Summary: It is foolish to talk about the good old days of the church. The church never did live in good days, and never has, for the present evil age covers all days from Paul's time to ours

Sam Levenson told of how his father took the 6 children, chained

hand to hand, through a museum. Suddenly, in irritation at the

slowness of their progress, he said, "Look kids, if you're gonna stop

and look at everything, you ain't gonna see nothin." Anyone who

has been in a large museum can understand the paradox. When my

father-in-law and I had only a few hours to get through all the

buildings in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., we had

to practically run. We felt the full force of the fatherly wisdom, and

we knew we couldn't stop to see everything, or we wouldn't have

seen anything.

The Bible is even more vast in its treasures than any museum,

and we don't have an infinite amount of time to examine them, and

so this truth applies to our study of the Bible. Grace and peace are

two of the greatest treasures that can be found in the Word of God,

but we are not going to stop and look at them now. We are going

right to verse 4 which is an exciting verse because it gives us a view

of life from Paul's perspective. This verse shows us that the

Christian view of life is a paradox, for it is both pessimistic and

optimistic. The Christian can combined these two opposites in his

mind at the same time. We want to examine them one at a time to

see how this can be so. First let's look at-


Paul refers to this present evil world, or this present evil age. The

Greek word is aeon, and it refers to the world as viewed from the

standpoint of time and change. It is this present transitory era. It is

present as distinct from the original creation, and the final state of

things. The present world is disordered, and not the kind of world

that was, or will be.

Keep in mind that Paul was talking about the first century. It is

foolish to talk about the good old days of the church. The church

never did live in good days, and never has, for the present evil age

covers all days from Paul's time to ours. If you wish you would have

lived in Paul's day, you will only be wishing yourself back to an evil

age. If men could travel back in time, no matter where they stopped,

they would still in be the present evil age where Satan reigns in the

hearts and minds of rebel men.

That sounds like kind of pessimistic view of life, and the reason it

sounds that way is because it is. Every generation of men have added

another chapter to the history of evil.

My granddad viewing earth's worn cogs,

Said things are going to the dogs;

His granddad in his house of logs

Swore things were going to the dogs;

His granddad in his old skin togs

Said things were going to the dogs.

Author unknown

There is no way to get back to the good old days, because they are

nowhere back there. The good days are all out ahead, for the best is

always yet to be for the believer. Paul was a positive thinker, but he

was also a realist. You do not have deny the reality of evil to be an

optimist. Christian Science has tried that road, and the latest

statistics tell us they are failing. You cannot deny the reality of this

present evil world and fool most people any of the time. Evil is real,

and the Christian who is wise and honest and not pretend it isn't so.

Paul believed in evil and in its power. He suffered much pain

and sorrow because of the opposition of men, and that was not even

the worst of it. The real battle was not against flesh and blood, but

against principalities and powers and spiritual forces of evil. Paul

warned believers of many dangers of life, and he urged them to put

on the whole armor of God. The Christian does not dwell in a

paradise, but on a battlefield. In any war there are casualties on

both sides, and Christians do suffer in the battle of light against

darkness. The point I am getting at is that the Christian does have a

legitimate pessimistic perspective. It is a present evil world, and all

around us the forces of evil are active, and they often succeed in

making life miserable for the children of God.

It was Paul's honest awareness of the reality of evil that made him

so concerned about his converts. He was writing this very letter

because of the threat of evil to destroy the fruit of the Gospel. In

chapter 6 he urges them to bare one another's burdens, and to

rescue the fallen brother. This implies that we live in a present evil

world where the battle never ceases. Paul saw all of the reality of

life's evil, and he experienced much of it against himself, but he

never became a sour pessimistic skeptic like so many who have

suffered. For example, Mark Twain summed up human experience

in these pathetic words.

"A myriad men are born; they labor and sweat and struggle

for bread; they squabble and scold and fight; they scramble

for mean advantages over each other. Age creeps upon them;

infirmities follow; those they love are taken from them. At

length ambition is dead; pride is dead; longing for release

is in their place. Death comes at last-the only unpoisoned

gift earth ever had for them-and they vanish from a world

where they were of no consequence."

History is filled with men who were so captivated by the reality of

evil that they could not see beyond it. Out of their dark and dismal

perspective came philosophies that have multiplied the world's

miseries. Schopenhaur and Neitzsche were so pessimistic that had

they been God they would have drown the world and done it up

right with no ark. Their pessimistic views of life produced men like

Hitler who could feel that might is right, and its every man for

himself. When you see only the power of evil, you submit to that

power, and you become yourself and instrument of evil. This leads

to either self-destruction, or the destruction of others. Dorothy

Parker expressed the minds of many pessimists in poetry.

There's little in taking or giving,

There's little in water or wine;

This living, this living, this living,

Was never a project of mine.

Oh, hard is the struggle and spare is

The gain of one at the top,

For art is a form of catharsis

And love is a permanent flop.

And work is the province of cattle

And rest's for a clam in the shell,

So I'm thinking of throwing the battle,

Will you kindly direct me to hell?

It is not likely that a believer would fall so low as this, but it is

possible for a believer to get so entangled with the pessimistic view

of life that he become a hindrance rather than a help. It is possible

for a Christian to be part of the problem instead of part of the

answer. Stewart Hamblen, after his conversion to Christ, said that

his greatest stumbling block was not his old cronies out in the world,

but the skeptical Christians waiting and watching for him to

stumble. He said, "Nothing in the world is more beautiful than a

new Christian before he has gotten around some old Christians."

Hamblen is himself in danger here of getting overly pessimistic. Not

all old Christians are a hindrance as he implies. Pessimism is a real

and legitimate perspective, but unless it is balanced by a strong

Christian optimism, it becomes a terrible perversion in the Christian

life. We need to look at how Paul balanced his pessimism

concerning the present evil world with a positive optimism

concerning deliverance from it.


Paul says in this first verse that it is possible to experience the

grace of God and enjoy peace, even in this present evil world

because Jesus gave Himself for our sin to deliver us from it. This

doctrine of deliverance is what brings the sun of optimism into this

dark world. The deliverance is just as real as the sin. The pessimist

is right, but so is the optimist, and that is why the Christian with the

total view is both. If the Christian is looking at the present evil

world, he must naturally face the facts and be skeptical about man's

schemes to bring about a paradise. He knows the sinful nature of

man will corrupt every ideal that humanism can create.

On the other hand, when the Christian looks at the cross, and

sees what Christ has done for man's sin he is an incurable optimist.

He recognizes that every man can attain perfection and paradise in

Christ. There is an answer, and there is a way out. Deliverance is

possible from this present evil world, for that is what the Gospel is

all about.

Shopenhour was a terrible pessimist, and he said if he could

conduct the optimists through the hospitals, prisons, and battlefields

of the world they would soon lose their optimism. He knew of the

reality of evil, but what he didn't know was the reality of deliverance

from evil. Christian optimist like Paul are not unaware of the

tragedy and misery in the world. On the contrary, they are the ones

who are doing something about it, for they know something can be


The pessimist only complains in despair and adds to the darkness,

but the Christian optimist brings light into the darkness. It has been

Christian optimists that have done more to relieve human misery

around the world than anyone else. They have labored in the realm

of medical missions, prison reform, aid to orphans, widows, and the

handicapped. The heroes of history have been optimists who did

not hide their head in the sand and deny evil, but who looked it

square in the face, and by the grace of God brought deliverance.

Jesus entered this vale of tears to die for the sins of man, and to

offer a way out of all the evils of this present world. In Luke 4:18

Jesus read a prophecy from Isaiah that He said He came to fulfill.

"The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to

preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to

the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty

those who are oppressed."

This present evil world is heading toward a day when the

kingdoms of this world shall be the kingdom of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, even in the midst of evil the Christian is

an optimist because he has a message of hope and victory to offer the

world. Sin has been conquered, and those who trust in Christ will

be delivered from this present evil world.

Paul suffered as much as any man because of the sin and folly of

man. He spent much time in the darkness of a dungeon because he

sought to spread the message of light. It was indeed a present evil

world for Paul, but he could still sing in the dungeon because he was

an optimist.

Despite the ancient evil;

Despite the jaws of darkness;

Despite the fear of death,

Rage, O world, snarl and spring:

Calm and confident,

Here I stand and sing.

Author unknown

Paul would not allow the reality of evil to rob him of his joy in the

reality of deliverance from evil. Too often the Christian allows the

negatives of life to get his goat. That expression comes from a

practice of owners of high-strung race horses. They kept a goat in

the stall with these sensitive horses because the very presence of the

calm and relaxed goat help the horse to relax. On the day before a

very important race a rival would steal another owner's goat. This

would make the horse nervous so it would not run at its best.

Someone got his goat. The world gets our goat when it so

overwhelms us with the reality that it is a present evil world. We

often take our eyes off Christ, and we forget that in Him we can

have peace and joy, for He has overcome the world. We must

always keep the whole picture in mind so we can always be both

pessimists and optimists.