Summary: Peter is saying here, hasten to be heroic. The Christian life is a battle, and it is no place for idleness and indifference, or cowardice. God calls for energetic excellence in every believer.

In the days when there was little freedom of speech in England

Thomas Paine spent sometime in prison for speaking his mind.

Benjamin Franklin urged him to come to America. He did so in

1774. The difference was so great, and he so fell in love with the

value of freedom that he caught a vision of what this country could

be, and he began to set men's souls on fire with the vision. He wrote

a little book called, Common Sense, and it sold 500 thousand copies

in a day when there were only 2,500,000 people in the 13 colonies.

One out of every 5 had a copy, and everyone was thinking and

talking about independence. In 6 months the Declaration of

Independence was signed in Philadelphia.

Then came the war with England. George Washington was being

defeated again and again. He was camped opposite Trenton, New

Jersey in Dec. of 1776. His army was ragged and hungry, and in a

state of despair. It looked as if the vision was about to die and the

cause of freedom perish. Tom Paine was there and saw the

hopelessness and depression of Washington's men. He knew he had

to rekindle the fire of their devotion and reawaken their vision if his

own dream was to be realized. He put a drum between his legs and

wrote the first of his Crisis Papers.

Lewis Dunnington wrote, "His racing pen was inspired by the

very angels of heaven." Washington read it and sent a rider off

immediately to Philadelphia to have copies printed and brought

back with haste. On Christmas night of 1776 they were distributed

and read. Part of it went like this: "These are times that try men's

souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this

crisis, shrink from the service of their country, but he that stands it

now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman....Tyranny,

like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with

us, but the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

The men were filled with new courage and boldness. Washington

took full advantage of it. He crossed the Delaware that night, and on

the cold winter morning of Dec. 26, 1776 he defeated the British and

took a thousand prisoners. From the very jaws of despair and defeat

he snatched a triumphant victory and proved again that the pen is

mightier than the sword. The pen can inspire in ordinary men

extraordinary courage and turn them into heroes.

This is why God inspired men like the Apostle Peter to take up

the pen and record those truths which Christians need to be heroic

in the battle of life. The harder the conflict the more glorious the

triumph said Paine, and this being so, the Christian has the potential

for the greatest of all triumphs. No one faces a greater foe than the

Christian. No one faces stronger opposition an obstacles. No one

fights a harder battle than the one who strives to be truly like

Christ. When a person signs his personal declaration of

independence, and by faith in Christ breaks away from the bondage

of Satan, he faces a battle with his old master. And quite often

Christians are like Washington's soldiers. They are defeated,

discouraged, and depressed. If we read between the lines and

consider the implications of what Peter is writing in this letter, we

see this to be the case with those Christians he is writing to.

It is clear that they are under constant attack by the enemy.

Their faith is being shaken by false prophets, and they are losing

their sense of direction and loyalty. They are ineffective and

unfruitful, and some are so discouraged that they are blind to what

Christ has done for them, and they are in danger of falling away.

Many are borderline Christians who are not sure of their calling

and election, and they lack assurance and power. Peter knows,

however, that they are potential heroes, and that they can still be

victorious soldiers of the cross. The reason for their defeat and

ineffectiveness is their lack of discipline. They have no plan, and no

systematic strategy by which to conquer. Peter knows they must

first recapture their vision and enthusiasm, and so, like Paine, he

arouses them to think of their great heritage and hope. The

exceeding great and precious promise, and all things for life and

godliness which God has given by His grace in Christ, is their

heritage, and their hope for a fruitful life now, and an entrance into

an eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ in the future.

Peter now in verse 5 begins to play the role of the commander of

the troops. Like Paine he inspires them with new vision and hope,

but like Washington he must also deal with the practical matters of

discipline and equipment for attack. Peter deals here with the

practical down to earth matter of what Christians must do to bridge

the gap between their great heritage and great hope. He, like his

fellow General Paul, wants his troops fully equipped with the whole

armor of God. He, therefore, lists the things every soldier of Christ

must add to his equipment to be sure of victory. In physical warfare

no commander can guarantee his men that they will not fall in

battle, but Peter guarantees in verse 10 that those who obey orders

and add these weapons to the inventory of their character will not


We are dealing with weapons that can do what all the atomic

weapons in the world cannot do. Here is an arsenal that gives

absolute assurance. These weapons attached to the launching pad of

faith are not only defeat proof, but they will lead us, not just to

interplanetary travel, but to inter-dimensional travel, and we shall

enter from time into the eternal kingdom of Christ. In the spiritual

realm Peter was writing 2000 years ago about powers that are yet

still the dream of scientists in the physical realm. These powers are

like in this, however, that in both realms they are only made real

and available on a practical level for life by diligence.

Peter, like a true commander, is determined to whip his troops

into shape. The time is now, for the enemy is at hand. His words

carry a sense of urgency that we can only see by a study of the word

he uses. The words in the Bible are like the atoms out of which the

universe is built. Each is packed with potential power, and the task

of the Christian is to try and penetrate it, and release that power.

The word for diligence in the Greek is spoudo. It means to hasten

and to speed it up. It is used all through the New Testament to

describe urgency. It is usually translated haste rather than diligent.

Solome, after dancing before Herod, went to ask Herodius what

to request of him, and Mark 6:25 says that she came back with

spoudo, that is, with haste. He was eating out of her hand and she

had to take advantage of the situation quickly less the opportunity

be lost. Dr. Luke, who knew from experience the haste of life, and

the need for haste in emergencies, used this word often. The

shepherds came to the manger in haste; Mary goes to Elizabeth in

haste. When Jesus saw Zachaeus up a tree he told him to make

haste and come down. Paul was a man often in a hurry, and he used

the word to describe his need to sail from Asia before he got trapped

by winter. He urged Timothy several times to do his diligence to

come to him by winter. There are many more instructive used of

this word spoudo, but these make it clear enough. We see then that

the comparison of Peter with a commander like Washington getting

his troops ready for battle is very real.

Peter is not politely requesting, he is urging them to snap to it, to

get busy, to get on the ball, and make every effort to get properly

supplied for battle. Peter is sounding the trumpet. He is calling men

to give heed to orders that make the difference between victory or

defeat. What we see here is Peter's agreement with James that faith

without works if dead. No one stresses more than Peter that all we

have is by the grace of God, and that we are saved by faith. Peter is

not dealing here with salvation, however, these people are

Christians, and have a like precious faith with him. Their problem

is going on in the Christian life to victory and fruitfulness. Peter

makes it clear there is no going on without work and effort on the

part of Christians themselves.

A Gypsy proverb says, "It's a dog that trots about finds a bone."

And it the Christian that gets busy, and who is diligent, who

achieves success in the Christian life. A child is born without its

will, but it cannot mature without its will. So also salvation in is, "I

believe." But the fruitful Christian life is in, "I will do ." Alexander

Maclaren wrote, "Diligence is the panacea for all the diseases of the

Christian life. It is the homely virtue that leads to all success. It is a

great thing to be convinced of this, that there are no mysteries about

the conditions of healthy Christian living, but that precisely the

same qualities which lead to victory in any career to which a man

sets himself do so in this; that, on the one hand, we shall never fail if

in earnest and saving the crumbs of moments, we give ourselves to

the work of Christian growth; and that on the other hand, no fine

emotions, no select moments of rapture and communion will ever

avail to take the place of dogged perseverance and prosaic hard

work. And it wins, and is the only thing that does win."

In other words, he writes, "If you want to be a strong

Christian-that is to say, a happy man-you must bend your back to

the work and give all diligence." I like his expression of the idea

that there is no mystery about how to be successful in the Christian

life. Christianity is simple and practical to understand. It calls for

work, and what can be easier to understand than that.

Sitting still and wishing

Makes no person great.

The good Lord sends the fishing,

But you must dig the bait.

It is no mystery why the average Christian is a weak Christian.

No one sits around trying to figure out why the average person

is not a great polo player, sky diver, or harpist. It is obvious, for they do

not give themselves to the discipline it takes, and with the

determination to work at it. So Peter says to make haste, and make

every effort, and to labor diligently to add to your face your faith

virtue first of all. Virtue is a word that means something today

altogether than it did when the KJV was translated. Virtue today

means moral excellence. There are many things we call virtues, and

all the things Peter lists here are virtues in the modern sense of the

word. Peter, however, is dealing here with a specific virtue. Virtue

in Latin means man, and virtue is best defined here as manly

courage. Other words that bring out the meaning of this word are

valor, vigor, boldness, moral power, energetic excellence, firmness,

and any other word that describes the heroic character. Peter is

saying to his troops that the first thing they need is heroic courage.

Peter is challenging every Christian to be a hero in the battle for


The old English used the virtue to describe power. When the

woman touched the hem of the garment of Jesus He felt virtue go

out of Him, and that was power and energy. The old Wickliffe Bible

put it in the English language using the word virtue for the mighty

works and the miracles of Jesus. In Nazareth Jesus could not do any

virtue it said. Milton calls the powers of heaven, "Celestial virtues."

Thucydides and Homer used the word to describe the zeal,

manliness, fortitude and valor of heroes in battle.

Peter is saying here, hasten to be heroic. The Christian life is a

battle, and it is no place for idleness and indifference, or cowardice.

God calls for energetic excellence in every believer. Robert G. Lee

in this book Great Is The Lord writes, "Our assignment from the

Lord is that in Christian living we should ever be magnificent and

never mediocre. God never meant that we should trickle along in

service as feeble rills when we can flow as rivers. For us he has

rebuke if have incandescent light powers, and make candle light; if

we have pipe organ abilities, and make wheezy saxophone music; if

we have locomotive abilities, and do push cart work; if we have

power to run, and creep along like sluggard, reluctant to lay hold

upon the plow-handles; if we have opportunity to bear fruit, and

have only leaves; if we have the chance to be giants, and are puny

pigmies piddling potter clay in the face of peaks that dare the

pilgrim feet of spiritual pioneers."

God calls us all to heroic effort. Add to your faith manly courage

says Peter. It will drive you on in the face of all opposition and

obstacles to win the victory for Christ. We win the victory when we

do anything for the Lord with all our energy. Paul says be strong in

the Lord and in the power of His might. He said to Timothy, "My

son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." Everywhere we

look in the New Testament we are reading orders to equip ourselves

with courage and strength, and to march forth in boldness.

It takes a little courage and a little self-control,

And some grim determination, If you want to reach a goal.

It takes a deal of striving, and a firm and stern-set chin,

No matter what the battle, if you're really out to win.

Author Unknown

Peter agrees with the poet, and he calls every Christian to be a

winner by adding to their faith the courageous qualities of the hero.

One of the most courageous men of all history, whose bold

adventures saved the lives of innumerable people was Norway's

Fridtjof Nansen. While working on his PHd in Norway he learned

of the great need for more accurate weather forecasting in the North

Atlantic. The only way to get it was to chart the dangerous and

almost inaccessible interior of Greenland. Admiral Perry and many

others had tried to lead expeditions, but were forced back before

they got half way. The experts said it was impossible because it was

a "Seething nightmare of tossing ice blocks."

In 1888 Nansen and 3 Norwegian sportsman, and 2 Lapp guides

tried it. It was an unbelievable experience. They were frozen in the

ice, and they were tossed about like corks in their little boat as

thousands of tons of ice would break off from glaciers and plunge

into the sea. They had to climb mountains and bury themselves in

tents for days because of blizzards no one could stand up against. In

6 weeks, however, Nansen was back with his priceless information.

How did he do it when so many others failed? He said that unlike

others he left no base to fall back on in case of disaster. "If we

knew," he said, "that behind us there is nothing, then we must go

forward. He eliminated the possibility of retreat. This is the kind of

courage the Christian life calls for. There is to be no turning back,

but an ever marching forward. If we want to be fruitful and

successful soldiers of the cross, we must first of all follow the

command of Peter, and hasten to be heroic.