Serving God In The Days of Your Youth
Study Text: Ecclesiastes 12:1, 13 - 14
- God has made provisions for the youth to serve Him faithfully in their youthful years, provided they will be ready to make use of His provisions.
- The youthful years is characterized with the pressure of sins such as sexual immorality, materialism, drugs and alcoholism, occultism, to mention but few.
- Despite this reality, it is certain without any fear of contradiction, that it is possible for any young man or woman who chooses to serve God faithfully as a youth and in the youthful years.
- If it is possible, then we need to know how and why it is possible, and the steps we need to take to make it possible.
- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:
1. Godly Patterns for the Youth
2. Great Pressures on the Youth
3. Golden Practices for the Youth
1. Godly Patterns for the Youth
- There are several examples of the Youth in the Bible, that lived for God faithfully and that were used by God to accomplish great things in their generations.
- Any young man or woman in our generation who chooses to serve God can have them as examples and godly patterns as to how to live a life pleasing unto God and to be faithful in the service of the kingdom.
A. From the Old Testament:
- It is possible for the Youth in our generation who chooses to serve God faithfully because many youths demonstrated that in the Old Testament.
1. Joseph.
- Joseph was at the age of seventeen years, when he refused to join his brethren in the evil they were doing, but rather will report their evil deeds to their father. Gen 37:1-2
- This same Joseph refused to commit fornication with his master’s wife in Egypt, not because he did not know how to enjoy the pleasure, or because he was afraid of his master, but because he feared God and was not willing to break his fellowship with God. Gen 39:7-10
- If it was possible for Joseph to separate himself from the evil doings of his brethren, and to resist a great temptation for a sinful pleasure, then it is possible for us these days to serve God faithfully.
2. David
- David was a youth in the youthful years when he demonstrated an uncommon zeal to sacrifice his life in fighting with Goliath, a man of great experience and achievements in battles, just because he wanted to see God honoured and glorified. 1 Sam 17:42-47
3. Daniel
- Daniel was a youth when he chose not to defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, and his steadfastness was able to influence the other three Hebrew youths positively to take similar decision. Dan 1:8-14
- We also read about Daniel’s determination to sustain his communion with God even when he was told he will be thrown into a lion’s den. He went into the den without fear and God delivered him because of his faithfulness. Dan 6:11-16
- His steadfastness in the way of righteousness led to the faith and conversion of the ungodly king.
4. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
- These three young Hebrews refused to worship the idols set up by the king, not because they were rude or arrogant, but because they knew it was against the word of God.
- They demonstrated faith and fortitude in their services unto God. They were thrown into a furnace of fire, but God gave them one of the greatest deliverances in the Bible days. Dan 3:16-20
B. From the New Testament:
- It is possible for any young man or woman in our generation who chooses to serve God faithfully, because many youths demonstrated that in the New Testament.
1. Mary
- Mary was a young lady about to get married when she found favour before the Lord. This was possible because she kept her virginity, a honour that is lost by most of our young ladies today in their youthful years. Luke 1:30-35
2. Timothy
- Timothy was a youth and served God faithfully in his youthful years. Despite his youthful age, he was to be example to others. 1 Tim 4:12, 2 Tim 2:22-3:1
- There is certainly room in God’s kingdom for young men and women to serve God faithfully particularly in their youthful years.
- Even today, in our own generation, if we observe carefully we will see many young men and women who are demonstrating holiness, faith and commitment in their services unto God, and we can follow after their lives as godly patterns.
- Although, the pressure may be so great, but there is opportunity and possibilities for any young man or woman who made up his or her mind to serve the Lord.
2. The Pressures on the Youth
- However, it is not going to be an easy task. This is because there is the pressure within and the pressure without confronting the youth and taking them away from the will of God.
- But through the grace of God and the strength of the Holy Spirit, the Youth can overcome the pressures and live faithfully and victoriously unto the Lord.
A. The Pressure within.
1. The lust of the flesh which wages war against the soul. Gal 5:16-21.
- There is a great desire in the youth to give in to pleasure of sin, most especially, sexual sins. But through conscious and deliberate yielding to the Holy Spirit, the urge can be subdued.
2. The lust of the eyes or greed which would drown the soul. 1 Tim 6:9-11
- Many youths today are carried away with greed and covetousness. They usually compare and compete with one another on material possession, this usually make them to go in a direction that is not approved of God.
3. The pride of life or arrogance which also pulls one away from God. 1 John 2:15-17.
- Many youths today are not willing to be scolded and corrected according to righteousness because of pride and arrogance. Some of them feel that they know better and that they are doing what is right.
B. The Pressure without.
1. Peer pressure, encouraging the young people to do evil.
- Most of the evil done by the youth are the influence of friends and colleagues in their lives.
- They will be influenced to keep sinning partners that they call boy or girl friend, or influenced into smoking, drinking and all sort of occultic practices.
- Jonadab encouraged his friend Ammon to sleep with his blood sister, rather than scolding him for the wicked desire, and taught him how to carry out the evil successfully. 2 Samuel 13: 1-14.
- You need to recognise every Jonadab in your life and separate yourself from him or her. The Bible gave a warning to all who care to hear that they should not follow the multitude to do evil.
- You are encouraged in your youthful age to give attention to the study of the word of God and to observe to do all that is written therein. Psalms 1: 1-3
2. The influence of bad leaders
- Some older people in various capacity of leadership, who are supposed to train and guide the youths in the way of righteousness are the one encouraging them to do evil.
- For instance, some parents support their children in all forms of examination malpractices, some fathers sleep with their daughters, mothers encouraging their daughters into prostitution.
- Some pastors and Church leaders engage in sexual immoralities with the youths. Some as teachers or bosses in the place of work.
- There is a curse of God upon any adult who are misleading the children and youths and drawing them away from God and His ways of righteousness. Mathew 18: 5-6.
3. Societal pressure, such as humanism, immorality promoted in schools and by the media houses. 1 Peter 4:3-4
- The internet and social media today are being used by the Devil to lure the hearts of young people away from God and to be occupied with all forms of evil, which is destroying their lives and future.
c.) Hypocrisy and False brethren among members of the church. Rev 2:4-5
- It is not everyone in Church that is a child of God, some are agents of darkness either deliberately or unknowingly to draw people away from God and His kingdom.
- Some of them practice some evil things and produce negative influence in the lives of some innocent members. Some of them gives ungodly counsel and misleading the people of God.
- Such satanic influence weighs heavily upon young people, making it difficult for them to serve God faithfully.
- Despite the pressures, It is very possible for any young man or woman who chooses to serve God faithfully and victoriously to do so, but not with human strength or wisdom but by the help of the Holy Spirit.
3. Golden Practices for the Youth
- To overcome the pressures and serve God faithfully, you need to depend absolutely on the power that Christ will give you. Philippians 4:13
- God stands ready to help the young people to be spiritually strong and serve God faithfully, particularly in the youthful years.
- The following are some of the practices that are very important in helping the youths to be who the Lord wants them to be and to do what the Lord wants them to do:
1. Delight in and Meditation of the word of God:
- If the youth can give attention to the study of the word of God and put it to practice, they will have strength to serve God faithfully despite all the pressures. James 1:21-25
- Joshua was instructed by God to give attention to the study, teaching and practice of the word of God to achieve success in his walk with God and his work for Him. Joshua 1:8
2. Be Committed to Effective Praying:
- The youth needs to give themselves to prayer continually. This will give them strength to resist temptations and to avoid all sorts of evil practices common with young people. Matthew 26:41
3. Regular Church Attendance and Faithful Participation:
- The church has a role to play in helping the young people to serve God faithfully. But they must be committed to attendance and effective participation in church activities. Hebrews 3:12-14, Hebrews 10:23-25
- God provides everything the young people need to be spiritually strong and serve Him faithfully throughout their youthful years and thereafter.
4. Consciously Look for Godly Role Models and Avoid Bad Influence.
- Many lives have been ruined by youthful indiscretions, many youths spent the first half of their years in sins and wickedness due to negative influence of bad people and this is making the second half of their years to be miserable, because they live in regrets and sorrows, or trying to recover from the consequences of their past reckless lives.
- There are many godly people around us at home, at school, at work and in the Church, that we can follow after their godly patterns. 3 John 1:11
- In the same way, those people in these phases of our lives that are bad influence on our lives and relationship with God must be avoided. Romans 16: 17
- O young man or woman, it doesn’t matter what has happened to you in the past, or what is happening to you presently, it is never too late to make a u-turn by confessing and forsaking your sins and surrendering your life to Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour.
- Then, start living for Him and to please Him for the remaining days of your life, and it shall be well with your soul.