Summary: God inspired Paul to give them this great love song as the greatest tool in history to aid men in the expression of love. Paul tells us what love does, and what it does not do. He reveals to us how to express love.

Predicting the unpredictable is what weather forecasting is all about. There are so many

variables that nobody can be sure what tomorrow holds. Back in 1816 Mt. Tambora in what

is now Indonesia erupted with a blast 80 times greater than that of Mt. St. Helens, and sent a

massive cloud of volcanic dust into the atmosphere that affected the weather of the Eastern

United States. It affected it so much that 1816 was called the year without a summer. The

temperature rarely got above 50 degrees. On July 4th in normally sultry Savannah, Georgia

the high was 46. Snow, sleet, and ice caused crop damage as far West as Illinois. Such

radical variations from the norm are impossible to predict, but even the normal variations

make weather hard to nail down

Love is like the weather in many ways. It is always a popular subject, and it affects all of

us, and it is also hard to predict, for it too has many variations. Love is as mysterious as the

weather. Adam and Eve had it made in the shade. They had a love enhancing environment,

and even then the enemy of love was able to cloud their minds and seduce them into an

unloving choice. This made the first storm that came to spoil the perfect sunshine of their

relationship to God.

In that fallen family, however, there was still a lot of love, and Adam and Eve loved each

other, and there was love for God, as well as love for their children. Love was still a major

ingredient in their lives. But without all of the divisions of modern life even that small family

developed bad relationships, and Cain, like lightening, struck down his brother Abel, and

man's environment of love was invaded again by a storm of anti-love. And that is the pattern

of the rest of history. It is like the weather, and you can be basking in the sunshine of love,

and all of a sudden the clouds cover the sun, and you are plunged into darkness and the

storm. David is basking in the sunshine of great victories over his enemies. God loves him,

the people love him, and he has a loving family and lovely loyal wives. In the midst of all that

love the storm of temptation strikes, and a flood of lust washes him off the road of

righteousness, and David's life is never the same.

We could go on with illustration after illustration of how people can have the experience

of love, and yet lack the ability to come through on the other end with the expression of love.

Judas was so loved by Jesus that never once did Jesus embarrass him, even though he knew

his heart was not right. He experienced an inflow of love like few in all of history, and yet his

outflow was unloving betrayal. The major problem of life, therefore, which makes love as

unpredictable as the weather is man's inability in the area of expression of love.

When Paul says, if one does not have love he is a sounding gong or clanging symbol, or if

one does not have love he is nothing, he is referring to the outflow and not the inflow. The

Corinthians had experienced the love of God and the love of Christ. They had experienced

salvation, and they had experienced the multiple gifts of the Holy Spirit. They had all kinds

of experiences of love, and yet their lives were tossed and troubled by the storms of

non-loving behavior. The problem was not that they were unloved, for they were, and had

abundant evidence of it. The problem was for them, as it was for Adam and Eve, David, and

Judas, and every other human being, the expression of love. They had love in the sense of

being objects of God's love, but they did not know how to express it.

God inspired Paul to give them this great love song as the greatest tool in history to aid

men in the expression of love. Paul tells us what love does, and what it does not do. He

reveals to us how to express love. This makes it clear that love has to be learned. Love is not

automatic. It takes time and effort to learn how to express love. Love is patient Paul says. If

Adam and Eve had just taken some time to talk over the temptation of Satan with God, they

would have been expressing love, and that would have led to understanding and victory over

the deceiver. Had David not acted on impulse, and had been patient in dealing with his

temptation, he could have resolved it in love rather than lust. Had Judas shared his

impatience with Jesus, and gotten his greed off his chest, he could have been released from

the bondage that destroyed him. Patience can change the history of almost everyone.

The point is, there is a way of escape from all temptation, and that way is the way of love

that patiently waits to see the escape route. Learning to express love is the highest level of

learning. The story is told of the German professor who dreamed he saw two doors. One

door led directly to love and paradise, and the other led to a lecture on love and paradise.

There was no hesitation on his part, and he went in to hear the lecture. It sounds like a

foolish choice of an egghead intellectual, but in fact, it is the wise choice, and the only choice

God gives us. There is no easy road to love. Love is learned, and it is a hard subject, even

for those who are redeemed children of God. It is no snap course, but the most challenging

course in the university of life.

The experience of being loved is a gift that God freely bestows because He is love. We do

not have to learn how to be loved, for we just are. But we do need to learn how to express

love and be loving. Even natural love for family and friends needs guidance to be expressed

wisely, and how much more the love for the unlovable, and for one's enemies. These

expressions of love call for the most rigorous training. we train people hard to know how to

hate and defeat an enemy. They are put through the rigors of boot camp, and they are

forced to learn effective aggression.

We think the soldiers of the cross, however, do not need such training, and that we can

march off into the world and just automatically know how to encounter the enemy with a

spirit of love. It is just not so, for it is often very painful to try and love those who are

unlovely. This is why Christians have failed in many battles. They did not know how to

express love for the enemy.

They expressed hostility, prejudice, and all kinds of non-love, and so they lost the battle.

They didn't even know how to use their greatest weapon, and so they used all kinds of other

weapons without love, and they learned the hard way that what Paul was saying was

true-everything minus love equals nothing.

History confirms this over and over. The great Christian failures of history all revolve

around the fact that Christians did not know how to express love. All of North Africa and

the Middle East should be Christian, for it was strongly Christian at one time. Then

Christians began to fight among themselves, and like the Corinthians they chose their

loyalties and began to persecute each other, and fight over all kinds of theological issues.

The result was a divided and unloving church. When the Muslim invaders came many

Christians, weary of the persecution and controversy, joined the invaders and Christians

were removed as a force in that part of the world. They did not learn love, and the result

was they lost their chance to be the light of that part of the world.

Christians have failed to win the Jews to Christ because they never learned to express

love to them. Only in modern times do we see Christian groups working hard to learn love.

In the Middle Ages the Jews were the prime target of Christian hostility. The Crusaders

robbed and plundered and killed Jews for no other reason than that they were Jews. The

expedition of Columbus to America was financed by confiscating the wealth of Jews.

Christians have persecuted Jews all through history, and then we wonder why so few Jews

believe that Jesus loves them.

The point I am making is that Christians do not know how to express the love of Christ

just because they experience the love of Christ. The Dead Sea takes in water from the

Jordan River, but no water ever flows out. It is possible to receive love and not know how to

let it keep flowing through you out into the lives of others. This is the problem that leads

Christians, like the Corinthians, to have so much and yet do so little. They have received so

much love, but they are expressing so little love. Their very gifts are doing harm to the body

of Christ. The storm that is rocking their boat is due directly to their lack of knowing how to

express Christian love.

This is the great challenge of the church in every age-how to teach, and how to help

Christians learn to express the love of Christ. Dr. Cecil Osborn, a leader in Christian

psychology, says, "The final goal in all theology is to release within the individual a greater

capacity to love." He is convinced that the small group is a key to helping Christians learn

how to release this capacity, and learn how to express love. The resistance to small groups is

evidence of the problem Christians have in expressing love. The fear of intimacy and the

fear of getting to close to 8 to 10 people is the fear of love-that is the fear of expressing love.

Because Christians have this problem the world starves for lack of love. It is like starving for

lack of food. It is not that there is not enough food in the world for everybody, but the

problem is in the distribution. It is piled up in one place and extremely rare in other places

where people need it most. So it is with love. It is a distribution problem. It is a problem

getting the outflow to match the inflow, and getting love to those who most need it.

In a novel by the Israeli writer Shim Shalom called Storm Over Galilee, there is a group

of children gathered on the roof of the school taking turns looking through the telescope.

They express awe and wonder, but one girl makes the comment, "Teacher, I want to be a

star." The teacher asked, "Why?" She replied, "Because they are so lucky. Teacher loves

those stars." Here was a hunger for love in a child who saw an adult express love for the

distant stars, but who could not manage to express such love for her.

Children have the same problem expressing their love. I read of a problem child who just

created all kinds of problem, and the teacher was frustrated with her. One day she saw her

pin a note to a tree in the school yard, and when she left the tree the teacher went to see what

it was. The note said, "To whoever finds this-I love you." The child did not know how to

express love. She had it in her, but could not express it, and so non-love comes out instead.

How many rotten people are really lonely people who cannot express love? It is easier to say

that nobody loves me than to admit that I do not know how to love, but that is the real


Back in II Sam. 23 there is a fascinating little story of only 5 verses in the life of David. He

is camped in a cave outside Bethlehem where the Philistines were in control. David makes a

remark, "Oh, that someone would get me a drink of the water from the well near the gate of

Bethlehem." Three of his mighty men heard this remark and took it seriously. They broke

through the Philistine line, and risked their lives to get the water from the well and get it

back to David. He was so impressed with their love that he refused to drink the precious

water gotten at such a price. He poured it out as an offering to the Lord. David did not need

water from that well. He cold have taken a drink of water from the supply they already had,

and we know he did or he would not have survived. His wish for that water was an expression

of longing for the good old days of his youth in Bethlehem. He was happy with his family and

friends that met his needs for love.

Now he is the king, and had many enemies and burdens. He wondered if even his closest

friends really loved him, or just served him out of duty and obligation. All of us long

sometimes for the good old days when love was assured. These three friends of David were

not ordered to go get that water, but chose to do so in expressing their genuine love for him.

David is overwhelmed by it, and feels that his deepest need was met, for he sees that he is still

loved just as he was in his days of youth. These three friends expressed the essence of love by

doing for him that which brightened his life, and gave him joy, not because they had to, or

were ordered to, but because they chose to. Love is doing something for another voluntarily

without feeling it is an obligation and a necessity. It is an act of free choice.

One of the primary values of the group experience is that it helps people discover ways of

expressing love. For example, a man had a hard time understanding why his wife was so

unresponsive to his giving of gifts. She would merely say that is nice and it almost seemed

like indifference to him. In a small group she shared in one session that her mother did not

know how to express love, and so she substituted gifts instead. She felt the need for love and

not gifts. When she shared this it suddenly dawned on both of them why she was not

responsive to the giving of gifts. They represented a substitute for love. When she saw this

she was able to correct her attitude and recognize that the gifts that her husband gave were

not a substitute for love but an expression of love. She may never have learned this apart

from the group experience. Now she could respond with a flow of love out to express her love

and joy for what she was given.