Summary: A Christian with spiritual myopia is all caught up with an entangled with what is under his nose, but he has lost the vision of the distant past and the upcoming future in God's plan. He is forgetful of the cross, and blind to the glory of the future.

F. W. Boreham, the famous Australian preacher, had an

instructive experience in St. Paul's Cathedral. He and a friend were

looking at Holman Hunt's well known painting, "The Light Of The

World." The Savior stands before a closed door with a lantern in

His hand, and He is knocking. Boreham said to his friend, "I have

never been able to understand why Holman Hunt thought it

necessary to put a lantern in the Savior's hand on such a brilliant

moonlight night. The whole landscape stands out as vividly as at


Just then a stranger interpreted. "You must forgive me," he said,

"But it happens that I knew Holman Hunt well, and I was with him

a good deal when he was working on the painting before you. If you

pardon my saying so, you have completely missed one of the main

ideas he had in mind. He intended you to gather from the tangle of

undergrowth on the ground around the door, that the house is

standing on the fringe of the wilderness. The Savior is about to

leave the open country, bathed in moonlight, and plunge into the

shadowed gloom of the thickly wooded wilds. It is in preparation

for His gloomy journey through the darksome recesses of the

wilderness that He has lighted His lantern. He is knocking at the

door not merely with the hope of being admitted, and supping with

the members of the household, but in order to unite them to

cooperate with Him in His mission by accompanying Him on His

otherwise lonely journey."

It is fascinating to have this commentary on that painting, for it

reveals the artist was aware of something that Christians tend to

forget. He was aware of the fact that Jesus wants to enter the

heart's door of the individual, not to love them and leave them, but

to love them, save them, and recruit them for the great task of

pushing back the darkness with the Gospel of light.

You would think that a Christian could never forget the purpose

of Christ and His commands to take up the cross and follow Him.

You would think that a Christian could never forget the cross, and

the great commission to take the good news of it into all the world.

But Peter says in verse 9 that Christians can even go to the point of

being forgetful concerning their own cleansing from sin. Jesus

implied the same when He instituted the Lord's Supper to be

observed in remembrance of Him, and to show forth His death until

He comes. The implication is that Christians would forget His

sacrifice for their sin without a constant reminder. In this passage

Peter's main concern is with the need to keep Christians reminded

of what they already know.

In verse 12 he says will not be negligent to keep them in

remembrance. In verse 13 he writes of stirring up their

remembrance as long as he lives, and in verse 15 he says he is

putting these things in writing that they might have them in

remembrance after he is gone. Peter is fighting a major disease of

the spiritual life. It is the disease of spiritual amnesia. The person

with amnesia has forgotten his identity. He is normal in every other

way, but he does not know who he is. Israel fell victim to this

disease time and time again. She forgot that she was the bride of

Jehovah, and the elect people of God.

Moses cried out in Deut. 32:18, "You were unmindful of the Rock

that begat you, and you forgot the God who gave you birth."

In Judges 3:7 we read, "And the people of Israel did what is evil in

the sight of the Lord, forgetting the Lord their God..."

Isaiah gave this as the reason for the sorrows of Israel in Isa. 17:10,

"For you have forgotten the God of your salvation, and have not

remembered the Rock of your refuge."

God speaks in Jer. 2:32, "..My people have forgotten me days

without number."

This is the common lament of the prophets. Israel has forgotten the

Lord her God. It is no wonder then that she bore no fruit.

Forgetfulness and fruitfulness are opposites. Peter says that if you

have all of these virtues, and cultivate them, you will bear fruit, but

if you lack them you will be like Israel of old, blind, nearsighted, and

forgetful of God's will and deliverance.

It is important for Christians, not only to recognize the great

potential they have to be fruitful, but also to be aware of the great

danger they face in being forgetful. Forgetfulness is the cause of so

much sorrow and folly. Why do people who have lived together for

years, and who have gone through joys and sorrows together, decide

to get a divorce, or do something that will lead to divorce? It is

basically because they forget. They forget their vows and

commitments. They forget the love they once had. They forget all of

the values they shared in the past, and they ideals they were aiming

for, and they look only at the present. Because it is unpleasant they

forget all their obligations and play the fool.

Why do young people who have been given everything grow up

and rebel, and seek to overthrow the source of their blessings? It is

because they forget. They forget the sacrifice and love of their

parents. They forget the motives and ideals of the past, and look

only at their desires of the moment.

Why do Christians forsake the will of God? Why do they get fed

up with the church? Why do they get irritable in relation to other

Christians, and sinful in relation to the world? It is because they

forget. They forget the love and sacrifice of Christ for sinners. They

forget that Christians are still sinners. They forget the call to

struggle against the forces of darkness, and to climb to the ideal of

Christlikeness. They look only at the present imperfections, and

they get discouraged and frustrated, and they give up. They lose the

vision of the great past and the glorious future.

Peter puts it in very plain language. He says they are blind, and

they cannot see afar off. Christians are so use to hearing the unsaved

referred to as the blind that it is quite a shock for Peter to refer to

Christians as blind. Peter is warning Christians of the dangerous

power of negative thinking. He has listed all of the positive virtues

the Christian must have to be a successful soldier of the cross, and a

fruit bearing servant of Christ. In this verse he shows to what depth

of failure a Christian can fall if he lacks these things. He can be

blind, nearsighted, and forgetful. Peter's purpose in this negative

language is positive, for he wants Christians to avoid this kind of

failure. Knowing this can happen should make us practice

preventative measures to ensure that the fruit of our lives is not

blighted by these diseases. I say diseases because, though we have

only mentioned spiritual amnesia, it appears that the key symptom

of the unhealthy Christian life is spiritual myopia.

This is another name for nearsightedness. It is a condition in

which the rays from distant objects are brought to a focus before

reaching the retina, and so it is blurred. A Christian with spiritual

myopia is all caught up with an entangled with what is under his

nose, but he has lost the vision of the distant past and the upcoming

future in God's plan. He is forgetful of the cross, and blind to the

glory of the future. He is cut off from the root of the past, and the

fruit of the future. He lives the limited and useless life of a dead

stump, for he forgets his cleansing from sin, and the purpose for

which he was saved.

Myopia is caused by a constant absorption of the eye in small

things such as dim print and thin threads. The Christian who

specializes in the trivial, and gets so wrapped up in the petty projects

of the present that he forgets the end toward which he is to be

moving, becomes a very narrow and unfruitful Christian. The

Christian must have a great vision that sweeps the skies of God's

purpose like a giant telescope. Peter says if you lack these virtues

you are blind, and can see only what is near at hand, and so it

follows that if you have them, you can see far.

John Henry Jowett likens each of these virtues to a lens on a

telescope. Each one gives you more powerful vision. He writes,

"Every supplied grace enlarges the spiritual vision. Every

refinement of the disposition is the acquirement of an extra lens.

And now I think of it, my text is like a vast drawn-out-telescope,

with lens after lens added, ever contributing to the intensity and

extension of its range." The mature and fruitful Christian is one

with a powerful vision of the glory of God, and His ideal for man.

Christians with myopia are nearsighted saints who see only the

muddy mess of man's making, and they cannot see the stars of God's

making. Nearsighted is a curse, and it is far more prevalent than we


William L. Stidger, a famous preacher and author of numerous

books, tells about his battle with the American jitters. A less

dignified name he says is ants in the pants. In a ceaseless flurry of

one thing after another he became restless, irritable, angry, jealous,

suspicious, and finely even went to pieces in a nervous breakdown.

Even a rest in California seemed to do no good. Then, just by

accident, a friend invited him to go to the top of Mt. Hamilton one

night to visit the Lick Observatory. They allowed him to look

through the high-powered telescope, and for the first time in his life

he saw the stars in plane behind plane. He writes, "With the human

eye we see only stars in a single plane. But there I saw front yards

full of stars, backyards, and meadows and fields of stars, rivers of

stars, forests of stars, long mountain ranges of stars-stars behind

stars." His friend told the astronomer of his illness, and he said,

"This is the best cure for nerves I know."

And it was for him, for all the things he worried about became

trivial after he had seen the stars. That vast vision expanded his

horizon, and made him break away from the limits of

nearsightedness. Its the same story over and over in multitudes of

problems and diseases. People are self-centered, narrow minded,

and live with such limited vision that they can't keep from being

small, sick, blind, and unfruitful. It is all the more tragic when it

happens to a Christian, for he has all these resources to cure myopia

and expand his vision.

A few years ago a group of people aroused by the miseries of

preventable blindness organized the Society For The Conservation

Of Vision. This is what the church is to be on the spiritual level, and

the Apostle Peter has given us the principles on which we are to

operate. We are to go beyond the conservation of vision, however,

into the field of the expansion of vision. Vision and fruit are closely

linked in this passage so that we can say, the greater the vision, the

greater the fruitfulness. The more nearsighted one is, the less fruit

he will bear. Where there is no vision the people perish says Prov.

29:18. They perish because without vision there is no growth or

fruit. Lack of vision is like lack of momentum on a bicycle. Once

that is lost there is nothing to do but fall. Peter says this is what will

happen to the nearsighted saint, but for the one who adds these

lenses of virtue to the telescope of his character, there will be vision,

fruit, and perfect assurance that they will never fall.

We need to examine our vision constantly using Peter's list as a

chart. Test the eye sight of your soul by this standard. See where

you are weak, and strengthen that area of your Christian life. If you

do not have long range vision, and so have long range goals, you will

tend to become frustrated by short range failure.

Abraham Rosenback said in his autobiography that on Feb. 14,

1493 Columbus prepared a complete account of his marvelous

voyage. He wrote on a stout piece of parchment, wrapped it

carefully in a piece of waterproof cloth, then placed it in a iron

bound barrel, and threw it into the raging ocean. He said, "If I

thought there was one chance in a million of finding it, I would take

my power boat...and cruise in the neighborhood of the Azores


What brings a man to a point where his birthday and book can

have this kind of influence? It is certainly not nearsightedness, but

rather, long range vision. The poet Edwin Markham was asked if he

thought Columbus was called of God to do what he did. He replied,

"Yes! I have read every book available, including the diary of

Columbus, and it is clear to me that Columbus looked upon himself

as a servant of God in that eventful voyage. Markham concluded a

long poem about Columbus with these words:

Now let this startling thing be said;

If land had not been on ahead,

So mighty had been his gallant dare,

God's glad hand would have put it there.

When asked what he meant by these lines he said, "I mean that

God in His heavens, the stars and planets in their courses, the sun

and moon and stars, the seasons in their cycles, all history, time and

eternity, and the very angels in heaven are always on the side of the

daring, the audacious, the courageous- the man or woman who

catches his vision, feels that he is God's servant, and goes ahead

regardless of obstacles!"

Columbus was a man of vision, and that is why he was a man of

fruitfulness. Those who were blind and nearsighted and forgetful of

the adventures of the past, and of the potential of the future did

nothing by which to be remembered. All of this is relevant to Peter's

words here. We shall either take the high road of adventure by

adding these virtues to our lives, and thereby gain a vision that pulls

us even higher, or we will be content to take the low road of safety

and security in messing with the mediocre, and thus, be nearsighted

Christians. We will be blind to God's best both past and present,

and fruitless as a tumbleweed in the future. May God help us to

climb with Christ and catch the vision that will compel us, like

Columbus, to launch out in search of new worlds to discover in the

realm of spirituality, and thereby avoid being nearsighted
