Summary: Why you are likely to fail as a missionary


John 18:36, Matthew 28: 18-20

Many people have gone through the world spreading all sorts of messages. Some claim they were sent by GOD. Some say they were sent by angels , others by aliens, others by ancient writings. All sorts of things and information nowadays.

For children of GOD, we have what we call the great commission in Matthew 18:28-30.

Our SAVIOR HIMSELF qualifies as a missionary. Let us look at HIS style, at how HE did it.

i. The presence of JESUS wherever HE went was unmistakable and impossible to ignore. It was clear that HE was different, very different. HE spoke about repentance and The Kingdom of GOD. In spite of this difference, crowds followed HIM and still follow HIM today.

Today, some people in the places where missionaries went or still are can’t tell the difference between western European culture, capitalism and the Kingdom of GOD.

ii. Our SAVIOR came as a missionary through a family and operated using funds from specified persons and places. HE depended on the power of GOD and helped, healed and delivered people using the power of GOD. Of course, HE used money but wealth and comfort and such took a back seat. HE even did not have a place to sleep or a place to be buried. But look at HIM now.

Today, money and wealth rule even in our ministries justified wrongly by the scripture that says money answers all. Offering time is crucial and the sheep must foot the bills. Dependence on the power of GOD is sometimes seen at the beginning of a ministry only for mammon to slowly creep in. As the scripture says, we talk about the power of GOD but deny it anyway. Yes, the scripture does say money answereth all but remember your money cannot bribe GOD and will speak for you as far as the people handling your burial, after that you came with nothing and you will leave with nothing.

iii. Our SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST spoke the truth, HE is the TRUTH. It didn’t matter who was listening, HE spoke the TRUTH to all. HE wept, HE told people they would perish in their sins if they did not stop sinning, told people about hell, told people to seek the Kingdom of GOD first and all these things would be added to them. HE told them what would come to pass and even told them that if they did not get their act together many would come from the east and west and dine with Abraham and they would be left gnashing their teeth. This of course incurred their wrath and they tried to kill HIM but HIS time had not come.

Today, we preach what we want, because we want to fit in. We carefully craft messages because we do not want to offend anybody. We accommodate everyone else and their ideas, feelings and traditions because we do not want to aggravate and antagonize them. We have developed a Christianity that does not talk about sin, heaven and hell. A system where we shape the rules according to satan, globalism, human rights and narcissistic individualism. There are lines we don’t want to cross due to many reasons mainly fear, fear of rejection, fear of lack, fear of retribution etc. Beloved, just as the scripture says that no one could touch JESUS because HIS time had not come, similarly, no one can harm you unless your time has come. Stop singing and dancing to tunes that are not of The MASTER. It’s not always a good idea to fit in. There must be a clear difference and distinction between children of GOD and children of the world.


iv. Where JESUS came from, heaven, is a great place. Everyone knows that. There is perfect order and perfect beauty. Perfect peace. HE wanted to restore people to this state and to bring people out of death (separation from GOD) and into life (restoration to GOD). HE came from a functioning environment into a dysfunctional space in order to bring the children of GOD back to their lost glory and purpose.

Today, look at our missionaries, where they came from is characterized by spiritual chaos yet they want to bring spiritual order where they are going to do missionary work. They themselves are full of darkness yet they want to bring light into places they call dark. Beloved, who is fooling who? Things do not work like this. Go and read Matthew 23. Know The PERSON who sent you first before purporting to go anywhere with long stories. Did HE not say in Matthew 23:15,”.... woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves...”. Beloved, these are not my words. Is it a wonder that the more preaching goes on, the more sin spreads from one corner to another.

True children of GOD are indeed a rare breed. Especially in the places where the so called missionaries originated from. My advice, get born again, truly born again by The SPIRIT of GOD before you go around turning converts into sons of hell.

v. Where JESUS came from, heaven, we are told that there is unparalleled and never before seen grandeur and beauty. There are streets of gold and buildings of diamond. Those who go there never want to return. However, our SAVIOR did not come to earth and start replicating this grandeur physically. HE did not build jaw dropping structures and call people to inhabit them. HE worked in open spaces and in people’s homes and stirred up their spirits within them because GOD desires to be worshipped in spirit and truth because GOD is SPIRIT.

Today, we are building buildings that cause people to marvel and stare. They are even afraid to get in because of the magnificence. Many religious buildings have become museums and are tourist centers. Some are even being converted to centres of worship for idols and demons. We have lost focus and want to make the people we were sent to also fit in this world properly, yet this is not what we are called to do. We are called to direct the children of GOD back to their FATHER “....Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in The NAME of The FATHER and of The son and of The HOLY SPIRIT, teaching them to observe all (not some) that I have commanded you; and lo, I AM with you always, even to the end of the age..” Matthew 28: 18-20. But we are busy with construction and fundraising and so on and so forth.

vi. At the NAME of JESUS, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. How come that The NAME of JESUS is common but the power in it is denied and debated? How come? How come?

Today, we have many money making centres opened in the NAME of JESUS, such as very expensive schools and hospitals and businesses where only the very rich can be involved. This is justified by saying that the proceeds go to help the less fortunate which I hope is true. You must answer the question for yourself, does JESUS have power or not? Can HE heal and do all the great things recorded? Can we do what HE said we do? Up to you , Beloved.

Sadly, the missionaries themselves don’t even believe in JESUS CHRIST they believe in the organizations and centers that sent them and this unbelief has spread down to the people they went to “missionary “ too.

I heard of a prophet who brought a message from GOD, and in the message, GOD was displeased that people feared corona more than HIM, people trusted other things more than HIS healing power. Just a by the way, just saying.

Let us take some time and look at The Greatest MISSIONARY that ever lived and yes, HE is still living, very much alive, LIFE Personified. JESUS CHRIST. How did HE do it?

i. HE , The KING of kings left HIS kingdom and came to a lesser kingdom.

ii. HE took on the nature of the lesser kingdom. No matter how humiliating it was. HE put it on and walked among the least of the least of the lesser kingdom. HE invited them all to HIS Kingdom and gave the criteria for entering the Kingdom without mincing words.

iii. HE brought basics to this earth, HE brought life and raised the dead: HE fed people with food from heaven just like HE did in the desert in previous times; HE healed the sick; HE delivered those who were being ruled by HIS enemies; HE spoke about where HE came from, HIS FATHER and what was going to happen.

iv. HE did not curse the inhabitants of the earth in spite of some of them rejecting HIM but offered them a place in HIS Kingdom. HE gave the criteria and let them make their own choices. Note that HE knows very well that this earth is due for destruction and is offering a way out through believing in HIM.

Why you will fail as a missionary in GOD’s eyes but succeed in the eyes of your sending organization.

i. You were sent by your organization that calls itself a church not by GOD. So, you are spreading the message of your organization.

ii. In your heart, you have a superiority complex. You think you are better than the people you are going to minister to. JESUS CHRIST is The CREATOR and OWNER of all, HE should have had the biggest ego but HE humbled HIMSELF and HE wants to incorporate the very least of them into HIS Kingdom. But you, modern day missionary, you see the people as a bunch of hell bent heathens and pagans whom you have come to save. You do not see them as potential children of GOD. You are secretly happy when they remain in their spiritual darkness and failure and end up in hell just like you. You Pharisee!

iii. You are after a physical , cultural and or social change when you should be after a spiritual change.

iv. You are running away from your own problems in the pretext of going to solve other people’s problems. Your own family is dysfunctional, your wife left and you are going to tell people how to have stable families. You can’t tell the difference between male and female yet you are coming to teach submission to men and women.

v. You hate the people you were sent to. You despise them. In a sense, like satan you envy them and yearn for their destruction, the destruction of their structures and lifestyle they have formed and built.

You are using the people to attain position in your organization, move on to better missionary fields, build your religious CV, feel good, or like satan pursue a vendetta and whatever other reason you may have.

vi. You want something from them, their resources, their land, their youth for your various purposes. Noticed that wherever missionaries went, most of the time, death followed, wars, pollution of water etc and after that they started all sorts of programmes such as water, poverty eradication and education. Things like water have always been where people were. GOD put them there. So stop feeling like GOD because you bought people a pump where they once had clean, free flowing water. Remember , Elisha and the water that caused death, HE used the power of GOD to solve that situation. But if it is us, we will scour the internet for women carrying water and then conclude that they are suffering , then embark on a fundraising campaign to build a water source and the rest of the story is more common than not.

vii. And then you stay too long. Our SAVIOUR was a missionary for three years and left. You have been a missionary for 15 years and the place you went to people are as worldly as ever, not heavenly minded at all, asphyxiated by this passing world. You have fitted in very well and the people understand you very well.

viii. You send others. JESUS came HIMSELF. HE could have sent angels after making them shed tears after seeing starving, poor, uneducated humans on earth. But HE didn’t delegate, HE saw the trouble, HE came HIMSELF, paid for it and left and now we follow Him, ok, at least some of us. Never mind that the problems some “ missionaries’ come to solve were created by other so called “missionaries” who preceded them. The problems on earth were not created by JESUS and HE does not pretend to want to solve these problems. HE really does and HE did.

ix. The result of all this is that the people you purport to be sent too have learnt the missionary games and play along. In the process, they master the missionary game and play it better than their teachers. They start using a gospel to further their own ends and means, they lie to the missionaries and communities, outsmart the system, build big systems and empires based on a gospel because ultimately you are all servant of the world and its prince. But hey, let the games continue.

But I must say, people who play such games, will not find their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Beloved, the scripture informs us, "And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:15.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen