Remember This John 11:17-27
1. When death comes calling, it’ hurts
• our friends and neighbors they try to comfort and encourage us, but still death hurts
• There is nothing I can say today that will remove grief you feel.
• Today remember from Gods word we can find comfort, closure, and we trust In God’s word
2. Remember this we have gathered today not because Larry Wimmer died but because he lived.
• We gathered here today to celebrate the life of Larry Wimmer. His life was a good life
• He brought love, joy , and laughter to many people his family, children, and his friends
• I found this story of a mother whose 2 children died while her husband was away. For several years as she waited for him to return, she wondered how she was going to break the news to him. She wanted to do it as gently as possible because she knew it was going to be hard for him to take. Finally she came up with a plan. When her husband arrived she said, “Honey, awhile back, someone lent me some jewels and now he wants them back. What do you think I should do? ”Her husband replied, “I think you should return them by all means. And when you do, don’t forget to say thank you.”
• When you stop to think about it, that’s just about where we are today. God has lent us a precious jewel and now it’s time for us to return it. And as we do, we must not forget to say thank you. Thank you God for the gift of Larry Wimmer.
3. Remember this death takes our loved one but death can’t take our memory
• Helen Steiner Rice, in her poem “Love Always Remembers,’ It goes like this;May tender memories soften your grief, May fond recollections bring you relief, And may you find comfort and peace in the thought Of the joy that knowing your loved one brought For time and space can never divide Or keep your loved one from your side WHEN memory paints in colors true The happy hours that belong to you It’s true that death can separate our loved from us in a physical sense, but they can still be with us forever in our hearts and in our minds. I am sure that each of you have many precious memories of Larry - when I say his name a flood of memories probably flash in your mind. think of your best memory....
• Think of your funniest memory.....Maybe someone would like to share a memory
• God has given us the gift of memory, so that we can keep our loved one always close....
4. Remember this That God tells us that Death Isn’t the End Of Life...
• Larry Wimmer is just as alive today as he ever was
• Lazarus died And his 2 sisters Mary & Martha we obviously upset; Jesus said the following to Martha; I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?
• Jesus said to Martha 2,000 years later - when we believe that Jesus is The Christ - the Son of God who came to into this world to rescue us.... Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He who believes in him WILL live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in him will never die...
• Let me ask you a question - Do you believe this?
• Larry Wimmer believed this – He knew why, Jesus Christ came into the world - He knew that he came into to this world to save sinners - and at some point Larry obeyed the Gospel plan of salvation and was immersed into Jesus Christ and he received the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
5. Finally, remember this we are not here because Larry has died but because He has lived.
• Remember that even though death can take our loved ones away from us - it can’t take away our memories of them .remember death isn’t the end of life
• Remember that Christ has made eternity something great for his children to look forward to....