Summary: God uses Samuel to speak to David and now David is use to defeat the giant in the life of the Israelites.

God sees the heart Part two

1 Samuel 17:1-11

Introduction- Good morning Rosedale!

We are continuing a message from last week entitled God sees the heart. I am going to get you caught up as soon as possible.

Anyone one here feel like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders?

Anyone feel like almost everything gets on your last nerve? God sees the heart!

God sees your heart. We have been in a study with Samuel the prophet who felt like he could no longer be used by God because of the actions of someone else.

Is that you?

Do you feel disqualified?

I am here to tell you this morning that it is not over till it’s over and God says it’s over.

If you believe that your God is a big God and believe that God is more than able to supply your needs than you have to believe that your God can handle and help you through the rough patches and will be with you till the end.

Last week we saw Samuel believed

The past defined his future- God showed him that wasn’t true.

Samuel believed that He was no longer of any use for God to use him- God showed him that wasn’t true.

He believed that the good old days were in the past- God showed him that the good old days weren’t as good as he had thought .

We finished the text with Samuel anointing the young boy shepherd David to be the future king of Israel.

I want you to keep an open mind as we read the text and be determined that God is going to speak the word of God into your life and I don’t care what age you.

When we gather to hear God’s word- God speaks!

God wants to speak a word to you! When you believe it with all your heart, you’ll sit in the front of the church because that is where extra blessing is but most are afraid to sit In the front!


Remember from last week the text ended where David was anointed by Samuel.

“Then the Lord said, rise and anoint him, he is the one. So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power. Samuel then went to Ramah.”

I want you to see something important here-

If you don’t catch this, you miss the meaning why David did so well against Goliath.

Samuel went back to Ramah his home town- his job was finished and he had completed what the Lord wanted from him.

David after being anointed to be the next king of Israel went back to the field to tend his sheep because he was not ready to take the job God had anointed him for.

There is a time of preparation that he had to go through.

Somebody ought to be saying praise the Lord! I’m here in an almost church because were taping but I guarantee on Sunday there will be some shouting going on!

Prophet Samuel was done and David needs to get ready!

David went back to his old job but with a fresh anointing of God on his life-

edThe Spirit of God fell on him because the Holy Spirit wasn’t given yet but we as believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.

We ought to be some excited people when it comes to doing things for the Lord.

King Saul back at the palace was depressed (evil spirit) and it tormented him.

They could not find a way to keep him from being depressed and they search for someone who could play a harp and sooth him when he was in those times of torment.

One of the king’s servants “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine looking man. And the Lord is with him.”

Do you see what is happening here!

Saul sends for David- “Send me your son David”

Jesse sends with his son a donkey full of bread and wine/ because it never a bad idea to get on the good side of the king.

David played for Saul and Saul’s depression went away- Saul like David and wanted him to stay. “Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.”

David was made an armor bearer for King Saul. ( he has now been put in a position of influence. He has now gotten the attention of the king)

How many know that the Lord has to prepare us and position us for His work if we are to be the most effective for the kingdom. Amen!

Now we can read the text for this morning!

1 Samuel 17:1-11 read from Bible

Let that sink in!

One giant of a man has paralyzed the army of Israel.

Why do you even bother to line up your people on this hill- you have no intention of fighting!

I am a Philistine and you are a servant of Saul.

Come on lets fight this like real men would and send down your best man and if that man kills me, we will serve you and If I kill him, Israel will serve us.

Because they were paralyzed and afraid, Goliath did this for 40 straight day’s morning and night- 80 times!

God has been prepping David his whole life for what is about to happen.

David is being moved into position to be of use for God’s kingdom.

I have preached this text several times and there are many lessons to be learned.

Facing the giants in our life

Standing for God when others won’t

Confronting conflict


Living in the land of the giants.

I even heard it said that a Rock star had been brought down by a rock.

How about we see one that doesn’t always get a pretty title but worth much in our lives?

God’s will (purpose) works against the odds

If I was a betting man and I have never been- I value my money to much to waste it and give it away.

Casinos become rich on people who think that they can beat the odds and be big winners.

There is a reason that casinos are fancy, they can give away rooms and meals. Treat you like a high roller because most will walk away broke and discouraged and left with a broken dream of being rich.(Christian in a restaurant and overhearing a couple crying say that they had lost 150,000)

They tell people the odds of winning are remote but people think they can beat the odds- they are different.(They will be the rain man and count cards and beat the odds)

God is the only one that wins when the odds are against him.

He does not work by the odds, he works against the odds-

What were the odds that Abraham would have a son when he was 100 years old and his wife 90?

What were the odds that Moses could convince Pharaoh to free the Israelite slaves?

What were the odds that a virgin could have a child?

What were the odds that a crucified man could come back to life?

With God all things are possible, whatever the odds.

Finding leaders (anointed and prepped) for God's work is one of the most crucial things facing the church today.

No congregation, no church, will ever rise higher than its leadership.

Whatever the spiritual work may be, God gives leaders and those leaders have the responsibility to lead the people where God wants them to go.

God calls people to service. God calls people to salvation, of course. We are the called of the Lord. We have been called unto salvation. But God also calls us unto service.

Paul said that he was an apostle called of God. There is a call. God calls us to places of service.

David should not be even considered to be the next king-

David was not a warrior who should have been fighting a giant who was born to fight, trained to fight, and fighting was the only thing that he knew or cared about and young David would go against Him?

God fights for the underdog but is never the underdog- (repeat)

It may of looked like David didn’t have a chance but there was never a spot where David was in trouble.

God is a majority no matter what the odds are showing- when God shows up He is the majority and you better have picked the right side to be on!

Perspiration and preparation will bring inspiration

So many people want God to fight their battles and sit back for wait for Him to do it. Sometimes God gives us the mission of being the change. We are the change factor God uses in many situations. We just choose to stand back and wait for someone else to step up. We say- I don’t want to lead it but I will be apart of it- may be you are to one to lead it! To invent it! To suggest it! To implement it!

David showed up at the battle field with a assignment from his father to bring his brothers some food, give cheese to the leaders, and report back to his father what he found. Most people can handle that! It is observing from a distance and little chance of risk.

To be the cheerleader.

Commentator of events.

David after preparation in the field, after God trained him by using struggles in his life, David saw injustice, he saw his God being mocked and defied and he could not just sit and watch- he had to participate and inspire.

The crowd of would-be servants talking about it!

Sometimes you need to stop talking and let the rubber meet the road.

“The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him.” He will also give him his daughter and will exempt his father family from paying taxes.” They were talking about it, David heard about it and responded- immediately! “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

“David says to the king- Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine: your servant will go fight.”

Because of fighting the bears and lions of life, David was prepared and ready to fight the giants not only in his life but others lives.

Even after all that King Saul put the thumbs down and again was trying to rationalize the size factor of David and Goliath when he should have been learning the session between the size of your problem and the size of your God!

Ok David, you go but wear my armor! The armor did not fit! The armor was designed and fitted for king Saul. NOT DAVID. David had to go back to what God used to prepare him and that was the training he received in the fields while tending his sheep. He picks up 5 stones and his sling shot.

While David was having a wardrobe malfunction, Goliath is watching all this and has already decided that this is a boy in a mans world and begins to torment and slander him by saying that his weapons would not be able to stop a dog let alone a fighting machine like the great Goliath!

I think it best to never count out the underdog in anything you are up to in life- remember Rocky! He’s not losing, he is getting mad!

When you count out the underdog without a fight, you lessen your sharpness to your own skills because you go into easy mode… comfortable mode.

“Come here, and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the beast of the field.”

Listen to David’s response- it is why being prepared, trained, focused, and on the Lord’s side brings victory.

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”

Do you think he knew what a can of whooping he was about to get!

What power came in the Lord of the Lord Almighty!

Goliath found out what this world will soon find out that you cannot defy the name of the Lord and not pay the price for it!

One of these days the giant will fall- Being hit right between the eyes.

David had to cut the head off the giant- as gross as it appears because the giant must not resurrect again.

There is only one who has resurrected and one who will resurrect us and the giants in our lives are going down in the name of Jesus!

Quickly as we close-

Goliath didn’t respect the God of Israel because Goliath, the great Philistine thought he was God, that he was unstoppable.

So this morning, the Lord is more than able to stop and fight the giants in your life.

Just make sure the giant He will be fighting is not you.

God is more than able to do some great and mighty things-

He is looking for some to stand and be a servant in areas where His word must go- would you be that one? Would you pray about it?

Today, this circumstance that is ready to defeat you might come down in Jesus name!

Today, the Lord may be speaking to you that you will be the David he has chosen to go against the giants for other people.

Like Saul said to David before he fought the giant- “Go and the Lord be with you”

Lets pray together- go and the Lord be with you!