Summary: What happens when you know you have religion, but something is missing? What happens when you have tried so many things, yet all of them fail to provide lasting satisfaction? Go a little further!

John’s Gospel moves from the first miracle of Jesus at Cana in Galilee to the first ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem. After the cleansing of the temple, we are given the privilege of listening to an interview between Jesus and one of best religious men in the region. This man is a deeply religious man who has been raised up in the Jewish tradition and trained to be a ruler of the people. Before we hear his name, we are told that he is a Pharisee. The word “Pharisee means separatist or separated ones. Pharisees were a group of men that were careful to keep themselves from legal contamination, and from public intermingling. They kept a long list of do and don’ts. They had expanded the Laws of Moses from 10 to more than 700 additional rules. They fast twice a week, gave tithes of all they possessed, and would not miss a single feast or religious ceremony. No one was admitted to their ranks without taking an oath of fidelity to the society and a promise of strict observances of the Levitical precepts.

John tells us that this man is a Pharisee, seemingly without fearing that we might become prejudice against him. It is easy to think that we know all there is to know about person when we know what he is. So, we know he is a well-respected Jewish man, full of pride and prestige, steeped in religion. Finally, John tells us his named, Nicodemus. The name “Nicodemus” which means victorious among his people. NICODEMUS represents the best man the nation had to offer. Not only is he a teacher, he is also a member of the Sanhedrin ruling council responsible for making the rules and settling disputes and maintaining the civil order among the people. Throughout all of the pain and war and indifference in today's world, it can be hard to find hope. Most people realize that there must be something out there to grab hold of. What a blessing to discover that there is a God who is so much bigger than Earthly pain. There is a God who provides hope and satisfaction. What happens when you are steeped in religion, but it does not satisfy? What happens when you discover your religion has form but no power? What happens when you know you have religion, but something is missing? What happens when you have tried so many things, yet all of them fail to provide lasting satisfaction?

John’ tells us this honorable Jewish man comes to Jesus by night. He moves under the cover of darkness. Yet we are not told why. Maybe Nicodemus is fearful of what others would say; maybe he wants a confidential ordinance with Christ; maybe he wants to spend some uninterrupted time with Jesus. Maybe he comes under the cover of darkness because that’s the way most people come to Jesus, during the midnights of their lives. Have you tried Jesus yet? How did you come to Jesus? When did you come to Him? Maybe Nicodemus comes at night because has some night questions. Questions you would not dare ask in public. What do you do when you got religion but no power? When you have rules and regulations which no peace or satisfaction? Have you ever had a night question? Nicodemus knows what most of the Pharisees think. He could never tell him about the questions in his heart. He decides to carry all his doubts, fears, and dissatisfactions to Jesus. He intends to easy into this delicate conversation, but as soon as he begins, Jesus moves to the heart of matter. This conversation reminds me of John Wesley’s comments concerning his own salvation. He came to America to save the Indians, yet he needed salvation for himself. He questioned his salvation which was wrapped in uncertainty until that night at Alders gate, when his heart was strangely warmed by the Spirit of God, everything changed.

The Pharisees really did not know who Jesus was, nor did they fully understand the purpose and plan of God. The center piece of this chapter is John 3:16 which reveal the heart and purpose of God the Father. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 This powerful verse reveals (1) God' love is wide enough to embrace all "the world" (2) "God gave", of his own freewill, "his Son" that we might receive the gift of life (3) "to believe" on him as the Son of God, to trust in his finished work and have a constant fellowship with the Father and the Son (4) "perish" is often the forgotten word of the verse, but it points to the judgment of God and the hopelessness of men to save themselves and (5) the verse point to the promise of everlasting life. When you discover something is missing, try Jesus! When Religion and ceremony does not satisfy, take your emptiness and questions to Jesus. You can rest assured, that Jesus has an answer for every night questions and he can help you find the missing ingredient.

1. Finding the Missing Ingredients begin by bringing your questions to Jesus. Nicodemus asked the right person the right questions. How can these things be? John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Jesus lifts us an Old Testament concept in a new way. The prophets had talked about God giving them a new heart and a new spirit. David had prayed for a new heart and a right spirit. Jesus calls it being "born again or regeneration? Why does Jesus discuss this fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith? Jesus discusses this regeneration or spiritual birth in detail. This is important because without the new birth one cannot see the kingdom of God, which means to receive salvation through Jesus Christ. What is being born again? What is this regeneration process? Regeneration is a re-creating and transformation of a new person. It is a process by which the life of God is imparted into the human spirit. It is becoming a child of God by faith. He becomes a new person no longer conforming to this world, but has been created after God in righteousness and true holiness. Why is Regeneration necessary? Ye must be born again, why? It is interesting that this is only place this phrase is used. People comes to God on different roads: The Jericho Road-beaten up life, abandon in crisis, yet they experience God through a mission of mercy; The Damascus Road-knock down by the light of heaven, they experience a divine encounter; The Emmaus Road-those who were raised believing God, walking along with him, but then they are awaken to who he really is; The Road to Gaza, those have been reading the scripture but not understanding what they read, then God sends someone along to open their eyes. Nicodemus is told, “You must be born again.” Why, because Nicodemus thought he could save themselves. Religious people often think they can save themselves. Regeneration is necessary because apart from Christ, all people (including the Nicodemuses among us) by their inherent natures, are sinners, incapable of obeying, pleasing God or saving themselves. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it." Jeremiah 17:9; "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." Psalms 51:5; " For all have sinned a come short of the glory of God:" Roman 3:23 Regeneration is necessary because what is needed is a new nature, new life, a new spirit. Jesus answers the what, why and how questions in this text. He answer is spiritual, not carnal so it makes it confusing. In this text, Jesus uses natural things to explain supernatural things.

2. Finding the Missing Ingredients May Require a Deeper Probe. Jesus’ spiritual answer seemed to confuse Nicodemus. Listen to Nicodemus’ response. “How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? How can these things be?” Nicodemus probed a little deeper. Jesus explains heavenly things by using earthly example. Because of our carnal nature and physical limitation, it is difficult for us to understand spiritual things and faith in God. So, Jesus uses simple and straight language to shed some light. You see no man can birth himself in the world. Life is a gift. It can only be done by someone else. That’s how it works. As natural baby is surrounded by water, so a spiritual babe is surrounded by the spirit. Just as you can’t see the wind or know its origin or its destination but see its effect, so moves the Spirit. It’s an act of God and a move of God. There is still a mystery in God and heavenly things. God is called Father, but all we can relate to are earthly Father. Heaven is described as having street of gold, but what does that mean in a place where money has no value. They are just words to helps us see what we have never seen. Jesus does have answers to all of our deep questions, but his spiritual answers may seem confusing to our carnal minds. Finally, even though His answers are clear, his instructs are direct, Jesus Instructions maybe difficult to follow.

3. Finding the Missing Ingredients Maybe Difficult Because Obedience is Difficult. Why is hard to follow His commands? John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Jesus does not hide the fact that following his instructions maybe difficult. He reminds us of what it is like. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

Number 21, tells the story in its entirety. Sin and disobedience caused serpents to invade the camp of the Israelites. Biting serpents were everywhere, in their tents, in the camp, by the watering holes, everywhere. People were dying every day from snake bite. How do you look up and live when snakes are all around? How do you look up when you are depressed? How do you look when you are afraid of being bitten? Sometimes it’s hard to look up when thing you dread most is nipping at your heels. Yet the command is look up and live! Nicodemus had trusted a system of religious rules and regulations for his salvation. His life had been one of obeying “every dot and tittle.” He was earning his salvation by being good. Jesus offers salvation through faith alone. One look of faith was demanded of all who were bitten during Moses’ day. There was a single command for all, the princes and paupers; they must all look, and look in one direction, for no other remedy was provided. It was the duty of Moses to lift up the serpent, but he could do no more, he had no mystic power in his own person to heal the wounded: even thus, ministers are to preach Christ Jesus to us, but they cannot save us, they are as weak as other men in such matters. Our Lord applied to himself the incident before us. Will you look up and live? Can you take your eyes off thing you dread and trust God? There was one source of salvation, one remedy provided, and it was personal in its application. No one could look for you and accept it for you. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man can come to the father, but by me.

All the answers to life, satisfaction and hope are in God’s gift to us. Bring your questions, every one of your deep questions to Him. Your questions will not shock him. He has heard them all before. Your questions may require a deeper probe. Don’t until you can understand His spiritual answers. He will not cast you away. He will help you understand your next move. Finally, Even though His answers are clear, and his instructions are direct, sometimes, Jesus instructions maybe scary or difficult for us to follow. But He is patient, kind and longsuffering. His remedy is simply to look up and live. Take your eyes off your problems, your sin, your doubt, your fear, look up and live. Come to him with childlike faith and He will give you salvation and hope for the future. It’s simple, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." The brazen serpent was certainly no type of Jesus Christ; but from our Lord's words we may learn,

1. That as the serpent was lifted up on the pole or ensign, so Jesus Christ was lifted up on the cross. 2. That as the Israelites were to look at the brazen serpent, so sinners must look to Christ for salvation.

3. That as God provided no other remedy than this looking for the wounded Israelites, so he has provided no other way of salvation than faith in the blood of his Son.

4. That as he who looked at the brazen serpent was cured and did live, so he that believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have eternal life.

5. That as neither the serpent, nor looking at it, but the invisible power of GOD healed the people, so neither the cross of Christ, nor his merely being crucified, but the pardon he has bought by his blood, communicated by the powerful energy of his Spirit, saves the souls of men. It is the missing ingredients! Have you found Him Yet! You can know Him Today!