Summary: Jesus was a carpenter for a few years on earth, but ever since His ascension He has been the believers lawyer in the court of heaven,

Two men were looking at the epitaph on a tombstone which

read, "Here lies an honest man and a good lawyer." One looked at

the other and said, "I wonder why they put two men in the same

grave?" Lawyers have not gained the best reputation for being

honest men. One doctor asked another how his lawyer patient was

doing, and he replied, "Not well, he is lying at deaths door." "Well,

that's a lawyer for you, "responded the other, " At deaths door and

still lying." It is reported that a lawyer should be a good sleeper

since he can easily lie on either side.

The very nature of the profession leads one to be tempted to bend

the truth by manipulating words. Thomas Jefferson referring to

congress said, "How can expedition be expected from a body which

we have saddled with an hundred lawyers, whose trade is talking."

When one does a great deal of talking and debating he learns how to

convey a message in such a way that you get the opposite impression

of what you would if you knew the truth. For example, a lawyer out

West did not want to admit that his first client was hung, so he

reported to his friends back East that he got him a suspended


Like every profession, that of the lawyer is the object of many

slams and jokes, but in spite of them we know it is a necessary and

valuable profession. It is essential to our sense of justice that every

man have a right to defense, and that he have a defender skilled in

the law. Our Constitution guarantees this, and that is why even the

worst criminals are provided with a lawyer if they cannot obtain

one. It may bother us that known criminals, who are obviously

guilty, have such skilled defense that they often escape the penalty of

the law. But let us not forget that everyone of us who have received

Christ as Savior are in that same boat. We are guilty of breaking

God's law, yet, because of our adequate advocate and divine

defender we gain a pardon and escape punishment.

The difference of course is infinite in quality, for an earthly

lawyer by immoral and unethical means, or through weaknesses of

the law, gets his client off, but as we shall see, Jesus fulfills the

demands of justice in gaining our pardon. The fact that Jesus is our

advocate raises this profession to the highest possible level. Jesus

was a carpenter for a few years on earth, but ever since His

ascension He has been the believers lawyer in the court of heaven,

and He will remain in that ministry until He comes again and takes

the throne of judgment. This means that all who do not have Jesus

as their defense attorney now will have Him as their judge when He

comes again. This shows that Christ's present ministry is

exceedingly important for every person to consider, and our purpose

in this message is to gain a better understanding of His present

ministry by examining the three factors of it brought out in John's

statement: "We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the



A big burly man called at the house of a woman known for her

charitable impulses, and when she came to the door he addressed

her in a broken voice, "Madam, I wish to draw your attention to the

terrible plight of a poor family in this district. The father has been

fired; the mother is too ill to work, and the nine children are

starving. They are about to be turned out into the cold streets unless

someone pays their arrears in rent which amounts to fifty dollars."

The woman exclaimed, "How terrible! May I ask who you are?"

The sympathetic pleader applied his handkerchief to his eyes as he

said, "I am the landlord." Here is a case where the advocate

obviously had only one client, and that was himself. His pleading

was not for there need, but for his greed. But we have in Jesus and

Advocate who is ours-literally ours, in that His purpose in the court

of heaven is not for His own defense, but for our pardon.

John says, "We have Him." That is, He is always available, and

is never too busy, or tied up on another case, or on vacation.

Hebrews tells us the same thing by saying, "He ever lives to make

intercession for us." In earthly courts there are cases backed up for

months and years, but we who are clients of the eternal Advocate

have immediate defense when we sin. It is tragic when Christians let

their sin go unconfessed and suffer needless pain and guilt when

they could have immediate pardon before the court of God.

It is important that we recognize, however, that Jesus is not the

Advocate of every sinner. The "we" here includes only those who

believe and have trusted in Christ as their Savior. One must be a

child of God before he can be a client of Christ's and be a

beneficiary of Christ's present ministry. The unbeliever will have to

face God alone, and with no advocate, and the result will be, he will

loose his case and suffer the full penalty for breaking God's law.

Someone has said, "He who appears as his own advocate has a

fool for a client." This may not always hold true in an earthly court,

but it is certainly true concerning the court of heaven, for only a fool

could hope to defend himself before God and expect to prove himself

righteous, and thereby escape judgment. One does not need to be

rich to be a client of Jesus. Barton Holyday said, "A man may as

well open an oyster without a knife as a lawyers mouth without a

fee." A pelican, it is said, would make a good lawyer, for he knows

how to stretch his bill. These things do not apply to the ministry of

Christ, for it is free to all who claim it.

John says in verse 2 that Jesus has already paid for our sins, and

the sins of the whole world. Every sin in the world then can be

freely pardoned though the ministry of Christ. The poorest can

benefit fully from His services. One does not even need to be right to

be His client. Sometimes mothers say to their children when they

are naughty, "If you do that, Jesus won't love you anymore." This

is the world's worst theology, for if Jesus only loved us when we are

good, like everyone else, who is to our helper when we most need it,

when we are not good? It is when we are guilty that we need an

advocate, and not when we are innocent. When the Greek lawyer

Phacian was criticized for appearing on behalf of an unworthy client

he said, "The good have no need of an advocate." Jesus said, "It is

the sick who need the physician and not those who are well." We

conclude this point by making it clear, there is only one requirement

to be a client of Christ. You need not be rich or right, but you must

be redeemed. You must be one who has Christ as personal Savior.

Only then are you in this, "We have an advocate." Jesus is a

specialist, and thus, and advocate only of believers.


He is an advocate with the Father. We have here His profession

and the place where He practices that profession-with the Father.

The place of His service is important, for it is that which makes His

ministry distinct from that of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is also

our Advocate, but His ministry is within us. When Jesus said to His

disciples in His last discourse before He went to the cross, "I will

pray the Father and He will give you another Comforter," He used

the same word that is used here-paraclete. It is used four times of

the Holy Spirit and just once of Christ. Jesus calls the Holy Spirit

our Advocate, and the Holy Spirit through John calls Jesus our

Advocate. Jesus, however, says He will send another advocate, and

by saying another He claims also to be one, even when He was with

the disciples. The terms comforter, counselor, advocate, are all

descriptive of the one Greek word paraclete. It means one who is

called to one's side to help and give aid. When summoned to court

the paraclete is at your side to aid you. The Christian than needs

two advocates, for he needs aid in two realms and in two ways. He

needs earthly and heavenly aid, and he needs subjective and

objective aid.

In the last part of the first century, not long after John wrote this

letter, the Roman Emperor Adrian in a letter to Minucine Fundanus

said, "If, therefore, the people of the province will appear publicly

and in a legal way charge the Christians, that they may answer for

themselves in court, let them take that course, and not proceed by

importunate demands and local clamors only. For it is much the

best method." Here was an earthly court situation, and Christian

lives were at stake, but they were given the right to defend

themselves. Here is where the Holy Spirit's ministry came in. Jesus

said they would be taken before courts, but they need not worry, for

the Holy Spirit would teach them what to say. Time does not permit

us to examine the great Christian defenses of the early Christians,

but we do want to refer to one more modern example of how the

Word of God has made great victories through Christians being

tried before men.

F. O. Nilsson, the first Baptist preacher in Sweden, was

summoned to the supreme court of Southern Sweden in 1850 on the

charge of heresy. He was found guilty and sentenced to banishment.

The news media, however, carried the minutes of the trial and the

convictions of Nilsson were spread over the land. Nilsson reported,

"From this day the Baptists and their doctrines were no longer

confined to an obscure corner of the land, and to a few poor

despised laborers. The truth was with trumpet voices proclaimed on

the housetops, and the sound thereof re-echoed from cottage to

palace, throughout the length and breadth of the land. Thus my

appearance before the High Court at Jonkoping was the public

introduction of Baptist principles into Sweden." In 9 years there

were 95 churches; 4,000 members, and it all began in court. This is

of additional interest because the banishment of Nilsson was even a

blessing, for he came to America and became one of the founders of

the Swedish Baptist Conference which is now the Baptist General


The point of all this in relation to our subject of advocates is that

it is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to give guidance and counsel here

on earth as we defend the faith before courts or elsewhere. It is he

who aids Christians in bringing good out of evil situations. It is also

the ministry of the Holy Spirit to defend us before the court of our

own conscience, and to help us experience the pardon and peace of

God. It is not enough that we are pardoned objectively through the

ministry of Christ, for we need to sense its reality within also. We

need to know we are free from condemnation, and this is the calling

of our other advocate the Holy Spirit.

Christ is our Advocate on high,

Thou art our Advocate within;

O plead the truth and make reply

To every argument of sin.

The statement of Christ being our Advocate with the Father is

not incidental and insignificant, for it designates his specific calling

and sphere of ministry, for it is with the Father. Jesus does not

plead for us in the state court, or the supreme court of the nation,

nor in the international courts of the world, but rather, in the

highest court in the universe. It is there where, not just a man's

rights or property, or even his life is at stake, but his eternal

destiny. This is the high calling and present ministry of Christ. It is

said that three Philadelphia lawyers are a match for the very devil

himself. But all the Philadelphia lawyers combined would be of no

benefit to us before the judgment seat of God. Our need there is not

to outwit the devil, but to satisfy the demands of God's holiness, and

that is impossible unless we have an Advocate who is not just

brilliant, but who can also satisfy God's holiness. That is why John

writes to believers and says if you sin you need not despair, for you

have an Advocate whose calling is to gain your pardon in the court

of heaven. If this truth alone does not add to our Christian joy and

fulfill one of John's purposes for writing this letter, then we must be

deaf to the Holy Spirit. We who love Christ are His clients and

benefit daily because of His ministry before the throne of God.


Jesus is called the righteous. It is not just incidental either that

John adds this word of description of Christ's character as our

Advocate. Unless He was righteous, it would be of little comfort to

be His client, for it is His righteousness alone that enables Him to

gain our pardon. On earth and advocate need not be righteous to

win his clients case. In fact, he may be more guilty than the man he

is defending. None of the cleverness of men and loop-holes in the

law, however, can help the guilty sinner before God. If there is no

just way for God to grant pardon, than he cannot and will not do it.

And the only way He can justly pardon the guilty is, if there is a

compelling cause such as a substitutionary sacrifice on behalf of the

guilty. Even God's mercy must be in harmony with His holiness.

Jesus Christ the righteous is the only being in the universe who can

meet the need at the throne of God. He is not just the best, He is the

only lawyer that can win our case.

Jesus died for our sins and took the wages of sin on Himself, and

since He was righteous and, therefore, totally undeserving of any

punishment, His sacrifice makes it possible for God to pardon all for

whom He pleads. Justice demands mercy since is would be unjust to

punish again for the same sin. This would be to deny the value of

Christ's sacrifice. It would be unjust to deny the substitute his right

to suffer for another. If I take ten lashes that you deserve, because

out of love I do not want you to suffer, that should be my right to so

express my love, and it would be an injustice to me, and a denial of

my right to so love, if the punishment were also then given to you.

That would make my suffering be for nothing, and it would be

injustice. Justice demands that the penalty be inflicted only once.

How much greater wrong it would be to take the suffering of

Christ the righteous, and count it of no value. God's justice

demands that He hear and grant every plea of Christ for pardon.

Jesus can never loose a case, for since He died for all sin, there is no

sin that cannot be pardoned if He is the sinners Advocate. Sir

Walter Raleigh sat in prison waiting for his trial for high treason,

for which he was to be condemned to be executed. He felt all was

unjust in the courts of earth, but he looked to the court of heaven

and wrote,

From thence to heaven's bribeless call,

Where no corrupted voices brawl,

No conscience molten into gold,

No forged accuser bought or sold;

No cause deferred, no vain-spent journey,

For Christ is there, the King's Attorney.

And when the grand twelve-million jury,

Of our sins with direful fury,

Gainst our souls black verdicts give,

Christ pleads His death, and then we live.

Be thou my Speaker, Taintless Pleader,

Unblotted Lawyer, True Proceeder!

Thou giv'est salvation even for alms,

Not with a bribed lawyer's palms.

This then is my eternal plea,

To Him that made heaven, earth, and sea.

If Christ is your Advocate, this too is your hope.