Summary: This is the Hallelujah Chores of the Hebrew hymnal, and it calls for total inclusiveness. Every voice and every instrument are to join in the reverberation of jubilation that fills the universe with praise to God.

A little girl was saying her prayers, and her mother suggested she

ask God to get uncle John a job. The little girl considered this a good

idea, and so she included this in her requests. The next evening when

it was time to say her prayers again the mother reminded her to pray

for uncle John to get a job. The little girl looked up at her mother in

surprise and asked, "What was wrong with the job I got uncle John

last night?"

There are adults who are convinced this is to be our attitude in prayer.

Just ask and believe and it is yours. Just name it and claim it.

Others are equally convinced that we need to be persistent in prayer,

and pray without ceasing, to make it clear to God it is not just a

whim, but a sincere heart-felt desire. There is debate on prayer, but

there is no debate on praise, for the Bible evidence is so

overwhelming that it convinces all that praise is to be perpetual,

persistent, and never ending. There may be a limit to how many

times you pray to God for something, but there is no limit as to how

many times you praise God for something. The Psalms are filled with

never ending praise.

Going through the Psalms is like climbing a mountain. You don't

just go straight up, for there are valleys to go down into on the way

up. There are cliffs to go around, and so the journey to the top takes

you up and down, and around, and covers a lot of ground. The

Psalms take us into the valleys of lament, discouragement, and

depression, and there are times when the Psalmist is singing the blues.

But in the end he gets to the top, and the book of Psalms ends with a

series of praise songs unmatched anywhere in the world. This is the

pinnacle of praise, and Psa. 150 is the grand finale.

James Stewart, the great Scottish preacher, wrote, "All the way

through the book of Psalms you feel that you are walking on a

smoldering volcano of praise, liable to burst out at any moment into a

great flame of gratitude to God." In the last 6 Psalms we are in the

heart of that erupting volcano of praise, and in this last Psalm all

heaven breaks loose as the angels of heaven join man in the earthly

sanctuary in a universal praise of God.

If you are superstitious about the number 13, you will be glad to

know the Bible is not. 13 times the word praise is used in this brief

Psalm. There are no unlucky numbers for God. Praise Him 13 times

and you will be blest. W. Graham Scroggie said, "Was there ever so much

said in 37 words as is said here?" That is all there is in the

Hebrew. There are just 37 words and 13 of them, over one third, are

the word praise. What does this Psalm tell us?

1. Who is to be praised?-the Lord.

2. Where is He to be praised?-in the sanctuary, and in the mighty


3. Why is He to be praised?-for His acts of power, and His

surpassing greatness.

4. What are the ways He is to be praised?-by instruments and by


5. Who is to praise Him?-everything that has breath.

This is also the Hallelujah Chores of the Hebrew hymnal, and it

calls for total inclusiveness. Every voice and every instrument are to

join in the reverberation of jubilation that fills the universe with

praise to God. Praise the Lord is one word in Hebrew. It is

hallelujah, and this Psalm begins and ends with hallelujah. You might

feel inadequate to join such a choir and orchestra, but if you have

breath, you are invited. It does not say, if you have pitch, and tone,

and can read music, and can sing harmoniously. It says, if you have

breath, join in this universal praise. There are many groups we

would not qualify for, and we would not be so presumptuous to even

audition, but for praising God we all qualify.

Do you sing in the choir? Most of us would say no, and, thereby,

be guilty of speaking falsely again, for as children of God we are all in

the universal choir that offers unto God the sacrifice of praise. If you

are breathing you are in this choir. Why are the Psalms forever

urging us to praise? They urge the whole world to do so. They urge

the nations of the world to praise God. They urge the world of nature

to praise God. They urge the angels of heaven to praise God. They

urge God's people to be in perpetual praise. Why this obsession- this

magnificent obsession with praise?

Because the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him

forever, and the primary way we do this is by praise. Every being

and every created thing fulfills it purpose for existence in the praise

of their Creator. Spurgeon in his Treasury of David writes of this

Psalm, "We have now reached the last summit of the mountain chain

of Psalms. It rises high into the clear azure, and its brow is bathed in

the sunlight of the eternal world of worship. It is a rapture. The

poet-prophet is full of inspiration and enthusiasm. He stays not to

argue, to teach, to explain, but cries with burning words, Praise Him,

Praise Him, Praise Ye the Lord."

In other words, this Psalm is pure praise. It is a call for

all-inclusive praises to God. It is inclusive of the earthly sanctuary

and the heavenly sanctuary, and thus, inclusive of men and angels. It

is inclusive of both God's acts of power and God's being. It is

inclusive of all the kinds of musical instruments, and it is inclusive of

both instrumental and focal music. It basically has no other purpose

than that of getting you to join the universe in response to the

Creator of all that is, with praise.

Westminister Abbey in London is one of the greatest shrines of the

English speaking world. It memorializes the men and women who

have made immense contributions to our way of life. Just inside the

main entrance on the floor in the center aisle is a large brass plate in

memory of W. H. Auden, a leading poet of this century. These words

are engraved on it:

In the prison of his days

Teach the free men how to praise.

They came from a poem Auden wrote in which he says that the duty

of any poet in this difficult fallen world is to give man a reason to sing.

He wrote:

Follow, poet, follow right

To the bottom of the night

With your un-constraining voice

Still persuade us to rejoice.

In the deserts of the heart

Let the healing fountain start

In the prison of his days

Teach the free man how to praise.

The Psalms are the Bible poets labor to do just that, and this final

lesson in Psa. 150 makes a powerful point that true praise must be

God-centered. 13 times the word praise is used, and all 13 of them

have just One they refer too. Every praise is praise the Lord; praise

God, or praise Him. We are looking at a spiritual pyramid here. The

base is broad and all inclusive of all that has breath, and all

instruments, but the pinnacle narrows to a point that focuses on One

and no other. It is not wrong to praise others, for the same word for

praising God is used for the praise of the king, ones wife, and other

people. We can praise our heroes, our country, our flag, and anyone

or anything for which we feel strong admiration.

The point of the Psalm, and all the rest of the Bible, is that when it

comes to worship there is only one target of praise, and that is God.

Miss this target and you have not worshipped. You can praise the

pastor, praise the choir, adore the sanctuary, and admire the stain

glass, and be in awe at the organ, or the high arches of the Cathedral;

you can go through a host of positive feelings, and feel wonderful

about the whole experience, and not have worshipped one second if

you offered no sacrifice of praise to God. On the other hand, you

may be disappointed in all of the above, and have no positive emotions

stimulated by the environment, or actions of worship

leaders, yet have a great experience of worship if you have, by your

voice, or in the silence of your mind, praised your Lord.

True worship is not in how you feel, but in who you praise and

adore. You have to take the positive feelings that may be stimulated

in a positive worship setting and direct them toward God, for if you

do not praise Him, your experience, no matter how pleasant, is not

worship. A.W. Tozer, one of the great writers on worship, wrote, "I

want to warn you against the religion that is no more than love,

music, and poetry. I happen to be somewhat of a fan of good music. I

think Beethoven's nine symphonies constitute the greatest body of

music ever composed by mortal man. Yet I realize I'm listening to

music; I'm not worshipping God necessarily. There's a difference

between beautiful sounds beautifully put together and worship.

Worship is another matter."

Worship has to be God-centered to be authentic. It is not that you

can't truly worship by listening to Beethoven. Many hymns are sung

all over the world to the music of Beethoven. One of my favorites is

Ode To Joy, or Hymn To Joy from his ninth symphony. The problem

is, it is so easy to stop short of worshipping God, and be content with

the positive feelings of experiencing the music.

This was the very issue of the women at the well who got into a

discussion with Jesus about worship. She tried to make the place of

worship an issue. The leaders of Israel tried to make the rituals an

issue. Jesus said all of these things are irrelevant. The only real issue

in worship is your attitude toward God. Do you worship Him in spirit

and in truth, for that is what God is seeking. If your heart and mind

are led to focus on God, then, and only then, have you truly

worshipped. We have become such an entertainment oriented society

that we judge everything by how it stimulates our interest. If we come

to church with this spirit, and the music and the message are

not entertaining, we feel it is a boring experience. This makes

worship a completely self-centered experience.

I have been bored many times in what was suppose to be a worship

experience. And the reason I was is because I had this same

self-centered perspective. I was judging the service based on what it

was doing for me without realizing the goal was to praise God, and

that the value for me was to be a by-product of my being

God-centered in my focus. We need to reprogram our minds and

listen to the focus of Psalm 150. It says, praise the Lord, praise God,

and praise Him, praise Him, praise Him. Get your mind on Him.

Bruce Leafblad, a leading authority on worship wrote:

"So much of our recent history has been slanted

toward developing a receiving mentality as Christians:

God exists to meet our needs, to give us blessings, to

fill us up. So when we come to church, it is with our hands

cupped open so they can be filled again. We have become

professional beggars in the courts of the Lord, and we

have to turn that around so we see ourselves as "offerers,"

not "receivers."

We come to give to God the sacrifice of praise, and what we go away

with is a by-product of that experience of true worship. It will be far

more than we will go away with if all we come for is to get and not to

give. We come to church to celebrate who God is and what He has

done. Anything short of this is not true worship. God hated all of the

elaborate rituals and sacrifices of His people in the temple when their

hearts were far from Him. It was all meaningless religion, even

though from man's point of view very beautiful and emotionally

moving. God despised it because it was a man-centered worship.

They had no desire to glorify God and be channels of His will in the world.

They only desired His approval of their will. The Old

Testament is full of elaborate worship that is wicked worship, because

it is man-centered and not God-centered.

If you read books on worship today, you will find the main

criticism of worship is that it is man-centered. People go to church,

not to worship God, but to be entertained. The bigger the show the

better the crowd. I think entertainment is an important part of life,

but it is not worship. It is not impossible for it to lead to worship if

your pleasure leads you to praise God, but if you just experience your

own pleasure, and do not praise God and give Him pleasure, your

very positive feelings could be harming your experience of true

worship. It takes a conscious effort on our part to let all we

experience lead us to praise God. It is not automatic, nor is it easy.

What is easy is to just experience our own feelings as an end in

themselves rather than as a means to the end of praising God.

If you feel guilty for your failure to be all God has willed for you,

then praise God that He loves your enough to forgive you and give

you a second, third, fourth, and many chances to be faithful. Praise

God for His forgiving grace, and for being faithful when you are not.

If you feel good and enjoy the music and the message, and get more

light for the Christian walk, then praise God and thank Him for His

love and His resources to guide you to be more Christlike. True

worship is such a paradox for it is something we are to take very

seriously, and yet it is to be enjoyable. It is fun to praise God and

enjoy Him. You would conclude this if you studied the 50 Hebrews

words and the 26 Greek words in the Bible for praise. These 76

words cover such experiences as-

Laud and celebrate.

Shout and sing.

Shout with joy.

Clap and make music.

Dance and skip about.

Play and leap.

To jump with joy.

I don't know about you, but this gives me an impression of a good

time. Sad people do not do these sorts of things. God expects us to

enjoy Him, and all of these words are ways we enjoy others as well. It

is party language and wedding terminology. You don't call the band

in for a funeral, but Psa. 150 calls for the trumpets, the tambourine,

and the cymbals. Every sound an instrument can make is to call our

attention to God that we might praise Him and enjoy Him.

The Bible is so insistent on praise because it is in praise that all

being relates to God, and praise makes it a relationship of beauty. A

female student at a university once said to the visiting speaker, "I

can't see that life has any meaning whatever!" The speaker looked at

her unusually pretty dress and said, "That is a very beautiful dress

you are wearing! Why did you choose it? You could have chosen an

ugly dress. Is there something that makes you feel beauty is better

than ugliness? And if so, may that not be the clue to the meaning of

life? Must there not be something beautiful at the heart of the world

that won't let you rest content with ugliness?"

The Psalms call us to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

Worship is to be beautiful, and we are to add to the beauty of it, a

beautiful spirit of praise. Beauty is the goal of God for the universe,

and that goal will be achieved. Right now it is a fallen world full of

the ugliness of sin, and it is our job to rise above the ugly and offer the

beautiful sacrifice of praise. It is our task to live a life that adds

order to chaos and beauty to ugliness. All that is ugly in our acts and

attitudes comes short of the glory of God, and is part of the problem.

All that is beautiful in our acts and attitudes is for the glory of God,

and is part of the solution. Praise is part of the answer to all of life's

problems, because it is a creating of beauty.

The Dean of Women at a Western University found that telling

girls what was right or wrong failed to have an impact on them. But

if she said, "That would be beautiful," or, "that would be ugly," she

got the desired results. Morality can be better taught sometimes by

the terms beauty and ugly, rather than by the terms right and wrong.

Even in an age of confused morality people are touched by these

categories. Everyone prefers their life to be beautiful rather than


The Christian is one who makes life beautiful by means of praise.

The goal of praise is to glorify God, but it also helps us to be agents of

His glory in a fallen world. Praise gives us balance, and helps us go

into an ugly world with hope, faith, and meaning. The goal is not

escape, even though that can be helpful for a time. The goal is to go

back into an ugly world with light to call attention to the beauty that

is ever real no matter how real the ugly is. The praiser can go into a

fallen world with optimism, because he or she knows that ugly as

reality is, there is the beauty of God's love, and the beauty of the

Gospel of Christ, and the beauty of God's promise, and the beauty of

eternity. All of life's meaning is found in beauty, and we are to be

agents of that beauty in a world of ugliness. The ugly is to motivate us

to see why we are to be agents of beauty.

Most of the things that Christians reject as fitting for their lifestyle

are things that fail to make their life more beautiful. It may not be an

absolute evil to smoke or to drink, but the question is, does it beautify

the life, or make it more ugly. Slavery was conquered because it was

shown to be ugly. So it is with child abuse, drug use, promiscuous sex,

and many other such practices. If you can show that something takes

away beauty and adds ugliness to life, you can show that it is not a

practice fitting for a Christian life. Louis Untermeyer wrote:

Open my eyes to visions girt

With beauty, and with wonder lit,

But let me always see the dirt,

And all that spawn and die in it.

Open my ears to music; let

Me thrill with Spring's first flutes and drums,

But never let me dare forget

The bitter ballads of the slums.

From compromise and things half-done,

Keep me, with stern and stubborn pride;

And when, at last, the fight is won,

God, keep me still unsatisfied.

We must stay ever unsatisfied with what is, so we will never cease to

work at what can be, by the grace of God. We must be ever

worshiping in the beauty of holiness that we might be channels of that

holy beauty in a world that so desperately needs it. So it is for God's

sake; our sake, and for our needy world's sake that we must be ever

climbing up toward the pinnacle of praise.