Summary: Kissing is a powerful reality in both romance and religion. The greatest kiss of all is God's kiss of peace, which He gives to all who receive His Son as Savior.

The story is told, and it could very well be true, of a Danish

couple who decided to break off their engagement. "It is best

I suppose that we give back each others letters," he said. She

agreed, and replied, "We should at the same time return

each others kisses." By the time they had finished their

exchange, they agreed to renew their engagement. There is

something about a kiss that does more than merely bring

about a union of the lips. It has the power to also bring

about the union of lives. Kissing is a matter of the spirit as

well as of the body, and that is why kissing is never to be

taken lightly. Treating the kiss as a minor matter has led

many into relationships where they very carelessly tamper

with the deep inner being of others.

The Italians say, "A kiss is like a grain of dust which anyone

who would be rid of it can wash away." The Germans

looking deeper respond, "A kiss may indeed be washed

away, but the fire in the heart cannot be quenched." Kissing

is so directly linked with love that to engage in it without

love is certain to open the door to lust. A kiss awakened

Sleeping Beauty, and it can awaken sleeping lust in anyone.

There are many different kinds of kisses, and we will be

looking at the most significant of them. The true romantic

kiss is to be reserved for that one you desire to one with you

on all levels.

What is a kiss? Why it is this,

It is the cement, it is the glue

Of love that makes me one with you.

There are all kinds of definitions of a kiss. Scientifically it is

the ovicular juxtaposition of the oral protrusion of the outer

cavity. From the negative view, it is the mutual interchange

of salivary bacteria. More romantic is the view that a kiss is

a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear. More

passionate is the definition of Paul Verlaine who defines the

kiss, "As the fiery accompaniment on the key board of the

teeth of the lovely songs which love sings in a burning

heart." However you look at it, one thing is sure, kissing is a

pleasant reminder that two heads are better than one.

The Song of Songs begins with the problem of a deep desire

for kissing, but only one head. The Shulamite girl longs for

the kisses of her lover, but she is separated from him. The

Song does not begin calmly and build to a climax, but it

begins with a burst of passionate frustrated love. "O that

you would kiss me with the kisses of your mouth!" When

people have been separated for a long time, and then

reunited, the first thing they do is kiss. Lovers often take the

kiss for granted until they are separated, and then they

realize how much they long to embrace and kiss the object of

their love. The Shulamite can think of nothing better than

the kisses of her lover. She dearly misses her lovers kisses.

With kisses of his mouth, said she,

Let him, now reconciled, kiss me.

Thy love, said she, when it is mine,

Is better than the choicest wine.

Anyone who has ever been separated from a loved one can

enter into the intense craving of this young girl, but the

question is, what is the spiritual significance of her longing?

There is a direct parallel to this romantic longing in the

realm of the spirit. Many times the believer's soul feels

separated from God, and longs for the good old days of close

and loving communion. We sing, everyday with Jesus is

sweeter than the day before, but in reality we know this is

not so. Many days we can look back and long to return to a

former day when our loves seemed sweeter and stronger, and

when we sense the presence of Christ more intimately in our


From a spiritual perspective this Song begins with an intense

need for the lover of our souls to draw near, and give

satisfaction to the longings of our heart. It is a lovers cry

which reveals a desperate need to be loved. It is appropriate

that this opening cry for love should come from the girl.

Studies indicated that women feel the need to be loved more

than men. Spiritually it is fitting as well, for the church, the

Bride of Christ, feels the need for love more than does

Christ. He is self-sufficient, and does not feel the loneliness

or the hunger for love that we do as believers.

Believer's, like this lonely shepherd girl, cannot be happy and

satisfied until they experience the kiss of the Shepherd.

This was true for the Old Testament saints who looked for

the coming of the Messiah. They looked at this lovers cry

and said, that is us, Israel crying out to God to come down.

We have been kissed by the mouth of Moses and the

prophets, but we want the Messiah Himself, for this would

be the very kiss of God.

A lady took her nephew to her church one Sunday. He had

not been in church before, and was very observant. When

the service was over, he was busting with excitement. He

said, "Auntie-did you see God's kiss?" "Whatever do you

mean by that?" she asked. "I saw it-God's kiss-on the

window of the church. I make my kisses crooked when I

write my letters, but God's kiss is straight up." Then she

realized he was referring to the cross. It was no childish

mistake. It was a profound theological insight. The cross was

indeed the kiss of God. A kiss is a means of reconciliation,

and that is what the cross was in God's plan of redemption.

Is it just a coincidence, or is it providential that our symbol

for a kiss is a cross? God so loved the world that He gave His

only Son, is equivalent to saying, He so loved us that while

we were yet sinners, He kissed us. He came to us with a kiss

of peace and reconciliation. The cross is the greatest love

symbol in the world, and to the Old Testament saints it was

the fulfillment of their desire for the kiss of God.

For New Testament believers, the longing is for the Great

Shepherd and Lover of our souls to come again. We can look

back to the incarnation and the great love of Christ, but, like

the Shulamite girl, it is the very love of the past that makes

her long for more. One who has never known the joys of

love, and the kisses of a lover, cannot crave for them, as can

those who have already enjoyed them. The New Testament

believer, therefore, has a deeper desire for union with Christ

than did the Old Testament saints.

Religious love, like romantic love, varies in it's intensity from

day to day, depending upon health, energy, and many

circumstances. But when a Christian is feeling his best, he

should long to be possessed by the love of Christ, and kissed

into ecstasy by His indwelling presence. He should feel

something of what the poet expresses:

Jesus, Thy boundless love to me

No thought can reach, no tongue declare;

Oh, knit my thankful heart to Thee,

And reign without a rival there!

Thine wholly, Thine alone I am,

Lord, with Thy love my heart inflame.

Oh, grant that nothing in my soul

May dwell, but Thy pure love alone!

Oh, may Thy love possess me whole,

My joy, my treasure, and my crown!

The kiss has been called love's great artillery, and by the kiss

of the cross our Shepherd lover defeated the divorce plan

that Satan had set in motion, and He reconciled God and

man. Sin still separates us, however, and we can still have

lover's quarrels, and division, which leaves us feeling cut off

from the love of Christ. In the spirit realm, as in the

romantic, we need to learn to kiss and make up. In fact, Psa.

2 ends with this verse, "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and

ye parish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a

little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him."

The kiss had a very religious significance all through Bible

times. To kiss can mean to acknowledge one as Lord. The

picture of kissing the Pope's foot, and kissing idols, goes way

back in history, when the kiss had a religious meaning.

Listen to what God said to Elijah in I Kings 19:18, "Yet I

will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have

not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed

him." To have kissed Baal was to have submitted to him as

Lord. And so, to have kissed Christ is to have submitted to

Him as Lord. Kissing the Son, therefore, is the only way to

escape the wrath of God, and enjoy the romance of eternity.

Kissing is a very serious religious matter.

Kissing and idolatry went hand in hand all through the Old

Testament. Worshippers of the sun and moon would express

their loyalty to these false deities by kissing their hands and

pointing to the sun or moon. Job refers to this practice, and

he denies he was ever guilty of it in Job 31:26-28. "If I have

looked at the sun when it shone, or the moon moving in

splendor, and my heart has been secretly enticed, and my

mouth has kissed my hand; this also would be an iniquity to

be punished by the judges, for I should have been false to

God above." If men do not kiss the true Lover of their souls,

they will be kissing some deceiver. Idolatry is simply kissing

a false lover. It is a giving of your souls affection to

something, or someone, who cannot love and save your soul.

The point is, religious kisses, like romantic ones, must be kept exclusive.

Men have always gone astray when they kissed any other

than the one and only Lover of their soul. It fits the whole

pattern of Old Testament history that Judas should betray

Jesus with a kiss. God's people have always betrayed Him

with a kiss. They offered their love to Him, but then went

after other gods and kissed them as well. That is what Judas

was doing. He kissed Jesus, but then longed to kiss the thirty

pieces of silver that he got for betraying Him even more.

True love keeps its kisses exclusively for the lover. Spurgeon

wrote, "The kiss is a mark of worship; to kiss Christ is at the

same time to recognize Him as God, and to pay Him divine

worship." Those who never kiss the Son in this religious

sense will never experience the love of God, and the salvation

that comes because of it.

Because kissing had such a religious significance in ancient

history, and in Biblical culture, it became a part of the every

day life of the early Christians. Peter closes his first Epistle

by writing, "Greet one another of the kiss of love." Paul in

Rom. 16:16 writes, "Greet one another with a holy kiss." He

says the same thing in I Cor. 16:20, and in II Cor. 13:12.

Then in I Thess. 5:26 he writes, "Greet all the brethren with

a holy kiss." There was obviously a lot of kissing going on in

the early churches, which is foreign to us to day. We still kiss

in the church, but only after weddings, and even there you had

better be careful. One guy said to another, "How did

you get that black eye?" He said, "I kissed a bride after the

wedding." "Why everyone does that," the other guy said,

mystified. "Yeah," responded the injured man, "But this

was two years after the wedding." Kissing the bride has to

be timed right, or else. The New Testament seems to

indicate, however, that the Bride of Christ was to be almost

continually engaged in kissing one another as a form of


This practice has had quite a history. In the 13th century it

was practiced in France where women kissed women, and

the men kissed men. It developed in many areas that men

would kiss women on the hand as a greeting. In England, in

the 13th century, a special instrument was used to help the

faithful obey Paul's command. It was a metal disc with a

holy picture on it, and it was passed around the church for

all to kiss. This did not prove to be very helpful as a kiss of

peace, since it started a lot of quarrels as to who deserved the

honor of kissing it first. It also led to youthful shenanigans in

church, for the boys tried to sit next to pretty girls and kiss it

after them. And old poem says,

I told the maid that she was fair,

I've kissed the Pax just after her.

The reformation abolished all this type of thing. The Greek

church still practices the kiss of peace on Easter Sunday.

Kissing as an act of respect and reverence was common in

days past, but this is no longer the case. Men kissed each other

all the time in Biblical days, and it was a normal part

of life. In the middle ages, knights kissed before a duel,

just as boxers today shake hands before a fight. The hand

shake has become to us what the kiss was to the early

Christians. A hand shake today is equivalent to a holy kiss.

We ought not to think that the kiss is no longer important. A

kiss has always been a sign of acceptance as well as

reconciliation. Jacob and Esaw kissed when they met after a

long separation. The father of the Prodigal Son kissed him

when he returned. The kiss that expresses love and

acceptance should never be out of style. A pastor told of an

83 year old woman who had been bed ridden for over 20

years. He visited her, and when he rose to leave he felt a flow

of affection go through him. He bent over and kissed her on

the cheek. A look of amazement came to her face, and she

said, "Why, I'm not ugly after all. I'm not ugly after all."

The kiss gave her assurance of being accepted. That kiss was

truly a holy kiss, and a kiss of peace. It was Christ expressing

His love and acceptance through a member of His body.

The desire for acceptance makes kisses very important on

the romantic level also. Studies show that if a man comes

home and does not kiss his wife it can stir up negative

thoughts and emotions which can lead to a fight later on.

She unconsciously wonders if she looks terrible, and doubts

her attractiveness. This negative mood can have a very

negative effect on the rest of the evening. Kissing is the fuel

that keeps the flame of love burning, and true lovers never

tire of it. Shelly wrote,

See the mountains kiss high heaven,

And the waves clasp one another;

No sister flower would be forgiven

If it disdained its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea;

What are all these kissings worth,

If thou kiss not me.

This is how all lovers feel-both romantic and religious. If sin

has led us to a separation from God, then we need to look

again to the cross, the kiss of heaven, and let God deal with

that sin as only He can. Beecher said, "God pardons like a

mother, who kisses the offense into everlasting

forgetfulness." Bret Harte wrote,

Never a lip is curved with pain,

That can't be kissed into smiles again.

Kissing is a powerful reality in both romance and religion.

The greatest kiss of all is God's kiss of peace, which He gives

to all who receive His Son as Savior. By that act of faith they

become a part of the Bride of Christ, and they will enjoy His

kisses forever.