Summary: Many of us are weary and tired from the pandemic and other difficulties in life. As weary, broken and frustrated as we may feel, we cannot and must not slow down or stop. We can still be obedient to the Lord's work in our own lives and churches with the promise the Lord will be there with us.

FB, Youngsville

April 25, 2021

Sunday AM

Weary -- Yet Pursuing!

Judges 8:4

Intro.: LBC GREETINGS/THANK YOU. On January 30, 2020, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and issued a set of Temporary Recommendations.

In early March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic—a disease outbreak occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population.

Last month we marked one year of this declared pandemic in the United States that brought about deaths, hospitalizations, large public event gatherings cancelled (including church services), schools moving to virtual classrooms, the wearing of personal protective equipment, stay at home orders by politicians, businesses closed, and isolation of many at risks people.

Last year was difficult for everyone in many different ways. Though we cannot and must not ignore those times, we do need to be asking the question what IS making 2021 different and the future better?

As individuals and as a church – what is different today than it was 12 months ago? What has/is God teaching me and how am I letting God use me? What new thing does God want to teach this church during this time and how will each of you be a part of that great work?

Someone once described the journey of life like this: When as a child I laughed and wept – TIME CREPT; When as a youth I dreamed and talked – TIME WALKED; When I became a full grown man – TIME RAN; and later, as I grow older – TIME FLEW; soon I shall find while traveling on TIME GONE.

Whatever age or stage of life we are in at this moment – the reality is that life is moving on. We may feel as if we need to press the pause button and stop life or shift down into a lower gear and let life slow down – but the reality is we cannot do either and life continues to move ahead.

In Judges 8:4 there are five words I want us to consider this morning. Let’s read the verse and then I’ll give you the five words. “Exhausted, but still in pursuit.” Can I get an Amen? Other translations read, “Faint, yet pursuing,” “Weary yet pursing.”

Setting: Follows the Exodus from Egypt, the defeat of enemies and possession of the Promise Land. The book covers over 300 years of battles involving various leaders (Judges). Specific to chapter 8 - the Israelites have been back and forth in battle for seven long years with various enemies but especially against the Midianites.

This morning - I want to use this opportunity to inspire, motivate and encourage each of us to not grow weary – in doing good! To not give up – to stay faithful and obedient to the Lord and His call on our lives as individuals and as a church. In fact, I want this opportunity to encourage all of us to press forward with even more energy and strength and joy. Lessons about obedience - -

I. Obedience To the Lord Brings Weakness -Hardships

A. See, I told you this was going to be inspiring.

1. This truth must be learned and accepted though before we move to the next step.

2. As believers we must understand that surrendering our lives to the Lord was never intended to be easy.

3. There are no verses in the Bible that teach the Christian life is going to be easy when you surrender to Jesus.

4. In fact, the opposite is true – we will endure hardships, trials and persecutions for the sake of the Lord.

B. The physical faintness of Gideon’s troops illustrates for us the spiritual faintness of our own Christian lives.

1. Sometimes we are going to feel weak and tired.

2. Some days will be difficult to get up and put on Jesus.

3. Some moments we may feel like slowing down, or stopping.

4. Gideon is teaching us the value of persevering even in the midst of weariness, weakness and hardships.

5. He teaches us that whatever we commit to do for the Lord needs to be completed, it needs to be finished.

C. Gideon had had previous success in overcoming other enemies but now he was faced with the toughest enemy.

1. Gideon seems to have had in mind the past, the present and the future.

2. His mind is dwelling on past battles, the small number of present troops and the future oppression.

3. Those days of marching in battle, the heat, hunger/thirst, weight of their armor, had all exhausted their strength.

4. They were weary, faint, weak and broken.

5. Yet, in their weariness they kept pursuing because their obedience to the Lord compelled them to stay in the work and to finish the job.

D. This morning we all must resolve to put a little more energy into the extraordinary tasks the Lord has awaiting us.

1. In spite of weariness, faintness and discouragement.

2. As individuals and as a church – we remain obedient in the face of opposition and hindrances to carry through to the end.

3. Confident of this - “He who started a good work in us will carry it on to completion.”

4. Obedience to the Lord’s work will bring hardship but with the Lord’s help we can keep pursuing.

II. Those Who Remain Obedient to the Lord Express/Define Encouragement.

A. Living a life of obedience for the Lord can be hard and sometimes it can be lonely.

1. But here is the encouragement we need to learn from Gideon.

2. Gideon was a valiant/strong leader – thoroughly equipped for his work. He had boldness and enthusiasm.

3. He had a heart loyal to the Lord.

4. The men in his army were also competent men, highly chosen men – who knew no fear for the enemy.

5. Chosen in a unique way and used in a non-conventional war method to defeat an enemy.

6. Tired = yes, Discouraged = yes, Weary = yes.

7. Disobedient = no, Quitting = no, Failing = no.

B. Today, we do well to remember the eternal words of Jesus here -

1. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes.” Acts 1:8

2. “I will build my church and nothing shall come against it.” Matthew 16:18

3. It’s a loud and clear reminder that we are not alone.

4. Eternal words that DEFINE encouragement.

5. We have Jesus and we have each other.

6. Reminder the church is not just one – but many members.

7. In times we rejoice with those who are rejoicing and we weep with those who are weeping.

8. Yes, there will be days and moments when we are weary – so we need someone to encourage us.

9. Christian stay obedient; Church stay in the work of the Lord – it is an encouragement to all.

III. Only Those Who Remain Obedient to the Lord Will Share in the Victory (8:4)

A. Faintness and weariness can be overcome by the believer.

1. Faintness is not unto death and it can be overcome.

2. Though the troops of Gideon were faint, they still pursued.

3. In an ironic way – being faint can be a good thing.

4. To be more specific – only when we are faint in our obedience to the Lord will we be victorious.

5. Maybe another word is “dependent.”

6. Because when we are at our weakest God is always at His strongest in our lives.

7. The real source of victory is not our strength, but God’s.

B. Listen: when we are most faint – God is most effective.

1. When we are most weary – God is most powerful.

2. When we are most exhausted – we are least self-confident.

3. Paul’s moment of weakness/weariness “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

4. Those who remain obedient to the Lord we will share in the victory.

Conclusion: Illustration # 1 Ignacy Paderwski

Illustration # 1 Ignacy Paderewski

One of Poland’s famous concert pianist and prime minister, Ignacy Paderewski tells this story. (pad-uh-ref-skee)

A mother, wishing to encourage her son’s progress at the piano, bought tickets for a Paderewski performance. When the night arrived, they found their seats near the front of the concert hall and eyed the majestic Steinway waiting on stage.

Soon the mother found a friend to talk to, and the boy slipped away. When eight o’clcok arrived, the spotlights came on, the audience quitted, and only then did they notice the boy on the bench, innocently picking out, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

His mother gasped, but before she could retrieve her son, the master appeared on the stage and quickly moved to the keyboard.

“Don’t quit – keep playing,” he whispered to the boy. Leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began playing. Then soon his right arm reached around the boy and began playing. Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized while they played together, “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”

In our own lives, unpolished though we may be, weary and faint through the days, it is our Master who surrounds us and just when we want to stop or quit or slow down – we hear words of hope and encouragement – “don’t quit – keep playing.”

First Baptist, Youngsville - Christian, don’t quit! Dad, mom, grandparent, Sunday School teacher, school teacher, business man, student, retiree – DON’T QUIT. Keep serving, studying, teaching, singing, going, praying and keep witnessing.

Tired = yes, weary = yes, exhausted = yes. Disobedient = No

God is still on His throne and He wants to share the victory with you.
