Summary: No people can be great who neglect the best that God has given to man, and no year is going to be great in which the Bible does not play a major role in our lives.

Abraham Lincoln did not like a lot of things about Christians and

the church, but there are few great men in history who loved the

Bible more than this great leader of our land. In Fisk University

Library in Nashville, Tenn. is a copy of a Bible presented to Lincoln

with this inscription: "To Abraham Lincoln, president of the United

States, the Friend of Universal Freedom, from the Loyal Colored

People of Baltimore, 4th of July, 1864."

When this Bible was presented to Lincoln he responded, "In

regard to this great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has

given to man. All the good Savior gave to the world was

communicated through this book..... All things most desirable for

man's welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.

To you I return my most sincere thanks for the elegant copy of the

great Book of God which you present." Lincoln was so immersed in

the Bible that his speeches were illustration of biblical language. He

was 10 years old when the first family Bible was purchased, but

before that he read the Bible in school where that was the only book

they had to read. As president he used biblical language and ideas

constantly, and once he gave a lecture on the Bible sponsored by the

Bible Society of Springfield.

Lincoln was greatly disturbed by preachers who used the Bible

to support their own political agenda, such as justifying slavery. He

had to be a student of the Word of God to fight against the abuse of

it. The Bible became the key source of power that first founded our

nation of freedom, and then restored it to freedom again. If you

take the Bible out of the history of our nation, you will have no

heritage to be proud of, for we would be a nation of tyranny and

bondage like so many nations of the world. All that we treasure as

Americans is due to the impact of the Bible on our leaders of the


Theodore Roosevelt was one of our most brilliant and dynamic

presidents, and he said, "Almost every man who has by his life's

work added to the sum of human achievement of which the race is

proud, of which our people are proud; almost every such man has

based his life-work largely upon the teachings of the Bible."

Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II said, "Nearly all of the

great men of our country have been well versed in the teachings of

the Bible." All of the presidents of our nation were students of the

Bible, for one was not considered educated who did not know the


William E. Gladstone, the great statesman and intellectual giant

of England said, "I have known 95 great men of the world in my

time, and of these 87 were followers of the Bible." We could go on to

quote many of those great men about their love for the Bible, but

these are sufficient to establish the fact that the Bible was a powerful

influence in the history of the Western world and of our nation. No

one can question our biblical heritage, but now we must face the

facts that the Bible is no longer the highest authority in our land. It

still sells like hot cakes, but apparently it is read as infrequently as

hot cakes as well, which is not at all. Studies of Christian youth

entering college reveal that they know little about the Bible. They

know more about movie stars and cartoon characters than they do

about Bible characters.

In many Christian homes the best place to hide money is in the

family Bible, for nobody is ever going to look there. A Catholic

author I read complained that only one priest in a hundred has ever

read the Bible from cover to cover, and the result is that most Catholics

do not take Bible reading seriously. Protestants and

Catholics alike have taken for granted that we are a Christian

nation, and they have assumed it would stay that way regardless the

place we give the Bible in our education. Now we are reaping what

we have sown, and that is a post-Christian era where leaders and

people alike are ignorant of the Bible.

No people can be great who neglect the best that God has given

to man, and no year is going to be great in which the Bible does not

play a major role in our lives. To encourage you to make Bible

reading apart of your life we want to look at the two characteristics

of the Word of God that Peter stressed in verse 23, where he writes

of the living and enduring Word of God.


Life only comes from life. For a long time man thought life could

come from non-life by means of spontaneous generation. That

theory was destroyed by facts, and man learned that life can only

come from the living. This is true in the spiritual realm as well. If

you want abundant life, you will not get it from the world of dead

materialism. Jesus came to give us life abundant, and we get that

life from the Living Word of God. Peter says it is like a seed planted

in us, and then it bursts forth from the soil like a plant or flower,

and we are born anew. By means of the truth of the Bible we come

to know Jesus as our Savior. We may read the Gospel, or we may

hear it, but it has only one source, and that is the Bible. The Bible is

alive because the Spirit of God who inspired it uses its life-giving

truths to inspire those who read and hear it to give them new life.

Robert Ingersall, the great skeptic, urged General Lew Wallace

to write a book exposing the follies of Christianity. Wallace began

by studying the Bible. What he discovered was that the Bible was

alive. The truth of God got into his mind and changed his heart and

life. He wrote a book alright, but instead of it being one of criticism,

it was the classic on the beauty and power of the life of Christ. He

wrote the book Ben Hur. The Bible gave him life and through him it

was channeled to many others.

All of Christian history is the history of the Living Power of the

Word of God. A Bible distributor in Sicily was held up and the

bandit ordered him to build a fire and burn all of his Bibles. He

asked if he could read a part of each one before he threw it in the

fire. The request was granted, and so from the first he read the 23rd

Psalm. The bandit said that that was a good book and so that one he

could save. He then read the parable of the Good Samaritan out of

the next one, and the bandit liked that too, and spared it from the

flames. From the next one he read the Sermon on the Mount, and

from the next he read I Cor. 13, and in each case the bandit felt it

was worth saving. He also heard the Gospel in realized he was

worth saving and that Jesus died so he could be spared from the fire

of judgment. He repented and trusted Jesus as his Savior. He went

on to become a minister of the Gospel to others.

History is filled with stories like this that reveal the living power

of the Bible to transform lives. Every saved person on the planet is a

child of God because of the power of God's Word. There can be no

salvation unless the truth of the Bible is read or heard, and then

accepted. The Bible is the Living Word that gives us life in Christ.

It is the source of our nourishment that enables us to grow. The

milk of the Word helps us get the basics so we have a solid

foundation. But there is the meat of the Word that is for mature

living. The Bible has much that is hard to understand because it is

designed to be a challenge to the most brilliant and mature believers.

It is to be the source of life for all of life, and so it has to have food

for the newborn and also for the believer of ripe old age, who has

spent a lifetime studying it. You never get so wise that the Bible is

no longer a feast of new and exciting meals for the soul.

Like all living things the Bible changes with the times and the

circumstances. You can study the same book a few years after you

thought you had studied it thoroughly and it will speak new truths

and give you new insights that fit who you have become. You don't

ever pass up the Bible, for it stays with you because it is alive. As

you change and mature the Bible becomes more relevant to the

issues you face now that you never even thought of before. If you

think you can read the Bible and say you are done with it, you do

not know the potential of the Bible. You are never done, for it is a

living and life-giving power. You can no more get done needing it

than you can get done needing food.

You would think a person was very neurotic if you said, "have a

ham sandwich," and they said, "No thanks. I had one last year." It

is just as foolish to not read Hebrews again because you read it last

year. Your body needs food repeatedly, and so does you mind and

soul. We need to feed them on the Living Word that never gets old

or obsolete. It stays fresh and relevant to whatever stage of life you

have reached. A converted African cannibal was reading his Bible

when a European traveler passed by and said to him, "That book is

out of date in my country." The African responded, "If it was out of

date here, you would have been my supper." The greatest proof of

the relevance and power of the Bible is that it goes on changing lives

all over the world.

An unknown author sums up the value of the Bible like this:

"This book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of

salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its

doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true,

and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be

safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food

to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map,

the pilgrim's staff, the soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter.

Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell

disclosed. Christ is its grand object, our good its design, and the

glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and

guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully. It is a

mind of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasures."


The Bible is the living and enduring Word of God. Most living

things don't last. They wither and pass away like flowers, but Peter

says in verse 25 that the word of the Lord stands forever. The Bible

will be a part of eternity, for it is God's Word, and God's Word

never dies. It is alive with eternal life. Jesus said in Luke 21:23,

"Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass

away." In Isaiah 40:8 we read, "The grass withers and the flowers

fall, but the Word of our God stands forever." To know the Bible is

to be getting an education that is eternal.

William Lyon Phelps, who was once professor and orator of

Yale University, and director of the Hall of Fame in New York City,

said, "Everyone who has a thorough knowledge of the Bible may

truly be called educated. I believe a knowledge of the Bible without

a college course is more valuable than a college course without the

Bible." He said that only one of Pilgrims who came over on the

Mayflower had a college education, but they were nevertheless an

educated people because they knew their Bible. This great educator

concludes, "No group of people can be rightly described as

uneducated who read and know their Bible.

Henry Van Dyke, who was once professor of English at

Princeton said, "No other book in the world has had such a strange

vitality, such an out going power of influence and inspiration. No

man is poor or desolate who has this treasure for his own." There

are thousands of great educators who would say amen to these

quotes. There is much education that will become obsolete in a few

years, and most all will pass away in time, but to know the Bible is to

be educated for eternity, for it will never pass away. When you

know the Bible you are always up to date on all that matters. To

know the mind of Christ is to have ultimate wisdom.

In 1951 at the meeting of the United Bible Societies, Dr. Gilbert

Darling of the American Bible Society told of how special measures

had been taken to preserve various translations of the Bible in case

of an all out atomic warfare. Copies of all important editions of the

Bible were placed in specially made vaults in Colorado, New

Hampshire, and New York City. If every book in the world would

go up in flames, the Word of God would still be preserved. Satan

knows the Bible is the greatest obstacle to his power in people's lives,

and that is why the history of Bible translation is a history of fire

against fire. When John Wycliff gave the common people the Bible

in their language he was so hated that after he was buried for 30

years his bones were dug up and burned, and then thrown into the

river Avon. John Hus was burned at the stake because he translated

the Bible into the Bohemian language. William Tyndale was burned

at the stake for translating the Bible into English.

Once people got the Word of God in their own language they

were no longer in the dark and in bondage to the forces of evil.

They were liberated by the light of the Gospel. Jesus said, "You

shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Once you are

free to know the will of God you can never be content with less than

liberty in Christ. That is why the Bible is so hated by those who

want to keep people in the dark and in bondage. Bible education

sets them free forever. The reason we are so blessed with a free

nation is because the founders of our nation were men who were

educated in the Bible.

George Washington said, "Above all, the pure and benign light

of Revelation has had a meliorating influence on mankind, and

increase the blessings of society. It is impossible to rightly govern

the world without the Bible." Thomas Jefferson, who authored the

Declaration of Independence, and who was one of the greatest men

America has ever produced, said, "I have always said, and always

will say, that the studious perusal of the sacred volume will make

better citizens, and better fathers and better husbands...The Bible

makes the best people in the world." We have to prove this to

ourselves by giving the Bible a place of priority in our lives. There

can be no higher goal for the coming year than that of giving a

greater portion of our time to knowing the Living and Lasting Word

of God. May God help us all commit ourselves to being busy getting

an Everlasting Education.