?

What do you need to start making a difference

How will you create ripples in the waters

If we are not concerned about who is replacing us

We are Dishonoring God with our lives

- Matthew 28:19-20

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The last words Jesus spoke to His disciples about

“Living for Legacy”

Not to just be proud and content for the “NOW”

But to Prepare for what’s to come when you’re gone

Just like Elisha

His life was already done

Because he was a Servant of God

Even in his death

Life was restored

This event is a foreshadowing of what Jesus did on the cross

In His death, Life is given, Freely

With Every head bowed