Summary: The goal of God for women is to make us women after his heart. Women are very special and unique to God indeed.

This article is to encourage women and celebrate the amazing role they place in society. I pray that as you read this article, you will become known as a woman who partnered with God to birth heaven on earth.

Our case study is Anna the Prophetess. Why is she our reference point? What can we learn from her life?

Luke 2:36-38 KJV

“And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayers night and day. And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”

What does it mean to be a woman after God’s own heart?

It means to have likes and dislikes like God’s own. It means the God connection.

A woman after God’s own heart is someone in compliance with God’s own intent, will, or inclination. She is "someone that can agree with God to do His will.

Anna the prophetess was very old. Even at this very old age, she was strong physically and could still transport herself to the temple. She was in the centre of what God was doing on earth at that time. She was very relevant in the most important moment on earth which was the transition from the old system of worship to the new. Age is no barrier in the kingdom of God. For example, Mary the mother of Jesus was a very young woman when she yielded herself to do the will of God to be the channel through which Jesus Christ our Saviour came into the earth. Therefore, whatever your age young or old, at whatever point in life, women can still be relevant in God’s kingdom. Even scripture declares that even in our old age we will be bearing fruits in the courts of our God. (Ps92:14)

Let’s look at some examples of how Anna became a woman after God’s own heart.

God needed to send Jesus Christ to the earth. Anna the Prophetess partnered with God in the place of prayers thereby establishing her relevance in the body of Christ. This act earned her the title “Prophetess.” The relevance of a women in the household of God does not have to be in public space. Anna was praying in secret. She was faithful in that assignment. She was dependable and stood with God for several years in the same assignment until the answer to her prayers was made public. Again, her prayers were not about her needs. She was praying for the kingdom of God to come on earth. She was very selfless and sacrifices her all to see the kingdom of God come. These and some other attributes of Anna was what turned her into an eternal reference point for women in the kingdom of God.

How to become a woman after God’s own heart?

1. Be willing to partner with God in whatever role you have been assigned. Establish your relevance in the office you have been called. Scripture tells us that any person called by God was given a gift. I Corinthians 12:7 NKJV “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:” For example, Anna was a custodian of the temple. A prophetess whose advanced age and honourable behaviour usher in the new covenant. She served God not man. She partnered with God to usher in heaven on earth. In these last days, there is a lot that God wants to do on earth, and He is seeking for woman after his own heart, women who will do His will. Just like some women found in Luke 8:2-3 KJV “And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him (Jesus) of their substance.”

These women served God with their substance, time, money, efforts, initiatives, wisdom etc. They served with no thought of reward.

Also, in the book of Judges, a woman named Deborah became a Judge in Israel. She was called a mother- in-Israel. She was a confident, strong, and determined woman who through her influence powered by God brought deliverance to the people of Israel in her time. Women like Deborah went to war at the expense of their life and family to deliver the children of Israel from Sisera oppression of the Israelites.

Judges 4:9 NLT,

“Very well,” she replied, “I will go with you. But you will receive no honour in this venture, for the Lord’s victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman.” So, Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.”

2. Partnership with God is a marathon, not a sprint. Life is full of many ups and downs. Anna was just 7 years in marriage when her husband died. She was still a young girl at the time and could have remarried. But she chose to sacrifice her marital life on the altar of service. No children were mentioned yet she is immortalised on the pages of scripture. 84yrs of widowhood! From my calculation, she may have been in her 20s when she lost her husband. She was a very young woman who had every right to remarry but due to the call of duty she accepted the sacrifice to remain single. Perhaps, she was responding to 1 Corinthians 7:7-8 “which says it is better to remain single. Even though she lost her husband just after 7years. We sensed no bitterness in her towards God as a result. She was willing and gladly accepted the role before her.

Such should be the attitude of a woman after God’s heart. Notwithstanding lives bitter experiences her spirit remains clean serving God regardless. Maybe God told her not to remarry as he told Jeremiah in Jeremiah 16:1-2 KJV “The word of the Lord came also unto me, saying, thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons or daughters in this place.” God partnership with any person involves sacrifices - Depending on the situation. God can say to one marry, to another He can say don’t marry.”

3. Sexual Appetite is another area of self-sacrifice. Anna was a woman who received great grace to control her sexual appetite. This grace is also available to any single woman who wants to be a woman after God’s heart. Anna was sexually content to be celibate. Sexual desire is a big problem for many women in our culture today. She did not consider her youthfulness but gave it up to partner with God. To become a woman after God’s own heart, a person will need to willingness sacrifice in their sexual life. For example, to remain celibate as a single woman until marriage. Or if married, if mutual sexual satisfaction is a challenge, then rather than divorce or commit adultery to satisfy one sexual urge, the unsatisfied partner should seek the grace of God to continue in the marriage while both parties should seek medical or other therapeutic specialist intervention to bring healing in their sexual life. Again, for some women in marriage, their sexual experience may not be great due to many factors such as medical, genetic, childhood trauma, or past mistakes. Instead of resorting to divorce, they should be willing to sacrifice their unfulfilled sexual desire to serve God by remaining in the marriage. The attitude of such women should be to remain in their marriage and work things out as best as they could. Some spouses will take to adultery to satisfy their sexual urges thereby bringing destruction to their family. Marriage is an institution bigger than the two parties, therefore both parties should be prepared to uphold their marriage at a great price for the purpose of serving God’s will.

Why are many marriages breaking up in Christendom today? Speaking only to women at this point, some partners may not be willing to sacrifice. Therefore, divorce and remarriage are becoming as rampant in Christendom as in society.

Furthermore, celibacy may also be the way forward for the one who is married whose spouse is not around and abstinence from sexual activities for the single Christian until after wedding. These positions are still God’s desires for all who will become people after God’s heart.

Let’s now look at God’s will for our sexual life.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-6, 8 NLT

“God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin.”

“Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honour— not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways. Never harm or cheat a fellow believer in this matter by violating his wife, for the Lord avenges all such sins, as we have solemnly warned you before. Therefore, anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human teaching but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.” A woman after God’s heart will be one who is sexually pure.

Let’s take a look at some other areas of sacrifices where Prophetess Anna also excelled. She was willing to sacrifice in her family life. There were no children mentioned so, we don’t know if she had children.

She sacrificed in food and comfort. The bible tells us in Luke 2:37 that she served God with fasting and prayers night and day.

In today’s culture of excesses, some or many people find it difficult to fast, especially food fast. A woman who would aspire to be after God’s heart should be willing to fast and pray often. Followers of Christ may not be able to give birth to greatness without fasting and prayers. Anyone willing to partner with God to deliver heaven on earth must fast and pray. The bible declares that “All good things come down from heaven” James 1:17 NLT

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.”

Therefore, it will require fasting and prayers to bring heaven down to earth.

Another area Prophetess Anna sacrificed was in her personal life and vacation. Sometimes, God can change our personal desires and call us into full-time ministry. God is still calling people into full-time ministry today. For example, God told Jeremiah 1:5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

Additionally, another great woman who delivered heaven on earth was Ruth 1:16-17. Hear what she said when she had the opportunity to live for herself or for God.

“But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!” With this type of sacrifice, she delivered Obed the father of Jesse the father of King David. Jesus is today called the son of David. Time will fail me to mention many other women who excelled and left their footprint in the sand of time because of their willingness to become women after God’s own heart.

In conclusion what are the benefits of becoming a woman after God’s own heart.

1. You will be relevant throughout all generations. Anna, Ruth, Deborah, Esther to mention a few. Mary Magdalene. Mary Mother of Jesus, Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist is all examples of great women who excel in following Jesus.

2. You will be an influencer - throughout all generations, you will never go out of fashion.

3. You will make your father’s House and country or tribe proud.

4. You will not be obscured. In addition to your many other roles, i.e. wife and mother, you will be an influencer of souls for the kingdom of God.

5. You will leave a satisfied and full life with no regrets

6. You will be very profitable even in your old age... No fear in aging.

7. You will leave a legacy and your footprint in the sand of time.

Finally, as women let’s make up our minds to become women after God’s heart.

I hope this article has blessed you. Thank you for reading and please share.