Summary: Jesus prayed saying: "Thy kingdom come". Have you ever considered what it will be like when God’s Kingdom Comes! Make no mistake Brethren – God’s Kingdom will come! There is no delaying it. There is no denying it. Covid 19 is not going to stop it. And Christ Himself Prayed for it!


Part 3 – Praying For God’s Kingdom & Seeking God’s Will

TEXT: Matthew 6:9-13


Alright brethren – So here we are again…

Attempting to discover ...those things most surely believed among us (Lk 1:1).

And our focus of late has been all about Prayer.

Remember in Luke 11:1 – we found one of the disciples coming to Jesus and saying:

...Lord teach us to Pray – and of course we find Jesus doing exactly that,

Teaching His disciples how to pray...

Through what we have now come to commonly refer to as “The Lord’s Prayer”.

In fact, in Matthew Chapter 6 – we see Jesus providing a practical demonstration, through His own prayer - Showing us the type of heart we should pray with...

And the kinds of things we ought to be praying for.

Take a look at how Jesus begins this prayer in verse 9.

He says: After this manner therefore pray ye:

Now Jesus is quite clear about this I think…

Because He says: “After this fashion… and following on in a similar way…

This is how you should pray.”

It’s not the only way we can pray…

It’s not the way we have to pray…

But it’s a good example to follow,

And just one of many examples on prayer in the Bible.

How Not To Pray

And speaking of examples, let’s not forget that just proceeding all this in Matthew 6,

Jesus makes reference to others who were praying in the wrong way.

And He identifies two groups – as examples of which we ought not to follow.

First there were the Religious Hypocrites, among the Jews,

Who used “prayer” to put on a bit of a show.

For them prayer was all about presenting…

The right spiritual appearance before others.

And verse 5 showed us their heart motivation saying they did this:

…that they may be seen of men.

Remember the very definition of the word Hypocrite in the Greek = “Pretender”

And there are still a lot of Religious Pretenders in the World.

Jesus says – don’t be a pretender when you pray!

The second group Jesus warns us about following…

When it comes to prayer were the Heathens.

Heathen – really just means “Gentile”…and refers to someone who is not a Jew.

And Jesus says look for them - Prayer is all about saying the right things

And in verse 7 he says they engage in vain repetitions…

…thinking they will be heard for their much speaking.

Now these were examples that Jesus gave in how not to pray…

And please understand the problem here was not race!

Prayer is not about being a Jew or Gentile – that doesn’t matter to God.

Neither is prayer about what can be seen or heard,

With God - prayer is always a matter of the heart.

Prayer is the means by which we humble ourselves before God…

And open up our hearts to Him.

How To Pray

Of course, after providing a few examples of how not to pray,

Jesus begins to teach us all about the right way to Pray.

Instead of what everybody else is doing - Jesus says: “Pray like this”: (verse 9)

Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

And immediately Jesus starts emphasising the kind of Heart

We should reflect in our prayers.

And it all starts with a Heart of Reverence

In fact, very quickly Jesus acknowledged through His prayer,

Who God Is - saying…Our Father

Where God Is At - saying…Which art in Heaven

And The Lord’s Position in our Lives declaring… Hallowed be thy name

So Immediately, Jesus exhibits an enormous amount of

Honour and respect towards the Lord in the way He prayed.

He Reverenced the Person God Is,

He Reverenced the Place where God Resides,

And He Reverenced the Holy Position God should hold in our lives.

You see, we must all recognise who we are actually Praying too,

Because the Lord is always someone deserving of our Reverence.

Reverence God

And doesn’t that just kind of make sense?

I mean doesn’t it all just seem somehow fitting

That before we request anything from the Lord…

We first take the time to just Reverence who He is.

After all Paul tells us in the book of Philippians that our God has been given:

9 … a name which is above every name: (Philippians 2:9)

Of course, the Scriptures reveal that there are many names the Lord is known by,

He is Elohim, the “creator of heaven and earth” (Genesis 1:1),

El Ely-on, meaning the “Most High God” (Genesis 14:18-19),

He is Jehovah, - meaning “I am” (Exodus 3:14),

He is Adonai, which simply means “the Lord”;

And we can all pray to God and acknowledge any of these names

And any one of a hundred more…

However, in this simple example Jesus invites us to use another name…

Which is of course what? - “Our Father.”

Our Father

Now we have a book of Holy names here – recorded in the Bible

*So what then is so significant about the term “Father”?

Well it indicates a very specific kind of relationship – doesn’t it.

And you either have that kind of relationship with God - or you don’t.

Clearly Jesus had that kind of relationship with the Lord

Being the “Only Begotten Son of God”.

However, in this particular example Jesus is not praying exclusively to “His Father”

But rather demonstrating how we should all be praying to “Our Father”.

Indicating that we too indeed share a special kind of relationship with God the Father

Jesus was not emphasising a physical relationship here - based on family linage

But rather a spiritual relationship based on promise.

Remember Paul taught about this very thing in Romans Chapter 8.

There we discovered that at the point of salvation

God’s spirit takes up residence within our hearts

And that from that point everything changes,

Because that’s when this spiritual relationship with God first begins.

In fact, throughout Chapter 8 Paul talks about us being the “Sons of God”

About us being the “Children of God”

And even describes us being Adopted into the “Family of God” saying:

For you have… received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

You see, when we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts

A part of God’s Holy Spirit takes up residence within us,

And from that point on – not only are we accepted in God’s sight

But we are adopted as a Child of God.

And it’s this unique spiritual link and relationship with the Lord

That enables us, just like Jesus, to pray to our Heavenly Father.

Jesus said: “When you pray - pray like this”

You acknowledge Our Father which art in heaven, [and you reverence His] Holy name.

Wow – is that great or what!

Prayer is nothing to be taken lightly...

Especially when considering who we are all privileged to be praying too.


Now take a look with me at verse 10

Because “The Lord’s Prayer” is far from over.

In fact, Jesus is really just getting started with His prayer,

And after taking the time to first Reverence God,

He then begins to Focus on the Kingdom of God saying:

Thy kingdom come.

*I need some help tonight from you guys looking up verses…

Philippians 2:10-11

Hebrews 8:11

Revelation 11:15

Isaiah 11:6-9:

Revelation 21:4

Romans 4:17

Mathew 20:28

Luke 22:42

Jesus prayed to the Father saying: Thy kingdom come.

Now lets all just think about that for a moment…

I mean have you ever taken time to really contemplate what this will be like...

When God’s Kingdom Comes!!!

And make no mistake Brethren – God’s Kingdom will come!

There is no delaying it... there is no denying it...

Covid 19 is not going to stop it...

The truth is - one day the Lord will fully establish His kingdom here on earth.

On that day, there will be no question about who is in charge,

About who is rightful heir and king to the throne…

Or even about what is right and wrong - Because Jesus will reign supreme!

In fact, there will come a time when no one will question His authority anymore,

There will be no more open rebellion against God…

And no one will dare stand opposed to His rule,

Because this earth and everything in it will undoubtedly be His Kingdom.

And what’s more, is everyone will know it too! Philippians 2:10-11

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

Now this is who Jesus is right now – Jesus Christ is Lord!

But right now this world…

And most people in it are in denial about that fact.

However when God’s Kingdom comes,

There will be no denying it anymore.

Paul talks about Israel’s part in this new kingdom in Hebrews 8:11

11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

Can you imagine this...God says there will come a time when...

“They will not teach…for all shall know me”

Everyone is going to know exactly who the Lord is...

As King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s...

On that wonderful day when God’s Kingdom comes!

And this is what we must all know and recognise today - God’s Kingdom is coming.

It’s going to happen! It’s a fact! - And it’s only a matter of time!

And Jesus encourages us all to Pray for this day...

The day when God’s Kingdom will come! Amen.

Now the Bible teaches that a lot needs to transpire...

And take place upon the earth before this happens.

Sadly, we haven’t got time to get into all of this today...

So that will need to be a lesson for another time.

However, John explains the vision he saw

With respect to this day in Revelation 11:15:

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.

So what’s going to happen?

God’s Kingdom is going to come...and on that day...

The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord… and He shall reign for ever and ever.

Brethren can you imagine what this world will be like – when Christ is King!

Because I need help to imagine such a glorious thing.

But thankfully... Isaiah gives us a glimpse of what this day will be like,

Explaining how Jesus will restore perfect balance throughout all of God’s creation: Take note of what the Scriptures declare - Isaiah 11:6-9:

6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.

9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

These are all aspects to God’s coming Kingdom - that have not yet come to pass.

Revelation 21:4 adds to this saying:

4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

All of that in the day when God’s Kingdom comes!

There are some good times ahead – Amen!

And as Christians we can all look forward to such a time,

Heck we can even Pray for that day to come…

When God’s sovereign rule will be fully realized by all,

And when His physical Kingdom will be set up here on earth.

“Pray for this” - Jesus says.

Pray for God’s Kingdom to come!

Physical Verses Spiritual Kingdom

Now lets turn back to Matthew 6 – and the Lord’s Prayer:

Notice the simple sentence structure around this statement in verse 10:

He says: Thy Kingdom Come.

Full stop – do you see that.

On this point Jesus had nothing more to add.

This is what He wanted…

This is what His very heart desired…

He simply prayed that God’s Kingdom would Come – Amen.

And we have all just seen a handful of verses pertaining to God’s Physical Kingdom Being established upon the earth.

However technically, this is not the only aspect of God’s Kingdom is it.

I mean God’s Kingdom is so vast…

It stretches beyond the physical bounds of space and time.

You see, there is a physical dimension to God’s Kingdom to be sure,

But there is also a spiritual dimension to God’s Kingdom as well.

And God’s spiritual kingdom is not something we have to wait to experience...

Because we can embrace it right now in our daily lives and living.

Paul declares in Romans 4:17

17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

“God’s kingdom is not meat and drink” - Paul says

In other word’s it’s not just made up of physical things.

You see, the Lord will one day set up His physical kingdom on earth –we know that.

In fact, the Jews had been eagerly awaiting that for centuries,

And yet Paul declares its not all about the physical kingdom that is yet to come,

Because God’s kingdom is also able to be embraced spiritually right.

And then he defines it for us saying that is made up of righteousness, peace and joy

That is experienced through the Holy Spirit.

And I want you to take careful note that righteousness, peace and joy...

Are not physical things – but rather spiritual things.

Jesus even clarified this very point in Luke 17:20-21

Notice what we see here:

And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the Kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there!...

Jesus says – “There’s no point sitting around all day…

Waiting and watching for God’s physical kingdom…

Because it’s not going to come with any observation”.

“No one is going to be able to say - look there’s God’s Kingdom over there.”

And then He qualifies things even more by saying this:

…for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

Did you get that?

There is apart of God’s kingdom within you!

There is a Spiritual aspect to God’s Kingdom

That can only be experienced by having the king residing within You.

When we receive God’s salvation – we ask Jesus to save us,

And we receive His spirit into our hearts.

And Brethren, it’s always been God’s desire to reign over our hearts.

You see, on one level, being apart of God’s Kingdom…

Just means being subject to the King.

Its about us surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives,

And becoming subject to His Word and His Will.

And that really makes you think - doesn’t it.

How much of God’s kingdom am I actually experiencing right now?

Because if there is a part of the Kingdom of God within you...

Then that part can be experienced freely - right now.

But what’s the key – we must first be subject to the king right.

We need to let the King – rule and reign over hearts.

Because it’s His righteousness, His peace and His Joy within us,

That makes His Kingdom truly come alive!

Please understand this brethren...

As Jesus Prayed for God’s Kingdom to come – it was not just about...

The Lord establishing a physical Kingdom at some point in the future.

That was all the Jews were earnestly seeking and looking out for,

But Jesus said you’re not going to discover all of God’s Kingdom just by looking.

Why – because much of it cannot be seen!

Its not physical – its spiritual...

Its not something that can be seen out there...

But is instead something lived out and experienced in here – with your heart.

I’m talking about that part to God’s kingdom that we dong have to wait for,

A part that we can all experience and embrace right now...

As we become subject to Christ and surrender our hearts to Him.

You see, the more we surrender to let the King rule and reign in here (our hearts),

The more we will experience His righteousness, His peace and His Joy...

Through the Holy Spirit – and that is what true Kingdom living is all about.


Now notice the progression in how Jesus prays all of this.

He starts by Reverencing God – verse 9

Then He moves onto focus on God’s Kingdom – in the first part of verse 10,

And then He links all this together by actually Surrender to God’s Will.

You see, this is really the secrete to experiencing

This spiritual kingdom of God in our lives…

It’s surrendering to God’s Will

Read with me again verse 10 because Jesus says:

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Being Subject To The King

You know, we live in a day and age anymore…

Where less and less of God’s will is being done.

Mankind for the most part just doesn’t care about

What God says or what God desires anymore.

And so Jesus says – pray that God’s will would be done.

And do you know what I find interesting about that statement?

It’s that spiritually speaking,

God’s will - “can” and “is”…being orchestrated through the lives of His subjects.

You see in this life – the more we surrender to the king

The more important His will - will become.

And the more important His will becomes…

The more of His spiritual Kingdom we experience in our hearts.

You see, true Kingdom living…

Is all about us surrendering as servants to the king

So that His will can be accomplished in and through our lives.

I am talking servants subject to the King – ...thy will be done!

Jesus prayed for God’s will to be done

On earth – just like it is in Heaven.

Now in Heaven God has all kinds of faithful subjects

And an entire host of Angels to execute His will

And as Jesus eludes too, in Heaven – God’s will is done.

Right now, that is where the King resides...

And in Heaven God’s will is done without question.

However, Christ focus here is not on heaven – but rather on earth.

And the earth is where we reside…

And where our service to the King comes into affect.

It’s no secrete that the King always resides within His kingdom – right

And right now that dominion is split between the Kingdom of Heaven…

And as Jesus puts it - a “Spiritual kingdom that is within you”.

This is where Jesus rules and reigns within the hearts of His subjects today.

And here’s the truth – the more you surrender to the king

The more you will experience His Kingdom in your life.

However, Kingdom living is quite different from worldly living

Because it’s not about selfish living based on the flesh

But rather about selfless living according to the kings desire…

Its about His will being done…Not ours

Discovering God’s Will

Paul talks about this in Romans 12:1-2. Turn with me there.

1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Its entirely reasonable for us - recognizing who God is

And exactly what Jesus has done for us,

To then dedicate our lives back in service to Him. Verse 2:

2 And be not conformed to this world [we are not talking about worldly living]: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Paul talks about a transformation here…

Whereby we are all given a new focus

And are in fact challenged to Prove…

Or rather “discern” and “distinguish” – the will of God in our lives.

Ephesians 5:17 even goes so far as to say:

Be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

This is what it means to surrender to the Lordship of Christ.

It’s that we discover His will – and that “His will would be done”!

You see, kingdom living is no longer about what we want and desire for yourself,

Because it’s all about what the king wants and desires for us.

It’s no longer about what we think is best,

It’s about realising how the king knows what’s best.

You see as God’s Children today

Our challenge is to learn to submit to

The will of our Heavenly Father - in everything that we do!

Because the more we surrender to Him

The more of His kingdom we will come to experience.

Jesus says – Pray for God’s will to be done in this earth…

And that includes His will being accomplished by and through us,

As we humble ourselves as servants within His kingdom.

And Jesus knew exactly what He was talking about

Because that was exactly who Jesus came to be…

He was a servant within God’s Kingdom – just like we are.

Mathew 20:28 talks about this reality saying:

28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister [to serve], and to give His life a ransom for many.

That term minister means “to serve”.

Jesus said look – I didn’t come so that everyone would serve me

I came to serve and to lay down my life in service to you.

You see, by His own account - Jesus was a Servant.

Now who did Jesus serve? God the Father.

And How did He serve? He accomplished the will of the Father.

Jesus said in Luke 2:49: Know ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?

And let’s not forget what Jesus prayed the very night before His crucifixion

Luke 22:42: Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

You see there it is again…

Thy will be done!!! – isn’t that what we are talking about here?

You see, God’s will can, and is being accomplished right now…

Throughout all the world in the lives of His all faithful subjects.

It all started with Jesus…

And it continues to this day with people just like you and I

Who are willing to surrender as servants to our king.

And it’s strange to think…

But we are the very instruments God uses to orchestrate and accomplish His will

Throughout His spiritual kingdom today.

However, the degree to which God’s will is accomplished in you

Is largely based on how much we as His servants are surrendered to it.


Remember back in the Gospel of Luke

How one of the disciples came to Jesus and said: Lord, teach us to pray.

Well here in the Book of Matthew

We see Jesus teaching His disciples to do exactly that.

And after first Reverencing God

He then Starts to Focus on God’s Kingdom

A Kingdom that will not only one day be physically set up here on earth,

But a spiritual Kingdom that also exists right now

Within the hearts of all His faithful subjects.

The Lord does not physically rule and reign right now upon the earth

But He is able to rule and reign right now within our hearts.

You see as Christians today…

We need to all follow in Christ’s example

And look to become but a humble servant of the king.

That is to say, we need to Surrender to the Will of the Father in our Lives.

To experience this spiritual kingdom that Jesus was talking about

We need to first humble ourselves before the king in how we live…

And we need to allow God’s will being accomplished in and through our lives.

And here’s how this aspect to God’s kingdom works,

The more surrendered we are as His servants…

The more important His will becomes.

And the more important His will is to us…

The more of His will get accomplished in our lives.

And more of His will use get accomplished…

The more the King will use us in greater service throughout His Kingdom.

We are all but servants of the King

And right now we serve Him within a spiritual kingdom

That He is administering from within our hearts

As we endeavour to surrender to His will in our lives.

Jesus said to His disciples…

If you truly want to know how you ought to pray:

9 After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.