Summary: How should the death & resurrection of Jesus change us? The purpose of the death of Christ is to empower us live a life for Him



[Romans 14:7-9]

When Jesus was crucified on the Cross and raised again on the third day, He won the victory over sin and death. That victory has a life changing purpose for those who have truly placed their faith in Christ.

How should the death & resurrection of Jesus change us? The purpose of the death of Christ is to empower us live a life for Him (CIT).

Easter holds a whole lot more for you than just a special Sunday for family meals. Easter is about coming alive. We are going to look at who Jesus died for, the purpose behind His death and then what are the implications for us.

Our text is one of those heart and soul passages in the Bible. This passage explains the true purpose of the life and death of Jesus. But it doesn’t stop there. It also explains the purpose of that death for those who place their faith in Him.

I hope today’s message will get through to us so that we will be inspired to make some changes in our life. What would cause us to change the way we live? The love Christ demonstrated in His death for you has the power to change you. For those who come to the conclusion that Christ died for them so that they might die to self, the love of Christ urges them to live for Christ.



Verse 14 provides for us a conclusion that Christ died for us that we all might die to self. “For the love of Christ controls us, (holds us together) having concluded this, that one died for (on behalf of) all, therefore (consequently) all died;

The love of Christ “compelled” [sunéchei] Paul and those who served with him. Quote John 3:16. There is no wider, deeper, higher, or greater love than the love of Christ and such love should direct and motive our new life.

Why was a life of self-pleasing impossible for Paul? Because of the supreme example and motivation of his Lord dying for all. God’s beloved Son Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could have eternal life with God. There could be no greater motivation than that to reach people for Christ. Jesus gave His life for you! You are loved by God and each of use have un-summed value to Him.

The love Christ has shown for us compels us to love and serve Him, because when He died sin’s penalty was paid. For we who live in the Spirit have died because of His death to the self-life that through the power of His resurrection we might live to please Him. We have been motivated to do so by the love of Christ. Quote Romans 5:8. “but God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Oh that “the love of Christ” would “control us!” Not the standards of this world or the opinions of men, not the philosophies of man, but that the love of Christ would control us! It is not my love for Him that could control me, but His love for me & others! Oh that Christ's love would stream through my life and direct it where He pleases!

How did this controlling love of Christ occur? Paul had become captivated by encountering a love that would carry Jesus to the cross of calvary. He experienced and was bound by Christ's love in His atoning sacrifice for mankind. What brings such love to bear is believing and experiencing it, then we will respond to it with our life. In order for Christ's love to constrain us we must view Christ’s crucifixion like the faithful apostle did. The great softener that melts men's hearts is the great proof that Jesus loves me, He died for me, and I died with Him. When Christ died, we died in Him and therefore the old life should have no hold on us today. "I am crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20). He died for me, and He died for you! [Huper -?pe?- instead of, on behalf of, is used in the sense of substitution -Jn. 11:50, Gal. 3: 13.] He experienced the agony of hell on behalf of us so that we will not have to experience the agony of Hell. He died the death we should have died, took the penalty of our sins and bore them in our place and took the doom that should have been ours. And now by our identification with Him we too can die to a life controlled by the flesh and live by His constraining love. Yes He dies for all because He died for each, but why did He die for me? Love! A love so great He laid down His life for me, for us (Jn. 15:13).

This understanding of Christ's love for Paul held him together or constrained him and kept him on task whatever men may say or do. The great compelling motive, the force and drive in his life since his conversion was the love of Christ. Not the love that originates in himself but the love which originates in Christ. We love because He first loved us (1 Jn. 4:19).

[I heard of a successful insurance SALESMAN. He succeeded because he saw everyone he met as a potential client-even when he went to church. But when he was saved, he began to see people differently. He saw the church goers as brothers and sisters in Christ and the unsaved as people in need of Jesus. He no longer viewed everyone as his walking retirement plan.

We see people differently when we believer in Christ and are born again. We look at them through new eyes because we have become a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).

Before his Damascus-road experience, Paul saw Jesus Christ as a threat and His followers as enemies. He spearheaded a fierce persecution of Christians. But after his conversion, Paul saw Christ as He is-the Son of God and Savior of all who believe. Before, he had evaluated Jesus through the eyes of flesh; after, he saw Him through the eyes of one who had been spiritually restored.

How do you view people? Do you look at them through the eyes of the world? Do you think about how you could use them, or outdo them, or get them to serve you? If so, it's time to stop regarding them "according to the flesh' and begin to see them through new eyes. When you open your heart to the Lord, He will open your heart to the lost.]

Not only are we to be compelled by His love, we are to be:


Verse 15 tells us the purpose of Christ’s death for us. “and He died for (for the sake of) all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for (for the sake of) Him who died and rose again on their behalf.”

Jesus died that we might live [in Him, by Him and] for Him. He went down into the darkness that we might walk in the light. Yes, Christ died so that we might have forgiveness of sin, but He also died and rose again that we might live “for Him,” and not for ourselves. It has been said that Christ died our death for us that we might live His life for Him. If a lost sinner has been to the cross and been saved, how can he spend the rest of his life in selfishness?

In 1858 Frances Ridley HAVERGAL visited Germany with her father who was getting treatment for his afflicted eyes. While in a pastor's home, she saw a picture of the Crucifixion on the wall, with the words under it: "I did this for thee. What has thou done for Me?" Quickly she took a piece of paper and wrote a poem based on that thought; but she was not satisfied with it, so she threw the paper into the fireplace. The paper came out unharmed! Later, her father encouraged her to publish it; and we sing it today to a tune composed by Philip P. Bliss.

I gave My life for thee,

My precious blood I shed,

That thou might'st ransomed be,

And quickened from the dead;

I gave, I gave My life for thee,

What hast thou given for Me?

Only a risen victorious Savior has the power to bestow His redemption. By His death He put an end to the law which barred our way and by His resurrection He made a new beginning, a new life for us. But this new life is not to be lived like the old life, it is not to be lived for ourselves. Our new life is to transform us into the image of Christ. Did Christ live for Himself? No, He lived for us! He made our concerns His and asks us to make His concerns ours. We not only have a duty because of His death for us, we have power to do so because of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10). The abundant life is available to all who will but surrender to His Lordship.

Charles T. Studd also gave himself without reservation to Christ. He was born into a wealthy British family in 1862. He became an outstanding cricket player, most notably at Cambridge University. In his third year at the university, he was converted at a Moody-Sankey meeting and dedicated his life to Christ. Author Stanley Collins explains, "The world was at his feet, as had been forecast and expected, when suddenly the whole picture changed... He announced he was giving away his personal fortune, leaving the world of sports, and becoming a missionary to China." Studd was forced to return to England 9 years later in 1894. A few years later, a growing burden led him to begin plans to open Africa from the Nile to the Niger for Missions. He left for the continent in 1910, and in 1919 he established the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade. Studd explained his motivation in these words: "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice that I make can be too great for Him.” You may serve without loving, but you cannot love without serving.

We do not engage in missionary work simply because of Jesus' commanded us to go, but because God so loved the sinful world that He devised a means to redeem it. We go to tell it because the plan of salvation is indeed good news. The love of God, poured into our hearts, obligates us to share that converting love with those who remain lost in sin.

May God's love for the world move us to go with His love to the world. That's the highest motivation. May we reach out to a world in need with the Word it needs.

[While President Harry S. Truman was in office, there was an attempt made to assassinate him. Endeavoring to protect the President, one of the guards was slain. With deep solemnity and sadness, the President commented, "You can't understand how a man feels when somebody else dies for him."

I would think, after such an experience, that the remainder of life would become very special. After all, without the self-sacrifice of that guard, the President would not have had those remaining years. Each day would seem very precious, its having been purchased for him by the shedding of another man's blood.

Thinking of the cross we may all too casually utter the words, "He died for me.” Do I see the suffering Savior dying for me, or more for the whole human race, than for us particularly?

In the old spiritual, "Were You There?", some meaningful questions are raised. This song is asking if we saw Him crucified, nailed to the cross? Did we see the earth plunged into darkness when the sun refused to shine? Did we see Him laid io the tomb? Such

contemplation of soul "causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble," so the song goes,

Once I am gripped by this sight of Him who "there on the cross was wounded for me," the remainder of life takes on a new and different meaning. Hershel L. Dyer]


Are you growing in Christ because of His life being lived through your life? Do you know and experience the love of Christ for you? Do you know and believe that you had a place in His heart when He hung on the cross for the salvation of the World?

Have you returned His love with yours? Is the love of Christ the supreme motive which urges you to the good and restraints you from the bad? Is Jesus' love the magnet that draws, the anchor that steadies, the fortress that defends, the light that illumines, the treasure that enriches? Is His love the law that commands, and the power the enables?

Then you are blessed, no matter what people may say about you, your life is well pleasing to God, to the Christ who is the One who will ultimately judge you and them.

Does Your Life Reflect the Easter Story? Your life can be an expression of the truths of the Easter story by allowing the Holy Spirit to live the life of Christ through you.

[The Bible says, “…if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11).]

Easter is about coming alive. Your life can be an expression of the truths of the Easter Story, if you will die to self by the power of the Cross so that Holy Spirit can bring resurrection life to you. Will you crucify the flesh, the old man that Christ might live through you?

Let your life reflect its own Easter story. Live a life that reflects having been redeemed by the blood of Christ, a life that is born again, a spirit that is dead to sin but now alive to Christ. Choose to live a life that has given Jesus Christ full permission to take up full residence through the Holy Spirit within your heart.

The redemptive death of Christ and the power of His resurrection can connect us to the life of Christ. God’s call for you is simply, live no longer to please self, but live a life that reflects the truths of Easter, God’s redemptive work in your life.

[Pastor Rick Warren told a story of a couple who knew that their purpose was to serve the Lord in all they did, found real meaning for their lives, and enjoyed the benefits of it. This true story finds its place in Bodaga Bay, just north of San Francisco. In this town was a Christian couple who owned and ran a little deli in a store. There also lived a homeless man, in fact he was the town tramp, his name was Garland. Garland dressed poorly, acted a little strange and slept in the city park.

Being Christians, Ken and His wife C.J., owners of the little Deli befriended Garland by offering him food and many kind words over many years. When the Deli was broken into, the entire town blamed Garland.

But Ken and C.J. knew that it wasn’t Garland, so they prepared a very expensive gift basket for Garland and gave it to him in hopes to assure him of their trust in Him.

The very next morning the police showed up with Garland and the expensive gift basket, feeling certain they had caught the burglar of the store. The police had words with Ken and C.J and after confirming that the basket was a gift from them, they let Garland go. A few days later Garland died in the park.

Not long after Garland’s death, Ken and C.J. were called to an attorney’s office. It seems that Garland had left a will giving everything he owned to Ken and C.J. Garland owned a traveling bag. In the traveling bag was a Bible and there was a placed clearly marked, so that whoever would find it could read these brightly marked Scripture;

‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I needed clothes and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you came to visit Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and invite You in, or needing clothes and clothe You? When did we see You sick or in prison and go to visit You?’ The King will reply [referring to Jesus] ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’…. (Matt. 25:35-40)

Ken and C.J. found and understood the meaning of life by allowing the Holy Spirit of Christ to live through them. Not only did they have meaning in their walk with the Lord, they experienced the blessings of living a life of obedience to their Lord.

In the traveling bag, was a bank book along with a legal will which was used to mark Matthew 5:35-40 which was the Scripture I just read. That bank book led them to savings accounts which held three million dollars, and which put Ken and C. J. in great financial position to help many more people like Garland. Garland had hidden wealth that nobody knew about.]

When Jesus hung on the Cross with His arms stretched out, most of those who looked at Him knew nothing of the wealth that He has for the children of God. The Bible says, He was the Creator of the universe, He owns a cattle upon a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10) The most valuable gift that Christ can offer goes unnoticed by most people in this world which is eternal life and a close personal relationship with Him.

For those who will but ask of the Lord, He will show them His will for them. They will know their purpose as Christ knew His purpose and they will enjoy a meaningful life, a life that satisfies the soul. They will hear at the judgment seat of Christ “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”(Matthew 25:21)

Does your life have eternal meaning? Are you living self, chasing the world and the things in it or are you deceived by the devil? Does your life reflect a heart that is seeking God’s will for you? Are you enjoying all the spiritual blessings that are to be found in Christ Jesus?

Christians find their meaning when they allow the Lord to show them their Holy Spirit given gifts and use those gifts through sacrificial love. They sacrifice time, self and the pleasures of this world to develop their gifts and to exercise their gifts for the benefit of the Body of Christ.

It is by grace you must be saved through active faith. (Ephesians 2:8-10) God, in wisdom and out of His heart of compassion has given the Gift, Jesus Christ. He is not a Gift until He has been received into the heart of a repentant sinner.

Have you reached out and truly received God’s gift of grace found through Jesus Christ? Have you been freed from the from the guilt of sin, redeemed, literally set free from the bondages that can keep you out of fellowship with God, with Jesus Christ and walking in step with the Holy Ghost? Can people look at you and just know that you are one of the redeemed?


We thank You that Easter is not about a people, but all people,

that Your love and Your Salvation are for all who confess

with voices, hearts and lives that the tomb is empty because Jesus is risen,

that we might know forgiveness, that lives might be reborn

and your name glorified, now and for eternity.


Lord of Life, You defeated death to show that we can rise

from all that binds us to this fallen world:

Pride, envy, anger, fear,

that we might receive forgiveness for the debt of sin that holds us down.

You defeated death Lord of resurrection life to demonstrate a love that is beyond our understanding,

that reaches out to me, and to all who will listen, with redeeming Grace.

We give thanks to you, Lord, for you have done marvelous things!

When we were walking in darkness, you were there, you were there,

when we were kneeling in weakness, you were there,

you were there when we drew near feeling worthless

you were there when we were needing forgiveness

you were there when we were searching for your grace

You and your love have always been there for us.

We give thanks to you, Lord, for you have done marvelous things!


May the God of peace,

who brought back again from the dead our Lord Jesus,

equip you with all you need for doing his will.

May he produce in you,

through the power of Jesus Christ,

all that is pleasing to him.

To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.