Today is children’s Sunday and our theme for reflection is Jesus, the Light, the child’s friend. When we think about light the first thing that comes to mind is light from the sun. It is this light that wakes us up in the morning and makes us see our way as we prepare for the day. When we can no longer see our way when it becomes dark, many of us will turn on the light switch and light the place with electric power. The recent history of Ghana cannot be written without reference to the frequent and regular power cuts experienced in the country. This led to the addition of the Ghanaian word “Dumsor” to the English dictionary. Today this word is used in the English-speaking world to refer to any persistent, irregular and unpredictable electric power outage caused by power supply shortage. It was a difficult time in those days and many people have sustained injuries that could have been avoided just by switching on the light if electricity was available. A light source can dispel physical darkness but it is only the light of Christ that can dispel and overcome spiritual darkness.
Step One: Jesus Christ is the true light
a) “I am the light of the world”
Jesus Christ says in John “I am the light of the world”. God called Himself “I am” when Moses asked His name so the Israelites would know who had sent him. Jesus Christ revealed He is God when He said “I am the Light of the world. Sin separated man from the light of God’s presence and exposed him to evil, darkness and death. The light of Christ dispels and overcomes the darkness and reveals the holiness, glory and majesty of God.
b) The light of Christ reveals man’s sinful nature
The light of Christ also reveals man’s evil deeds and sinful nature. We cannot be confronted with the glory and majesty of a Holy God and not see our own sinful condition. In the light every hidden evil deed is exposed and we can only agree with God that we “have all sinned and come short of His glory”. (Rom 3:23).
c) The light of Christ leads to repentance
When we see our sinful condition through God’s eyes, we cannot fail to acknowledge our sin and have the deep desire to turn away from it. This is true repentance. It is not enough to acknowledge sin in our lives; we have to turn away from sin
Jesus loves us and demonstrates that love by coming into this dark world to dispel and overcome the darkness that resulted from sin. God demonstrated His love for us even before He created us. The first verses of Genesis narrate the state of the earth before the creation of man. “The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep”. God only created man after He had put in place all that man would ever need. The light of Christ dispelled and overcame the darkness and the emptiness was filled all that man would need so that he would not lack anything. Man was created perfect in a perfect environment, given authority over all of creation and enjoyed a perfect intimate relationship with God. Life in the Garden of Eden was perfect till the day man chose to disobey God. Sin immediately separated Him from the life and light of a Holy God but not from His love because God is love.
“God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life”. (Jn. 3:16) God loved us before He created us and continued to love us, even though we had sinned. He loved us and gave His life to save us and the least we can do is to believe in Him.
Step Two: Jesus Christ is a true friend
a) Christ died to pay the penalty for sin
Jesus Christ is a true friend and did not desert us after sin separated us from the presence of God. He became a man and as a true friend gave His life to pay our penalty for sin.
b) Christ makes us righteous
Jesus Christ was made sin with our sinfulness that we might be made righteous with His righteousness. His righteousness is one that has never known sin before and qualifies us to become children of God
c) Christ makes us children of God
As God’s children we can boldly come before His presence and call Him Abba, Father. We do not only have access to the Father’s provisions but are made joint heirs with Christ of God’s inheritance.
In Jesus Christ we have a true friend. He cannot stand by and not intervene no matter our condition or the situation we find ourselves in. He is always ready to help as He did on one occasion as He approached the village of Nain He was confronted with the death and sorrow of a grieving widow. She had lost her only son and her means of support. Jesus reached out to her in love and compassion and touched the open coffin. According to Jewish Law anyone touching a dead body would be defiled and considered unclean. Jesus not only touched the coffin but spoke to the young man and he came back to life. In Christ was life and His life was the light of men.
The light of Christ is able to dispel every darkness in our lives life and fill us with His life so that we become a light to the world
Step Three: You are light in the Lord
a) Loving and helping the unlovable
You cannot have a better friend than Jesus Christ who has saved us and said “You are the light of the world”. (Matt. 5:14) We all remember the hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus”. We spend time with our friends, we talk with them and we walk with them. Jesus values our friendship and wants us to daily spend time with Him and walk with Him. Jesus is the Light and as we spend time with Him, we learn to walk in His light and become light. You are light when you love and help the unlovable, when you love and help those who hate, when you love and help those who bully and make fun of you. You will shine when you live in a way that pleases Christ.
b) Living with integrity
Walking as children of light is to walk with moral integrity. As children you have different role models but your role model should be Jesus Christ. You are not to tell lies, steal, cheat, or watch television shows and play video games you are not supposed to. You are not to disobey your parents. If believers were to show moral integrity there would be no greed, corruption, selfish indulgence, envy and deceit among us.
c) Abiding by the truth
As children of light, we are to know the truth uphold it, and abide by it. The Word of God is the truth and the truth should guide our thoughts, actions and our lives. To abide by the truth to believe God and agree with everything He says.
Many of us still remember that Sunday school song we loved to sing with the words: This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine; Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.” Or we may prefer another song with the words ‘Brighten the corner where you live.’ Is our preference for only a little light that can brighten our corner? Would you not have a bright light that can brighten the whole area? Your light will shine brighter and touch more people when you know how much Christ loves you and that He has placed that love in you. Knowing His great love for you means that you can confidently rely on Him, submit to His will and live according to His Word. We must be honest and always repent from every evil thought or behaviour. One thing we often do is to blame someone else for what we have done. Everyone here is guilty of this sin and I am sure the children have a lot to say about this, not only about blaming another person but also about another person blaming them for something they had not done. As children we have all been punished for something we were completely innocent of.
Let us always be honest and keep our lights shining brightly by spending time in prayer, by studying the Bible, and by taking part in Church fellowships and activities.
Believers are the light of the world. Their lives shine as a light in the darkness to reveal the true Light of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the night we need light to see in the darkness. The moon provides light in the darkness by reflecting the light of the sun. But if some other body, for example the earth, comes between the sun and the moon, the moon can no longer reflect the light of the sun. In a similar way you are light and any ungodly behaviour will prevent your light from shining on those in darkness.
Personal Response:
You are the light of the world and “as Christ is so also are you in this world”. (1 John 4:17) Let our lives bring light to those in darkness and lead them to Christ to the praise and glory of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!