Summary: A study of this letter will not only help us grasp better what we have in Christ, but it will help us also to see just what we should get angry about as believers.

The author of a tract entitled Come To Jesus got engaged in a

theological dispute, and he wrote another publication in which he

cut his opponent to pieces with razor sharp sarcasm. He let a friend

read it and then asked if he had any suggestions for a title. His

friend said, "How about Go To The Devil by the author of Come To

Jesus." The author recognized the inconsistency and responded to

the rebuke by not publishing the product of his anger. Be ye angry

and sin not said Paul. That is a easier thing to preach than to

practice. Many men of God have failed by displaying improper

anger. Moses let out a burst of rage and it cost him the privilege of

entering the promised land. Jonah's character will always be

marred by the fact that he was angry at God's mercy being shown to

those who deserve judgment. The fact is, it is very hard for any

servant of God to keep a proper balance, and be able to hate sin and

love the sinner.

The book of Galatians is an example of the fact that it can be

done. This is the only letter we have by Paul that was obviously

written in anger. Paul was fighting mad as he dictated this Epistle.

He reveals more of his emotions in this letter than anywhere. He is

angry at the Judaisers for trying to get the Galatians to give up their

liberty in Christ and go back under the law. He is angry and

frustrated at the Galatians because they are so foolish as to even

consider such a move.

Henricksen writes of the Epistle, "The spiritual atmosphere is

charged. It is sultry, sweltering. A storm is threatening. The sky is

darkening. In the distance one can see flashes of lightning....when

each line of verses 1-5 is read in the light of the letters occasion and

purpose the atmospheric turbulence is immediately detected."

Every commentary points to the atmosphere of anger surrounding

this letter. Paul uses restraint in the first few verses, but as soon as

he gets through the introduction he lets go with both barrels, and in

verses 6-9 he blasts both the Galatians for their folly in listening, and

the Judaisers for their folly in preaching a perversion of the Gospel.

Let them be cursed says Paul, and then he repeats it for emphasis.

Paul is angry because he loves Christ and the church too much to

see it injured by the folly of man. A study of this letter will not only

help us grasp better what we have in Christ, but it will help us also

to see just what we should get angry about as believers. We are too

often angry at the wrong things, and not angry about the things that

made Paul angry. Jesus and Paul both got angry when other people

were being robbed of their liberty by legalism.

Paul did not thank God for the Galatians, or for anything about

them, as he does in all of his other letters. It is not only what he

writes but what he leaves unwritten that tells us of his anger. There

is a legitimate place for anger in the Christian life, and even toward

fellow Christians. If it is handled properly it becomes a powerful

blessing. Paul's anger that motivated him to write this letter

changed the course of human history. We must grasp something of

the background of this letter before we study its contents, or we will

never come to appreciate its contents.

All of the first Christians were Jews, and as Jews they continued

to live under the law of Moses even as Christians. They did not

immediately throw off the Old Testament, for it was their Bible, and

the law of Moses was still their guide, and the temple was still their

holy place of worship. Most all of the leaders of the early church

were also Jews. When Paul began to bring Gentile converts into the

church, and establish Gentile churches, the Jewish leaders felt it was

their duty to go to these Gentiles and make it clear to them what was

required of them to be good Christians. These Judaisers, as they

were called, were sincere Christians, in many cases, who wanted to

make sure the Gentiles obeyed the law of Moses.

The problem was that they cast doubt on the sufficiency of

Christ. They said that faith in Christ was not enough, for you must

also keep the law. This was confusing to the Gentile Christians, but

they had no basis to argue with men of authority. They assumed

that they must know what they were talking about, and since they

wanted to do what God demanded they began to conform and make

their Christianity a part of the Old Testament system of law.

When Paul heard this he was angry, for this action robbed the

Christian of the liberty that Christ brought, and put them back

under legalism. Galatians is the great proclamation of religious

liberty in Christ. G. Campbell Morgan said, "The essential message

of the letter has to do with liberty." Hendriksen called Galatians,

"The Christian Declaration of Independence." If Paul had not

written this letter and fought against those who sought to lead

Christians back into bondage to the law, Christianity may have

become a mere branch on the tree of Judaism. Christians would

have been just another sect like the Pharisees and Saducees. Thanks

to Paul the church escaped from the bondage and limitations of the

law, and launched out into the vast uncharted world of the Gentiles

with a message of good news to all people.

If Christianity would have had to require circumcision and

dietary regulations of the law of Moses, it never would have had a

universal appeal. The whole mission and history of the church

depended on Paul gaining a victory on this issue. That is why this

letter is one of the most revolutionary documents in the history of

mankind. We are what we are today in large measure due to this

letter. Wilbur M. Smith put it, "Had the Judaisers in the early

church been allowed to force the Christian Gospel into a Judaistic

strait jacket, the church would have always remained weak, narrow,

and small, and you and I possibly would never have heard the


Merrill C. Tenney wrote, "Few books have had a more profound

influence on the history of mankind... Christianity might have been

just one more Jewish sect, and the thought of the Western world

might have been entirely pagan had it never been written." No

wonder Luther loved this book so dearly. It was the battle cry of the

Reformation. The battle Paul fought was fought all over again, and

thanks to Paul's letter Christian liberty won out again over legalism

and bondage to law. Luther said, "The Epistle to the Galatians is

my Epistle. To it I am as it were in wedlock. It is my Katherine." I

don't know how Katherine his wife felt about this competition, but

thanks to Luther's love of Galatians. We are under Protestant

liberty rather than legalistic bondage.

The value of this background is that it makes this letter exciting

to study because it has already been a major influence in our lives,

even if we have never read it. The truth of this letter has benefited

us even without us knowing it. It becomes even more precious,

however, as we enter consciously into its riches. In our study we are

not trying to understand something that is irrelevant, but we are

trying to gain a deeper appreciation of what is highly irrelevant to

our lives so that we can apply it more fully and personally. A

knowledge of this book will add greatly to the joy and liberty that is

ours in Christ. It will protect us from getting sidetracked in a world

of many voices, and it will make us more effective communicators of

the Gospel of grace.

There are two extremes that people fall into in their search for

the ideal life. The one is legalism and the other is license. The first

says touch not, taste not, handle not, and the second says eat, drink,

and be merry, for tomorrow we die. Neither of them represent the

biblical path to the abundant life. Paul in this letter shows us that

the way to get the best of both of these extremes, and avoid the

dangers of both, is by liberty in bondage to Christ.

If you are a slave to anyone or anything but Christ you are in

bondage, but if you are a slave to Christ, you are the most free of all

people. If the Son shall make you free you are free indeed. You

shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. This is what

the Galatian letter is all about. It is the Christian guide to the

balance life of liberty. Charles Erdman divides the book into three

sections of two chapters each. The first two deal with the Apostle of

liberty; the second two with the doctrine of liberty, and the last two

with the life of liberty. We have then in this letter a personal,

doctrinal, and practical perspective on Christian liberty.

Paul begins with the personal, and he exposes his soul for all to

see. We get to see Paul as never before. We get to see him when he

is angry and frustrated, and in a state of shocked bewilderment. In

the letter to the Philippians all is peace and joy, but in this letter we

see him on the battlefield engaging the enemy. His whole ministry is

at stake, and the foundation of the Gospel is at stake, and he fights

with all the weapons at his disposal. The very fact that this letter

exists teaches us plenty. It destroys completely the idea that the

saints of God are meant to be happy little islands isolated from the

turmoil of the world. This letter shatters that myth and shows us

that Christians are to be right in the middle of the battlefield. There

are always forces trying to move Christians off center and get them

to go to one extreme or the other, and so we must constantly fight

for liberty and balance.

One of the paradoxes of life that stands out here is the fact that it

was other Christians who caused Paul his grief and heartache. Paul

could glory in his sufferings at the hands of unbelievers for the sake

of the Gospel, but there was nothing to rejoice about when

Christians perverted the Gospel and tried to ensnare others, and

destroy his work and authority. The Judaisers accused Paul of

getting so involved with the Gentiles that he had gone astray and

had forsaken the law of Moses. They cast doubt on Paul's authority

and threatened to undermine all he had done in bringing the Gospel

to the Gentiles.

All of this was done by sincere Christians who disagreed with

Paul and his approach to the Gentiles. We see the paradox of

Christian history here. Most men of God have their greatest

problems, not in relation to the world, but in relation to other

groups of Christians who disagree with their emphasis. Being

stoned and blasted by the world is almost pleasure compared to the

criticism and folly one has to endure from others within the

kingdom. Paul would have been able to say amen to this poem:

To live above with the saints we love

Oh that will be glory.

But to live below with the saints we know

That's a different story.

Galatians is a record of just how serious and harmful the battles

can be within the body of Christ when any portion of the body gets

off center and begins to teach anything that robs Jesus of His

sovereign role as all-sufficient Savior. Liberty in Christ means that

there is only one requirement to be a Christian, and that is faith in Christ.

Any other requirement is imposed by men and is a threat to

both our liberty and the sufficiency of Christ as Savior. It is sad but

it is a fact of life that the fight for Christian liberty and balance is as

much a fight with other Christians as it is with the world.

As Christians we are constantly facing appeals to jump on the

bandwagon of other Christians and go off the deep end of one

extreme or the other. Satan knows there is great power when the

church is united and that it becomes weak and ineffective when it

fights itself and create division. That is why the church is constantly

being broken into divisive groups who have their own pet theology,

and that is why it is so important to study this letter of Paul that will

help us stay on the right track and maintain our liberty in Christ.