Summary: Christians have needlessly borne mountains of guilt when they might have had it dissolved and cleansed through the blood of Christ. Continuous and consistent confession of sin is a must for a Christian.

The one thing all people have in common is guilt. Ever since Adam

and Eve hid from God, because they were afraid, out of a sense of

guilt, man has had to bear the burden, and suffer the effects of guilt, and

these effects are enormous. Modern psychiatry is discovering that

guilt is enemy number one of good mental health. It is the destructive

force behind dozens of different kinds of mental illness. It is the basic

cause for the anxiety and fear that makes millions live in dread and

depression. It is the cause for the ineffectiveness of many Christian

lives. It disarms the believer of the whole armor of God. It cuts at the

root of the tree of life. It poisons the springs of living water, and it

sends a corrupting worm into the fruit of the Spirit.

Everyone who has done something he does not want known has guilt.

This of course means that just as all are sinners, so all are guilty. The

more we learn about the guilt of man, the more we realize it is a major

factor in all of human life. One doctor treating one hundred cases of

arthritis and colitis found that a hidden sense of guilt played a role in

68% of these patients. Flanders Dunbar in the book Psychiatry In The

Medical Specialties reports that, "It has been found that at least 65%

of patients are suffering from illness syndromes initiated or seriously

complicated by psychological factors." Conclusions like this are being

reached in one study after another, and the result is that men are

beginning to see that man's ultimate problem is sin. It is sin and its

effects that are the greatest plague in the world. And guilt is sins

major effect.

Rowe expresses the minds of millions when he writes, "Guilt is the

source of sorrow! 'Tis the fiend, the avenging fiend, that follows us

behind, with whips and stings." There is no escape from the facts.

Modern psychiatry has confirmed what the Bible says: "All have

sinned and come short of the glory of God." All are caught in the web

of guilt. But thank God the facts do not stop there. John knew almost

2000 years ago that this was man's major problem, but he did not just

analyze it and diagnose it, but he gave a prescription authorized by the

Great Physician Himself. John had to have an answer for the problem

of guilt in order to ever bring his readers to his established goal of

fullness of joy, and fellowship with the God of light. Guilt is just the

opposite of this, and no amount of truth could ever lead to that goal

that did not first show a man how to be relieved of guilt. That is why

John begins with the matter of sin and forgiveness, for all Christian

maturity begins with clear understanding of this basic issue. John

shows us three basic steps from guilt to God.


John says that if we try and live on the hypocritical level of

non-admission to guilt and sin, then we are self-deceived. The truth is

not in us, and in such a state we cannot be forgiven. Such a person, and

they are not rare, suppresses his guilt and tries to give the impression

that there is nothing wrong in their lives. Meanwhile, though they have

succeeded in hiding their guilt from their consciousness, it is invading

their whole being like a poison, and will reveal itself in either a

psychological or physical problem, or both.

Many unbelievers do not respond to Christ just because they refuse

to admit they are guilty. They are hiding their guilt, and they are

saying we do not need a Savior, for we are not so bad. The natural

man is fighting for survival, and does not let himself be conscious that

he is a mass of guilt in need of cleansing, for to do so he knows must

lead to repentance and death for the old man. The same is true for the

Christian who lets the old man revive and live again in his body. He

hides his guilt because to admit it is so painful, and his old man does

not want to die. This is why guilt so often leads to mental illness. It is

an escape. It allows the sinner to say he is sick rather than guilty. This

sounds foolish, but this is just how hard man struggles against

admitting he is a guilty sinner.

This may sound like a harsh and cruel judgment on mental patients

,but the facts being discovered by competent men are reversing the idea

that there is nothing to be ashamed of in mental illness. It could well

be that such illness is, as Dr. David Bellgum calls it, "An involuntary

confession of guilt." Unconfessed and unforgiven sin acts like a cancer

of the soul. It effects the total person in body, soul, and spirit. O.

Hobart Mowrer in his book The Crisis In Psychiatry And Religion

comes right out and says that neurotics and psychotics are not sick so

much as they are sinners caught and condemned by their own

conscience. Dr. Bellgum says this applies also to many with physical

problems, for he says physical "symptoms are often the amplified voice

of conscience." In other words, you might suppress it, but one way or

another guilt is going to show itself.

The saying was never more true than when applied to this area of

life, that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Let us not jump to the

conclusion that all mental problems reveal suppress guilt. There are

many other causes; some uncontrollable which result in brain damage,

and for which the person is not responsible. There are many

exceptions to what we have stated, but there are many cases in which it

is true, and it shows that the church has the only answer to man's

greatest problem-sin. People do not need to be psychoanalyzed, they

need to be saved. They need to stop lying to themselves and admit they

are guilty sinners, for it is only then that they will be conscious of their

need for forgiveness. This is the first step on the road to recovery.

To make it clear that we are not only dealing here with

non-believers, let us consider some actual examples of Christians who

fell into the category of those who refuse to admit guilt. Paul wrote to

the Corinthians , and said it was for this very thing that many of them

were weak and sickly, and some had even died. In I Cor. 11 he

explains that the reason was, they had been guilty of unworthy

participation in the Lord's Supper. They were observing this

remembrance of His death for sin, but were refusing to do so with a

consciousness of their sin. In lightness and carelessness, and with no

sense of guilt for their heathenish attitude, they remembered the

sacred event of Christ's death. The result was hardness of heart. They

sought no forgiveness, for they were not conscious of sin, and the result

was all kinds of symptoms in body and mind, and in some cases leading

even to death. These early Christians were experiencing the

consequences of repressed guilt and unconfessed sin.

All of the facts support the statement that holiness is the best way to

health, just as sin is the surest way to sickness. Even the pagan

philosopher Seneca observed that guilt always punishes even if the law

does not. He said, "Let wickedness escape as it may at the bar, it

never fails of doing justice upon itself, for every guilty person is his

own hangman." Plautus said, "Nothing is more wretched than the

mind of a man conscious of guilt." It is true and it is painful, yet, as

John says, and as science supports, to be conscious of guilt and to

admit your sin is the only way you can be ready to take the next step to

the wholeness for which all men seek. Admit your guilt and then take

the next step.


This verse is tree with so many branches, on each of which hangs so

much fruit, that we cannot begin to taste all of its riches in one

message. James Edwin Orr said, "Clear teaching concerning the

confessing of sins by Christians is one of the most neglected doctrines

of today." Here is a concept given by inspiration of God to aid people

against the most destructive force in the world, and yet it is ignored as

if it were incidental. The result is, all things have not become as new as

they ought in the lives of believers, because they have not availed

themselves of God's provision. Christians have needlessly borne

mountains of guilt when they might have had it dissolved and cleansed

through the blood of Christ. Continuous and consistent confession of

sin is a must for a Christian who truly desires to attain the fullness of

the stature of Christ. If your aim is any lower than that, that too is a

sin needing to be confessed and forgiven.

Many are uninhibited when it comes to the confession of the sins of

others, but John is writing to Christian people who need to confess

their own sins. Confession is no part of the life of the unbeliever. No

doubt many deceive themselves into thinking they can gain God's

forgiveness, but John clearly states that only those who walk in the

light have fellowship with God, and only they are cleansed by the blood

of Christ. Confession is of no value unless one is a believer walking in

the light. Sin is a blockade as long as we walk in darkness, but if we

walk in the light and confess our sin it becomes a bridge back into

fellowship with God, for he loves the sinner and waits in hope that they

will confess and come back to Him.

The story is told of how Satan approached God with the complaint

that He forgives His children over and over again, but He never

forgave him, and God replies to him, "You never asked." This

illustrates the truth that confession is an essential condition of

forgiveness, but it does not go far enough, for even if Satan did ask, it

would be to no avail unless he cease to be the prince of darkness, and

began to walk in the light.

It is important to see this truth, for those who do not see the whole

picture abuse this promise and stretch it beyond what it was meant to

cover. To think that one can confess, and yet have no sense of guilt

about continuing in the same pattern of life is to be deceived. It is of

interest to note that some Catholics are perfectly aware of this danger

in their own practice of compulsory confession. In a questionnaire sent

out to priests asking what kinds of persons failed to gain anything from

the confession, one answered in a way that made clear he was aware of

all the things that Protestants criticize about the confessional. Here is

what he wrote:

"The insincere-those who really are not in earnest about

breaking a habit of sin. The uneducated who consider the

powers of the confessional as magical. A 'bad confession.'

They are either so attached to the pleasure or advantages

deriving from the sin that they do not really intend to stop

the sin or the habit, or they are presumptuous of God's help,

thinking God will change them without their effort or


Not only will the Catholic confessional not be effective for those

people, but neither will the personal and secret confession to God

alone. No confession will cleanse the sinner who refuses to walk in the

light. Confession implies a change in walk, and not merely a change in


A basic maxim to be followed in confession is this: "Let the circle of

the offense committed be the circle of the confession made." That is, if

the sin is secret, it is to be confessed secretly to God alone. If the sin is

private, that is, against a particular person, you are to confess to that

person as well as God. That is called private confession as distinct

from public confession. Public confession is to be made when the

offense is against the whole church, or a large segment of it. In other

words, confession is to always be made to those who have been

offended, for they alone can forgive. This is why we do not practice

what is called auricular confession by the Catholic church. Auricular

means, told in the ear, and refers to telling the priest one's sins. A

party not involved in the offense can not be involved in the forgiveness.

We feel that no party who is not offended can honestly be a party to

the forgiveness. We do not deny that it can be effective in relieving

guilt, but we feel there is a better and more Biblical way that exalts

Christ rather than man. That is by direct confession to God through

Christ, who is our High Priest, and who daily intercedes for us.

All of this is not to say, however, that God does not use men as

instruments of conveying his message of forgiveness. All of the

reformers such as Luther and Calvin rejected auricular confession, but

still retained what they called private confession to the pastor. They

simply recognized that in exceptional cases a child of God gets

burdened with guilt, and cannot sense the forgiveness of God. Such a

person can gain victory by confessing to a pastor, and by receiving his

assurance, as God's ambassador, that He has been truly forgiven. This

is more a matter of counseling than confession.

John R.W. Stott, the well known English pastor and author, has

written a book on confession. In it he rejects auricular confession, but

retains the concept of private confession. He stresses, however, it is

exceptional and not to be habitual. The normal pattern for believers is

to confess to God alone, or to the persons offended.

This would be the position and practice of most, if not all evangelicals.

The important thing to see is that the normal Christian life is to be one

in which there is a consciousness of sin whenever we have departed

from God's will, and an immediate confession of it to Him since He is

ever present. These two steps are essential for Christian maturity.

The third step that John mentions is-


This is God's step in the process. There is nothing we can do to

cleanse our life once we have stained it. God does not ask us to do this.

If we confess, He is faithful and just to forgive. This is the step He

promises to take if we take the others, and the result will be fullness of

joy and fellowship with the Father and the Son. Cleanliness is not next

to godliness, it is godliness, for this is the final goal of Christian
