Summary: The Bible links laughter to joy and to feasting, and these are both vast subjects in the Bible, making laughter a major aspect of the godly life.

Have you ever praised God for the enjoyment of laughter? Some

of the greatest of God's people have. When Theodore Cuyler, the

American preacher, visited the great London preacher, Charles

Spurgeon, they told each other the crazy things that happened in their

respective ministries. They enjoyed their laughter as they walked in

the woods, and they were about exhausted after so many amusing

stories. Spurgeon said, "Let's kneel down and praise God for

laughter." So these two great men of God knelt together and thanked

God for this gift.

If we are to love God with our whole being, then it follows that we

are love God even with our laughter. They were praising God for the

gift of laughter. In Psa. 126 we see God's people praising Him with

the gift of laughter. The Israelites were so filled with the delight that

they were no longer captives, but free citizens back in their home land.

They laughed out loud with joy. It would be hard to laugh and sing at

the same time, but verse 2 puts them together, and their mouth is

filled with laughter, and their tongues with songs of joy. Maybe they

would tell stories of their joyful return, and then laugh together, and

break into songs of praise for God's providential guidance in their

lives. All we know is they were a happy people, and their laughter was

a part of their praise to God. Laughter is another aspect of the

physiology of praise, for it is a bodily function whereby the heart and

mind manifest their feelings and thoughts.

Dr. Paul Rees tells of the Christian businessman traveling to St.

Louis who left his hotel on Sunday morning looking for a place to

worship. He asked a policeman for direction to the nearest Protestant

church. When he gave him the information he asked why he had

recommended that particular church out of several possibilities. The

policeman smiled and replied, "I'm not a church man myself, but the

people who come out of that church are the happiest looking church

people in St. Louis. I thought that would be the kind of church you

would like to attend." Laughter and smiling make a statement to the

world about the God we worship.

There is one well known pastor in a large church in California who

always ends his sermon with a joke. It is so that people go out

laughing. That can seem somewhat sacrilegious, and it can be

inappropriate for some themes, but there is n escaping the truth that

laughter is a powerful witness to the good things God has done for us.

The nations round about Israel were impressed with their laughter

and joy, and they had to confess that the Lord has done great things

for them.

God is glorified among those outside His family when those inside

are full of laughter and songs of joy. Praise like this is not just for

their own self enjoyment. It is a powerful tool for evangelism, for

people want to know a God who can bring joy and laughter into their

lives. D. L. Moody said, "If Christians are gloomy and cast down, and

not full of praise, the world will reject their Gospel. It is not good news

if it does not produce praise in those who have it. Praise, joy,

and laughter are a big part of our witness to the world." A Lord who

never gives laughter to His people is not appealing, but is appalling.

He is seen more as a tyrant and task master rather than a loving

heavenly Father who leads His family to enjoy the fun of life, and to

laugh at the funnies of life.

There are serious times in life where laughter is inappropriate, but

all to often Christians have assumed that worship is one of those times

that must always be somber and solemn, and not a fun time. Time

with our earthly father can be a time of rolling on the floor, tickling

and telling jokes, and having a good time. But spending time with our

heavenly Father is not to be fun, but only serious. It seems to be

irreverent to laugh and carry on with hilarious songs of joy. Yet,

these are the kinds of activities that we see in the worship songs in the

Old Testament. You have to be childlike to enjoy this sort of thing,

but we have grown out of that into sophisticated adults where

solemnity is the only mood we feel is appropriate.

The paradox is that the people who have used the Psalms for their

hymnal have been the most solemn of Christians. Ellen Glasgow in

her autobiography tells of her father who was a Presbyterian elder

who was full of rectitude and rigid with duty. She writes, "He was

entirely unselfish, and in his long life he never committed a pleasure."

Many godly Presbyterians, and other Puritan type Christians, were

trained to avoid all smiling and signs of enjoyment in the house of

God. Worship was serious business, and woe be the bottom of any

child caught laughing.

The devil, no doubt, split a side laughing at his success in blinding

Christians to the message of their own songs, which were inspired by

God, and which indicated He gets the same pleasure out of His

children laughing as we get out of ours. There are few things in life

cuter than a laughing child. We know God feels the same, and Bildad

was right when he said to Job in Job 8:21, "He will yet fill your mouth

with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy." Eccles. 10:19 says, "A

feast is made for laughter..." You cannot have a feast without a lot of

food, but if everybody just sits silently eating, it is still not a feast, for

there has to be merriment in conversation, and jokes that lead to

laughter to make it a feast.

The Bible links laughter to joy and to feasting, and these are both

vast subjects in the Bible, making laughter a major aspect of the godly

life. A study of all the Hebrew words dealing with laughter revealed

91 references to either mocking or merry laughter. It is a major part

of life, and it is a major part of the biblical depiction of life. Let's

keep in mind that laughter is not just a response to humor. It is also a

response to pleasure. It may be physical pleasure, or the mental

pleasure of good news, or the psychological pleasure of any positive

exciting event. People don't just cry at weddings, they also laugh for

joy. They laugh with pleasure when they see their team make a clever

play and score. They laugh in endless ways at that which is


Amazement and wonder, which are so much a part of biblical

worship, are also capable of producing laughter if we let ourselves

express the pleasure in such wonder. It is not just the silly, but the

sublime, that can lead to laughter. There are records of early

Christians getting so excited about the truth of Easter that they

laughed, and it became a common phrase to talk of Easter laughter.

In the Greek Orthodox tradition the day after Easter was a time to

gather and tell jokes and stories. Laughter was their way of

celebrating the big joke God played on Satan. It was funny how God

tricked Satan and conquered hell by means of death. Satan thought

the cross was his victory, but it spelled his doom, and allowed Jesus to

enter His kingdom and take the keys of death and hell from him. It was

the most serious business of all history, and yet it was the basis for

laughter, because God used Satan's greatest evil to accomplish His

own greatest good.

Abraham and Sarah were so amazed that they could have a child in

their old age that they laughed. It was such a wonder that they named

their baby Issac, which means laughter. It was funny for a 90 year old

woman to have a baby. It was so unusual and odd that it produced both

wonder and laughter. We had an experience like this once when our

grandson Jason was about 10 months old. We had a dog named

Cuddles who could leap into the air and catch a frizbee. When Jason

saw that he burst into laughter that was so deep it came all the way

from his toes. Lavonne and I exploded with laughter at his laughter,

for we had never heard anything quite like it. We kept at it until we

were exhausted. It was the perfect state of happiness. A child's

laughter had the power to produce a worshipful spirit, for it made us

thankful to God for His gift of life, and he gift of love and of laughter.

It is rare when laughter can produce that kind of pleasure and

gratitude to God, but Psa. 126 reveals that it is a God ordained


This Psalm is not dealing with an everyday experience. They had

been in captivity in Babylon for 70 years, and they had not spent a lot

of that time laughing and singing. But now they are back home, and it

is like a dream. This is the only place in all the Psalms where the word

dream is found. They were in a state that seemed to good to be real.

After 70 years of exile where it seemed hopeless to ever return, they

are now free and at home. Pinch me, they are saying, I must be

dreaming, for this can't be real. This was a way of describing what

seemed to good to be true. Polybius described the joy of the Greeks

when they were unexpectedly rescued from the Macedonians. "Most

of the men could scarcely believe the news, but imagined themselves in

a dream as they listened to what was said, so extraordinary and

miraculous it seemed to them."

The saying is, if it seems to good to be true, it probably isn't true.

This is a valid view to take when looking for investments, but lets not

forget the Gospel itself falls into this category. It is hard for people to

believe that they can be set free from all their sins and guilt by

trusting in Jesus Christ, and believing that His death paid the

judgment they deserve. It is like a dream to hear you can be

liberated from bondage to all the sins that keep you captive to powers

over which you have no control. Many hear the Gospel and their

response is, "What a joke!" And they laugh it to scorn. The Bible is

full of this response to the things of God. Mocking, and skeptical

laughter is very common in the Old Testament, and Jesus had His

share of it too. But what we seldom see is the other side: The laughter

of belief, and the laughter of acceptance. Martin Luther said, "The

Gospel is nothing else than laughter enjoy."

There are only two kinds of people in the world: Those who laugh

at God, and those who laugh with God. If you laugh with God, you will

laugh at those who laugh at God. From God's point of view the most

ridiculous thing in the universe is people who choose to fight against

Him. You would laugh too if a little two year old threatened to beat

you up. It would be ridiculous in your sight. In Psa. 2 we read of the

kings who gathered together against the Lord, and verse 4 says, "The

One enthroned in heaven laughs..." In Psa. 37 we read of the wicked

plotting against the wicked and verse 13 says, "But the Lord laughs at

the wicked for He knows their day is coming."

There are other verses that both God and the righteous laugh at

the folly of the wicked who expect their evil ways to prevail.

Righteous laughter has two sides. There is laughter at the undeserved

joy of being in on God's grace, and there is laughter at the stupidity of

those who think the way of evil is better than the way of grace. There

is no end to the things for Christians to laugh about.

The prophets are always making fun of the folly of idolatry. The

joke of the age was the idol maker who cuts down a tree, and with part

of the wood he roasts his meat, and with another part he makes a god.

Human nature is silly beyond comprehension, for it will bow down to a

piece of wood, and ignore the God who made the wood, and man, and

all the universe. The prophets did not hesitate to make jokes about

such religious stupidity. Elijah went so far as to be rather crude in

his mockery of religious folly. When the 450 prophets of Baal were

crying out for the god Baal to hear them and send fire on the sacrifice,

there was no response all morning, and they began to dance around

the altar.

Elijah thought the whole scene was a major comedy of errors, and

he began to mock. I share with you the Living Bible's version of his

mockery because it brings out the rudeness of the Hebrew, which most

versions hide as being to offensive. I Kings 18:27 reads, "About noon

time, Elijah began mocking them. You'll have to shout louder than

that, he scoffed, to catch the attention of your god! Perhaps he is

talking to someone, or is out sitting on the toilet, or maybe he is away

on a trip, or is asleep and needs to be wakened."

Humor is used as a major weapon by the prophets against the folly

of worshipping idols and false gods. Laughter is a powerful weapon,

and Jesus used it often in His ministry to fight the corruption that the

Pharisees had brought into Judaism. This is a vast study in itself, but

let me give you one paragraph from Conrad Hyers book, And God

Created Laughter. He wrote this in 1987, and he says, "The Bible

pokes fun at human pride and pretension, selfishness and greed, and

the myriad other sins to which flesh and spirit are heir. Jesus freely

used humor, irony, and satire to that end. His descriptions of the

hypocrisies of the Pharisees use overtly humorous images: the blind

leading the blind; straining out a gnat, then swallowing a camel;

meticulously cleaning the outside of a cup while leaving the inside

filthy; maintaining whitewashed tombs that are outwardly beautiful

but inwardly full of dead bones; loudly honoring past prophets while

plotting to kill present ones who preach the same message."

Elton Trueblood wrote an entire book called The Humor Of Christ.

He deals with the 30 passages in the Gospels where Jesus uses humor.

We hardly to never laugh at these passages because we have been

conditioned to never see Jesus as humorous. Jesus can talk all He

wants to about the laughable nonsense of man-made religion, and He

can talk of His joy being ours, and being filled with the spirit of joy,

and that life with Him is a wedding banquet, but we have been so

conditioned by tradition that we will not be able to join Him in

laughter. He is the man of sorrows to most. But this was only a small

fraction of His life. Out of His 33 years of life, He was only the man of

sorrows for a matter of hours. These were crucial hours, to be sure,

but they so captivated the history of art and theology that Christians

have lost the picture of His total life, which was filled with much joy

and laughter.

The laughter in Psa. 126 is special laughter. It is laughter that is

incorporated into joyful worship. It is praise laughter. John Calvin

writes of this Psalm, "He would have the people so to rejoice on

account to their return, as not to bury in forgetfulness the grace of

God. He therefore describes no ordinary rejoicing, but such as so fills

their minds as to constrain them to break forth into extravagance of

gesture and of voice." This extravagant laughter is the laughter of

restoration. It is the laughter that was heard in the home of the

Prodigal when he returned, and there was music, dancing, and joyous

laughter, for light won out over darkness, and the son who was dead

and gone is now resurrected and restored to life and family. This is just

a taste of the eternal laughter in the Father's house,

where all evil will be overcome, and there will be praise laughter

forever. This is what Jesus was referring to in Luke 6:21 where He

said, "Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh." The Gospel

of laughter is this: no matter how rough life is, and how much sorrow

its fallenness brings to you personally, there will be victory in Christ,

and eternal rejoicing and laughter. God's people will have the last

laugh, and it will never end.

For 70 years the nations laughed at Israel, for they were in

bondage, but now they are back, and they are so blest that even the

nations that laughed have to admit that God has done great things for

them. The point is, you never let go of the hand of God no matter how

awful and dark the path, for even if you go through the valley of

shadow of death He will bring you out again into the sunshine. He will

fill your mouth with laughter and songs of joy. Judgment is never the

last word for those who cling to their heavenly Father. The last word

will always be joy. In essence, that is the message of the book of Job.

It is a book loaded with lament, but the last word is laughter, and the

happy ending of joy in God is the bottom line message of the Word of


Laughter is, therefore, a present taste of heaven. It can be an

appropriate way to rejoice in the Lord and praise Him for the great

things He has done for us. Yet, in spite of all the evidence of this in the

Bible we just can't accept laughter as a legitimate form of worship and

praise, because it has been secularized. There are many books written

on the humor of the Bible, and the humor of Jesus, but these books

have little impact on Christians because we are conditioned to reject

comedy as inconsistent with godliness. Comedy, humor, and satire

run all through the Bible, but God's people refuse to take it seriously,

and to talk about laughter in worship is considered to be borderline


Surveys show that one of the key qualities that both males and

females are looking for in an ideal mate is a sense of humor. Yet,

when we look to the God in whose image we are made, we are afraid

to attribute to Him a sense of humor, and likewise with His Son, who

was the only perfect specimen of mankind ever to live. God and Jesus

are suppose to be totally humorless and infinite in gravity, and so in

all dealings with them we too are to be totally humorous and grave.

Great authors have fought this tendency all through history. In the

middle ages you have Dante's title Divine Comedy. It is a journey

from a humorless hell to a humor filled heaven. His hell is like the

modern astronomer's black hole which swallows up all light, and is

black with self-centeredness. It is the least comic place in the

universe. But Dante moves from this black hole of hell to the light of

heaven, where love and joy are all embracing. Dante exclaims as he

approaches the 8th level of heaven: "I seemed to see the universe

alight with a single smile." The nearer we get to heaven the wider the

smile, and the greater the laughter. This is an authentic biblical


When Adam and Eve fell they fell from laughter by taking

themselves too seriously. Satan did not get to them by getting them to

engage in enjoying their abundance to excess. He got them to focus on

their one area of denial, and become serious about this issue. They

were deprived. They were being mistreated. Life was unfair. Pride

was exalted, and a rebellious spirit took over. Their deadly serious

attitude lead them to lose heaven on earth, and gain a hell on earth.

Laughter is a focus on the things to celebrate about life. Laughter is

the is the guest at parties, feasts, reunions, weddings, birthdays, and

holidays. People are saying yes to life in laughter, and they are

enjoying their life and their loves.

Remove laughter, and start taking all of life very serious, and you

will focus on the fear, the dangers, and the risks. Problems will grow,

and obstacles will rise up to make life a mountain climb of extreme

difficulty. The less laughter in your life, the more you will make life a

burden rather than a blessing. C. S. Lewis wrote, "Humor involves a

sense of proportion and a power of seeing yourself from the outside.

Whatever else we attribute to beings who sinned through pride, we

must not attribute this....We must picture Hell as a state where

everyone is perpetually concerned about his own dignity and

advancement, where everyone has a grievance, and where everyone

lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance and


In contrast to this we look at the early Christians in the book of

Acts, and we see just the opposite of this serious self-centeredness.

We see joyful otherness as they shared together, and cared about the

whole body, and not jus their own life. I was surprised when I looked

up the word gladness in Acts 2:46-47. Listen to the context:

"Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts.

They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and

sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people."

My surprise was this: There are 9 different Hebrew and Greek

words behind our English word gladness, but the most forceful of them

all is the one in this text. It is the word agalliasis. It is a word of such

overwhelming gladness that it can't remain just a feeling. It has to be

expressed by the body in leaping for joy. Jesus used it in Matt. 5:12

where he says when you suffer persecution and evil because of Him,

"Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven."

You can laugh at those who hurt you for your faith in Christ, for every

pain they inflict is a deposit in your eternal bank account. You can

laugh even though it hurts, because in their efforts to make you

miserable they are really making you rich. This is one of God's jokes

on a fallen rebellious world.

Peter uses this same strong word in his sermon at Pentecost as he

quotes the Old Testament passage which describes the death and

resurrection of the Messiah. Listen carefully because we miss the

amazing message of Peter that Jesus could laugh at death and hell,

and be filled with gladness as He faced the cross, for He knew God's

big joke was to be the resurrection. The pain would be temporary,

but the pleasure would be forever. Listen to all the positive words

that surround the awful death Jesus had to endure. Remember, the

word glad here means to leap for joy.

Acts 2:25-28: "I saw the Lord always before me. Because He is at

my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and

my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will

not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see

decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me

with joy in your presence."

Jesus actually did what He said we could do. He practiced what

He preached. When evil threw its worst at Him, He laughed and

leaped for joy, for He knew His reward was eternal pleasure, not only

for himself, but for all the redeemed. The biggest joke in the universe

is that God took the greatest act of evil in history, and turned it into

the greatest act of salvation. The cross was the devil's masterpiece of

hate and horror, but God made it the greatest symbol of love and

victory. We can look at the cross and laugh with God, for the cross is

the guarantee that all tears will be wiped away, and sin and sorrow be

no more in that kingdom where we will laugh and leap for joy forever.

It was that scene of eternal joy that enabled Jesus to endure the cross.

Heb. 12:2 says, " Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and

perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the

cross, scorning the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the

throne of God." Jesus could endure hell for us because He could see

beyond it to the laughter of heaven. This is also the key to our

enduring a fallen world. It is the joy of the Lord that is our strength,

and that joy can be manifested in the praise of laughter.