Summary: Everyone will have times of crisis which can bring discouragement, we are expected to turn them to God for His intervention.

Self Encouragement in the Lord in the Midst of Discouraging Circumstances

Study Text: 1 Samuel 30: 1-8


- Persevering pursuit of God gives us encouragement in the midst of discouraging situations of our own lives.

- The Philistine King, Achish, gave David the town of Ziklag as his home base. One day while going out to war with the Philistines, David and his men were required to return home to Ziklag because the Philistine generals were not too comfortable with the presence of David and his men in their ranks.

- Upon returning to Ziklag, they discovered that the Amalekites, had destroyed Ziklag and taken all the women and children hostage somewhere.

- The Bible is full of accounts of great men of God who came to the end of their rope. David is an example of “a man after God’s own heart” and yet at times he was overwhelmed with remorse, depression, and negative emotions of all kinds. Psalm 38:6.

- You can trust the Lord to see you through any circumstance in your life. The Word of God is full of glorious promises and our Lord delights in our faith and trust.

- Do not neglect to encourage yourself in the Lord, just as David did, and grow stronger and stronger each day. It is great to be encouraged by others when we face adversity, but it is wonderful and comforting to encourage ourselves in the Lord like David did.

- He did not just encourage himself, he encouraged himself in the Lord his God. We all face battles in this life with great opportunities to despair as David did, but instead of self-pity or giving up, he chose to continue for the sake of all who would be adversely affected if he quit. He thought of others not himself. Also, he knew his source of strength was the Almighty God.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Pressure of a Discouraging Situation

2. The Posture of a Determined Soldier

3. The Pleasure of a Divine Salvation

1. The Pressure of a Discouraging Situation

- Discouragement is a temporary loss of perspective and joyful moments, usually incited by an emotionally disturbing and difficult circumstance.

- Conversely, encouragement is a recapturing of proper perspective and motivation, granted by the Lord in accordance with His wisdom and truth.

- In the midst of a great, miserable tragedy, David was greatly distressed as the situation always be with man. However, David was able to encourage and strengthen himself in the Lord.

- We are not told exactly how he did this, but we can consider some ideas that might just help us today in the midst of our own discouragements.

- David and his men returned to a city that was burned to the ground and families that had disappeared. How did they respond?

1. They wept.

- This is usually a natural response, an appropriate response whenever people find themselves in their situation or similar cases.

- Weeping is just a mere expression of emotions, and should be supported or followed by a time of fervent prayers with faith unto God. Nehemiah 1: 1 - 5

2. Expression of Anger and Attempted Murder

- Because of their shock, grief and sorrow the men began to blame David for what was happening to them. Out of their anger and fear they begin to stone David with the mind of killing him. The Bible tells us that because of this David was distressed.

3. David Encouraged Himself in the Lord

- But then we are told that David did something different. We are told that David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

- In the midst of the devastation, in the midst of people blaming him and turning against him David encouraged Himself in the Lord.

- And as a result of encouraging himself in the Lord, David ultimately was able to recover everything that has been taken and lots more.

- Today, as you face a difficult moment in a relationship, a circumstance that seems overwhelming, or a personal struggle that is defeating you, you are encouraged to follow after the example of David.

- David’s men suddenly changed from friends to enemies. One moment they were following him as a friend and leader. The next minute they were ready to stone him after encountering the storm.

- David did not allow himself to be defined by the burning and intense emotions of his men. Instead, He turned the situation to the Lord.

- In certain situations and times, our sense of identity and well-being is affected by the opinions and attacks of people, and our security is frequently threatened by difficult circumstances.

- We need to understand that our true identity was settled at the cross. The noise of the crowd, the attack of friends, and the put-downs of family may tell us we are bad, worthless, defective, inferior, and rejected.

- The truth of our new life in Jesus Christ says that we are loved, accepted, empowered, secure, righteous, valuable, and destined for an eternal reward.

- We have to choose the voice we will listen to. When we choose rightly, we live a secure and hopeful existence.

- The devil knows that discouraged people cannot hear properly or communicate with God properly so he uses this weapon effectively.

- Discouragement is one of the most devastating enemies of every good man. It is one of the most terrible enemy that can destroy people everywhere.

- It is easy to allow the pressures and burdens of this life to overwhelm us and cause us to despair. Discouragement has caused so many tragedies and so many troubles.

- It has made so many people to drop out of church, to drop out of school, drop out of relationship. It has cause many to give up on God, it has caused many to give up the fight and to lay down their Bibles.

- We should know that everyone will have their share of discouragement throughout their lifetime. Into every life, a little bit of rain of storm is allowed to fall.

- Your approach to managing that discouragement will distinguish you from others. The success and failure we bear is directly tied down to how we handle and resolve discouragement.

- We must learn to cry out to God in our troubles. We must learn to give God our anxieties. We must learn to ask Him for peace, we must stay our mind on God and let Him give us peace.

2. The Posture of a Determined Soldier

- Before David could hear God, he had to first encourage himself in the Lord. He shook off all the discouragement and dared to believe God that God will stun his calamities around and immediately, he was able to hear God very clearly and he was able to bring solution to the crisis.

- When your heart is encouraged, it is conditioned to receive good news from the Lord. Exodus 6:9

- Looking at the situation of the children of Israel in Egypt. They could not hear the good news because they are discouraged and their spirit were in anguish.

- David could never had heard the words from the Lord to pursue, overtake and recover all, if he had chosen to remain discouraged.

- Discouragement is a decision, do not get discouraged. Decide that you will not be discouraged. Instead of being discouraged, see all impossible situations as opportunity in disguise, and every problem as a prayer point.

- As David strengthened himself in the Lord, he turned to God’s presence. He turned from the situation and the shouting and raging of the crowd to the presence of the Lord.

David understood the significance of the empowering presence of the Lord. Psalm 16:11

- When we are discouraged it is common to turn to other people, or some kind of escape. This is really not a way out and usually provides a temporary relief but not a solution or real deliverance.

- We must take time, make it a focus, and pursue the presence of God through meaningful prayer and His words.

- When David was at his lowest point, he stepped back and asked the Lord what He should do. There are times in life that we are hit by things we did not see coming. Sometimes an unseen enemy comes when things are going well and it stops us in our tracks. ­

- Whether you are hit by things you see coming and things you do not, they can make us feel overwhelmed. that is when it is time to step back, encourage yourself, and call on the name of the Lord, and ask what you need to do. He will give you back more than you lost.

- In seeking the Lord’s direction, David asked the priest, ‘Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?’ The priest answered, ‘Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all‘ 1 Samuel 30:7-8.

3. The Pleasure of a Divine Salvation

- As the story unfolds, David and his men eventually overtake the Amalekites, safely retrieve their loved ones, and recover all of their goods.

- David moved ahead in faith, obeying the promise of the Lord, and he enjoyed the blessings of Divine Salvation.

- Each of us must embrace the proven promises and powerful provision of the Lord. We may not feel like it. We may not have any sense of certainty about the outcome. Still, we do have to trust in the Lord.

- We know our God knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way with us. This too shall pass as we move ahead in His grace. He rewards the obedient, strengthens the weak, guides the confused, and fulfills His words.

- Sometimes you need to get it out before you can get over it. When you go through difficult times, you are allowed to show feelings.

- It is ok to feel confused and to grieve and to lament. Don’t act like everything is all right. It is healthy to feel the pain and the sorrow of the moment.

- Be careful not to let bitter people in your life. Crisis can bring out the worst in others, and in you. When people have bitterness, eventually they will want to stone you.

- Finger pointing and blame is the tool of the enemy, so be careful in your relationships, and steer clear of those who want to play the blame-game.

- The best is yet to come. When it feels like the straw that broke the camel’s back, take courage, your God is for you and help is on the way.

- Encourage yourself in the Lord. Here are some ways to encourage yourself:

1. Remember and Confess your Past Victories:

- There are hundreds of victories in your like if you focus on your past success and God’s past provision. Shake off feeling sorry for yourself, and believe that the same God is still at work in your life.

- We have the example of David, who testified that the Lord that delivered him from the paw of lion and bear, will also deliver him from Goliath.

2. Remember and Confess the Promises of God.

- You should remember and confess the promises of God concerning your blessings and welfare. In today’s crisis God is preserving you and your family.

- Think of the things that should have taken you under, but they didn’t, because God kept you. There may be battles ahead, but God’s presence and protection is your promise.

3. Remember and Confess the Greatness and the Goodness of God.

- Remember who your God is: He is able. He is a way-maker and the very present help in times of need. He is a miracle worker.

- Confess His goodness and loving kindness. He is the very door you need when it seems like all other doors are closed.

4. Sing Praises and Worship Him in Songs

- Praise is the pathway to encouragement and recovery. Praise begins with gratitude. Spend time with God in gratitude and praise. It will change your countenance.

5. Be Committed to Fervent and Persistent Prayers.

- Prayer is very important at all times, and especially in the midst of the crisis and difficult situation, and persistent prayer with faith should continue until there is divine intervention.

- God does not allow you to go through things for nothing. He wants you to see miracles even in the valleys of life. When this is over, you shall recover all you have lost and spoils beside.

- Believe for all that is possible for you and for your family and for your livelihood, and you shall recover it all. It is time to encourage yourself in the Lord.


- All of us face difficulties in our lives. But we can have victory over them if we keep our eyes on God.

- The devil knows he must steal your joy to defeat you. Satan is quite aware of the spiritual truth concerning joy revealed in Nehemiah: 8:10.

- Understanding that the joy of the Lord is the strength of the believer, the devil seeks to steal your joy, thereby reducing you to weakness. The believer who can retain his joy is destined to triumph in the end.

- This is a powerful principle. If the devil cannot steal your joy, he cannot ultimately defeat you. The moment David began to encourage himself in the Lord and recover his joy, he placed himself on a path to turn his whole situation around.

- Joy is not just a preferred emotional state; it is a necessary element in attaining full recovery. James 1:2-4

- James teaches us that the redeemed should respond to the trials of life completely differently from those who do not have a Christian perspective on life. He says that when we encounter them, we should "count it all joy."

- If you can remember to encourage yourself in the Lord during hard times, learning to govern your emotions and maintain your joy, then in the end you will have victory.