Summary: Here is a pagan king and God communicates to him in a dream. He may not have listened to a prophet, but a dream is so personal that he cannot refuse to pay attention.

When John Wesley returned to England from his fruitless visit to

America, he learned that on another ship in the harbor his friend

Whitefield was about to sail to America. This depressed Wesley for

he had hoped to have fellowship with Whitefield. Early in the

morning he sent a message by boat to the other ship. He said, "Tell

Mr. Whitefield that I have had a dream during the night, and that it

has been made clear to me that he is not to go to America." George

Whitefield received the message and paced the deck in deep thought.

He then said to the messenger, "Go back and tell Mr. Wesley that if

God had wished me to turn back He would have given me the

dream. Why should He send the dream to Mr. Wesley?" And so he

went on his tour to America. Whitefield was sound in judgment in

this situation, for one could have very little assurance concerning the

message of a dream unless he had the dream himself.

No doubt, this is why God spoke to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream, even

though he could not understand it. Had Daniel come to him

with a dream that he had, the king would not be interested at all. a

man is only concerned about his own dreams, and this was especially

true in a day when men recognized dreams to be possible messages

from God. Here is a pagan king and God communicates to him in a

dream. He may not have listened to a prophet, but a dream is so

personal that he cannot refuse to pay attention.

Sometimes the dream is used by God to communicate clearly

when there is no other means available. Such was the case with the

dream of Joseph about taking Mary as his wife, and about fleeing to

Egypt. Such was the case with the warning in a dream to the wise

men to go home by a different route. The dream is usually a

secondary method, and is often just a vague and obscure message

that calls for an interpreter. Such was the case with the dream of

the baker and butler in prison with Joseph, and also that of the

Pharaoh. They provided the opportunity for God's man to become

known through his gift of interpreting. This was also the case with

Daniel. If the king had not had this dream Daniel would never have

had the opportunity to demonstrate his God-given gift.

We see then that God's providence is the case of Daniel's rise to

a position of trust and power, for God opens the door of

opportunity. Two things are needed for any of us to be used of God.

First of all, like Daniel, we must develop our gifts, which God has

given, and secondly we need to pray that God would open up doors

of opportunity to use these gifts. Preparation and then opportunity

are two essentials. Had Daniel not first of all prepared himself, and

been in the position among the scholars, he never would have had

the opportunity to interpret the kings dream. Had God spoken to

the king in a dream before Daniel was there in Babylon, there would

have been no one to interpret it, and there would have been a futile

slaughter of the wise men. We see then that God prepares His man

first. He needs a man ready to lay hold of the opportunity before he

opens the door of opportunity. If people prepare and develop their

gifts, God will open the way for those gifts to be used.

Lets look at the series of events that led Daniel to a place of

leadership in a pagan empire. The king is a troubled man for he has

had a dream and does not know the meaning of it. It bothers him

and he cannot sleep. His loss of sleep makes him a real bear, and he

becomes severe in his anger toward his wise men who fail to tell him

the meaning of the dream. He is a great ruler who has built a city

enclosed by a wall containing more masonry that the Great Wall of

China. He has even built an artificial mountain inside of it for his

wife. Few kings could boast of greater glory, and the whole world

was at his feet. But he knew that empires can fall rapidly, and the

Persians and Greeks were doing some marvelous things that could

threaten his empire.

No one could blame him for being nervous and upset over the

dream. The impression that one has at first is that he is just another

tyrant who will reap as he sowed in hell, but as you study deeper

you tend to feel that you will one day talk with this great king as a

humble servant in the kingdom of God. My own experience has

been like that of Alexander Whyte who said after he studied the life

of Nebuchadnezzar: "I cannot conceive where I got my bad opinion

about Nebuchadnezzar.... I have read nothing nobler about the best

kings of Judah, or Israel, or Scotland, or England." If your first

impression of this man is poor, do not judge him by that, for before

we are done with our study you may conclude that he was a saved

man that we will see in eternity.

Nebuchadnezzar in his troubled states calls for all the wise men

to come and help him with his dream. Some were specialists in the

books of wisdom, others in whispering incantations, and still others

is in reading the stars. He brought all the experts together to solve

the mystery of his dream. But when he asked them to tell them the

dream they respond that he must tell them the dream before they

interpret it. He was in no mood to go half way with them. He said

that they either make his dream known or else. He was saying, "I

am going to pieces over this dream, and if you don't solve it you are

going to go to pieces literally, for I will have you torn limb from

limb, and all your houses will be destroyed." This was typical

behavior for an Eastern king. Excessive punishment was the

common thing. You eliminated a man's family and property

completely as a standing memorial to the power of the king. God

later judged them as they judged others, and he left Babylon in total

ruins as a perpetual memorial of his sovereignty.

Nebuchadnezzar was fair, however, for in verse 6 he offers great

reward if they do their job. About this time I can imagine there

were many of the wise men who wished they had never been

educated. They request again that he tell them the dream first. The

king goes into a rage and accuses them of stalling for time and of

planning to lie to him. He is not so foolish as they could wish. He

knows it is easy to interpret a thing, and that anybody with a little

skill can give some kind of meaning to any dream. The real proof of

one's contact with the supernatural world would be to know the

dream itself. He says in verse 9 that only if they can tell him the

dream can he be sure of their interpretation. If men are truly in

touch with the God who gave the dream then it will be no problem

for them to get the dream from him. Nebuchadnezzar was a wise

man, and he knew how to detect the true from the fake. He

suspected that all who were before him were a bunch of fakes.

They respond that he is asking what no king ever asked before.

He is being unreasonable in his demands. He is not playing

according to the rules, for he is demanding what none but he gods

themselves can supply. They were right, but that is precisely what

made Nebuchadnezzar so angry. If they could not reveal what only

the gods knew by being channels through which the gods spoke,

what good were they? If all they had was human ingenuity, then

their system collapses. They are worse than no wise men at all, for

all is deception, and so in fury Nebuchadnezzar orders the whole

system destroyed, and all of the wise men killed. Here is pagan king

who rebelled against the impotence of his pagan system of wisdom.

This is a necessary step before a man will turn to the truth and be

open to the true God. Men must see the folly, weakness and

superficiality of their paganism before they are ready to listen to the


His anger was excessive, however, and very unjust, for he

ordered all wise men to be killed. This included those who never

even had a chance, or those who never even knew of the king's

dream, such as Daniel and his three friends. We see here the

injustice of condemning a total class of people. The very person he

was looking for was in that class that he was sending to their death.

When they came to Daniel he did not act like a rebel. He very

prudently became friendly with the captain of the king's guard. He

was able to persuade the guard to tell him why the king was being so

severe. When he heard the story he went right to the king and got

him to listen to him. He then got his friends to pray with him that

God would reveal the dream so they did not all have to perish.

We see here the natural response for self-preservation. Daniel

and his friends wanted justice done, for their lives were at stake. To

die for principle was something Daniel did not hesitate to do, nor did

his three companions. They would not bow down to an idol and so

they were cast into the fiery furnace. But when it comes to dying for

the folly of others they are eager to escape, and so the plead for

God's help. No man wants to die uselessly, and so they plead for

God to come to their rescue. Had they died in this way they would

not have been martyrs as they would have been had they died in the

fiery furnace or the lion's den. A martyr is a witness who dies as a

witness to his faith, and it would have been no such witness had they

died because of lack of knowledge. Their prayer was answered, and

we will see the results in our next study.