Summary: Everything we do aids the health of body, mind and soul. It all ties in to the two great commandments of loving God with your whole being and your neighbor as yourself.

A farmers son, who was about to begin his studies at medical

school said, "Dad, when I get to be a doctor, I think I'll specialize in

obstetrics." The old man shook his head and responded, "Likely

you'll be just wasting your time son. Chances are, soon as you begin

making money at it, somebody else'll find a cure for it." Ignorance

can be the basis for a lot of humor. A pastor was once visiting an

elderly woman in a nursing home, and as he talked to her he noticed

a dish of peanuts on the stand by her bed. As he talked, he helped

himself to the peanuts. After a while he noticed he had eaten a good

share of them and he apologized. The old woman said it was all

right because she didn't like peanuts anyway. The pastor was

surprised and asked, "Why then do you have them sitting here on

your stand?" She replied, "I just like to suck the chocolate off

them." Ignorance can be bliss,

but revelation can be gross.

Ignorance can be funny, but it is no fun when people risk their

own health and that of others out of ignorance. Ignorance is

probably the number one enemy of health in this world. Medical

missions has been a major part of the churches mission to the world

because pagan darkness leads people into so many practices that

destroy them body, mind, and soul. The Christian world has

compassion for the whole man, and so with the light of the Gospel

goes the light of the knowledge to bring good health. In our advance

Western culture we have overcome most of the problems of pagan

ignorance, but ignorance is still alive and well.

Back in 1928 women were working for the US Radium

Corporation painting radium on various articles like luminous clock

dials. They were instructed to moisten the brush in their mouth.

They became ill, and one even reported that her hair glowed in the

dark. Their health was damaged by ignorance, and we all know of

the modern problem with asbestos and chemicals of all kinds. There

is no way to know just how devastating human ignorance is to the

health of human lives. What we don't know is hurting us all the

time. But what we do know is helping us constantly to overcome the

ignorance that hurts us, and experience the health God intends for

us to have.

Feeling good is a good feeling and a feeling that God's Word says

is good. Here in the shortest book of the New Testament, with only

219 Greek words, and one of these words is health. It is the same

word Dr. Luke uses in Luke 5:31 where he quotes Jesus saying,

"These that are whole need not a physician." To be whole is to be

healthy, and when you are healthy you don't need the doctor. The

implication is that when you are not whole or healthy you do need

the doctor. Jesus, therefore, puts His stamp of approval on the

ambivalent feelings we have toward doctors. The poet put it-

When I am well and feeling fine,

And not a pain or ache is mine,

I brand the Doc the King of ills,

And laugh at all his sugar pills.

There is no merit, I contend,

In any dose you recommend.

Your punk advise is but a joke,

Designed to keep the people broke.

But when I'm sick and full of aches,

And get the shivers and the shakes,

Or when my stomach starts to rock,

I call upon my friend the Doc.

I praise him then and think him great,

And take his doses by the crate,

Until I'm fully cured--and then,

I tell him he is a joke again.

We are glad they are there, but we hope and pray we don't need

them, , for not needing them means we are feeling fine, and this is

the way we should want to feel. It is the way John wants his friend

Gaius to feel, and in wanting that he shows us-


It is an attitude of admiration. It is the ideal state of life, and is

the state in which God created Adam and Eve, and the state of the

risen and glorified humanity of Jesus. It is the state of perfect health

that is the goal of God for man. It is perfectly natural then that

John would pray for his friend to enjoy good health. That is the one

goal of life that all men have in common. Feeling fine is a fine

feeling, and nobody doesn't like feeling fine. Adam was made so

healthy that even after the fall he lived to the age of 930. His son

Seth lived to 912, and five generations later Methuselah lived to 969

and Noah to 950. Then came a sudden change, for Noah's son Shem

lived only to 600 and his grandson only to 438. Two generations

later it was down to 239, and by the time of David people lived

under 100 years old, where it has been for 3000 years. It took

centuries of human folly, sin, and pollution to destroy the health of

man's body. It is one of God's greatest gifts.

Ben Johnson wrote, "Oh health! Health! The blessing of the

rich! The riches of the poor! Who can buy thee at too dear a rate

since there is no enjoying the world without thee." God's will is that

we be healthy, for health is essential, not only for fun, play, and all

the pleasures of life that God desires us to enjoy, but it is also

essential for our service to Him. Jesus by His many miracles of

healing demonstrated that sickness is an enemy, and that health is

our friend.

John shows a concern for his friends health right from the start.

It was a common way to greet people in the ancient world, and it

still is today. We meet people all the time and ask them, "How are

you?" We do not want a medical report, but it is still an expression

that shows an interest in how people feel. Hello is the same thing. It

comes from the old Saxon word from which we get words like hale

and whole which are terms for health. Hello then is an abbreviation

for how are you. So all through history it has been a friends role to

be concerned about health.

Jesus did not exalt health to the level of life's highest goal. There

were plenty of healthy Pharisees and Saducees. Nine of the ten

lepers He healed did not even come back to thank Him. They did

not get the best Jesus had to give by receiving their health back.

Health was far from the ultimate value of life. Locke was wrong

when he said, "A sound mind in a sound body, is a short but full

description of a happy state in this world." He left out the third leg

of the tripod which was number one with Jesus, and that is a healthy

relationship to God.

Jesus had compassion on those who had sick bodies and minds.

He healed them as a demonstration of God's power and love, but his

goal was always that men see that the kingdom of God had come,

and to get into a right relationship to God. Healing was a sign of

God's love. It was a step in the right direction, but healing and

health were only temporal values, and unless they led to repentance,

and to surrender to God, they fell short of the goal of an eternal

relationship with the heavenly Father. Good health only lasts a

lifetime, but one's relationship to God is forever. Health is good but

not the best thing there is. Sickness is bad, but it cannot rob man of

the best. One can lose health and still have an eternal relationship

with the Father.

The ideal, of course, is to get it all together and enjoy wholeness

on all levels of body, mind, and soul. Those who achieve the third

level of soundness of soul, because of their trust in Jesus as Savior,

will achieve the other two for all eternity. But those who strive only

for level one and two and neglect the third, will have their health

only for a short while, but lose total health forever. John is happy

that Gaius is in good health even as all goes well with his soul, and

he goes on to delight in his soul health, which is demonstrated by his

walking in truth and being faithful in love.

Paul also stresses the relative value of bodily care as compared to

the absolute value of soul care. He recognizes the good is less than

the best. In I Tim. 4:8 he writes, "For physical training is of some

value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for

both the present life and the life to come." In other words, do not

exalt health and body above health of soul. The Christian with a

weak body in time will have just as perfect of body in eternity as

those who have good bodies now, but the Christian who neglects his

soul will not be as well off for eternity as the mature Christian who

is always growing in grace and in knowledge. The differences in

heaven will not be based on the physical, for all will be equally like

Christ in their glorified bodies. The difference will be in the degree

to which they expanded their souls by developing their gifts and

exercising them in a life of service.

This leads to the conclusion that the very healthy Christian who

does not use his health for the glory of God is no match for the sick

Christian who does use his sick body for the glory of God. It is

possible to have a sick body and mind, and a healthy soul. The wise

choice is always to go for the healthy soul, for that is a choice that is

always open by the grace of God. You may not have the choice to be

healthy in body and mind. When the choice is there, the Christian is

to always chose health on every level. It is always right and wise as

long as by doing so one does not damage his relationship to God.

All of this is to say, the Christian attitude is that health is a

precious value on all levels. The Christian is to always be pro-health

in prevention, education, and in ministries of health care. Some

great Christians have made grave mistakes in this area. Timothy

Dwight was born in 1752 and he became a great preacher and the

president of Yale. He felt that he did not have to obey the laws of

health like lesser men. He allowed himself only four hours of sleep a

day. He had no exercise and no fun. He was a brilliant man, but

also very foolish. He had a total collapse and almost lost his

eyesight. By being forced to rest and exercise properly he did

recover, but with scars and weakness the rest of his life. He fell for

the angelic fallacy which says, if you are spiritual enough you do not

need to obey physical laws.

One of the first things the Christian needs to do in developing a

proper attitude toward health is recognize his or her limitations.

Christians make most of their mistakes in the realm of health by

neglecting the reality of their limitations. They say God can do

anything, and then assume by this that this means they can do

anything. Jesus did not think that way. He recognized His human

limitations and sought to get away from the constant press of the

crowds. He needed rest and sleep or He would hurt His own health.

Jesus had a balance between labor and leisure. He got exhausted,

but He also got away, and one occasion He even slept in a great

storm. Jesus lived with the laws that limited his human body and

mind. To think we can neglect them is not being people of great

faith, but of great folly.

Some of the great Christians of history have fallen prey to what

Dr. Bob Smith called the angelic fallacy. It is the delusion that we

do not have to live on the level of the laws of nature that determine

health. We can live like angels who have no such limitations. Many

Christians have lost physical and mental health by thinking they can

neglect a good nights sleep. F. W. Robertson, a great English preacher

who made the two point sermon famous, was a victim of

the angelic fallacy. He burned the candle at both ends. He thought

he could labor for the Lord without rest or exercise. It does work

for awhile, and so people think they are getting by with it. This

supports their delusion and they feel invincible. But then it caught

up with him, and he was plunged into a pit of depression. This

threw a fear into him and he tried to change. He began to walk and

take time to relax, but it was too late. He was an old man in his 30's,

and at 36 his candle went out. One of the best minds for exalting the

Word of God, but he only lived half a life because he neglected his


A soldier may lose his health, and even his life, in the service of

his country, and a soldier of the cross may do the same for the

kingdom of God, but when God's will does not call for such a

sacrifice, to give it up because of faulty judgment or preventable

ignorance, is not pleasing to God nor beneficial to man. The

Christian ideal is exemplified by John Wesley. He preached 42,000

sermons and wrote 200 works, and started a movement that will last

until Jesus comes again. He ate well and exercised regularly. He

never missed a good sleep a day of his life. His excellent health

enabled him to preach twice a day even in his 80's. Had he broken

his health we might never have heard of Wesley or Methodism. He

labored hard, but he also balanced his life with rest.

Every person has a breaking point just as does every fuse. You

cannot say I'll trust the Lord and plug in the washer, dryer, toaster,

iron, and electric heater in the same socket. You may trust the

Lord, but obviously the Lord can't trust you to use common sense.

Burn out comes to Christians when they overload their system. It is

not necessarily that they are doing too much, or doing the same

thing for too long. The problem is lack of balance. The heart of the

matter can be seen in the heart itself. This wonder that we all carry

around with us is designed as a perfect balance of work and rest. It

beats an average of 72 times every minute of your life. You might

think that is a good illustration of a workaholic, but not so. It rests a

total of 8 hours a day. The upper part works first, and then the

lower part, and then the whole heart takes a rest. It rests one third

of the time, and that balance of labor and rest makes it the wonder it


Health is a matter of balance of labor and rest. Add to this a

balanced diet of a variety of foods. Variety is the spice of life, and

that is why God gave us such a variety of foods. The greater your

variety in foods, the more likelihood you have in getting all that your

body needs. People who eat only a few of the same things, and do

only a few of the same things are risking their health. Health is

promoted by variety in activities as well as food. The life of constant

new discoveries will be the healthiest life for body, mind, and soul.

Health includes having old treasures and new pleasures.

None of this is to imply that unhealthy Christians have no role in

God's plan. Sick Christians have changed the course of history

many times. Kagawa of Japan had TB in both lungs, plus heart and

liver trouble. He once saw a doctor who wrote out a death

certificate instead of a prescription. This frail little man, always on

his last leg, built one thousand churches, wrote 60 books, and

became one the worlds most influential evangelist and theologian.

Don't knock the sick saints, for God uses them often for His glory.

Jesus was the Great Physician, but we sometimes fail to see He

also entered into the feelings of the patient, and felt the need for care

and healing. After His temptation the angels came to minister to

Him. He needed to be nursed and comforted back to strength and

health. He became so exhausted sometimes that He had to get away

from the crowds to rest. On one occasion He was so tired He slept

even as the ship was being tossed by the storm. He loved to slip

away to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus to find refreshment

and rest. He needed the comfort of companionship as

He struggled in the Garden of Gethsemane.

We do not know if Jesus ever had any childhood diseases, or

whether He ever got the flu, or a stomach ache and headache. But

Jesus did identify with the sickness of humanity when He said in

Matt. 25:35-36, "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I

was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger

and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was

sick and you looked after me, I was imprisoned and you came to visit

me." When the righteous ask, "When did we ever see you in these

states?" He said, "As you have done it unto the least of these my

brethren you have done it unto me." Jesus is saying that healing

and caring for the sick is a ministry to Him. When you bring

healing and health to the body of Christ, the church, you bring

health to Him.

This picture exults healing to the highest level of spirituality, for

it is a ministering to Jesus Himself, and that is why Jesus can use it

as a gauge for judgment. The person who does not care about the

physical needs of others does not care about them at all, and this

means there is no true love or spirituality. If you love people's souls,

but not their bodies, Jesus is saying your love is a fiction of fantasy

that will vanish as evidence in the court of judgment. You love the

whole man, or you do not love the man at all.

We need to recognize that secondary things are still vital because

the primary things depend on the secondary for their fulfillment. It

is like the first commandment of loving God with all your being, and

loving your neighbor as yourself. So the love of others is secondary

to the love of God, but since you cannot really love God with all

your being if you do not love you neighbor, the secondary is

essential to the fulfillment of the primary. In a race the primary goal

is to win. It would be foolish to say my primary goal is to get my

shoe laces tied. But the fact is, if I don't get the shoes tied right, it is

not likely I will win the race. Lesser values and secondary objectives

are still essential when the primary goal depends upon them. The

secondary, therefore, is often part of the primary, and what this

paradox means is that anything in life that is an aid to the highest

value is itself a part of the highest value.

Health of body is a vital factor in health of soul, and the

fulfillment of God's will for our life. Therefore, even though it is

secondary to health of soul, it is a part of having a healthy soul, and

so it is of prime importance. There is no excuse for neglecting a

value because it cannot be exulted to the highest value. Nobody will

claim that the bolt in the bottom of your oil pan is the most

important part of your car. But leave it out and drive that car, and

soon all of the most important parts will not be worth anything, for

this secondary part is vital to the functioning of the primary parts.

Secondary does not mean unimportant, and so it is with health. It

may not be life's ultimate goal to be healthy of body, but it is,

nevertheless, a Christian obligation to do all he can to protect the

health of his body. The Bible makes it clear that health is important.

Prov. 3:8 says, "This will bring health to your body and

nourishment to your bones." Prov. 4:22 says, "For they are life to

those who find them and health to a man's whole body." Prov.

15:30 says, "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news

gives health to the bones."

What John is expressing in this letter to his friend Gaius is that

the Christian attitude is one of respect for the total man. Holistic

medicine is thought to be new, but the fact is, modern man is just

getting back to the future. Plato centuries before Christ said, "This

is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body that

physicians separate the soul from the body." Modern man is

discovering that this has been a great error. Leonard Shattuck

wrote, "Sometimes it is more important to know what kind of a

fellah has a germ than what kind of a germ has a fellah." What kind

of a fellah one is not only determines his own health, but the health

of others in his environment. Health is not only a personal matter

and a spiritual matter, it is also a social matter. Your health, or the

lack of it, can help or hinder the health of others. John expresses

joy because his friend is in good health. When someone you love

feels good, you feel good because of it. Health has a contagious


On the other hand, there is Diotrephes who is a pain in the body

of Christ. His pride and soul sickness is not confined to his own

hide, but spreads into the body and causes the whole body to suffer.

His unloving spirit infects the whole body, and other Christians have

to endure pain because he is ill. The sick Christian seldom suffers

alone, but makes other Christian sick also. The sick person may not

even suffer as much as those he infects. A person like Diotrephes

who is so arrogant in his abuse of power may actually enjoy their

role and feel fine while they are hurting others. The bacteria that

makes you sick does not feel sick itself. It feels great while making

you sick.

John Sanford in Healing And Wholeness tells about how Richard

Speck had no feelings about the eight nurses he killed. He writes,

"Obviously the illness in this man is not something he experiences as

his personal pain....but is to be seen in those on whom his illness is

inflicted." None of us want to be linked with illness like this, but all

of us have this problem to some degree. None of us is in perfect

health of the total man. Sin has infected us all, and we fall short of

the glory of God. The result is a world full of psychological Typhoid

Marys. I am referring to people who are not aware of it, because

they don't feel ill themselves, but who by their attitudes and spirit

make others feel ill. That is why healing is of the very essence of the

Christian life.

C. L. Marshall in his book Dynamics of Health and Disease

arrives at an interesting conclusion. "A person can be ill and well

simultaneously....Millions of Americans whose blood pressure is too

high or whose blood sugar is abnormally elevated function without

any difficulty whatever.....Health and disease are not opposites-both

may coexist in the same person." This leads to the paradox of the

danger of feeling fine. Your feelings may not reflect the true state of

your health. You can't go by how you feel, but need the judgment of

others. Diotrephes probably felt fine, but he was sick and needed to

listen to John and other Christians if he was to get well. The

question is not only do you feel fine, but do others feel fine about


Why do we come to church and sit on furniture no where near as

comfortable as what we have at home? We come to experience

healing. The healing of truth from God's Word that enlightens our

ignorance so we can better know God. The healing of His

forgiveness, and the healing of fellowship, and the healing of

belonging, and the healing of music are all a part of why we come.

Everything we do aids the health of body, mind and soul. It all ties

in to the two great commandments of loving God with your whole

being and your neighbor as yourself. Fulfillment of these great loves

demands that the Christian aim for, labor for, and pray for a body,

mind, and soul that work in harmony so that one of the primary

feelings you feel in life is the feeling of feeling fine.