Yes, “it’s all happening” to quote the patented phrase of my favourite Australian TV Cricket commentator Bill Lawry… in the spiritual realm to be more precise. These words of that legendary Commentator uttered in the climactic stages of a thrilling Cricket match would always further spice up the "thriller"!!! Well...human history as it were is now reaching a climactic stage what with the Global Pandemic (Luke 21:11) portending the imminent Church Rapture shaking up the Whole World (the Advanced Countries boasting of many medical facilities have also not been spared). Even while praying for Divine relief to arrive soon as also for the comfort of many bereaved families, in this message Yours Truly has endeavoured to focus on the technological advances-prophesied accurately in the The Bible- which constitute a part of the Glorification Doctrine of the Church.
Well for the uninitiated in the Christian theology, I would like to state that in Christian faith there are three doctrines…
1. Justification
2.Sanctification and
The bare fundamentals of these 3 paramount doctrines can be summarised thus...👇
If Justification is all about a sinner (a child of the devil-John 8:44) being justified (read the relationship with God is set right) by the Blood of Jesus in God’s sight (Col 1:20) and becoming a child of God (John 1:12-13), then Sanctification is all about this new child of God being transformed progressively into the image of God’s Son-Jesus Christ (2 Cor 3:18…with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit which starts indwelling him from the point of his regeneration). Then readers at this stage may well ask what then is the Glorification doctrine (also known in Christian theological parlance as Eschatology)? Well…
1) it is about this Christ-like Child of God one day physically departing from this World (read dying) and being ushered into Heaven in an ethereal resurrected body to dwell with all the Saints of God in the presence of the Almighty till the time of coming to rule the World along with Christ one day (also known as Second Coming of Christ-Rev 20)
2) a) being ethereally transformed (read acquiring the resurrection body in the twinkle of an eye-1 Cor 15:52) in the first phase of Jesus’ Second Coming (also known as the Church Rapture) and being caught-up in the mid-skies to dwell therein for 7 years (during this period the World with a Global villain scripturally known as Anti-Christ at the helm-2 Thess 2:3- would go through a terrible tribulation time with horrific , frequent natural calamities (Rev 6, 8-9, 11,16) causing much more human suffering than what is being induced by present Covid-19 pandemic) before
b) coming to rule the World with Christ one day along with those Saints who had died physically but are in Christ’s presence now clothed with Resurrection bodies.
Well this message of Yours Truly has everything to do with the Glorification doctrine. The Book of Revelation (the last Book in The Bible) is largely eschatological in its outlook giving detailed accounts of what would happen in the 7 year Tribulation period subsequent to the Church Rapture. One of things which would occur during the Tribulation Period is the insistence of Micro-chip implantation in all the bodies of all the people under the realm of Anti-Christ (also known as Man of Lawlessness-2 Thess 2:3) as borne out in the following Scripture portion…
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,[a] to be marked *on the right hand or the forehead*, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name-Rev 13:16-17 (ESV)
The Beast (a metamorphic description of a man with seemingly outward good actions but a blasphemous heart inside-Rev 13:1) referred to here is the Anti-Christ and the Mark referred to in the above Scripture portion is nothing but a Micro-chip implanted (in human bodies) facilitating varied transactions in the Global economy of those days including purchase of food. With natural calamities causing severe food shortage in order to monitor the rationing of the food during that time of food scarcity Anti-Christ would insist everyone be “chipped”!!! This chip besides making several transactions very simple (being connected to Global Data Centre…may be at Silicon Valley) would facilitate the World Government (Anti-Christ would extend his sovereignty over several nations) in the matter of ensuring that each family as per its size get’s a proper proportionate share of food as (I reiterate) food shortage (induced by several natural calamities) would reach horrific proportions then. Also at one shot (in the Indian context) microchip would enable the citizens to store information of their Aadhar card, Pan card, Debit and Credit cards, driving licence card etc under the safety of one's skin unlike in a purse where there is a possibility of losing them all at one go. Now with vaccination having started the information whether the person has been vaccinated would also be stored in that microchip.
As though to psychologically prepare the world citizens to show their right hand and forehead to strangers to scan the presence of microchip and the information contained in it during this Covid-19 pandemic it has become a must before entering any public place at all for World citizens to subject themselves to Thermal screening aimed at exactly the *forehead or the right wrist* (see concerned pics below👇)!!! At this stage, I feel compelled to herald from rooftops nay mountaintops are those with eyes observing these trends and discerning what they portend -Jeremiah 5:21)!!!
Now about say 200 hundred years back this kind of technology was not at hand. So no question of Church Rapture then…because the World was not so inter-connected technologically as it is now to bring to reality the Prophesied Events (to do with technology) of the subsequent 7 year tribulation period besides facilitating easy functioning of the Global Economy. But now it is, which makes us reason with a fair amount of conviction that Church Rapture is imminent for all the events to become a reality in the subsequent Tribulation Period ( as it has been prophesied in The Bible) the needed technology is now available. Also who would dispute that the needed technology is not there now? There are several other events of the Tribulation like the one of dead bodies of 2 Saints (killed by Anti-Christ) lying in the streets of Jerusalem and the whole World viewing them (courtesy Social media and other technological advances like Cable TV) which would have been impossible say again 200 hundred years back.
Want more proof? Yours Truly is forwarding herewith a video👇👇👇 (not made by any Christian agency with any vested interests’ but by an impartial News Agency namely NBC) which shows that microchip implantation system has not only arrived but is on the rise in many countries like Sweden.
Now coming to a final crucial question. Why is the good Lord revealing all these signs to those who are spiritually discerning (I Cor 2:12-15) about the “power of secret of lawlessness” being already at work (2 Thess 2:7) besides displaying to our spiritual eyes in such graphic detail, the horrors of tribulation in the Book of Revelation to us Christians, who anyway would not experience the horrors of the tribulation period? Is it not to make us passionate in our exercise of reaching to our unsaved relatives, friends and acquaintances. If we truly love them, would we want them to drink from these terrible cups of woes? Yes, we need to plead with them earnestly to accept God’s Saving grace in Christ IMMEDIATELY, in the same way, Lot pleaded with his would-be Sons in law to flee from Sodom and Gomrorah, along with rest of his family members-the night before fire and brimstone rained upon those cursed cities (Gen 19:14). Dear Reader if the good Lord is prompting you to yield your life into the hands of your loving Creator...then make this prayer...
Father in Heaven, I confess I am a sinner by birth…I believe that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ to die on my behalf on the Cross as per the Scriptures. I also believe that as per the Scriptures after His death on the Cross, Jesus rose from the dead. Forgive my sins, cleanse my heart with blood of Jesus, accept me as Your child and write my name in the Book of Life. Fill my heart with Your Heavenly joy and peace as a proof of the fact that You have given me a new life. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen
Are you experiencing a Divine, ethereal cleansing process with Divine peace and joy bubbling in your heart? Then praise Him whole-heaetedly for transforming you and now aim to strengthen your new found faith in Christ by either contacting me (Ph:9849009104) or by finding a Local Church Pastor to teach you more the nuances of Christian faith.
Dear Believers' in the Lord, never be discouraged even if your sincere efforts to lead your loved ones' to Christ is not immediately bearing fruit. If they do not repent and seek Christ, we ought to prayerfully hope that they would seek Him during tribulation (when they see for themselves the fulfillment of all the Prophecies of The Book of Revelation) and thus constitute a huge community of “tribulation saints”. Yes, tribulation saints who would experience the horrors of tribulation, at least to some extent, would comprise those who refuse to listen to us now but would eventually accept the Lord, once they see the events described in Revelation Chapters 6-19 taking place in precise order with pinpoint accuracy.
But nothing quite like being a raptured saint, whom the Lord would not allow to face cataclysmic crescendo of woes in line with His promise in Rev 3:10.
While limitations of time and space may constrain Yours Truly from dealing more elaborately on the many other similar technology-related "juicy" prophesied events of the Book of Revelation, let me conclude prayerfully that we all ought to be in utter preparedness for being “UP THERE” in a sprightly mood to boot! Consider this Scripture portion...
“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” – I Cor 13:5
Let’s also ask this pertinent question. Am I fleshing out Acts 9:31 which says that the Early Christians were walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit? If it is true in our lives (comfort of the Holy Spirit is proof of the fact that our relationship with our Lord is in order) then yes, if the Last Trumpet is blown tonight we would be part of the Raptured Church (1 Cor 15:51-53)!!! Maranatha!!!
Yours in His service,
Suresh Manoharan (Ph: 098490-09104)