Summary: The paradox that Paul proclaims here is that a handicap can be a help. A painful problem can be a powerful promoter of what is good. A weakness can be an asset and a strength

One of the most incredible biographies ever written is that of Robert

Babcock. As a young boy he made a bomb out of some powder he found in his

father's barn. He had a hard time getting it to go off, but when it finally

did, it blew up in his face and he was instantly blinded, and remained so for

the rest of his life. His parents, realizing there was not hope of his sight

being restored, took him to an institute for the blind in Philadelphia.

Robert did so well, and had such a strong will to become independent, that

even as a youth he traveled home to Michigan by himself on a train.

He went on to college, and every year was near the top of his class. In

1869 at the age of 18 he began to study at Ann Arbor Medical College as the

first student to ever begin the study of medicine as a blind person. You

would naturally assume that he did not go far.

but the fact is, he went all the way. He went to Chicago Medical School, and

there had to dissect a body, which students with good eye sight find to be a

difficult task. Sightless though he was, he passed the test to the

astonishment of the examining board. After further study in New York, he was

licensed to begin to practice in Chicago. It took him ten years to build up

a strong practice, for obvious reasons. His reputation grew, however, until

he was made Professor Of The Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Many other honors were bestowed upon him, and he wrote three important

books that made him a world figure among doctors. His thorn in the flesh was no

stumbling block, but was a stepping stone to greater heights of service.

His life is an excellent illustration of the philosophy of life that

Paul expounds in our text. The paradox that Paul proclaims here is that a

handicap can be a help. A painful problem can be a powerful promoter of what

is good. A weakness can be an asset and a strength. No one knows for sure

just what Paul's thorn in the flesh was, but there is much evidence to

believe those scholars who are convinced that his problem, like that of Dr.

Babcock, was with his eyes. Paul was not blind, but there is reason to

believe he never could have passed the eye test for a drivers license. On

the day of his conversion Paul was struck blind by the glory of Christ, and

remained sightless for three days. He regained his sight, but there seems to

have been a weakness left, for in Gal. 4:15 he says that the Galatians would

have plucked out their eyes to give to him. It is, as if he were saying,

they recognized his greatest need was to have some decent eyes. In Gal. 6:11

he wrote, "See in what large letters I am writing to you." This implies

that his authentic writings can be known by his large letters, the letters of

a man who cannot see smaller letters.

Besides this evidence, it seems so fitting for the purpose for which God

allowed the problem Paul had with his great visions. He was in danger of

being overwhelmed with pride. It would be very humbling for him to hardly be

able to see, and then try to boast of his great visions. People who saw him

having to put his nose to a book to read, and to put his hand out to keep

from running into the city gate, would laugh him to scorn, if he spoke of his

great visions. The skeptics would mock him. An eye problem would definitely

keep Paul humble about his visions, and prevent his boasting in himself.

Regardless of what it was, Paul was impressed by the fact that God could

use a weakness to make him strong. There is power in weakness Paul learned;

a power that cannot be made available in any other way. Paul is the great

expert on weakness. Out of 33 references to weakness in the New Testament,

Jesus used the word once, Peter used it once, and all the rest are from the

pen of Paul. Keep in mind that Paul was a strong opponent of Christ before

his conversion. He despised the weak Nazarenes, those followers of that

weakling who perished in disgrace upon the cross. He attacked them and

demonstrated what strength could do. When the Lord appeared and struck him

down in blindness, he had a radical change in his thinking about the

relationship of power and weakness. He learned by experience that it was his

force that was really weak, and Christ's weakness was really powerful. The

result was, the paradox in power and weakness running all through Paul's


I Cor. 1:25, "The weakness of God is stronger than men."

I Cor. 1:27, "God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong."

I Cor. 15:43, referring to the resurrection of the body Paul writes, "It is

sown in weakness, it is raised in power."

II Cor. 13:4, "For He was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of


The cross is the greatest illustration of the power in weakness, for by

that experience of going like a helpless lamb to the slaughter, Jesus

conquered all the obstacles in the way of man's salvation. Paul not only

learned to accept the truth of power in weakness, but he tells us he learned

to boast, and even be glad for his weaknesses, for they became potential

channels through which the power of God could be manifest. In II Cor. 11:30

he writes, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my

weakness." This seems to be contrary to all logic. Everyone preaches that

God uses our gifts, but when do we hear that God uses our weaknesses? Yet,

if we take Paul seriously, his greatest power was not in abilities, but in

his weaknesses. In I Cor. 2:3 he says, "And I was with you in weakness and

in much fear and trembling."

We picture Paul as a dynamic ball of fire erupting from a volcano like

stature, but the facts are, he was small in weak in appearance, and by his

own testimony, full of fear and trembling as he preached. Paul was a

handicapped man, and the reason God used this, far from perfect, specimen of

manhood to proclaim the perfect Savior, is stated by Paul himself in I Cor.

2:5, "That your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of

God." If a powerful, talented, dynamic man moves people to respond to the

Gospel, one never knows how much of the movement is generated by the power of

personality. But if a weak and handicapped person is used to motivate

people, one can see that the power of motivation must come from the Holy


If this be a true understanding of the way God works, the logical

conclusion is that the typical American way of witness is not necessarily the

best and Biblical way. The American way tends to exalt the strong and ignore

the weak. Get the top athlete, the most popular movie star or singer, and

the finest politician or author, and let them tell the world what Christ

means to them. Only a blind man would deny that this bears fruit, but I

wonder if it does not rob us of the greatest resource in the church, which is

the masses of adults and youth who are not strong, but weak, handicapped

and in large measure ungifted.

Is it possible that the fruit of the spirit growing on weaker branches

might be even more impressive, at least to those God wants us to reach in our

community? Can our very weaknesses in any way be an asset to the kingdom of

God? Let us keep this question in mind as we continue to explore this

paradox of power in weakness. As a principle for natural life we can see how

it holds true, for weakness is what has made man strong. It is the very fact

that man cannot protect himself against other creatures who are stronger,

that has forced him to develop weapons of strength. Man is so weak he can

only jump a short way off the ground, and that weakness has driven him to

develop ways to fly, not only around the world, but beyond the world.

Weakness leads to power when the weakness motivates men to find a way to

offset that weakness.

This is certainly involved in what Paul is saying. It is only the

Christian who is fully conscious of his weakness who will depend upon God,

and seek for God's power. The strong and talented Christian can easily

become self-sufficient and independent. That very strength can become their

weakness. And honest awareness of weakness, therefore, is the starting point

in the spiritual quest for God's power. You can only really seek with all

your heart after that which you are fully aware that you lack. They only

find God's power who fully realize their own weakness. Spurgeon said, "God

helps us most when we most need his help." If you are strong and feel no

need of God's help, then you are weak. When, however, you are weak and know

it, and so depend upon God, then you are strong. Paul's paradox is not

strange at all, but a fact of life we all experience. When we can grasp the

words of Christ, "Without Me you can do nothing," then we are in the state of

weakness where we can say with Paul, "I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me."

The stronger a Christian is the greater is his danger of depending upon

his own abilities. It is possible for believers to rely on their own power to

live the Christian life. God has built a paradox into the divine-human

relationship. It is only when man surrenders to God that he conquers. It is

only when he submits to be dependent upon God that he becomes a channel of

divine power. Gideon had to learn this paradoxical truth. Gideon had too

strong an army, so God made him send 32,000 of his men home. He deliberately

made his army weak in order to demonstrate the divine power in weakness.

They could have won the battle with a stronger army, but their very strength

would have led them to boast of their own power, and that would have been

their weakness.

God said He made them weak in Judges 7:2, "Lest Israel vaunt themselves

against me, saying, mine own hand hath saved me." It is because of the great

danger of pride that weakness is the way to power. Weakness leaves us no

alternative but to praise God, and give Him all the glory. James Stewart

wrote, "It is a thrilling discovery to make that always it is upon human

weakness and humiliation, not human strength and confidence, that God chooses

to build His kingdom; that He can use us not merely in spite of our

ordinariness and helplessness, and disqualifying infirmities, but precisely

because of them."

History has demonstrated the truth of this paradox over and over. The

Greeks and Romans hated weakness and loved strength, and they conquered the

world by brut force.Yet, it was the weak and despised Christians who

ministered to the slaves, outcasts, and the masses of nobodies of the world,

who eventually conquered both Greece and Rome, and carried their values into

the future. In our own country it was the weak and despised Baptists and

Methodists who were driven out of the original colonies by the powerful

established churches. These two lowly groups, who ministered to the weak and

uneducated masses, have gone on to become the two most powerful denominations

in the country.

In spite of Scripture, and the facts of history, it is contrary to our

nature to believe this paradox. Paul knew the Old Testament and the man

illustrations of the power of weakness in it, yet he fought submission to it.

He did not accept the thorn in the flesh as a blessing, but prayed earnestly

for it to be removed. It is normal and right that our first response to any

weakness, handicap, or limitation, should be to be free of it. If, however,

God will not remove it, then the only wisdom is to find the power in it, and

see the truth of verse 9 demonstrated, which is God's power made perfect in


God's power is only imperfectly shown in great gifts, for even the

ungodly have great gifts and skills, and it is hard to identify what is

divine from what is human. When God uses a weak instrument, however, you see

clearly that the power is of God. That is why His power is made perfect in

weakness. If an elephant stepped on a board and it broke,

you would not be surprised. But if a weak man did it to rescue someone from

a dangerous trap, you would praise God, for it would be obvious that the

power was given to the man from above. If a man of charming personality and

a unique gift of gab persuades someone to come to church, you are not amazed,

for you would expect him to be effective. But if a person of little ability

to communicate brings someone, and they respond to the Gospel,

you are impressed, for clearly it was luck, or the power of God. The point

is, the power of God is much easier to identify when it is seen working in

weak instruments. The practical application should be clear. All of us are clearly

inadequate, and have fewer gifts than we wish we had. None of us are all

that we want to be, and so we think we can do very little for the kingdom of

God. The real growth of the church depends on the gifted few is the common

conviction of Christians. Yet, the facts of Scripture and history tell us

that all of us can do great things for God; not because we are able to, but

just because we are not able. It is not ability, but availability that God

wants. He did not want Moses to take a speech course. He just wanted him to

obey, and He would use him. If we could dedicate our weaknesses, and make

ourselves available to God, He could demonstrate in us that His power is made

perfect in weakness.

Catherine Marshall tells of her experience of writing the book A Man

Called Peter. She needed to succeed in this effort, for she left her job to

give to herself to it. About half way through she asked a trusted friend for

his opinion. He said, "The manuscript lacks warmth, emotion. The facts are

here-but not the heart." She was shattered, and back in her apartment she

threw herself on her bed and cried. Self-pity enveloped her. "I lost my

husband in his prime, I have to raise my son alone, and with no abundance of

money, and I am expected to write a book with no training. How much can one

person take?"

After much struggle she realized she was inadequate, but that God was

not. She prayed the prayer of helplessness, and asked God to guide her in

writing. She got the heart into the book, and masses have been moved to

tears by it. Her achievement, she knows, was entirely of God's doing, and

she has no tendency toward egocentricity that success can bring. She writes

in her book Beyond Ourselves, "Since then God has never allowed me the

fulfillment of a soul's sincere desire without first putting me through an

acute realization of my inadequacy and my need for help."

There are more women than men on the mission field fulfilling the great

commission, and, no doubt, one of the reasons for this is because, as the weaker sex,

they tend to be more willing to submit to God and allow Him to use their

weakness. Men want only to yield their strength. We are always dedicating

our talents, gifts and resources, to Christ, and rightly so, but we rarely or

never dedicate our weaknesses. This is a tragic neglect in the light of the

fact that God can often use them for greater glory. The beauty of dedicating

our weaknesses is that we can all do it, for we all have plenty to give.

May God help us all to surrender our weaknesses, for His strength is made

perfect in weakness.