Summary: Man is in a strange predicament, caught between his own dignity and depravity; his own worth, and his wickedness. The result is another great paradox of life. Man's self-love is both an evil and a good.

Some people, probably most people, and maybe all people have to learn how to

be humble the hard way, and that is the humpty dumpty way of having a great

fall. This was the case with Max Eastman. A film was being made on the life

of Christ, and he happened to meet the well known woman photographer working

on that film, who was Alice Baughton. Shortly after this meeting he received

a note asking if he would consent to pose with Walter Hampden, the man

playing the role of Christ, in one of the miracle scenes. He was so proud of

getting such an offer after just a casual meeting, that he could not help but

brag. A thing like that couldn't just happen, he must have something on the

ball. He said to his mother who was visiting at the time, "See what it is to

be a beauty. I just knock them cold at the first sight." When he returned

from the studio, however, his glow had turned to gloom. "What did you pose

for?" Was the eager question of the family. Meekly he replied, "The corpse

of Lazarus."

Lazarus was certainly not unimportant role to play, even as a corpse,

but it hardly justified his boast of superior beauty. Had he not opened his

mouth, there could only be merit in getting any part at all, but he did, and

proved the saying true, "And ounce of vanity spoils a hundred weight of

merit." He thought too highly of himself. He was like the man whose wife

said to him as they left the party, "Has anyone ever told you how marvelous

you are?" "No, I don't believe they have," he said. "Well then," she

continued, "Where in the world did you ever get the idea?"

The idea comes natural, for the one thing most all people have in common

is their loyal love of themselves. E. W. Howe said, "When a man tried

himself, the verdict is usually in his favor." Subconsciously, if not

consciously, all men tend to make themselves the center of the universe.

Each of us is, to a lesser or greater degree, an I specialist. I read of a

printing company that had to postpone the publication of a Bishop's

autobiography because of they ran out of capital I's. Pope wrote in his

essay on man,

Ask for what end the heavenly bodies shine,

Earth for whose use, -Pride answers,-Tis for mine;

For me kind nature wakes her genial power,

Suckles each herb, and spreads out every flower;

Sees role to waft me, suns to light me rise;

My foot stool earth, my canopy the skies.

There is a touch of truth even in this self-centeredness, for man alone

was made by God with the capacity to appreciate and enjoy the order and

beauty of His creation, and man was given dominion over creation. But man

fell, like Satan, because of pride, and is now, as Pascal put it, both the

glory and the scum of the universe. He still has some basis for pride, but

so much more for humility and shame. Abraham Lincoln's favorite hymn by

William Knox put it this way,

Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?

Like a swift-flitting meteor, a fast-flying cloud,

A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave,

He passeth from life to his rest in the grave.

Man is in a strange predicament, caught between his own dignity and

depravity; his own worth, and his wickedness. The result is another great

paradox of life. Man's self-love is both an evil and a good. It is both an

essential for a happy life in God's will, and the main cause for most evil

that is out of God's will. Paul in this great chapter on paradoxes deals

with both sides of pride.

In verse 3, he deals with that kind of pride which makes a man think

himself to be something when he is nothing. In verse 4, he deals with that

kind of pride which is an honest recognition of one's worth before God. The

border line between these two is so close, and so poorly defined, that one

can every easily slip over into exhibiting evil pride when he thinks he is

being rightfully humble. This makes pride a very dangerous area that Satan

takes advantage of. Ruskin said, "In general pride is at the bottom of all

great mistakes!" This is true of sin as well.

The Old Testament says so much about the evil and folly of pride we

cannot even begin to cover it. The New Testament is sufficient to establish

it as one of the worse evils of the human heart. Jesus lists it as one of

the major evils that proceed from the heart in Mark 7:22. Paul lists it

among the dominating depravities of the pagan world in Rom. 1:30. He also

lists it as one of the characteristics of men in the last days. He writes in

II Tim. 3:2, "For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud,

arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy." Both Peter

and James write that, "God resisteth the proud but gives grace to the

humble." Christians are urged to avoid pride, and all her ugly sisters like

conceit, arrogance, and haughtiness. Paul says in Rom. 12:16, "Live in

harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly;

never be conceited."

Pride among Christian is the greatest cause for lack of harmony, and in

our text Paul says, the brother or sister in Christ who is proud, and thinks

they are something when they are nothing, deceives themselves. They do not

fool anyone else, but they are themselves blind to the fact that they are the

problem, and are being dupes of the devil to hinder the work of Christ. Paul

says, something can become nothing, or somebody can become nobody. Something

becomes nothing when it fails to fulfill the purpose for which it exists.

For example, you have all had an experience like this. Suppose my son and I

were walking along the road, and he picks up a broken piece of metal, and

asks me what it is. I look at it, and see that it is from a machine of some

kind, and is no longer able to serve the function for which it was made, like

a burned out fuse for example. I therefore, say to him, "It is nothing,

throw it away." Now we both know it is something, for it exists, or he

wouldn't have asked the question, but by calling it nothing I meant it is

worthless in fulfilling its purpose, and so has no value whatever.

Jesus said, "When salt loses it power to be salty it is good for

nothing." It is still something, but as far as usefulness goes, it is

nothing. Something is nothing when it can no longer function for the purpose

of which it exists. You've all heard of the two boys who were bragging, and

the one son said, "My father is a doctor, I can be sick for nothing." The

other one responded, "Well, my father is a minister, and I can be good for

nothing." Paul is saying, that it is literally possible for a Christian to

be good for nothing. If a Christian thinks he is too good to help another

Christian lift their burden, he has allowed pride to render him useless in

fulfilling the law of Christ, and so at that point he is nothing. He is

still something, or there would be no point of warning him of his danger, but

he salt without flavor, and if he does not lose his sinful pride, he will

lose his usefulness as a Christian.

A Christian who cannot inner into the bearing of one another's burdens

because of pride is not able to fulfill a basic purpose in the Christian

life. He is about as valuable as a burned out fuse. Paul is simply spelling

out in a practical way the teaching of I Cor. 13. He wrote there, that if he

had the tongues of angels, and the gift of prophecy, and great knowledge and

wisdom, and faith to remove mountains, and did not have love, he would be

nothing. It is hard to believe that so much somethings can equal absolutely

nothing, but this is what Paul clearly teaches. Without love a Christian can

be nothing, in the sense that he would be useless for the cause of Christ.

This is why pride is such a great danger to the believer, for it can render

him useless. In Psa. 62:9 David says, " of high estate are a delusion,

in the balances they go up; they are altogether lighter than a breath." Paul

goes even further, and says they are not only lighter than air, they are

nothing, but either way, the two testaments agree, pride can make a man

weightless, and unable to exert even an ounce of weight on the scale for


The tragedy is that this is not just a hypothetical possibility, but is

an actual reality. This was the case with the lukewarm majority in the

church of Laodicea. In Rev. 3:17 Jesus says to these Christians who are

neither hot nor cold, "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with

goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou are wretched, and

miserable, and blind and naked." They thought they were something when they

were nothing. They deceived themselves into thinking they needed nothing,

but in reality, they needed everything. Paul gives another example of this

deception of pride in I Tim. 6:3-4. "If anyone teaches otherwise and does

not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching

which accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit, and knows

nothing." Here is a man who thinks he is so wise he can go beyond the words

of Christ. He thinks he knows something, but Paul says, what he knows is


Here is the paradox that runs all through the Bible. He who exalts

himself shall be brought low. The Tower of Babel is the great symbol of

human pride. When man seeks to climb to the sky, he ends groveling in the

dirt. When he seeks to go to heaven by self-exaltation, he lands in hell.

When he thinks himself to be something, he is nothing. This passage is

extremely relevant to all of us. Obedience is vital to our very existence as

useful Christians. Bearing one another's burdens is not just a suggestion,

it is a demand-do it or else. Here is a law in the midst of grace. A

Christian who is not fulfilling the law of Christ is not fulfilling the

purpose for which he exists.

This can be hard, and especially when the burden is the result of sin.

These are the worst, for it is easy to get your hands dirty, and even your

soul, if you are not careful, as Paul warns. Paul knew some Christians would

be hesitant on this matter, and would not want to risk spotting their lily

white hands in pulling a fallen brother out of the pit. He made his bed, let

him lie in it, would be their attitude. After all says the proud Christian,

"I am something. I am a leader in the church. I have a reputation of

respectability in the community. I can't get involved in helping some fool

brother who has gotten himself in a mess. What will people think of me?

They might think I approve of his sin, or that I help because I am guilty of

the same. I just can't risk the association and spoil my reputation."

This proud man's case is clear, and his concern for his self-image is

natural, but the Christian who wants to be used of God cannot afford to be

natural, for the paradox is, his very caution is his greatest folly. In saving his

reputation with men, he loses the favor of God. He remain something before

men, he becomes nothing before God.

Paul wants us to see this folly, and never allow pride

to keep us from our duty to bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the

law of Christ. A Christian who cannot risk his reputation to rescue another

Christian from the grasp of the enemy is as good as a partner of the enemy,

and so of no value in the cause of Christ. Another paradoxical consequence

of this is that when a Christian becomes nothing because of pride, and is

lighter than air, and has no weight at all in the scale for good, he makes a

heavy impact on the scale for evil. When the love of Christ is absent in a

follower of Christ he becomes a useful tool in the hands of Satan.

Alexander Maclaren said, "Depend upon it, heresy has less power to

arrest the progress of the church than the selfish lives of Christian

professors." Nothing is so heavy, and such a drag on the church, as lighter

than air Christians, whose pride makes them useless for good. These lighter

than air Christians are paradoxically the heaviest burden the church has to

bear. God forbid that we be among these spiritual naughts by being proud,

loveless, and unconcerned about the burdens of others. Let us also be aware

of the subtlety of pride. It is a two edged sword which cuts both ways. It

hides on both sides of the narrow way, and we can fall into to its snare in

the very act of backing away.

For example, what is our attitude to those whom Paul calls nothing?

What of the proud loveless brother? Does he not immediately become one of

the fallen brothers who needs the help of the spirit-lead believer in order

to be restored. In other words, this something which has become nothing can

also be restored back to something, and become useful again in the cause of

Christ. His pride which kept him away from the pit lest he be stained, has

plunged him into even a muckier pit yet, up to his neck. He has fallen lower

than the brother he refused to help, but now he needs a hand, and if we

refuse him because he is unworthy of our help, we are only copying his folly,

and we will fall into the pit ourselves.

It is no advance on the Pharisee who said, "I thank God I am not as

other men, even this Publican," to say, "I thank God I am not as other men,

even this Pharisee." A Sunday School teacher after teaching the lesson of

the proud Pharisee said, "Let's bow now and thank God we are not like this

Pharisee." Pride is subtle, and it can get you coming or going. It is

present everywhere, and at all times. One Puritan lamented that ridding

ourselves of pride is like peeling an onion, for every skin taken off there

is another beneath. The first step to victory over pride is to be aware that

it is a clever foe, and the battle will never cease while we are in the

flesh. Second, we must overcome evil with good. We must learn how to

harness this inescapable characteristic of human life for good. We need to

use this which can make us nothing before God, to make us something of which

we can be proud, and which God can use for the purpose

for which He made us.