“What will our Resurrected body be Like?"
(The Christian's)
1. They will not be the same body laid in the grave.
I Cor 15:35-39, 42-44
2. Our resurrected body will not be flesh and blood.
I Cor 15:50-52
3. We will have a body, not just be a spirit.
I Cor 15:38
4. Our new body will be a powerful body.
I Cor 15:43, Rev 21:4
5. Our resurrected body will be like Jesus’ body.
I Jn 3:2, Rev 3:20-21
6. Our resurrected body will be recognizable.
I Cor 13:12, I Jn 3:2
7. Disciples recognized Jesus in His new body.
Jn 20:24-27
8. Jesus ate in His new body, but did not have to.
Luke 24:41
9. Our relationship with others will be different.
Mt 22:23-30
10. Our resurrection body will be an eternal body!
2 Cor 5:1