Summary: The night before Jesus was taken to be crucified, he showed his disciples love, and humility byt sharing a meal with them, and washing their feet. This message looks at those events as Jesus set the example for his disciples.


JOHN 13:1-38


September 12, 2021

Maplewood Manor Sept. 16, 2021

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1) We have been looking for several months at the Gospel of John.

A) Last week we finished the twelfth chapter of the Gospel.

aa.) Some have labelled first 12 chapters of John as the “Book of Signs.”

aaa.) It dealt largely with Jesus’ public ministry, and the Jewish institutions and festivals of his day.

ab.) Chapters 13-21 could be called the “Book of Glory.”

aba.) Even here it can be further be broken down with chapters 13 -17 being private time between Jesus and the Apostles, and chapters 18-21 being his final glorification.

2) Today in some of the one-on-one time with his Apostles Jesus revealed his Love for these men.

A.) In fact, the end of verse one sums up the entire passage with the words: “He loved them to the end.”

B.) Chapter thirteen shows his love for them, as well as the love they were to have for each other.


1) It was before the feast of Passover.

A) Many have stumbled over these passages of Scripture because the Passover Feast would be the next day when Jesus was on the cross, or shortly after.

aa.) Scholars have questioned if this was the actual Passover Feast or was it something entirely different?

ab.) Commentaries have argued if this was or was not the actual Passover feast.

ac.) I don’t want to get involved in all the arguments on this text but will just bring out a few points from the Scriptures.

aca.) The Old Testament law established the date of Passover as the 14th. Day of Nissan in the Jewish calendar, which falls in March or April of our calendars.

.01) Jesus and his disciples would have observed the 13th. day of Nissan, or the day before the great feast.

acb.) In the Gospel of Matthew, that Jesus spoke of this as the Passover Feast, even though he would be observing it a day earlier than the appointed time.

.01) Matthew 26:17-19

acc.) If this was the Passover feast, was it acceptable to be observing it on any day other than the 14th. of Nissan?

.01) In answer to that question, the law itself made allowances for those who could not observe the feast at that time for one reason or another.

.011) For those in that category, the law allowed individuals to partake of that feast on the same day, one month later.

.0111) This date became known as the second Passover.

.012) We must remember that changing a date did not go against the unchanging nature and person of God.

.013) In the same way it did not go against the standards, or perfection of God, and therefore Jesus, as the Son of God had the authority to observe this feast a day earlier than the assigned time.

.014) Jesus could change this day without changing the unchangeable aspects of God.

2) His hour had come to leave this world.

A) Jesus had completed his entire earthly mission except for his sacrificial death on the cross a few hours after this.

aa.) It was time to spend with the disciples for one last display of his love for them.

ab.) Later on that evening, Jesus would introduce the Lord’s Supper to these men.

aba.) In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus would take the emphasis from the Passover Lamb that marked their physical deliverance from Egypt.

abb.) The object of their attention would now be Jesus, whom John the Baptist had earlier identified as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

abc.) 3:00 p.m. the next afternoon, Jesus would proclaim “It is finished!”, and with that pronouncement would hang his head in death, and the word, of God for the redemption of the world would be complete.

3) The devil had already entered Judas.

A.) In fact a parallel account Jesus gave Judas a way out of his sin and treachery, and the opportunity to be forgiven by Jesus.

ba.) In a last attempt to save the soul of Judas, Jesus told him that the son of man would go as it had been predicted, but woe to that man who would betray the Son of man.

baa.) Jesus further told him it would be better to have never been born than to betray the Son of Man.

bb.) This whole meal that night was a time for Jesus to show his love to the 12.

bba.) Even with the evil in the heart of Judas, Jesus still wanted to give him love, and to offer him the forgiveness of God if he would only take it.

bbb.) Just as Jesus had and showed love to Judas, he has the same love for every member of humanity.

C) That night Jesus showed love to these men with more than the supper.


1) He rose from supper.

A) Laid aside his outer garments.

aa.) Jesus was ready to get down to business.

ab.) He had been demonstrating his love for them in the supper, but now he was willing to give them a lesson they would never forget.

B) Wrapped a towel around his waist.

ba.) The disciples at this point must have watched in bewilderment at the actions of Jesus.

baa.) This putting the towel around his waist was the action of a servant.

.01) Why would their Lord and Master dress himself to appear as a servant?

.02) These men could never have imagined what would happen next.

C) He poured water in a basin.

ca.) Maybe Jesus’ hands had got a bit sticky or something and he needed to wash them.

2) Instead, He began to wash the disciples’ feet and to dry them with the towel. (John 13:5)

A.) This had now become humiliating.

aa.) This just wasn’t right. Jesus was immediately recognized as the greatest among them and now he was going around the table washing everyone’s feet?

aaa.) This should have been done prior to the Supper, and not by Jesus, but by one of them.

.01) At that moment, I expect in this act of love behaving as a servant, that every one of these men must have been convicted in their hearts.

ab.) How had this common courtesy been overlooked until now?

aba.) In answer to that, I don’t believe it was just overlooked, but had been intentionally ignored.

abb.) When we look at each of the Gospel accounts there were some issues in the apostles that evening with pride and arrogance.

abc.) Before the supper James and John had gone with their mother to take Jesus aside and ask for special favours and position when Jesus set up his kingdom.

abd.) Likewise, when the twelve thought they were out of the earshot of Jesus they bickered and argued like children on a playground as to who was the greatest.

abe.) When we put all these things together, the real issue was a lack of humility.

.01) None of them would humble themselves to wash the feet of the others, or even Jesus.

.01) It was their Lord and Master who got up to do they task they had thought themselves too good to do.

3) He came to Simon Peter.

A) We have no idea how far around the table Jesus had gone or how many feet he had washed when he got to Peter, but Peter was ashamed, and embarrassed that his master was coming to wash his feet.

aa.) It should have been Peter who was washing the feet of his Lord.

B) “Lord, do you wash my feet?” (13:6)

ba.) Peter knew in his heart this was not right. It was he who should have been serving Jesus.

C) “You do not understand now, but afterward you will.” (13:7)

ca.) Truly, in that moment, none of them understood the actions of Jesus.

caa.) All they knew was it was shameful and an embarrassment.

.01) Peter was truly humbled and embarrassed at that point.

cb.) “You shall never wash my feet.” (13:8)

D) If I do not wash you, you will have no share with me. (13:8)

ca.) “Lord, not my feet only but my hands and my head.” (13:9)

caa.) Peter often would take things to an extreme, so asks Jesus to give him a complete bath, if that was what it would take to share in Jesus.

cab.) “The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet.” (13:10a.)

.01) Jesus had made it clear that his action though physical had more implications spiritually than physically.

.02) This truth was further demonstrated by his next statement:

4) “You are clean, but not every one of you.” (13:10b.)

A) For He knew who was going to betray him. (13:11)

B) “Jesus was troubled in spirit” (13:21a.)

ba.) That is perhaps an understatement, knowing what was ahead of him that night.

bb.) “One of you will betray me.” (13:21b.)

bba.) Peter wanted to know who it was.

(01) John 13:26

(02) I think the whole group wanted to know who it was, though Peter was the one who asked.

bc.) Jesus answered the question.

bca. John 13:26

bcb.) Even though Jesus answered their question it seemed as though they were kept from understanding at the time that Judas would be the betrayer.

.01) John 13:27-30


? John 13:34-35

1.) “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another.” (13:34a.)

A.) That very evening the apostles had been arguing, bickering, jealous of each other, and full of pride.

B.) Jesus didn’t just give them idle words.

ba.) Jesus gave them a direct commandment that they were to love one another.

bb.) This was not merely an optional statement; It was a direct commandment from the Son of God.

bba.) Scripture tells us that “God is Love.”

bbb.) Just as the character and person of God is love, his followers must demonstrate the love of as well.

bbc.) Today the household of God needs to also show the love of God to all we meet and deal with as well.

bbd.) That night Jesus even showed love to Judas.

.01) We wonder how he could have done that, but the natural thing to consider is again as we have already said: “God is love.”

.02) Jesus gave love to Judas that night because as the Son of God his very character and person is that of love.

.021) Jesus treated Judas with love just as he did each of the apostles because as the Son of God that is his character.

.03) There are times God must give judgment, punishment, or justice, yet even then his character and person is love.

.04) We rejoice in this for the same love which Jesus was able to give to Judas he also gives to you and me even when we do not deserve his love.

.04) Truly that night Jesus loved them right to the end.

2.) (John 13:35) By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.”

A.) The importance of love is it is the one characteristic more than anything else that identifies us as children of God.

aa.) That does not mean that love is the only thing to show.

ab.) As Christians here can never be a time that unbiblical or antibiblical doctrine can be accepted and taught, but at the same time we more than all people need to show the love of God to all we meet.


1.) As our text ends Peter affirms his loyalty to Jesus even to the point of death.

A.) John 13:38

B.) As Peter has pledged his allegiance to Jesus, Jesus revealed weakness in Peter that would be seen even that very night.

ba.) John 13:38

bb.) I am sure these words must have hurt Peter, but Jesus showed that he knew Peter and his weaknesses even better than Peter knew himself.

bba.) Why would Jesus say these words to Peter knowing that it would bring pain to Peter?

bbb.) I want to suggest that these words which would have hurt Peter were given for two reasons:

.01) I think the first reason was to show Peter and the other disciples that each of them would fail Jesus.

.02) The second reason I believe Jesus made this statement to Peter was to affirm even before Peter’s failure that Jesus would not fail Peter, or any of the apostles, or you and me.

.03) John’s gospel does not include it, but in Luke’s account in Luke 22:32 Jesus said to Peter: “I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”

.04) Truly Jesus loved each of these men to the very end and even when they would fail him, he would never fail them.

.05) Thankfully, the one who assured Peter he would never fail Peter, gives us that same assurance and hope.

.051) We may fail him, and sin against Him, but when we return to Christ, he will not fail us, but will be there right to the end.


May we rejoice and take comfort today in the knowledge our Lord will never fail us but loves us right to the end.