It is a good thing God enjoys laughter because some of life's funniest
moments happen in church. Carolyn Crane tells about how her
husband Dan stood up for the final hymn one Sunday, and his foot had
gone to sleep; it buckled under him, and he fell sideways into the aisle.
Two men came quickly to his aid, and they got him back into the pew
on his one good leg. A third man would have helped too, but he was
laughing so hard, he was of no use. Dan stood through the closing
hymn on one leg, like a stork, or the crane that he was. His wife could
tell by the many different versions of the song that people were having
a hard time concentrating. But by the end of the hymn things seemed
just about back under control. Then the pastor stood up and
dismissed the congregation with the benediction--"And now unto Him
who is able to keep us from falling...." Even the most solemn and
pious could not restrain their laughter.
It may seem like an inappropriate way to end a service, but in the
light of Revelation 19, it may not be at all, for hilarity seems to be
commonplace in heaven. This chapter is loaded with extreme
excitement and exuberance in the very presence of God. The entire
population of the redeemed of all time, plus the innumerable angelic
host, and every being in the universe capable of making sound, joined
in the wildest and loudest display of emotion that we have on record.
The apostle John is an old man as he is having this heavenly vision,
but he has no problem hearing the song. He says it was like a roar,
and the great multitude was shouting. They were joined by another
vast choir who cried out, and then another multitude joined in like a
roar of rushing waters, and like loud peals of thunder. One thing is
for sure, nobody will ever go to sleep in a heavenly praise service.
Thank God we will have new bodies that will not get headaches when
the volume reaches thunder levels.
What we have here in Rev.19 is the heartiest, happiest, holiest,
heavenliest Hallelujah Chorus of all times. The whole universe of
beings is roaring with rejoicing, and shouting with a song of supreme
satisfaction, because of the battle of good and evil has been won, and
good is the victor. The forces of darkness and evil have been defeated,
and the winners are celebrating. They have won the gold in the
universal Olympics, and they are compelled to praise God at the top
of their voices for this ultimate victory. Thus, we have a song like no
other in the entire Bible. This heavenly Hallelujah Chorus stands
alone as--
1. The loudest song in the Bible.
2. The most universal song in the Bible.
3. The song most full of Hallelujah in the Bible. Four
times in verses 1-6. This is the only place in the New Testament
where the word is used.4. It is the happiest song in the Bible, for it celebrates
the victory over evil, and the wedding of Christ and His Bride.
God gave John this vision and that is why we have this record of the
heavenly Hallelujah Chorus. The famous earthly Hallelujah Chorus
by George Frederic Handel also had it's origin in a God given vision.
Handel was in a severe state of depression in 1741. He was 57 years
old, deeply in debt, and going nowhere. He began to read a Sacred
Oratorio, where the words of Isaiah caught his attention--"Wonderful,
Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of
Peace." He was inspired to compose, and for 24 days he remained in
seclusion to write. He sometimes would not eat his food. At times he
would jump up and wave his hands in the air shouting Hallelujah.
Later he reported, "I think I did see all heaven before me, and the
great God Himself."
His Messiah was first performed in Dublin, Ireland in 1742, and it
was an immediate success. It circled the globe as one of the musical
masterpieces of all times. Newman Flower said, "Considering the
immensity of the work, and the short time involved in putting it to
paper, it will remain, perhaps forever, the greatest feat in the whole
history of musical composition."
I don't think it is a mere coincidence that the great song on earth
and the great song in heaven are both Hallelujah Choruses.
Hallelujah means praise the Lord, or praise Jehovah, and it will be a
major word in our vocabulary for all eternity. It is the main word in
the chorus of The Battle Hymn Of The Republic--"Glory! glory!
hallelujah! Glory! glory! hallelujah! Glory! glory! hallelujah! His
truth is marching on!" It is the same for the popular revival hymn,
Revive Us Again. "Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Hallelujah, Amen!
Hallelujah, Thine the glory! Revive us again." In other hymns the
word is Alleluia, which is just another form of hallelujah. It is found
innumerous songs that we sing, and it will be a key word in our praises
It is a feeling word that comes to the lips from a mind and heart
filled with joyful gratitude to God. It is a victory shout for the good
news that history has a happy ending. The good guys win, and the bad
guys are toppled from power. All the rotten deals of history are
rectified and made right. Babylon the great has fallen. She
represents all the forces of evil in the world that have made life
miserable for God's people. Not one in justice will escape. All will be
made right. Life is not fair, but God is, and in the end we will praise
Him, for we will see everything work out just as it should. As one
author said,
"The angels rejoiced here because for centuries they have
been watching from heaven unpunished in justices,
prospering wickedness, triumphing evil, and unchecked
immorality. Meanwhile, the righteous suffer, good causes
go begging, and honor and honesty go unrewarded. Now
the accounts are settled. Every drop of blood shed in
injustice will be avenged. The scales of eternal justice
will be in perfect balance! God will have settled the score.
When the hosts of heaven see the world system, the
prostitute, gets what is coming to her, they shout with
joy, "Hallelujah!" Author unknown
History ends like most every good book and movie does. The bad
guys, who have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery of life,
robbing people of freedom, joy, love, and romance are removed from
the stage, so life can go on as God intended, with pleasures
forevermore at His right hand.
What an encouragement this chapter was to the Christians going
through terrible times of persecution, and what an encouragement to
all who get weary of this fallen world with all of its corruption and
injustice. There is so much that is rotten and wrong with this world,
but in the end we will be singing a victory song--"Hallelujah! for the
Lord God Almighty reigns!" We look beyond the present evil to the
glorious future, for that is how Jesus faced the cross, and that is how
we can face a fallen world.
The world may beat us, the world may bore us,
But in the end we will sing this chorus,
Hallelujah Amen!
God will judge all that's wrong,
And we will ever sing this song,
Hallelujah Amen!
History is filled with the sad and the gory.
Heaven will be glad as we give God the glory.
Hallelujah Amen!
The night of sorrow has passed away.
Its now eternal wedding day.
Hallelujah Amen!
Author unknown
This Hallelujah Chorus is the song of eternal optimism. It is the
foundation for the fight against all injustice and corruption, for it is
the guarantee that the fight will end in victory. Light will win over
darkness, and so we can sing hallelujah even when darkness seems to
dominate, for we know it is only temporary. Caesar will reign for
awhile, and Hitler will reign for awhile, but God reigns forever. That
is why hail Caesar and Heil Hitler are now obsolete, but Hallelujah to
Jesus never will be. This Hallelujah Chorus will always be no. 1 in the
hymnal of heaven.
Wars have characterized the reigns of men, but God's reign is one
of peace. This Hallelujah Chorus is the celebration of the war that
really does end all wars, which is described in detail at the end of the
chapter. This chapter of the Bible is the audio-visual dept. of the
ultimate triumph of good over evil. It gives us the message both
verbally and visually of the final victory.
Our ears are bombarded with sounds.
Our eyes are bombarded with sights.
Both the vocal and visual abounds,
To lift our feelings to the heights.
The powerful image of Jesus riding on a white horse to victory over
the forces of evil is praise visualized. The Hallelujah Chorus vocalizes
the victory, and the horse and rider visualize it. The whole point of the
book of Revelation is to appeal to the emotions and the imagination,
and fill Christians with a spirit of praise. Revelation is to the New
Testament what the Psalms are to the Old Testament. It is a book of
poetry and imagery, to give Christians, even in the toughest of times,
reasons for rejoicing. Do you need motivation to sing songs in the
night? Here is your resource for inspiration. This is not a manual of
technical information, but a work of art, designed to inspire us to
worship and to service. You can take a flower apart and learn
something of its structure, or you can gaze on its beauty and praise the
God who created such a work of art. There is value in both, but often
Christians are more interested in tearing the book of Revelation
apart, than in being moved by its message of hope and beauty, to
praise the God who will give us the final victory.
What good is it to know the meaning of the 144,000, the ten horns
of the beast, the number 666, and a host of other numbers, if you miss
the number one purpose of the book, which is to get you to praise God
and sing hallelujah? All you can learn about the book of Revelation is
not worth a lady finger firecracker if it does not lead you to praise.
Most all commentators are agreed, all of the visions of the book are
conveying the same basic message--praise God for He is on the throne,
and His will be the final word. History will ultimately be His Story,
and it will have a gloriously happy ending.
There is an amazing congregation of women who really believe this,
and their motto is Amen! Alleluia! They are all handicapped, blind,
deaf, and crippled, but they say Amen-so be it. We accept our lot in
life, though it is unfair, not grudgingly, but in loyal submission to our
King. We say praise the Lord, or alleluia because we expect Him to
work in all things for the good of those who love Him. All self-pity is
ruled out, and their focus is on praise. They may not know who the
anti-Christ is, but they know who Christ is, and they have grasped the
essence of the message of Revelation, for their song is ever Amen,
This passage makes it clear, it is not just the chief end of man to
glorify God and enjoy Him forever, it is also the chief end of angels
and animals and all of creation. The angels were the first to see evil
when they saw the fall of Lucifer and his angels. Then man followed in
his fall, and then the whole of creation had to suffer the effects of sin.
God will reverse all of this, and all that was touched by sin will be
restored to original perfection. That is why the Hallelujah Chorus of
heaven is so universal. All will glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
In verse 4 we see the 24 elders and the four living creatures which
represent all the redeemed of all ages, and all the living creatures of
God's creation falling down and worshipping. The worshipped in
praise, and what we need to see is, worship and praise are
synonymous. They have the same root meaning.
Worship comes from worthship and means full of worth. When
you worship God you are acknowledging Him as the ultimate worth or
value in your life. People do not worship the worthless. All that
people worship they consider to be of the utmost worth. Whatever has
the highest value to a person is their god. In worship we declare the
worth of who, or what, we worship.
Praise comes the Latin, pretiare--to prize. To prize something is to
value it highly, and treasure it's worth. Thus, to praise God or to
worship God means the same thing. It is to acknowledge, declare, and
rejoice in His worth. Your whole value system is revealed in who or
what you praise. That is why Hallelujah is the highest word in worship
and praise, for it means praise Jehovah. There is no higher value, and
no person of worth, that is above Jehovah. Praise the Lord is the
English translation of hallelujah, and, therefore, the ultimate phrase of
To acknowledge anyone or anything, beside God, as having
ultimate worth, is idolatry. John the apostle is pictured as blowing it
in verse 10 to make it clear for all time, that nothing less than God is
to be worshiped. Not even the angel who reveals the most amazing
scenes ever before revealed. John fell at the angels feet to worship,
but was instantly rebuked. The angel said he was just a fellow servant.
He may have been endowed by God with gifts beyond anything John
could ever dream of, but he was just a servant of God. He said to
John, "Worship God!"
What a powerful lesson on the whole matter of superstars. The
world is full of people who can do things the rest of us cannot do. They
can sing, act, play sports, or do other things that amaze us. We feel
the tug toward hero worship, and we want to fall before them and
adore their gifts. They have a hard time being honest like the angel.
They do not say I am but a servant of God, worship Him. They say
keep on bowing and keep on giving me money and honor. Every example
of hero worship in the New Testament is rejected.
In Acts 10:25-26 we read, "As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met
him and fell at his feet in reverence. But Peter made him get up.
Stand up, he said, I am only a man." A gifted man to be sure, and the
one God used to bring Cornelius into the kingdom, but Peter rejected
hero worship and pointed Cornelius to Christ, who alone is worthy of
worship. In Acts 14:11-18 we read of how the people of Lystra were
so impressed with Paul, they shouted the gods have come down to us,
and they began to worship Paul and Barnabas. But they tore their
clothes and Paul said in verse 15, "Men, why are you doing this? We
too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news,
telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God."
These two plus the two times John is rebuked for trying to worship the
angel, make it clear, God alone has the exclusive right to be
All the focus on exalting personalities is a very worldly practice.
The church is not to conform to the world in this matter, but it often
does. We forget that the gifts are from God, and we begin to worship
the person with the gifts, rather than the source of the gifts. The
church has it's cult of celebrities just as Hollywood does, and
Christians debate who is the biggest, brightest, or most beautiful. This
is not all bad, for there needs to be Christians on every level of society
to witness to the lost on that level. But there is risk. The risk is that
the celebrity will develop the Lucifer syndrome, and begin to feel
worthy of worship. The risk for the hero worshiper is that they will
forget to acknowledge God as the giver of the value they receive
through the celebrity.
The Bible has the answer to both of these risks in one
word--Hallelujah! Whenever you feel the emotion of gratitude for any
value in life, don't stop short of the highest, but go right to the top,
and praise the Lord. This does not mean you do not thank the servant
who was the channel of God's blessing. You do! But you praise God
as the source of that blessing. If we could be practicing this one
hundred percent, we would be singing hallelujah all day long. I think
this is what Paul meant when he said, "Rejoice in the Lord always and
again I say rejoice." He is saying, everything of worth that happens to
you is to move you to praise the Lord. May God help us in our daily
walk to be more conscious of God's blessings, and thus, be ever joining
with the choir of heaven in singing the Hallelujah Chorus.