Summary: God was the God of Israel and Jonah wanted to keep it that way. He did not want every Tom, Dick, and Harry of the pagan world finding out about the real God. Let them perish with their stupid man-made idols. That is what they deserve.

Trying to be a world class Christian can be a world class

pain. Ralph Hult learned this the hard way. This Nebraska

born Swede at age 32 went to Africa as a missionary, but on

his first furlough in 1926 he was told there was no money to

send him back. So he started a fruit farm near Springfield,

Missouri. He was quite fruitful himself in that he had 10

children with his wife. He wanted to start a home mission

church, but again he was told there was no money available.

It was 1941 before the board could send him back to Africa,

and then two years later he died of a heart attack.

His story sounds like a good reason not to bother with a

world vision. But his story does not end with his death. His

world class perspective was passed on, and 5 of his children

became missionaries to Africa and other nations. His

attitudes and values live on and fulfill the Great Commission

of our Lord. The reason I start with this true story of a

missionary who did not accomplish a great deal with his own

efforts, yet did a lot by his attitudes, is because that is the

key to being a world class Christian. You can read mission

books by the dozens, and even go to the mission field, and

still not be a world class Christian. It is not where you go

and what you do, but it is your spirit that makes you a world

class Christian.

Jonah is the best example in the Bible of a missionary

who did not have a world class spirit. He went to Nineveh

and preached the message God gave him, but he did not

have the spirit of God at all. Jonah cared only about Israel

and not the rest of the world, which was full of mere Gentile

dogs. God was the God of Israel and He wanted to keep it

that way. He did not want every Tom, Dick, and Harry of

the pagan world finding out about the real God. Let them

perish with their stupid man-made idols. That is what they


In Jonah we see the dark side that can be in even the

most godly people. They can be so narrow in their

perspective that they do not care about people who are not

like them. They want God to love and care for them

exclusively, and not waste His time with the worthless of the

world. As far as Jonah was concerned, he wanted God to

forsake the Gentile scum and just focus on blessing the

people of Israel. When God had compassion on the people

of Nineveh because they repented it made Jonah angry. He

threw a hissy fit like none other we find in the Bible. He was

so thoroughly discussed with God's love for these people that

he did not want to live anymore. He did not want to live in a

world where God loved everybody.

I have heard people say, "Who wants to bring a child into

this evil fouled up world where there is so much hatred and

violence." But here is a man of God saying, "I can't stand

living in a world where there is so much love and grace

shown to people who deserve to be wiped out. If that is the

way God is going to be, then get me out of here, for I'd

rather be dead." If you think that a man of God cannot be

filled with bitter prejudice against those who are not of the

same race or religion, you had better think again, for here is

a biblical prophet who reeks with the foul stench of putrid


You can't get any worse than Jonah, for he was mad at

God for not conforming to his self-centered conviction that

the Ninevites did not deserve to live. Jonah would have

loved to fire God and get a new God on the throne who

could see the need to narrow his focus and knock off this

concern for the whole world. Godly people do not life God

when He cares too much about the ungodly. The godly

leaders of Israel killed the Son of God because He cared

about people they knew better than to care about. Here is

the ultimate idolatry. It is the worshipping of your own

feelings, convictions, and opinions. Even God is rejected by

those who make these things their God.

The world is filled with people who are angry at God

because He will not conform to their bigoted view point. He

goes on loving Ninevites and other minorities all over the

world just like someone who never reads the paper to see

how despicable they can really be. God would be a lot more

popular in every race if He would just love that race

exclusively, and promise to send all the rest to hell. Jonah

would have praised God and doubled tithed if God would

have destroyed the Ninevites. Instead, he is complaining

bitterly that God let him down by sparing them. I have

heard of preachers being depressed because they feel their

sermon did not touch anyone, but here is a preacher who

saved a whole city from judgment, and he is depressed

because of his success. He was hoping to report a totally

fruitless ministry in Nineveh. He was hoping his message

was a total flop and that not a living soul would pay any

attention to his message.

But alas, God failed to cooperate with his plan, and now

he is stuck with the reputation of being the prophet whose

message saved and entire pagan city. How embarrassing

this must have been for poor Jonah. It would have been

easier for him to die than to go back to Israel and his fellow

Gentile despisers with this kind of reputation. His message

brought great success, but he was a big failure because he

failed to have a world class spirit. God is the God of all the

world, and when His people do not have this perspective of

His world wide love and plan they cannot dream His dream.

God made it clear in His covenant with Abraham that

his seed was to bless all the people of the world. God's plan

has never been narrow and limited to blessing just His

chosen people. The only reason for having a chosen people

was to have an instrument by which He could reach and

bless the unchosen people of the world. The Jews were

chosen, not so they could be saved alone, but so that they

could reach the whole world with the message of God's love

for all.

The universality of God's plan runs all through the

Bible. The Bible is world class from start to finish. All the

Patriarchs in Genesis are told that their seed is to bless the

whole world. Here are a few texts that give the world class

perspective of the whole Bible:

Psa. 33:8, "Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people

of the world revere Him."

Prov. 8:31, has the wisdom of God "Rejoicing in His whole

world and delighting in mankind."

Isa. 27:6, "In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will

bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit."

Jesus sent His church into all the world to be the light of

the world, and He says in Matt. 24 that the end will not come

until the whole world hears the Gospel. And we know they

will for the final scene for the redeemed in heaven reveals

that there will be people from every tribe, tongue and

nation. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and He

will never be content until there are redeemed people from

every part of this fallen world. To be a world class Christian

is simply to be Christ like in recognizing that our God is

global, our Gospel is global, and our goals are global. To be

a good Christian means that you have to care about the

whole world.

This is easy enough if you are an infinite God

everywhere present in the world, but for us finite beings,

who are so limited, this is more than we can handle. We

have to focus on some parts of the world. That is what every

Christian denomination does, and every mission

organization. Nobody is trying to reach the whole world,

but there are hundreds of different groups trying to reach

parts of it, and together they will reach all of it.

It should be easier for us to be world class then it was for

Jonah, for we live in a world where communication has

made the world so much smaller. We can watch the

Olympics with world-class athletes. Television brings the

whole world into our homes. World-class musicians and

singers are in concert. World-class scientists travel, speak,

and consult with scientists in the U. S. World-class authors,

artists, and leaders in all realms of life are a part of our

culture. Being world-class is a part of the whole vast

computer world of the internet where you can communicate

with millions of people all over the world. The secular mind

is becoming world-class, and the point is that Jesus told us to

be world-class and concerned about people everywhere. The

Christian should be more world-class than anyone, but it is

not always so. The Jonah complex still exists in the minds of

many of God's people.

Who cares about the pagan world and all the masses of

sinful humanity in foreign lands? God says that He cares,

and that you had better care too, for that is part of His

dream for you. He wants you to make some difference in

this world where over half of the population have never

heard that they have a Savior who died for them that they

might have eternal life. To make this happen often calls for

us to break out of our comfort zones and pay a price to love

people whom God loves. Here is a testimony of a missionary

who was asked if he liked his work in Africa. "Do I like this

work? No, my wife and I do not like dirt. We have

reasonably refined sensibilities. We do not like crawling

into huts trough goats refuse. We do not association with

ignorant, filthy, brutish people. But is a man to do nothing

for Christ he does not like? If not, then God pity him.

Liking or disliking has nothing to do with it. We have

orders to go and we go. Love constrains us."

This goes against the grain of our culture where the idea

of sacrifice is taboo, and the goal of life is comfort and

pleasure at any cost. The number of career American

missionaries dropped by almost ten thousand between 1988

and 1992. it is harder and harder to motivate American

Christians to break out of their comfort zone for the sake of

a hurting world. Paul Borthwick in his book How To Be A

World Class Christian quotes Tom Sine who said, "We all

seem to be trying to live the American dream with a little

Jesus overlay. We talk about the lordship of Christ, but our

career comes first. Our house in the 'burbs comes first.

Upscaling our lives comes first. Then, with whatever we

have left, we try to follow Jesus.

There are none of us who can plead not guilty to the

charge of being more self-centered than Christ-centered.

Part of the problem is that we live in an age of information

overload. There is so much information on so many subjects

that we are all overwhelmed by our ignorance. We can't

even keep up on all the information vital to our own well

being in the world of health, insurance, investments, and a

host of other issues. How in the world can we keep up with

the issues missionaries face in foreign lands where we know

so little of the culture and customs. The result is that our

prayers for missionaries are often based on total ignorance.

A missionary family from Kenya home on furlough

learned that people here were praying for their protection

from leopards. They said they were in Kenya for 18 years

and have prayed to be able to see a leopard, but with no

success. They never heard of a missionary in all of East

Africa who ever got attacked by a leopard. Many have been

killed and injured, however, in car accidents. They face the

same dangers we do here, and they need people praying for

protection from the real dangers and not fictitious ones.

Lack of information makes prayer an exercise in futility.

Prayer has to be informed to be of any value. People pray

for the missionaries in Quito, Ecuador who live right on the

equator, and ask that they be able to withstand the heat.

Then they learn that Quito is 9 thousand feet above sea level

and has a year around temperature of 70 with nighttime as

low as 55. Whether is the least of their problems, but in

ignorance it becomes the main focus on those who do not

know the facts.

We cannot know everything about every land, but we

can focus in on some places and missionaries in order to

pray for their real needs. That is being world-class.

Missionaries are just like us, and they have the same needs.

We often assume they are different, and so we do not

minister to these normal needs. Paul Barthwick writes

again and shares this testimony. "Carl, a missionary in

South America for 20 years, lamented after a furlough visit

home, 'in multiple visits with all my supporting churches, no

one asked me about my spiritual health, and when I came

home last June, my spiritual life was in a state of disrepair.

I wasn't praying, my Scripture reading had lapsed, and I

was thinking of quitting the ministry. People should never

think that because I am a missionary, I am automatically


Missionaries need people who show they care, not just

when they are home on furlough, but when they are on the

field. I pray for them, but I do not write to them and

encourage them. Thank God for those who do, for they are

world-class Christians on a higher level, and they keep

missionaries striving to succeed. This is one way to become

a world-class Christian. It is to become pen pals with a

missionary family. Another way to care about the whole

world is to recognize that the world is coming to us. Millions

have come to live here from other lands. Tens of thousands

of the best students from all over the world come to America

each year to study. Only a faction of these students ever get

into American homes. They spend 2 to 4 lonely years in our

country, and then go back to their land with no positive

impression about Christianity. Thank God for exceptions.

A British couple took a student from the Muslin nation

Oman into their home and showed him Christian love. They

did not win him to Christ but they still changed the world

for many others. This man became the Sultan of Oman and

was totally favorable to Christians in his country. He even

contributed land for the building of Christian churches.

Christians in this Muslim land now have the freedom that

most such nations never allow, and it is all because a couple

in England were world-class Christians and showed love to

students from other lands.

Any of us can do this, for there are abundant

opportunities to befriend foreign students. You can help

change the world by what you do right here with a

world-class perspective. None of can do everything, but all

of us can do something to help the growing movement to

reach our world with the Gospel. We all need to hear things

life this story related in Hugh Steven's book To The Ends Of

The Earth. A witch doctor in Northern Brazil rejected the

Gospel for he said, "I work to get spirits out of people. I

don't want the spirit of Jesus in me." But when he was

dying he had a dream of a large book with the names of all

the people in the village who were Christians written in it.

His, of course, was not there. In that dream he asked God to

write his name in the book. When he woke up he told people

he thought it was too late, but God gave him a chance to

receive Jesus in his dream. He dyed joyful that he was able

to trust Jesus even after years of rejecting Him.

It may not be true that it is never too late, but it is

seldom too late for anyone, for God can even come to wicked

people in their dying dreams. We ought not to ever give up

on people but pray until their final breath, for they may

with their final breath yet breathe a prayer of faith. God is

not willing that any perish but that all come to repentance.

If we have the mind of Christ, that will be our attitude

toward all the people of the world.

Tom Sine, one of the leaders in the Christian movement

to resist the consumer life style of our culture, says it is

never too late for Christians to start caring and sharing

more with the poor of the third world countries. He tells of

6 Christian couples who gave the money they used to eat out

together once a month to a literacy project in Haiti. This

enabled parents to develop vocational skills so they did not

have to sell their children into slavery. He challenges us all

to come up with some creative way to make a difference in

the lives of the poor. Anne Frank in her diary said, "How

wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment

before starting to improve the world." May God help us all

to start right now by asking God to make us world-class
