Title: “Four Crazy Friends” Script: Mk. 2:1-13
Type: Expository/series Where: GNBC 3-28-22
Intro: Earlier this week someone saw my sermon title and said: “Four Crazy Friends?” Pastor, I’ve got way more than 4 crazy friends, and those are just in my family! There once were three crazy friends at the Un. Of Iowa in the 1970’s. They belonged to the hardest partying fraternity on campus. But in time, one of the young men came under the influence of a Christian campus ministry and turned to Christ. He in turn invited one of his friends to a “Navigator’s Meeting” with pizza afterwards at… True story, that friend thought he was being invited to a sailing club event! In time he fell under the influence of the Gospel. Finally, they both decided to witness to their reprobate fraternity brother who was the worst of all. Those three crazy friends became a pastor and denominational official, a missionary to Africa who translated the Bible into several languages, and a police chief who served his local church as an elder for over 40 years! Today we are going to see a familiar story of four crazy friends who literally dragged their friend to Jesus.
Prop: Everyone needs friends who are willing to risk everything to bring them to Jesus.
BG: 1. Mark’s Gospel is generally accepted as the earliest written. John Mark was the author.
2. 3 Early Church Fathers- Papias, Justin Martyr, and Clement of Alexandria all state that Mark wrote what were essentially the memoirs of Peter.
3. Assuming these were the memoirs of Peter, today’s story must have made a lasting impact on the fisherman when he reflected upon it decades later. Wasn’t just the miracle performed by the Lord, but it was those 4 crazy guys who brought their friend to Jesus!
Prop: Everyone needs friends who will risk it all to bring them to Jesus.
I. Christians Know Their Friend’s Greatest Need Was to Meet Jesus. Vv.1-3
A. This account begins with dramatic flair as 4 men carry their paralyzed friend to meet Jesus.
1. Why did these men take such a bold and radical step?
a. Illust: Apparently, Hippocrates was the first to say: “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” What does that phrase mean? When you it, you mean that actions that might seem extreme under normal circumstances are appropriate during adversity. Well, in our story today, we see 4 men take some pretty drastic measures to ensure their friend meets Jesus.
b. True faith takes risks and will stop at nothing to reach the object of faith. We saw this in the Jesus' healing of the leper, who did not allow social norms or ceremonial law to keep him from the Savior (Mark 1:40–45). He recognized the author of the law and knew that He had the power to do what the law in itself could not; thus, his approaching Jesus honored the spirit of the law, for He sought out the One to whom the law points.
2. These 4 Crazy Friends Persist in the face of setbacks.
a. This familiar account is set at a home in Capernaum, where our Lord has returned after ministering in greater Galilee (1:35–39; 2:1). This is likely the home of Simon and Andrew, the place where Jesus seems to have resided during his previous stay in Capernaum (1:21–34). By now, many people have heard of Jesus, and a crowd of people has come to the door of the home to hear Him preach the gospel (2:2).
b. Under such circumstances, it would be easy for these men to go away, hoping that Jesus will be available later to help their friend. But faith knows that tomorrow is not guaranteed, that today is the day of salvation when Jesus is present. Illust: Today for you my unsaved friend. Just a couple of weeks ago I had the honor of performing the funeral service for a 20 yrs. old fireman, killed in the line of duty. He was on his way to a class for his job. Saw an accident, stopped to offer assistance and was struck by a truck which did not stop in time. Whole life ahead of him. The older I get, one thing I become more certain of is the uncertainty of life.
B. Christians, We Need to Be Reminded that Your Friend’s Greatest Need is to Meet Jesus.
1. Illust: Is your friend depressed? Needs Jesus! Is your friend anxious? Needs Jesus! Is your friend lacking purpose? Needs Jesus! Is your friend confused about sexuality or gender? Needs Jesus! Is your friend addicted to drugs or alcohol? Needs Jesus! Did your friend’s child just die? Needs Jesus! Is your friend a sinner? Needs Jesus! Christian, are YOU convinced of that?
2. Illust: Nearly 30 yrs ago (1993) George Barna partnered with the Lutheran Hour to poll 1000’s of Christians in matters relating to personal evangelism. IN 1993 over 90% of respondents to this poll stated that sharing one’s faith was the individual responsibility of every Christian. Today that number is about 60%! One of the newest Barna research polls, entitled “Reviving Evangelism”. This report makes another shocking find: Although Millennials are some of the best trained Christians in last four generations in how to share their faith, nearly ½ of all practicing Christians of that generation don’t believe it’s right to evangelize. Almost half of Millennials (47%) agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to share one’s personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith. This is compared to a little over one-quarter of Gen X (27%), and one in five Boomers (19%)
C. Applic: Christian, do you believe your friend’s greatest need is to meet Jesus?
II. Christians Take Extra Efforts to Bring Their Friends to Jesus. (vv.3-4)
A. The Paralytic’s Friends Carried the Crippled Man to Christ.
1. We need to Remember this man’s meeting with Jesus wasn’t by chance.
a. The events we read of today occurred through the loving devotion of his close friends. They weren’t about to let slip the opportunity to bring him to Jesus, and as a result this man experienced one of the Bible’s great miracles.
b. Sometimes God acts in a person’s life because of another’s faith. It might be the faith of a grandmother or a neighbor who prays that causes God to work in a person to bring them to Christ. Sometimes its because 4 crazy friends pick you up and carry you to Christ! Think in your own life. Who was it that was praying for you? Who was it that witnessed to you? Who was it that left that tract or Bible? Do you realize it took faith on their part to pray for you or share Christ with you? Do you realize that you and I need to do that with others? (God is at work right now in Good News! PTL! People are getting saved! )
2. Consider the cooperation that ultimately led to this man’s healing and salvation.
a. Ray Ortlund Sr., famous pastor and speaker once said of this passage: IN this miracle we see the importance of unity and teamwork. 1or 2 friends could not have accomplished this on their own. “It is costly, however, to have Christian unity. In order for the four men in Mark 2 to get together to bring this paralytic to Jesus, they had to consent to go in the same direction. Otherwise they would not have succeeded. Then they had to consent to go at the same speed, and to the same place. Unity is costly for it means submitting to each other.”9 Perhaps that is the significance of the statement “When Jesus saw their faith…” (“Sharing…”, Bibliotheca Sacra, 4th Qt. 1981, p. 47)
b. This is a pretty good argument for why we all need to be in fellowship with a local body of believers. Can we individually witness as Christians? Sure. And we should. However, the demonstration of Christian unity in the Body of Christ magnifies the message in a sick world whose inhabitants are paralyzed by sin.
B. We are to take Extra Efforts today to lead someone to Christ.
1. What efforts are you and I making and taking in the lives of our lost friends?
a. Illust: Jesus laid the foundation for this principle in Mt. 5:41 – “If anyone forces you to go one mile with them, go two.” Now possibly all know the background of that statement. In time of Christ, Rome occupied Palestine. A Roman soldier could compel a boy or a man to carry his military pack 1 mile. It had to be done. However, after that mile the person could drop the pack and go on with his life. Jesus tells his disciples this statement. Literally, go the extra mile. When we literally or figuratively “go the extra mile” with people they begin to realize you love them and not merely fulfilling an obligation to serve them. Rather, serve because you love them.
b. This paralytic knew he was loved. His friends had literally gone the “extra mile” to bring him to Jesus! Christian, are you willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of the Gospel? Are you willing to do more than your “duty” are you willing to demonstrate love? Even then, may not always be received well. Illust: When I was in seminary there was an M.Div student, Bart Chlan. Bart was 29 yrs old. Left a job in Federal Govt. to become a missionary to Italy. Manager a car parts store in Columbia while putting self through seminary. There met a homeless man. Offered the man to stay with him until got on his feet. One night the man, who had been doing well, got high and stabbed Bart to death while he was asleep. A friend of Carol’s, Ted Stump, found the body. He and Bart had planned to go out witnessing that afternoon.
2. Are you and I taking any Extra Effort to Lead Another Person to Christ?
a. This can be costly. It certainly was for the four friends of the paralytic. Cost time. Jobs? Family? Physical exertion? Reputation? Embarrassed? Think of what it cost Bart Chlan?
b. Being willing to go “the extra mile” carrying your enemy’s pack while being potentially subject to his (her) insults and threats takes an extraordinary amount of grace, patience, forgiveness, and generosity. Only someone whose heart is fully set on the Kingdom of God can do that. Probably very few of us would volunteer to do that. Let me ask you friend, is there a person like that whom God has appointed to be in your or my life and we need make Christ a reality in theirs?
C. Applic: Christian, is there someone you are intentionally making an effort with to lead to Christ? Is God asking you to go an extra mile in seeing that man or woman come to Christ?
III. Xstians Attempt to Remove Hindrances that Keep Their Friends from Meeting Jesus. (vv. 3-4)
A. Consider the Hindrances that Had to Be Overcome for these 4 Men to Bring their friend to Christ.
1. What were the hindrances?
a. Think about the passage: There was the immobility of the man. He was a paralytic. Paralysis. Paralyzed to some degree. Couldn’t walk. Had to be carried. We do not know the distance, but even four men carrying a stretcher is hard work, especially in a hot climate with hilly terrain. Getting to the house where Jesus was teaching there was a huge crowd. The crowd was pushing in on the Savior so much that the men couldn’t even get their friend through the crowd. Illus: I realize we are Iowans. Iowa isn’t known for crowds. But have you ever been in a massive crowd? Maybe a major city? The L in Chicago? Sporting event? In line for a concert? Can feel like all movement is constricted.
b. Illust: Let me just encourage you, Christian. You are presently witnessing to a friend. You need to expect hindrances. You need to expect lunch appointments that get cancelled, or cars that get flat tires or children that get sick, or… you name it. Why? Satan doesn’t want your friend to come to Christ. In this instance, the very crowd that had come to see Christ were an impediment for the paralytic to meet Christ! Maybe they ask you a question don’t know answer to. Ok. Don’t panic. Maybe need to learn some apologetics. Maybe need to grow more. Ok. Be persistent. Their soul matters.
2. The Dedicated Friends demonstrate incredible tenacity in getting the paralytic to Christ.
a. “Homes at that time did not have roofs like your house or mine. The roofs were made with branches that were laid across the ceiling beams. The branches were packed with mud that dried in the sun. They were sturdy enough to walk on, but could be dug through. Often, there were outside staircases leading up to the rooftops. When the men approached the house, and saw that the people were packed in like sardines, they knew that the five of them would never make it in through the front door. Now, most people may have given up right there. But these men did not! They were SO SURE that Jesus could heal their friend that they did something drastic. They climbed up onto the roof - still carrying their friend. They dug right through that dried mud roof! Do you think the people who were standing right below where the men were digging started to feel dirt clumps fall into their hair? As the whole got bigger, surely people started to look up to see what in the world was going on.” (J. Hooper, lesson, Bible.org). Jesus was teaching in the home and all of a sudden roof particles falling on His head! Man being lowered down!
b. Let’s face it, this is a little bit “over the top” isn’t it? Top of the house! This is being a little “out there” a bit of a “Jesus Freak”. A little radical! (Putting a hole in someone’s roof! Can you imagine if you were the owner? Just give em a tract!) I know several of doing evangelism on campus. You are radical for the Lord! Praise God!
B. Christians Must Be Persistent if they are Going to Bring Their Friends to Christ.
1. These Men Were Persistent People.
a. The persistence of the men “When Jesus saw their faith” Their faith is demonstrated by their creativity, boldness and persistence to open the roof. They allowed nothing to stop them. Ryrie points out several things about Faith from this passage: Faith works - The men expended great effort to help their friend. Faith persists - They didn’t let personal inconvenience stop them. Faith succeeds - Their faith was rewarded. The man was healed.” Charles Ryrie, Miracles, p.47)
b. It is absolutely essential that our friends individually demonstrate faith to come to Christ. However, let me also clearly say that it is EQUALLY essential that you and I have faith to believe that Jesus Christ can save him/her! I LOVE v. 5 – READ it! “Seeing their faith…”
2. We need to examine our own lives to make sure that as believers there is nothing in our lives that causes an impediment for someone to come to Christ.
a. Let me ask you a question: Is there anything in our lives that we value more than our relationship with Jesus Christ? Could be good things: Family, country, jobs, politics, toys, could be not so good of things: bigotry, obsessions, patterns of speech, allegiances, arrogance, gossip? Do these things make you and me a more attractive or a more repulsive Christian?
b. I Cor. 9:22-23 – “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.”
C. Applic: When a hindrance or obstacle arises do you and I fold in fear of forge on in faith. The paralytic had four crazy friends who were full of faith to persist on.
IV. Friends Have Faith that Christ Can Heal the Body and Forgive Sin. Vv.8-13
A. These 4 Crazy Friends took their Friend to Christ so he would be healed.
1. Sometimes the Problems we see in Our Friends is Not Really the Most Pressing Need They Have.
a. These friends come carrying the paralytic because they sense his greatest need is to be healed in his body. Bodily healing is important! And, I want to make it very clear, I believe Jesus can and does still heal bodies today. However, that wasn’t this poor man’s greatest need. The paralytic’s greatest need was the forgiveness of sin!
b. Illust: Often the Mainline Church and now all too often the evangelical/fundamental wing of the Church wants to address the secondary causes of suffering in individuals while failing to address the primary need. We build houses for the poor. We teach English. We make sure p communities have clean water. We provide health care services. We give money to refugees. All of those things are good! All of those things are utterly meaningless if we do not also address the spiritual need of salvation for the individual as well!
2. Jesus addresses the paralytic man’s greatest need while not forgetting his other need.
a. When Jesus forgave the man, and the (v.6) scribes were furious!, They had what they though was good reason. How could a mere man, even a prophet. forgive sins? Only God had authority to do that! Jesus knew their thoughts, and he asked them, “Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?” Jesus is making a rhetorical statement. Both statements would be impossible for anyone but God. If Jesus had authority to make the lame walk by merely uttering the word, then he also had authority to forgive sins, because the power to do either was in God’s domain, not man’s. Possibly today skilled orthopedic surgeon might be able to restore the ability to walk to people with certain kinds of problems. Even after the operation, however, the person would still need a long period of therapy and rehabilitation. But no one, not even the best doctor, could simply say, “Rise up and walk,” and expect that it would instantly take place.
b. Why? Sins are between people and God, and their forgiveness is therefore invisible, like God is invisible. You can’t see or taste the forgiveness of sins. You can see a leg fixed. It’s physical. You can see the withered leg; you can see the whole leg; you can see the difference.
Anyone can say, “Your sins are forgiven,” and there is no immediate evidence that the person is a fraud. If someone says to a paralytic, “Get up and walk,” the evidence for or against the person’s authority over sin is immediate and visible to all.
B. You and I can trust Christ to save our Friends.
1.Jesus Christ is a trustworthy Savior – Make Every Effort to Get Your friend to Him. “Jesus’ response amazes us no matter how often we read this familiar story. He took care of the greater problem first, forgiving the man’s sins. This angered Jesus’ opponents (vv. 6-7), who reasoned that only God could forgive sins. To prove His authority over sin, Jesus invoked His authority over sickness: to the paralytic He said, “Get up, take your mat and go home” (v. 11). The man whose body had been motionless, did just as Jesus commanded.” (“Chance Encounter”, Bible.org)
2. Trust The Christ Who Can Heal the Body Can Save the Soul.
a. The forgiveness of sins is something that becomes real to you as you believe it, because at least initially, you cannot see it. The lame man in this story could not see his forgiveness; he could only decide whether to believe that what Jesus said was true. To believe it would lift a great burden of guilt and fear from his shoulders. It would bring joy, peace and comfort. To not believe it would leave him feeling the same old estrangement, alienation from God and fearful expectation of judgment. The man’s joy in being forgiven was experienced through faith, not through sight. Why did the man believe Jesus had forgiven his sins? Because he could see that Jesus was truthful in what He said and in the healing of his legs. The miracles of the Bible ALWAYS authenticates the message of the Bible! What does the miracle state? Jesus is God. What was the message? Trust me for the forgiveness of sins!
b. Illust: Probably the most memorable photo of Vietnam War was Nick Ut’s Pulitzer Prize-winning photo of Phan Thi Kim Phuc (pronounced "fuke"). On June 8, 1972, a napalm bomb was dropped on her village, and Kim, who was 9yrs at the time, ran crying from her hiding place in the village temple. Phuc's arms are outstretched in terror and pain, and skin is flapping from her legs as she cries, Doctors said Kim would never survive, but after 14 months in the hospital – and 17 surgeries – she returned to her family. Despite her physical recovery, Kim was seldom free from pain, nightmares and anger. Later in life she said, "The anger inside me was like a hatred high as a mountain, and my bitterness was black as old coffee. I hated my life. I hated all people who were normal, because I wasn’t. I wanted to die many times. Doctors helped heal my wounds, but they couldn’t heal my heart." Then Kim found a Bible while spending time in a library. It confused her, because it was different than her religion, but her brother-in-law had a friend who was a Christian. She arranged to see him with her list of questions, and after they talked, this friend invited Kim to visit his church for a Christmas service. The end of the service was a turning point in Kim's life after 10 years of pain. "I could not wait to trust the Lord," Kim said. "[Jesus] helped me learn to forgive my enemies, and I finally had peace in my heart." Today, Kim is a 58 yrs old woman, living in Canada, who has two ministries and travels the world sharing her testimony of physical and spiritual healing in Christ.
C. Applic: Do you have a friend who needs Christ? Are you willing to be crazy enough to take him/her to Christ?