Summary: The beauty of being may be limited to the few, but the beauty of doing is open to all. Everyone of us can do beautiful things that aid the fulfillment of God's plan.

Harriet Beecher Stowe was a preacher's daughter who was born

in 1811. She certainly didn't look like she would ever amount to

much. She was shy and had a large nose and a hunched back. She

considered herself to be quite homely. Calvin Stowe, professor of

Biblical Lit. in Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, saw beauty

in her, however, and asked her to marry him. He was not exactly

prince charming himself with his balding head and problem of

overweight and nearsightedness.

It was never a very smooth marriage, for they both had such bad

self-images. Calvin had such fits of self-contempt that he got sick in

order to escape duties. The result was he never made enough money

to support his wife and seven children. Harriet had to work to

support the family. She wrote articles and short stories. She so

dispised slavery and all it did to degrade people, and she longed to

use her gift of writing to fight it, but it seemed so hopeless. She was

a nobody living in a day of great male writers, all of whom also

hated slavery, but avoided writing about it. Longfellow, Hawthorn,

Emerson, Melville, Thorew and Whittier were just some of the great

names of her day.

Harriets sister kept insisting she should write to show the whole

nation what an accursed thing slavery was. One Sunday as she sat

in church during a communion service the plot of her book formed

in her mind. It is hard to doubt that it was a God-given plot, for her

book called Uncle Tom's Cabin took the world by storm. It sold

300,000 copies in America, and 1,000,000 in England the very first

year. It was translated into 36 languages. The impact of her book

was so great it is considered one of the most influential books in the

history of America. Abraham Lincoln's response when he met her

was, "So this is the little lady who made this big war."

Here was a woman who changed the course of history. She was

not a beautiful woman like Esther. Her power was still the power of

beauty, however, for it was the literary beauty of her book that

moved people to action. Beauty has many different forms. It may

be artistic, literary, intellectual, or physical, but the point is, God's

providence in history always works through one form of beauty or

another. That is why the apostle Paul writes to Christians in Gal.

6:9, "Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall

reap, if we do not lose heart." The Greek word for well is the word

for beautiful. Paul is saying do not grow weary in beautiful doing or

beautiful action. Acting beautifully is the key to your reward and

the reaping of a harvest. It is not just being beautiful, but beautiful

actions that become a part of God's providence in history.

The book of Esther is full of the beauty of doing as well as the

beauty of being. Esther's beauty of being depended upon the beauty

of doing to accomplish God's purpose. We see from this that all of

us can be part of God's providence. The beauty of being may be

limited to the few, but the beauty of doing is open to all.

Everyone of us can do beautiful things that aid the fulfillment of

God's plan. The book of Esther reveals that God's providence is

always working with a balance of male and female input. Men are

constantly being influenced by women, and women by men. In our

text we are looking at the key men in the life of Esther. We want to

focus on the least of these three men in order to see how the

influence of even the least can be great.

Hegai is certainly one of the least known characters of the Bible.

I have never even heard of him being used in a Bible quiz. Rare

would be the person who knew of Hegai, the keeper of Xerxes

harem. He was eunuch, which means he was incapable of sexual

function. His purpose in life was to see that the women in the harem

were always in the best condition for the pleasure of Xerxes. It

would be easy to past by Hegai without mention, and leave him in

the limbo of neglect, but a careful reading of chapter 2 reveals that

he was key link in the chain of events that led to the salvation of the


Verse 9 reveals how he took a special liking to Esther, and

quickly got her started on the beauty aids and proper diet. He

became her coach, as it were, to win and event over emorous

competition. We see here the beauty of friendship. This was not a

sexual male and female relationship at all. Hegai appreciated

Esther's beauty and her personality. He liked her as person, and he

saw her as the best for the king. Esther also came to appreciate

Hegai. She obeyed his coaching and took his advice. In verse 15 we

see that when her chance came to see the king and impress him, she

took with her only what Hegai advised her to take. He was the best

counselor she had. With him Esther had an inside track to the heart

of the king.

The paradox here is, we have a pagan, who cares nothing about

the Jews or God's plan for Israel, playing a key role in God's plan

for their deliverence. God did not need Hegai, for He could work

out things in another way if He chose. In fact, later on Mordecai

says that God did not even need Esther. Nobody is indispensible to

God. He can always get His purpose accomplished, but the point is,

He chose to use the influence of this pagan servant, and that choice

of God opens up a fascinating insight into God's providence in


We have a tendency to limit God, and we assume He will only

work through His own people. This limited view makes us miss the

values that God can achieve through the influence of non-Christians.

Hegai was a pagan. He did not even know the God of Israel, and

Esther could not be a witness to him, for she had to keep secret she

was a Jew. There is no evangelism or witnessing on the part of

Esther. She was just a friend to Hegai. This reveals that our

relationship to those outside the kingdom of God can be a factor in

our success in serving the kingdom of God. Do not think that non

Christians play no role in your life. There are many examples of

how non-believers are a key influence in believer's lives.

Joseph's whole life was a series of encounters with pagan people.

He was thrown into prison because of a bad encounter, but gets out

of prison to share his dream by the aid of a pagan servant of the

king. He went on to become a leader in Egypt and had a positive

relationship with a pagan Pharaoh. All around him there were

pagan people who respected him and depended upon him. Joseph

lived most of his life in a relationship with non-believers. Daniel had

a simular experience as a political leader in Babylon. He had his

close Jewish friends, but he also had a good relationship to the king.

The Apostle Paul was constantly envolved with non-Christian

Roman leaders. One of them was to him like Hegai was to Esther.

In Acts 27 we read of the Roman Centurian named Julius. He is

another very obscure character of the Bible. He was in charge of

Paul as he headed to Rome to stand before Caesar. In Acts 27:5 we

read, "And Julius treated Paul kindly and gave him leave to go to

his friends and be cared for." Later, when they were caught in a

storm on the sea, the Centurian listened to Paul and cut loose the

boat some were going to use to escape. By so doing, this entire ship

of pagan sailors was saved. 276 persons were spared by the

providence of God, using the influence of a pagan leader.

There was a crisis when the Roman soldiers felt the only wise

plan was to kill all the prisoners lest they escape. Paul would have

died had it not been for the friendship of this pagan Centurian. In

Acts 27:43 we read, "But the Centurian, wishing to save Paul, kept

them from caring out their purpose." The beautiful acts of

friendship between Paul and this pagan leader led them to be a team

that brought everyone through the entire ordeal. God used a

believer and a non-believer together to fulfill His plan of sparing all

these lives. Doctor Luke then goes on to record in Acts 28, after they

were all safe on the Island of Malta, "And the natives showed us

unusual kindness." The cheif, whose name was Publius, showed

them great hosptiality for three days. Then when they sailed, we

read in verse 10, "They presented many gifts to us."

These experiences of Paul with pagan friendship and kindness

reveal that what happened to Esther was not just an isolated

incident. All through history God's people have been blessed by the

kind and beautiful acts of those who were not believers. God's plan

includes doing many good things in history by the influence of non

believers as well as believers. There are millions of Christians who

have been healed, taught, spared and aided by non-Christian

doctors, teachers and professionals of all kinds. You are a rare

Christian indeed if you have never been positively influenced by a

non-believer. They are not saved by the many good works they do

for us, but God's will is often done on earth because of their good


The relationship we have to all people is important, for God can

use everyone's influence for His purpose. One of the most amazing

examples is the experience of Stenborg, the painter. Over 200 years

ago in Dusseldorf, Germany, he painted his famous Gipsy Girl. His

model let her black eyes wonder about his studio. Then they were

arrested by the thorn crowned faces of Jesus he had painted for the

church. She begged the artist to explain the picture. He told her the

story of the cross. When he finished the Gipsy girl said, "You must

love Him very much when He has done all that for you." The

painter was stung with shame, for the fact was, he did not love Jesus.

That remark motivated him to respond to Christ, and then, as a

painter who adored the Saviour, he painted another picture of

Christ, and displayed it int he public gallery of Dusseldorf.

Underneath he inscribed the words, "All this I did for Thee; What

hast thou done for me?"

One day, Count Zinzendorf, a rich young man, stood before that

painting, and the question challenged him to the depth of his soul.

He surrendered to Christ and became the founder of Moravin

Missions. In a few years there were missionaries going to all parts of

the world. The Moravinans had a profound influence on John

Wesley, who was used of God to change the world, and the influence

goes on and on and on from a little Gipsy girl who simply asked a

painter if he loved Jesus.

John Donne was right when he said no man is an island. Paul put

it in Rom. 14:7, "For none of us lives to himself, and none of us die

to himself." None of us live or die without influencing others for

good or ill. This is not just a law for believers, it is true for all men,

for even the lost have an influence for good or ill. This world is

better or worse for every person in it. It has been better because of

people like Hegai, Julius, the Gipsy girl, and innumerble obscure

nobodies. What are the implications of this reality?

For one thing, it means your relationship to non-Christians can

be a significant part of life. Non-Christian family, friends,

neighbors, and others may play a very important part in your life.

Non-Chrisitan authors may influence you in many directions. Paul

read pagan poets and found in them truths that he could quote in his

sermons. In his famous sermon on Mars Hill in Acts 17:28 he said,

"For in Him we live and move and have our being, as even as some

of your poets have said, 'For we are indeed His offspring.'" Paul

quotes the pagan poets because they confirm what the Bible says.

Today, preachers are constantly quoting non-Christian poets,

scientists, psychiatrists, and a host of other authories, who in their

realm of study discover that Biblical principles are true, not just for

Christians, but for non-Christians as well.

What we need to see is that a Christian has a duel relationship to

the world. Some of the world is like Haman, who hated God's people

and God's truths, and they do all they can to persecute and destory.

But, there is also a world that is sympathic to God's people and

God's truths. It is open to the influence of God's people, and can be

used as an instument in the providence of God. When the Bible

warns us not to love the world, and not to be comformed to it, it is

referring to the danger of getting intrapped in the world's value

system. Some Christians interpret this to mean, have nothing to do

with non-Christians. This leads to a life of isolation where they

have no influence on the world because they are not open to be

influenced by the world. Separation from the world means

separation from the sin of the world, and not separation from

people. Jesus was a friend of sinners, but totally free of sin.

Christians who feel they have an obligation to be obnoxious and

unkind to non-Christians are blind to the way God's providence

works in history. Paul said Christians are to live peaceably with all

men as much as is it possible. Paul knew from his own experience

that good relationships, to even pagan people, can mean a better

atmosphere in which the providence of God can work toward

positive goals. The pharisees were very strict in not associating with

the unclean people. They did not relate to non-Jews and even other

Jews who did not attend the synagogue. One of there chief

objections to Jesus was that He would eat with anyone, even the

publicans and sinners. These people were to them mere nobodies,

and not a part of God's people. These godless nobodies did not

count with them. They failed to see that everybody is somebody

with God, and everybody touches somebody in a way that hurts or

helps. Jesus blasted them, in spite of their high and strict principles,

because they did not love people and relate to them in helpful ways.

We should never be so proud that we cannot take advice from a

non-Christian. Esther took Hegai's advice and it was the best thing

that ever happened to her. We may never have heard of her had she

not listened to this pagan friend. She could have chosen to snub this

Gentile pagan, and instead inquire of her Jewish neighbor.

But her Jewish friend may have told her to eat onions and leeks

before she went in to see the king. You recall, the Jews were willing

to give up their freedom to get back to Egypt so they could have

onions and leeks. Esther could have taken this advice

and have been so offensive to the king that she would have been

dismissed on the spot. The point is, Hegai was the best authority,

and she was wise to follow his advice. It is wise for any Christian to

follow the wisdom of a non-Christian who is authority in his field. It

is not only not wrong to follow such advice, it is wrong not to follow

it if it does not conflict with the revealed of God. You could be

missing God's will by neglecting it. Do not count anybody out as a

resource for knowing God's will.

If God uses everybody to touch somebody, and that includes

obscure pagans like Hegai, how much more does He use His own

children to touch the world? Do not be deceived, you are constantly

influencing everyone who knows you for good or ill. The poet has


My life shall touch a dozen lives

Before this day is done,

Leave countless marks of good or ill,

Ere sets the evening sun.

This, the wish I always wish,

The prayer I always pray:

Lord, may my life help others' lives

It touches by the way.

May God help us all to pray such a prayer everyday, for everyday,

everybody touches somebody.