Summary: This is the 86th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 17th sermon from 1 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#86]



1 Corinthians 10:1-13


I know that I have told you many stories through the years about me learning things the hard way. I tried to teach my kids to learn from history, so that they would not have to suffer the consequences that I did. Did they listen? Sometimes they did and sometimes they did not. This is why having accurate history is so important. It has been said, “That without history, we are doomed to repeat it”. Not only is US History important; but Israel’s history is important also. Paul wanted the Corinthians to learn from their Nation’s history.

1 Corinthians 10:1-4

Learn from history that…

1. God takes care of His children.

As a Christian, you need to know that God has a long history of taking care of His children. That means that as a Christian, He will also care for you.

God provided…

* Direction.

The cloud by day and the fire by night directed the people when to move and where to go.

God provided…

* Defense.

The cloud by day and the fire by night provided security. Not only did the cloud provide shade; but it was also a shield for the people.

God provided…

* Deliverance.

The sea that they passed through was the Red Sea. God parted the waters so that His people could cross over and be delivered from the Egyptians.

God provided a…

* Daily diet.

God provided them with food and water the entire time they wandered around in the desert. They complained about not having drinkable water and God provided water from a rock. They complained about not having any meat, so God provided manna and quail.

1 Corinthians 10:5-10

Learn from history that…

2. God disciplines those He loves.

There are consequences to sin. Many Israelites died in the dessert because of the numerous sins that are listed in this passage. Because of their unbelief concerning the Promised Land; only those under 20 years old, Joshua, and Caleb were admitted to the Promised Land- Everyone else died. There are some specific sins listed in this passage with specific consequences.

Some of the Israelites were…

* Idolaters.

Remember the golden calf that Aaron made for the people while Moses was on the Mountain with God giving him the 10 Commandments.

Some of the Israelites were…

* Committing sexual immorality.

Because of their sexual immorality, 23,000 people died in 1 day.

Some of the Israelites were…

* Testing Christ.

The people were speaking against God and Moses because they were unhappy with their food and water situation; so God sent poisonous snakes. Many people died and Moses prayed to God for a solution. God had Moses put a bronze snake on a pole and when the person looked on it, they were healed. This is the example Jesus used to Nicodemus concerning His dying on a cross.

Some of the Israelites were…

* Grumbling.

The people were complaining and stirring up trouble against God and Moses. There punishment was that many were killed by the destroying angel.

1 Corinthians 10:11-13

Learn from history that…

3. God gives victory over temptation.

These things that happened to those Israelites should be used as examples of what not to do. We are given 3 important things to consider concerning temptation.

When you are tempted…

* Don’t think that you would never fall to that temptation.

Just because you think that you are standing firm doesn’t mean that you are. The things that we are tempted to do are not new.

When you are tempted…

* Remember that God will not allow you to be tempted with more than you can handle.

This is a verse that we need to understand an important principle- This is what you can’t handle through Christ. Without Christ, you can’t handle anything.

When you are tempted…

* Remember that God will give you an escape passage.

God will provide a way out from temptation. This means that you are making choices concerning temptation knowing that you can be victorious.


We should be learning from history in every aspect of our lives- Especially our Spiritual lives.