Mark 14:3-9
Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz
3While He was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head. 4 But some were indignantly remarking to one another, “Why has this perfume been wasted? 5 “For this perfume might have been sold for over three hundred denarii, and the money given to the poor.” And they were scolding her. 6 But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you bother her? She has done a good deed to Me. 7 “For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish you can do good to them; but you do not always have Me. 8 “She has done what she could; she has anointed My body beforehand for the burial. 9 “Truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her.”
This narrative is a bit difficult because of church interpretation. There are several holes in the narrative that cannot be explained. A strange woman walked into a house and was able to get to Jesus to anoint him. That sounds very strange. Even the twelve disciples did not stop her. With tensions running high during passion week, it seems improbable that the disciples were not surrounding Jesus like a wall, thus not letting anyone enter the inner circle without permission. Also, would a strange woman pour an entire year’s worth of money on Jesus? She was either married to a wealthy man or was a harlot who saved up her money. The church decided that the woman must have been a sinner. The narrative is missing much information, which allows for tremendous speculation.
Throughout the years, the concentration of the narrative has been on the woman’s love for Jesus that she would spend her wealth for alabaster to anoint Jesus. Using Ancient Bible study methods, it is seen that this narrative also talks about the use of money, wealth, and what one values. The final teachings of Jesus were given to the disciples and us. The final lessons included some reviews. The usage of wealth and money is the topic of this lesson, which reflects what a person values. Beware of how you earn your wealth and money. Also, remember it is a mitzvah to help the poor. The LORD gave us poor people so that through the disciples of Jesus, the LORD’s love for them will shine through.
I have found it fascinating how the church likes to downplay money in the sense that, as followers of Christ, we should not focus on it. Have you seen pictures of the Vatican and the Pope’s clothing, also the cardinals and other officials of the church? They like expensive fancy things. Where did the Vatican get its wealth? That is an easy question to answer. They got their wealth over the centuries by telling us that we must not hold on to money but instead give it to the church.
On my cross-cultural trip to northern Mexico, I sat in a Catholic church for a Sunday morning worship. There was a 1-foot wide hole in the roof. I asked the Father why the roof had not been repaired. The answer was that the church did not have the money. During the worship, there was an offering taken for the church. There was a second offering asking for money to send to the Vatican, to my surprise. Why was this poor local catholic church required to send money to the Vatican instead of fixing their roof? I found this personally appalling.
In 1998 I sat in a stewardship meeting for the York District of the United Methodist Church. The District Superintendent showed a video which was a call for money from the Bishop of the Washington-Baltimore Conference. I had studied leadership skills from Max DuPree. He was the CEO of Herman Miller Furniture. Most of you have probably never heard of this company. Herman Miller had the most refined luxury furniture found in most CEOs’ offices. After the video, I asked the DS why the Bishop told us to get more money from our congregation to send to the church when he was sitting in a Herman Miller furnished office. I had to explain to the DS that the office furniture I saw was probably $50,000 in 1998. He was surprised. However, we were still instructed to get more money for the church.
Church leaders can be very hypocritical when it comes to money. “Do as I say and not as I do” fits what they are doing.” From the money point of view, this narrative is that money and wealth are not bad things. Jesus never said that being rich is wrong. Instead, it is how you use your money and wealth that counts. How do you spend money? Do you give out charity?
The rabbinical sages of old said that it is a mitzvah, a blessing, to give money to help the poor. Jesus is saying the same thing. First, there will always be poor people with us. There will also be rich people. People who are blessed with the gift of making money need to remember to share their excess with those who are in need. The LORD showers blessings and He expects us to keep some and then to share the excess. The more we share, the more we receive.
Let me share a closing example. When I left my Computer Engineering job, I received a check for $3000 for vacation time that was not used. The tuition for the Seminary I was attending was $5000 per semester. My lovely bride and I thought that we would be able to skip an education loan for the first semester. I was appointed as the Associate Pastor of a United Methodist church that just started a building fund campaign. Honestly, I tell you that they wanted $3000 per family to add an extension to the church building.
Did I give the $3000 vacation money to the church or tell them that I could not afford to give them that kind of money. Oh yes, let me note that I earned $70000 per year and went to a $25000 per year church position. My bride and I decided to give the church the $3000. We placed our belief that since Jesus called me into His service, the way would be paved for us.
Two weeks later, I received a call from the Financial Aid office of the Seminary. The Financial Aid director told me that a United Methodist Church in Lancaster, where the Seminary was located, wanted to give a $5000 tuition assistance check to a UM student. The first semester of Seminary was paid. I still believe today that Jesus had his hand in it.
So, consider giving to the work of the local church. Use the wealth of the local church to evangelize and touch people with the message of the Gospel. Remember that having wealth is fine. It is what you do with it that matters.