Summary: Most people who end in the divorce court because of a mole hill which was not removed, and it grew into a mountain.

A minister was visiting a state asylum, and was being

shown around by the superintendent. On the first floor a

man sat in a rocking chair moaning, "O Mary, why did you

do it?" The superintendent said, "This is a very sad case of

a man jilted in love." Continuing on the tour they finally

came to the top floor, and they walked down the corridor

lined with padded cells. As they passed one they heard a

man screaming and knocking his head against the wall.

"That," commented the superintendent, "is the man who

married Mary."

This is a joke, of course, but the facts are not very funny

when you discover that people are not just going crazy about

each other, but are going crazy because of each other. Dr.

Hadfield, a writer in psychology, said, "I have personally

known many neuroses precipitated by marriage; indeed, I

am sometimes tempted to think that half of my patients are

neurotic because they are married." There is just no doubt

about it, marriage is a gamble. It is a leap of faith. You can

never know the future, and so any act of commitment in the

present must be an act of faith. It is unrealistic for two

imperfect people to think that the uniting of their

imperfections will produce perfection. Gray mixed with

gray never makes white.

Imperfections are an inevitable part of marriage, and

there is only one antidote to the poison of imperfection, and

that is love. That which is the ultimate in God's relationship

to man is also the ultimate in a man's relationship to his

wife. Harold T. Christensen said, "Love is the magnet that

brings people together and the cement that holds them

together; it is the most essential element in pair unity."

Without love all other factors will fail to make marriage a

success. Kepler, the great astronomer, failed in his first

marriage, and so he decided to put the next one on a soundly

scientific basis. He made a list of all the women he consider

available. Then he listed all their good qualities, and all

their bad ones. He gave each item a value, and by exact

mathematical calculation he made his choice. His second

marriage turned out worse than the first. Science can never

find a substitute for love.

Match making machines can pick two people that ought

to be ideal for each other, but the machine cannot make

them love each other, and without love there can be no lasting

unity. This is obvious, but what is not so obvious is

what Paul implies by his command that husbands love their

wives. The implication is that husbands have a tendency to

neglect this most important factor in marriage. The two

major problems that Paul puts his finger on are,

unsubjective wives, and unloving husbands. This means

that husbands who do love their wives fail to express it, and

so lose the benefits of it in making a happy marriage.

This is due in part in our culture to the modern male's

misconception about the nature of love. All of the mass

media convey the concept that it is something like being

struck by lightning. It is a matter of mere chance. It just

happens to you. Your eyes meet across a crowded room, and

it happens-you fall in love. The only problem is that this

kind of love is as easy to fall out of as it is to fall into. With

this view of love, which makes it a matter of stimulus and

response, one is on the lowest level of love. If the love of

Christ were on this level there would be no cross and no

salvation, for there is nothing in man to stimulate God to

sacrificial love. His love is agape love, which means it is

objective rather than subjective. It is a matter of the will. It

is an act of choice. This is the way men must view love if

they are to be on the highest level. Anyone can love on the

level of eros, for this is the natural response to what is

pleasing. But only those who work at it , and strive to make

it a matter of the will can love as God loves, and as Christ

loved the church.

Eric Fromm in The Art Of Loving says, "Most people seethe problem

of love primarily as that of being loved, rather

than that of loving, of one's capacity to love." This means

that men are constantly striving to be successful, powerful,

and rich in order to be loved, when they ought to be striving

to develop their own skill in loving. Dr. Popenoe said, "If we

gave as little time to the training of our intellect as we do to

our emotions, very few would rise above the level of idiocy."

Men must cease to think of love as just happening, and

instead recognize it is a gift that can be and must be trained

as any other faculty if it is to be effective. Love is a talent

that too many husbands have buried.

Paul could not command husbands to love their wives if

love was only a passive experience, and a matter of chance.

He could only do so if love is a skill, and an act, and

something one can develop by practice. The skeptic defined

married love as, "The insane desire to squeeze orange juice

out of a lemon." Paul, however, says that no wife would be a

lemon if her husband loved her as she was meant to be loved.

This love of which Paul speaks is so precious, and on such a

high level, that the only example adequate to illustrate it is

the love of Christ for the church. Paul also illustrates this

love by the natural self-love of each person for themselves.

By the use of these two illustrations Paul tells us how a

husband is to love his wife. First of all he is to love her-


The husband is to love as Christ loved the church and

gave Himself for it. Jesus was never a husband, and yet

,even in this aspect of life He is to be our example and ideal.

The church is His bride, and never was there a greater

romance. Jesus left His palace in eternity to fight and slay

the dragon that held His bride in bondage. No knight was

ever more bold, and never did a king fight so bravely for His

queen. He laid down His life for her, but He conquered the

dragon, that old serpent the devil, and He set the prisoner

free. He then returned to His throne in glory, and He took

with Him that part of His bride already dead to this world.

The vast majority of those He died to save, however, were

yet to live in history.

Jesus continues to guide and intercede for His bride on

earth. He never leaves he nor forsakes her. He is just as

concerned now to rescue her from the power of sin as He was

on the cross to rescue her from the penalty of sin. His

sacrificial love does not change. He is still giving Himself up

for His bride that He might sanctify and cleanse her, and

bring her to a state of perfection so He can take her to His

mansion where they shall live happily ever after. There is no

greater love story than the love of Christ for the church.

Paul says this is the standard for a husband's love for His

wife. When you have loved your wife as sacrificially as

Christ loved the church, then you can say you have done

your best.

You can see now why love on the level of mere feeling and

sexual stimulus is wholly inadequate. Christian love is not a

getting love, but a giving love. It is not a love that altars

when it alternation finds. Your wife may not be all you expected

when you married her. If she was, you would not

need to have a sacrificial love. Just as Jesus would not need

infinite patience if the church was perfect. It is a wife's

imperfections that call for a sacrificial love on your part. If

Christ gave Himself, it seems quite petty for men to

complain because of having to give up a ballgame, fishing, or

a night out bowling in order to be with her. If there are any

objections, do not voice them to me, for Jesus set the

standard, and Paul is the one pointing to it. Like all the rest

of the Bible it can be ignored, but the consequences are far

more costly than obedience. A love that is not willing to

sacrifice is a love that will never qualify as Christian love. A

word to the wives is seldom sufficient, but don't be foolish

enough to try and enforce this yourself by demanding


To make this realistic and practical we must get down to

the level on which we live. It is not likely any of us will have

to die for our wives. We will not have to give an arm or a

leg, or even an eye. We will not have to sacrifice our car,

golf clubs, or even our love for cashews, or some other

luxury. Marriage experts tell us that wives can take a crisis

quite well, but it is the little things that drive them to

despair. They are seldom miserable because we won't die for

them, or make some colossal sacrifice. They are usually

miserable because there husbands will not sacrifice some

small, insignificant, but annoying habit. Most people end in

the divorce court because of a mole hill which was not

removed, and it grew into a mountain. An example of this is

illustrated by the cartoon where the wife is standing at the

door with her arms full of coats, and four little children

standing at her side. The husband comes running down the

stairs with a look that says, "What are you standing around

for?" She responds, "This time you put the coats on, and I'll

go honk the horn."

A college professor had a beautiful wife, and she was very

talented. He was not very handsome, and it puzzled the

other professors. They couldn't figure out how he could

capture the affections of such a woman. He didn't have

looks, power, or money. Finally someone asked her why she

married him, and she said it was his brain. "His brain!"

exclaimed the inquirer. "Yes," she said, "It's the little

things in life that count." Another joke illustrating a very

real truth. Little things really do count, and a husband

cannot love his wife as he ought until he sees this. Roy

Burkhart has written a lot of books on love and marriage,

and one time he asked a thousand wives what they thought

were the marks of a good husband. Listen to the top


1. He is not bored to stay home in the evening.

2. He never reminds me what a good cook his mother is.

3. He helps with the dishes.

4. He tells me interesting things about his work.

5. He notices little changes I make in the house.

6. He always cleans the tub after washing.

7. He appreciates new dishes I make.

There is not what could be called a major item in the list.

A husband looks at the home, car, appliances, and the pay

check he earns, and he feels these provisions make him a

good husband. But these are expected by the wife, she sees

no real love in all that. Love to her is shown in little things.

Love is seen in what is freely done, and not in what one is

compelled to do. Jesus said, "When you are compelled to go

a mile, go two." It is the second mile that counts, for it is a

mile you have chosen to go, and only that mile is an act of


The husband is compelled by his own needs to work and

provide for his family. He doesn't have a great deal of choice

if he wants to remain and accepted member of society. This

does not mean it is not important. It is vital, but it is not the

second mile, and it is not a sign of sacrificial love. Sacrificial

love is in the little things you do to show your wife you

appreciate her. Someone has said, "A flower given to your

wife for no reason at all is worth a car load of Easter lilies."

It is the act of doing something for her, or with her, for no

other reason than you desire her happiness that expresses

agape love. Christopher Morley wrote-

The man who never in his life

Has washed the dishes with his wife,

Or polished up the silver plate-

He still is largely celibate.

It Christ only loved the church enough to die for her, but

did not care about many lesser matters, we would be a sorry

bride. But notice how Paul stresses that Jesus is concerned

that His bride be without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.

He is aiming for perfection that she might be holy and

without blemish. He not only does the major things like

lifting her out of the miry pit, but he goes all the way in

taking care of every spot and wrinkle to restore her to

perfection. Justification is vital, but the greatest joys and

blessings of the Christian life are in the realm of

sanctification, for here the love of Christ is demonstrated to

us personally.

Providing a home, protection, and food and clothing, are

major tasks of the husband, but it is in the secondary realm

of thoughtfulness, and the doing of little things for and with

his wife that brings to marriage the greatest joys. This is

sacrificial love because it calls for real effort, thought, and

discipline on the part of a husband to do it. By nature he

will miss almost every opportunity, or will think these little

things crazy or meaningless. Jesus does not think anything

is too small or insignificant in His love for the church. The

husband who wants to love his wife as he should, and as God

wants him too, will consider nothing too small for his


One area where husbands consistently fall short is in

simply telling their wives that they love them. A woman

needs to hear words of endearment. Her very nature craves

for assurance. It is one of the factors that explains why more

women come to Christ then men. Women need the

assurance and security that only Christ can give more than

men do. A husband is never more cruel than when he does

not give his wife the assurance of his love. Often a wife in

frustration accuses her husband of not loving her just

because it is the only way she can get him to say he does.

According to Margaret Johnstone, a woman is often

unreasonable because she is starved emotionally, and this is

her way of forcing her husband into expressing some kind of

concern for her, even if it is only a concern that she is

cracking up. It is a poor way of getting the love she needs,

but the folly is the husbands for not satisfying her need for

affection in the way he ought. Those three little words might

seem trite to you, but your wife needs to hear them often.

The poet has said,

A woman never tires of hearing

I love you said in tones endearing.

She'll hear it when she first gets up,

And then above the breakfast cup,

And yet again, by phone, at noon,

And later, underneath the moon.

Although she hears it day and night,

She never comes to think it trite....

Author unknown

How many times a day do you lift your wife with words of

love? We have only scratched the surface on how to love

your wife, but any man who applies the few insights we have

covered could make his wife feel like a queen. God has not

called many to be great statesmen, scholars, or scientists, but

He calls all who are married to be great husbands, and if you

succeed at that, you are a great man in the eyes of God, and,

by the way, in the eyes of your wife.