Summary: The challenge for all of us is to go into this Christmas season determined to see in the sights of Christmas that which makes us praise God and want to be part of His light in this dark world. Let your prayer be, open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus.

Hal Bowser said, "the most exciting gift I've ever received was the microscope my parents

gave me for Christmas when I was eleven." The first thing he did on that Christmas day was

to go out in the back yard and get some water from a rain puddle. He put a drop under his

microscope and what he saw changed his whole life. He saw creatures he never knew existed

and a world filled with life beyond his wildest dreams. He realized that microscopy opened

up whole new worlds of color and creativity. No longer would even slimy ditch water be

contemptible to him, for everywhere, there was fascinating beauty and life.

When he grew up he joined the New York Microscopical Society and began to meet large

numbers of micromaniacs. People all over the world study animal, mineral and vegetable

phenomenon invisible to the naked eye and see wonders most people never see. There are

people every day who see things God has made in this world that the rest of the world does

not see.

This was a major characteristic of the first Christmas as well. It was a time of seeing the

invisible world. The most advanced technology in electronic microscopes could not have

enabled man to see what was seen on that first Christmas. All the main characters of the

Christmas story were allowed to see the world of the invisible.

Mary was permitted to see the angel Gabriel who came to announce that she was to give

birth to the Messiah. Only three people in all of history saw this divine messenger who

stands in the presence of God-Daniel, Mary and Zechariah.

Joseph was given a vision by which he was able to see Mary was not unfaithful but was

with child by the Holy Spirit. What he saw in that vision made him a cooperative companion

with Mary in the ordeal of the Incarnation.

The wise men would never have been a part of the Christmas story had God not revealed

to them the Star of Bethlehem. This was clearly a supernatural sight not visible to all the

world but only to these specialist who were gazing at the heavens for signs. Such a sight

would bring people from everywhere if they could have seen it. But it was only the few who

could see this star of wonder.

The shepherds had their own unique supernatural vision. The angel of the Lord

appeared to them and the field lit up with the glory of the Lord. The wise men never got to

see these glorious beings. And the shepherds never saw the star. Mary and Joseph did not

apparently see either sight. God gave each person and each group of persons the kind of

vision they needed to motivate them to do what He willed.

The one vision they all had in common was the most marvelous vision of all: they all saw

the Word who had become flesh. They all saw the invisible become visible. The Son who

reigned with God in the invisible realm of the Spirit, where the eyes of man cannot penetrate,

was now visible in that babe of Bethlehem. They were seeing the greatest miracle of all

history and the wonder of the ages that makes all other miracles pale in comparison. This

was the eye-witness event of all time and it changed all of time.

The birth of the Son of God has given us the most eye appealing holiday of the year.

Christmas is a seeing experience. The response of the shepherds has become the universal

response at Christmas-let's go see! They could not wait to go see the Christ child. The wise

men could not rest until they saw the Christ child. The desire to see the Gift of God is the

strongest desire we see motivating the people on that first Christmas.

The eye gate is still the main gate to the Christmas experience. It is the season for seeing.

Let's go see Santa; let's go see the decorations; let's go see the lights; let's go see the

Christmas play; etc. the whole nation is caught up in a seeing frenzy at Christmas. Seeing is

what gets us in the mood. We put up the tree and get out the decorations to change the

whole atmosphere. We do it because seeing is the essence of the season.

When the word became flesh and we beheld the glory of God in visible form, that changed

everything. We see God in a new light and all of life is seen from a new perspective.

Changing the whole atmosphere in which we live is a valid symbol of the significance of what

God did by letting his invisible nature become visible in Jesus Christ. Decorating is a visible

expression of invisible values.

We need to be aware that seeing is also used by Satan to lead us astray. All the wonders

and beauty we see at Christmas need to be used in a conscious way to remind us of the

wonder of what God has done in Christ. If we let all the beauty of the season distract us

from Jesus we are falling into the same trap Adam and Eve fell into. God gave them an

environment of unmatched beauty pleasing to the eye. Gen. 2:9 says, "God made all kinds of

trees grow out of the ground-trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food." They

had beauty beyond our comprehension. But the forbidden fruit was also beautiful and they

were led astray by it's beauty. So it is with the beauty of Christmas. It is valid to enjoy it but

it is dangerous to be so involved that we take our eyes off the best-the Gift of God.

I was impressed as I read Dale Evans Rogers book, Christmas Is Always and Pat Boone's

book, The Real Christmas. Both of these well known Christian entertainers are pro-Santa

Claus. That is, they saw in this jolly old St. Nick, that which led them to appreciate the Lord

Jesus. They were seeing this secular symbol as a potential sacred symbol.

Many Christians feel Santa is a mere secular symbol and a myth, but these two popular

Christians see more. They argue that if you know the history of Santa you will see the more

that they see. Dale Rogers takes us back to Asia Minor where all the churches that Jesus

spoke to in the book of Rev. were located. In the fourth century a rich merchant lived there

who had no children. He and his wife prayed that if God would give them a boy they would

train that child to love and serve Him. When God answered that prayer they named the boy

Nicholas. He was lovingly nurtured and well educated in the Christian faith.

His parents died when he was quite young and left him a lot of money. But he was

generous and gave most of it away. He kept three bags of gold that would keep him nicely

for the rest of his life. But he had compassion on poor girls that had no dowry to get

married and he gave the three bags to three poor girls so they could marry.

He decided to become a priest and after he finished his studies he went back to his home

town of Myra in Greece. The town was in a state of turmoil. The Bishop had just died and

the clergy could not agree on who should take over. They decided the next priest to come in

to the Cathedral would become the Bishop. By the providence of God, Nicholas was that

man and was proclaimed the new Bishop of Myra. He became known as the patron of the

children because of his untiring efforts to teach them. On his birthday, which was Dec.6th,

he collected presents to give to the children of Myra. This became a tradition all over

Europe and was done in the memory of St. Nicholas. After many years the gift giving was

shifted to Christmas gift giving.

Santa Claus is the Dutch name of St. Nicholas and the Dutch brought the tradition to

America. The Dutch were really into St. Nicholas and by the 13th century they had 23 St.

Nicholas churches. They brought him to America, to New York, and now he has become a

tradition in our culture. All kinds of mythology has grown around him with his elves and

reindeer etc., but the fact is he had a Christian origin and if you see this you can see through

all the myth to a symbol of a Christlike Spirit. Pat Boone writes, "Surely Santa, as he should

be, as little children see him, a spirit of love, of generosity, of merriment, would have

delighted the heart of the Christ child."

I share this to illustrate that people see different things even when they are looking at the

same thing. Many look at Santa and see only a secular myth and they are turned off. Others

look at Santa and see a symbol of the Christlike spirit and they are turned on to praise Christ

for his coming and his impact on all of history.

What you see in the sights of Christmas all depends on what you desire to see. I have to

fight the scrooge in me when I see the massive Christmas decorations in a mall, for example.

I can see all the money going into them as a waste. This money could be given to feed the

poor. I can see only the extravagance of it all and not realize I am being just like the

disciples who criticized Mary for wasting her perfume on anointing Jesus. They saw only

waste but Jesus saw love and honor in her act. So I need to look at the expensive decorations

as a tribute to the King of Kings. That is not necessarily the motive of those paying for all

the decorations. It is more likely pride and competition and greed, but the point is I have to

choose what I will see. Will I see the negative and be a complainer or will I choose to see the

positive and be a praiser? All the sights of Christmas present you with a choice.

The wise men saw in the Star of Bethlehem the symbol of the coming King and they were

moved to search for Him to worship Him. Herod when he heard of it saw that star as a

threat and he searched for the King to eliminate Him. What you see is what you get and you

choose what you see. The wise men choose to see in the star, a good thing. Herod choose to

see a bad thing. The fact was the King that star revealed was Herod's Savior too. He could

have chosen to be the first to honor the Gift of God with a feast of celebration. But he

choose to see the King as competition and to seek His destruction. He had a choice but he

chose to see the negative.

Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking, had to learn from his father that

positive thinking is a choice. You have to chose what you see. Listen to his testimony-

"One Christmas Eve when I was twelve, I was out with

my minister father doing some late Christmas shopping.

We were both loaded down with packages and I was

getting tired of it and a bit cross. I was thinking how

good it would be to get home, when a beggar-a

bleary-eyed, unshaven, dirty old man-came up to me,

touched my arm with a hand like a claw, and asked for

money. He was so repulsive that instinctively I recoiled.

Softly my father said, "Norman, it's Christmas Eve. You

shouldn't treat a man that way."

I was unrepentant. "Dad," I complained,

"he's nothing but a bum "

My father spoke strongly. "Maybe he hasn't made

much of himself, but he's still a child of God." He then

handed me a dollar-a lot of money for those days and

certainly for a preacher's income. "I want you to take

this and give it to that man," he said. "Speak to him

respectfully. Tell him you are giving it to him in Christ's


"Oh, Dad," I protested, "I can't do anything like that."

My father's voice was firm. "Go and do as I tell you."

So, reluctant and resisting, I ran after the old man

and said, "Excuse me, sir. I give you this money in the

name of Christ."

He stared at the dollar bill, then looked at me in utter

amazement. A wonderful smile came to his face, a smile

so full of life and beauty that I forgot that he was dirty

and unshaven. I forgot that he was ragged and old.

With a gesture that was almost courtly, he took off his

hat. Graciously he said, "And I thank you, young sir, in

the name of Christ."

All my irritation, all my annoyance faded away. The

street, the houses, everything around me suddenly

seemed beautiful because I had been part of a miracle

that I have seen many times since-the transformation

that comes over people when you think of them as

children of God, when you offer them love in the name of a

Baby born two thousand years ago in a stable in Bethlehem,

a Person who still lives and walks with us and

makes His presence known.

That was my Christmas discovery that year-the gold

of human dignity that lies hidden in every living soul,

waiting to shine through if only we'll give it a chance.

Early in life I began to understand that the positive principle

is deeply part of loving human relationships,

and for that insight I am very grateful.

Because Peale learned you can choose how to see people, he choose to see them as children

of God. He became an encourager because he choose to see in all people the potential of

being channels of God love. The sight he saw that Christmas made him a wise man. The

light of the world has come and what do you do with light? You see it and you see by it. Let

us, like him, choose to see the positive by that light.

The challenge for all of us is to go into this Christmas season determined to see in the

sights of Christmas that which makes us praise God and want to be part of His light in this

dark world. Let your prayer be, open my eyes Lord, I want to see Jesus. The gifts of God

are everywhere if we will only choose to see.

There are some that don't open their eyes or their ears or their

hearts And they still say, that's not quite enough.

They wander through the stores looking for Christmas;

But others open their whole being to the Lord,

Bending their knees to praise God,

Carrying Christmas with them every day.

For these the whole world is a gift.

It does no ultimate good for man to see the far reaching galaxies or the nearly infinite

microscopic creatures God has created if they fail to see in the sights of Christmas the

wonder of God's love. When the lights and beautiful colors and the music make you praise

God for the gift of His Son, then you are seeing with the eyes of faith.

Malcomb Muggeridge, the distinguished international journalist from England, who

became a Christian, tells of being in Bethlehem to make a film. He was turned off by all the

commercialism, especially in the Church of the Nativity where beggars and children were

offering postcards and souvenirs for sale. He wrote, " How ridiculous these so- called

'shrines' were! I was thinking to myself. How squalid the commercialism which exploited

them! Who but a credulous fool could possibly suppose that the place marked in the crypt

with a silver cross was veritably the precise spot where Jesus had been born? The Holy

Land, as it seemed to me, had been turned into a sort of Jesus land, on the lines of


But then he took his eyes off the commercialism and began to observe the faces of those

visitors coming into the crypt. He saw faces transformed by being where the Word became

flesh. People were not debating whether or not this was the actual spot where Jesus was

born. They were not complaining about the junk being sold. They were in a state of awe

because they saw beyond all that man was doing there to all that God did there. They were

seeing the invisible and Muggeridge said, once more the glory of the Lord shown around,

and he too sensed the presence of the Savior.

In the very spot where Christmas began, he had to choose what he would see in that

setting. Would he see the secular of man's folly and greed or would he see the sacred of

God's awesome love and presence?

We all have to choose what we see everywhere for in this fallen world the darkness of sin

and the light of salvation are always both present everywhere. We have to choose where we

focus and the challenge of Christmas is to see the love and the glory of Christ in all the sights

of Christmas.